function two_experiments_evolution(files, titles, obsnames, copy, prpo, varargin) %% two_experiments_evolution compares multiple netcdf files created by obs_diag. % % 'obs_diag' produces a netcdf file containing the diagnostics. % obs_diag condenses the information into summaries for a few specified % regions - on a level-by-level basis. % % The number of observations possible reflects only those observations % that have incoming QC values of interest. Any observation with a DART % QC of 5 or 6 is not considered 'possible' for the purpose of this graphic. % % NOTE: if the observation was designated as a TRUSTED observation in the % obs_diag program, the observations that were rejected by the outlier % threshhold STILL PARTICIPATE in the calculation of the rmse, spread, etc. % The _values_ plotted by plot_profile reflect that. The number of observations % "used" becomes unclear. The number of observations used (designated by the % asterisk) is ALWAYS the number of observations successfully assimilated. % For TRUSTED observations, this is different than the number used to calculate % bias, rmse, spread, etc. % % USAGE: two_experiments_evolution(files, titles, obsnames, copy, prpo [,varargin]) % % files : Cell array containing the locations of the % files to compare. Each file is presumed to be the results from % a single experiment. % % titles : Cell array containing the titles used to annotate each of the experiments. % % obsnames : Cell array containing the strings of each observation type to plot. % Each observation type will be plotted in a separate graphic. % % copy : string defining the metric of interest. 'rmse', 'spread', etc. % Possible values are available in the netcdf 'CopyMetaData' variable. % (ncdump -v CopyMetaData % % prpo : string defining whether to plot the prior or posterior metrics. % Due to the amount of information already plotted, we made a % conscious decision not to support plotting both prior and posterior % on the same plot. % % varargin: optional parameter-value pairs. Supported parameters are described below. % % level : The index of the level to plot. Defaults to level 1. % % verbose : true/false to control amount of run-time output % % MarkerSize : integer controlling the size of the symbols % % DateForm : Free-form character string controlling representation of the time axis. % See 'help datetick' for discussion and valid values. % Example ones are 'mm/dd' and 'dd HH:MM'. % % pause : true/false to conrol pausing after each figure is created. % true will require hitting any key to continue to next plot % % range : 'range' of the value being plotted. Default is to % automatically determine range based on the data values. % % OUTPUT: A .pdf of each graphic is created. Each .pdf has a name that % reflects the variable, quantity, and region being plotted. % % EXAMPLE % % files = {'/ptmp/nancy/CSL/Base5/032-061s0_def_reg/', % '/ptmp/thoar/GPS+AIRS/Sep_032-061/'}; % titles = {'Base5', 'GPS+AIRS'}; % obsnames = {'RADIOSONDE_U_WIND_COMPONENT', 'RADIOSONDE_TEMPERATURE'}; % % copy = 'spread'; % rmse, spread, totalspread, bias, etc. % prpo = 'analysis'; % [analy, analysis, posterior ] == posterior % prpo = 'forecast'; % [guess, forecast, prior ] == prior % % two_experiments_evolution(files, titles, obsnames, copy, prpo, 'level', 1) %% DART software - Copyright UCAR. This open source software is provided % by UCAR, "as is", without charge, subject to all terms of use at % % % DART $Id$ %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Decode,Parse,Check the input %--------------------------------------------------------------------- default_verbosity = true; default_markersize = 12; default_pause = false; default_range = [NaN NaN]; default_level = 1; default_dateform = 'default'; p = inputParser; addRequired(p,'files',@iscell); addRequired(p,'titles',@iscell); addRequired(p,'obsnames',@iscell); addRequired(p,'copy',@ischar); addRequired(p,'prpo',@ischar); if (exist('inputParser/addParameter','file') == 