function obsstruct = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString, ... QCString, verbose) %% read_obs_netcdf reads in the netcdf flavor observation sequence file % and returns a subsetted structure. % % fname = ''; % ObsTypeString = 'RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT'; % or 'ALL' ... % region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf]; % CopyString = 'NCEP BUFR observation'; % or 'ALL' ... % QCString = 'DART quality control'; % verbose = 1; % anything > 0 == 'true' % % obs = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString, QCString, verbose); % % The return variable 'obs' is a structure. As an example ... % % fname: '' % ObsTypeString: 'RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT' % region: [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf] % CopyString: 'NCEP BUFR observation' % QCString: 'DART quality control' % verbose: 1 % timestring: [2x20 char] % lons: [2343x1 double] % lats: [2343x1 double] % z: [2343x1 double] % obs: [2343x1 double] % Ztyp: [2343x1 int32] % keys: [2343x1 int32] % time: [2343x1 double] % qc: [2343x1 int32] % %-------------------------------------------------- % EXAMPLE 1: plotting the locations without regard to observation value. %-------------------------------------------------- % fname = ''; % ObsTypeString = 'ALL'; % region = [0 360 -90 90 -Inf Inf]; % CopyString = 'observation'; % QCString = 'DART quality control '; % verbose = 1; % anything > 0 == 'true' % % bob = read_obs_netcdf(fname, ObsTypeString, region, CopyString, QCString, verbose); % plot(bob.lons,bob.lats,'*') % continents('light'); %% DART software - Copyright UCAR. This open source software is provided % by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at % % % DART $Id$ if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2) error('%s does not exist.',fname) end %% record the user input obsstruct.fname = fname; obsstruct.ObsTypeString = ObsTypeString; obsstruct.region = region; %% switch lower(CopyString) case 'all' obsstruct.CopyString = cellstr(ncread(fname,'CopyMetaData')'); otherwise obsstruct.CopyString = CopyString; end obsstruct.QCString = QCString; obsstruct.verbose = verbose; %% get going ObsTypes = ncread(fname,'ObsTypes'); ObsTypeStrings = cellstr(ncread(fname,'ObsTypesMetaData')'); CopyStrings = cellstr(ncread(fname,'CopyMetaData')'); QCStrings = cellstr(ncread(fname,'QCMetaData')'); t = ncread(fname,'time'); obs_type = ncread(fname,'obs_type'); obs_keys = ncread(fname,'obs_keys'); % FIXME ... if which_vert exists, use it. % cartesian models do not have it % if it doesn't exist - they all have the same z_type ? if (nc_var_exists(fname,'which_vert')) z_type = ncread(fname,'which_vert'); else z_type = ones(size(obs_keys)); end % ncread does not recognize the 'missing_value' attribute, % it recognizes '_FillValue' ... sheesh loc = apply_missing(fname,'location'); obs = apply_missing(fname,'observations'); qc = apply_missing(fname,'qc'); my_types = unique(obs_type); % only ones in the file, actually. timeunits = nc_read_att(fname,'time','units'); timerange = nc_read_att(fname,'time','valid_range'); calendar = nc_read_att(fname,'time','calendar'); timebase = sscanf(timeunits,'%*s%*s%d%*c%d%*c%d'); % YYYY MM DD timeorigin = datenum(timebase(1),timebase(2),timebase(3)); timestring = datestr(timerange + timeorigin); t = t + timeorigin; obsstruct.timestring = timestring; %% Echo summary if requested if ( verbose > 0 ) for i = 1:length(my_types) obtype = my_types(i); inds = find(obs_type == obtype); myz = loc(inds,3); fprintf('N = %6d %32s (type %3d) tween levels %.2f and %.2f\n', ... length(inds), ObsTypeStrings{obtype}, obtype, ... unique(min(myz)), unique(max(myz))) end end %% Find copies of the correct type. % If 'ALL' is requested ... do not subset. ncopies = nc_dim_info(fname,'copy'); switch lower(CopyString) case 'all' mytypeind = 1:ncopies; otherwise mytypeind = get_copy_index(fname, CopyString, 'context', 'CopyString'); end %% Find observations of the correct type. % If 'ALL' is requested ... do not subset. switch lower(ObsTypeString) case 'all' inds = 1:size(obs,1); otherwise % subset the ONE desired observation type myind = strcmp(ObsTypeString, ObsTypeStrings); if ( any(myind) ) myind = find(myind > 0,1); % find first instance of ... inds = find(obs_type == myind); else fprintf('FYI - no %s observations ...\n',obsstruct.ObsTypeString) inds = []; end end myobs = obs(inds,mytypeind); mylocs = loc(inds,:); mykeys = obs_keys(inds); myztyp = z_type(inds); mytime = t(inds); %% Find desired QC values of those observations if ~ isempty(QCString) myQCind = get_qc_index(fname, QCString, 'QCString'); myqc = qc(inds,myQCind); else myqc = []; end %% geographic subset if needed inds = locations_in_region(mylocs,region); obsstruct.numobs = length(inds); obsstruct.lons = mylocs(inds,1); obsstruct.lats = mylocs(inds,2); obsstruct.z = mylocs(inds,3); obsstruct.obs = myobs(inds,:); obsstruct.Ztyp = myztyp(inds); obsstruct.keys = mykeys(inds); obsstruct.time = mytime(inds); obsstruct.qc = []; if ~ isempty(myqc) obsstruct.qc = myqc(inds); end %% Try to determine if large numbers of the Z coordinate are up or down ... % The observation sequences don't actually have the units as part of the % metadata. That would be 'nice'. ztypes = unique(obsstruct.Ztyp); obsstruct.numZtypes = length(ztypes); for itype = 1:obsstruct.numZtypes if ( ztypes(itype) == -2 ) % VERTISUNDEF obsstruct.Zpositivedir = 'up'; obsstruct.Zunits = 'unknown'; elseif ( ztypes(itype) == -1 ) % VERTISSURFACE obsstruct.Zpositivedir = 'up'; obsstruct.Zunits = 'surface'; elseif ( ztypes(itype) == 1 ) % VERTISLEVEL % for example, cam level 1 is at the top of the atmosphere obsstruct.Zpositivedir = 'down'; obsstruct.Zunits = 'model level'; elseif ( ztypes(itype) == 2 ) % VERTISPRESSURE obsstruct.Zpositivedir = 'down'; obsstruct.Zunits = 'pressure'; elseif ( ztypes(itype) == 3 ) % VERTISHEIGHT %% here is the troublemaker. obsstruct.Zpositivedir = 'up'; obsstruct.Zunits = 'height'; % If the observations are from the World Ocean Database, they % are probably depths. large positive numbers are near the % center of the earth. The thing is, the only reliable way to know % is to check the FIRST copy string. inds = strncmp(CopyStrings{1},'WOD obs',7); if ( inds > 0 ) obsstruct.Zpositivedir = 'down'; obsstruct.Zunits = 'depth'; end else error('not a known vertical coordinate system') end end function hyperslab = apply_missing(fname,varname) % ncread does not recognize the 'missing_value' attribute, % it recognizes '_FillValue' ... sheesh hyperslab = ncread(fname,varname)'; missing = nc_read_att(fname,varname,'missing_value'); if ~isempty(missing) hyperslab(hyperslab==missing) = NaN; end % % $URL$ % $Revision$ % $Date$