2) addParameter(p,'verbose', default_verbosity, @islogical); addParameter(p,'MarkerSize', default_markersize, @isnumeric); addParameter(p,'pause', default_pause, @islogical); addParameter(p,'range', default_range, @isnumeric); addParameter(p,'level', default_level, @isnumeric); addParameter(p,'DateForm', default_dateform, @ischar); else addParamValue(p,'verbose', default_verbosity, @islogical); %#ok addParamValue(p,'MarkerSize',default_markersize, @isnumeric); %#ok addParamValue(p,'pause', default_pause, @islogical); %#ok addParamValue(p,'range', default_range, @isnumeric); %#ok addParamValue(p,'level', default_level, @isnumeric); %#ok addParamValue(p,'DateForm', default_dateform, @ischar); %#ok end p.parse(files, titles, obsnames, copy, prpo, varargin{:}); if ~isempty(fieldnames(p.Unmatched)) disp('Extra inputs:') disp(p.Unmatched) end if (numel(p.Results.range) ~= 2) error('range must be an array of length two ... [bottom top]') end NumExp = length(files); for i = 1:NumExp if (exist(files{i},'file') ~= 2) error('File %s does not exist',files{i}) end end if (NumExp ~= length(titles)) error('each file must have an experiment title') end %% set up all the stuff that is common. global figuredata verbose commondata = check_compatibility(files, prpo, obsnames, copy); figuredata = set_obsdiag_figure('landscape','numexp',NumExp); figuredata.MarkerSize = p.Results.MarkerSize; figuredata.DateForm = p.Results.DateForm; verbose = p.Results.verbose; plotobj = cell(NumExp,1); %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- % Set some static data %--------------------------------------------------------------------- nvars = length(obsnames); for ivar = 1:nvars fprintf('Working on %s ...\n',obsnames{ivar}) %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Plot each region in a separate figure window. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ for iregion = 1:commondata.nregions figure(iregion); clf(iregion); orient(figuredata.orientation); %--------------------------------------------------------------------- % 1) Get the data for each experiment % 2) plot the data % 3) annotate %--------------------------------------------------------------------- for iexp = 1:NumExp plotobj{iexp} = getvals(files{iexp}, commondata.targets{ivar}, copy, iregion, p.Results.level); plotobj{iexp}.title = titles{iexp}; plotobj{iexp}.nregions = commondata.nregions; plotobj{iexp}.region_names = commondata.region_names; plotobj{iexp}.phase = commondata.phase; end myplot(plotobj); BottomAnnotation(plotobj) psfname = sprintf('%s_%s_region%d_ilev%d_evolution_%dexp', ... obsnames{ivar}, plotobj{1}.copystring, iregion, p.Results.level, NumExp); if verLessThan('matlab','R2016a') print(iregion, '-dpdf', psfname) else print(iregion, '-dpdf', '-bestfit', psfname) end end % of loop around regions if ( ivar ~= nvars && p.Results.pause ) disp('Pausing, hit any key to continue ...') pause end end % of loop around variable %===================================================================== % End of main function body. Helper functions below. %===================================================================== function common = check_compatibility(filenames, prpo, varnames, copystring) %% Trying to prevent the comparison of apples and oranges. % make sure the diagnostics were generated the same way. % need to check that the timeframe is the same for all files % need to check that the region definitions are the same for all files mystat = 0; nexp = length(filenames); commondata = cell(1,nexp); targets = struct([]); for i = 1:length(varnames) switch lower(prpo) case {'guess','forecast','prior'} targets{i} = sprintf('%s_guess',varnames{i}); commondata{i}.phase = 'prior'; case {'analy','analysis','posterior'} targets{i} = sprintf('%s_analy',varnames{i}); commondata{i}.phase = 'posterior'; otherwise error('unknown prpo ... "%s"',prpo) end end for i = 1:nexp varexist(filenames{i}, {targets{:}, 'time', 'time_bounds'}) %#ok commondata{i}.targets = targets; commondata{i}.region_names = strtrim(ncread(filenames{i},'region_names')'); commondata{i}.times = ncread(filenames{i}, 'time'); commondata{i}.time_bnds = ncread(filenames{i}, 'time_bounds'); commondata{i}.copyindex = get_copy_index(filenames{i},copystring); commondata{i}.ncopies = nc_dim_info(filenames{i}, 'copy'); commondata{i}.nobstypes = nc_dim_info(filenames{i}, 'obstypes'); commondata{i}.nregions = nc_dim_info(filenames{i}, 'region'); commondata{i}.lonlim1 = nc_read_att(filenames{i}, '/','lonlim1'); commondata{i}.lonlim2 = nc_read_att(filenames{i}, '/','lonlim2'); commondata{i}.latlim1 = nc_read_att(filenames{i}, '/','latlim1'); commondata{i}.latlim2 = nc_read_att(filenames{i}, '/','latlim2'); end % error checking - compare everything to the first experiment for i = 2:nexp if (any(commondata{i}.lonlim1 ~= commondata{1}.lonlim1)) fprintf('The left longitudes of the regions (i.e. lonlim1) are not compatible.\n') mystat = 1; end if (any(commondata{i}.lonlim2 ~= commondata{1}.lonlim2)) fprintf('The right longitudes of the regions (i.e. lonlim2) are not compatible.\n') mystat = 1; end if (any(commondata{i}.latlim1 ~= commondata{1}.latlim1)) fprintf('The bottom latitudes of the regions (i.e. latlim1) are not compatible.\n') mystat = 1; end if (any(commondata{i}.latlim2 ~= commondata{1}.latlim2)) fprintf('The top latitudes of the regions (i.e. latlim2) are not compatible.\n') mystat = 1; end if (any(commondata{i}.time_bnds ~= commondata{1}.time_bnds)) fprintf('The time boundaries of the experiments (i.e. time_bnds) are not compatible.\n') mystat = 1; end end if mystat > 0 error('The experiments are not compatible ... stopping.') end common = commondata{1}; %===================================================================== function plotdat = getvals(fname, varname, copystring, regionindex, levelindex ) %% Get the data for each experiment if (exist(fname,'file') ~= 2) error('%s does not exist',fname) end plotdat = read_obsdiag_staticdata(fname,copystring); plotdat.region = regionindex; plotdat.varname = varname; % get appropriate vertical coordinate variable [dimnames, ~] = nc_var_dims(fname, plotdat.varname); if ( plotdat.dimensionality == 1 ) % observations on a unit circle, no level plotdat.levelindex = 1; plotdat.level = 1; plotdat.level_units = []; elseif ( strfind(dimnames{2},'surface') > 0 ) plotdat.levelindex = 1; plotdat.level = 1; plotdat.level_units = 'surface'; plotdat.level_edges = []; elseif ( strfind(dimnames{2},'undef') > 0 ) plotdat.levelindex = 1; plotdat.level = 1; plotdat.level_units = 'undefined'; plotdat.level_edges = []; else plotdat.levelindex = levelindex; plotdat.level = ncread(fname, dimnames{2}); plotdat.level_units = nc_read_att(fname, dimnames{2}, 'units'); plotdat.level_edges = ncread(fname,sprintf('%s_edges',dimnames{2})); end myinfo.diagn_file = fname; myinfo.copyindex = plotdat.copyindex; myinfo.regionindex = plotdat.region; myinfo.levelindex = plotdat.levelindex; [start, count] = GetNCindices(myinfo,'diagn',plotdat.varname); hyperslab = ncread(fname, plotdat.varname, start, count); = squeeze(hyperslab); plotdat.trusted = nc_read_att(fname, plotdat.varname, 'TRUSTED'); if (isempty(plotdat.trusted)), plotdat.trusted = 'NO'; end %% Determine data limits % always make sure we have a zero bias line ... switch copystring case {'bias'} dmin = min( [ min( 0.0 ] ); dmax = max( [ max( 0.0 ] ); plotdat.Drange = [ dmin dmax ]; plotdat.ylabel = sprintf('%s (%s)',copystring, plotdat.biasconv); otherwise plotdat.Drange = [min( max(]; plotdat.ylabel = copystring; end qcvalues = get_qc_values(fname, plotdat.varname, ... 'regionindex', plotdat.region, ... 'levelindex',plotdat.levelindex, ... 'fatal', false, ... 'verbose', false); plotdat.nposs = squeeze(qcvalues.nposs); plotdat.nused = squeeze(qcvalues.nused); plotdat.num_evaluated = squeeze(qcvalues.num_evaluated); if sum(plotdat.num_evaluated > 0) plotdat.assim_eval_string = 'evaluated'; else plotdat.assim_eval_string = 'assimilated'; end %% Set the last of the ranges plotdat.Nrange = [min(plotdat.nused(:)) max(plotdat.nposs(:))]; %===================================================================== function myplot(plotobj) %% myplot Creates a graphic for one region global figuredata Nexp = length(plotobj); %% Create the background ax1 = subplot('position',figuredata.position); set(ax1,'YAxisLocation','left','FontSize',figuredata.fontsize) %% draw the results of the experiments, priors and posteriors % each with their own line type. hd = []; % handle to an unknown number of data lines legstr = {[]}; % strings for the legend for i = 1:Nexp hd(i) = line(plotobj{i}.bincenters, plotobj{i}.data, 'Parent', ax1); %#ok set(hd(i), 'Color', figuredata.expcolors{i}, ... 'Marker', figuredata.expsymbols{i}, ... 'MarkerFaceColor', figuredata.expcolors{i}, ... 'MarkerSize', figuredata.MarkerSize, ... 'LineStyle', figuredata.prpolines{1}, ... 'LineWidth', figuredata.linewidth); % calculate the weighted mean for a summary. Each experiment % may use different numbers of observations, so a simple mean % may be misleading. N = sum(plotobj{i}.nused,'omitnan'); X = sum(plotobj{i}.data .* plotobj{i}.nused,'omitnan')/N; legstr{i} = sprintf('%s ... mean = %s',plotobj{i}.title,num2str(X)); end % Plot a bias line. switch plotobj{1}.copystring case {'bias'} zeroline = line(get(ax1,'XLim'),[0 0],'Color',[200 200 200]/255,'Parent',ax1); set(zeroline,'LineWidth',2.5,'LineStyle','-') otherwise end % effort to use user-supplied value for time labelling or % make a stab at a useful default. set_time_axis('x', plotobj{i}.bincenters, figuredata.DateForm); % Create another axes to use for plotting the observation counts % using a black axis because there is no single observation color. ax2 = axes( ... 'Position',get(ax1,'Position'), ... 'FontSize',get(ax1,'FontSize'), ... 'XColor' ,get(ax1,'XColor'), ... 'XLim' ,get(ax1,'XLim'), ... 'XTick' ,get(ax1,'XTick'), ... 'YDir' ,get(ax1,'YDir'), ... 'Color' ,'none', ... 'YColor' ,'k', ... 'XAxisLocation','top', ... 'YAxisLocation','right'); % Plot the data, which sets the range of the axis for i = 1:Nexp ax2h1 = line(plotobj{i}.bincenters, plotobj{i}.nposs, 'Parent',ax2); ax2h2 = line(plotobj{i}.bincenters, plotobj{i}.nused, 'Parent',ax2); set(ax2h1,'LineStyle','none', ... 'Color', figuredata.expcolors{i}, ... 'Marker', figuredata.obs_marker, ... 'MarkerSize', figuredata.MarkerSize); set(ax2h2,'LineStyle','none', ... 'Color', figuredata.expcolors{i}, ... 'Marker', figuredata.ges_marker, ... 'MarkerSize', figuredata.MarkerSize); end % turn off topside X tick labels (clashes with title) % use the same Y ticks, but find the right label values set(ax2, 'XTicklabel', []); matchingYticks(ax1,ax2); % Annotate. Trying to maximize content, minimize clutter. annotate( ax1, ax2, plotobj{1}) lh = legend(hd,legstr); set(lh,'Interpreter','none','Box','off','FontSize',figuredata.fontsize); if verLessThan('matlab','R2017a') % Convince Matlab to not autoupdate the legend with each new line. % Before 2017a, this was the default behavior, so do nothing. % We do not want to add the bias line to the legend, for example. else lh.AutoUpdate = 'off'; end %===================================================================== function annotate(ax1, ax2, plotobj) %% One figure ... everything gets annotated. global figuredata set(get(ax1,'Xlabel'),'String',plotobj.timespan, ... 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',figuredata.fontsize) ylabel = sprintf('%s (%s)',plotobj.ylabel, plotobj.phase); set(get(ax1,'Ylabel'),'String',ylabel, ... 'Interpreter','none','FontSize',figuredata.fontsize) string1 = sprintf('# of obs (o=possible, %s=%s)', '\ast', plotobj.assim_eval_string); set(get(ax2,'Ylabel'), 'String', string1, 'FontSize', figuredata.fontsize) if ( isempty(plotobj.level_units) ) th = title({deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:)), ... sprintf('%s @ %f', plotobj.varname, plotobj.level(plotobj.levelindex))}); else th = title({deblank(plotobj.region_names(plotobj.region,:)), ... sprintf('%s @ %f %s', plotobj.varname, plotobj.level(plotobj.levelindex), ... plotobj.level_units)}); end set(th,'Interpreter','none','FontSize',figuredata.fontsize,'FontWeight','bold'); %===================================================================== function BottomAnnotation(plotstruct) %% annotates the filename containing the data being plotted Nexp = length(plotstruct); dy = 1.0/(Nexp+2); yheight = 0.0225*(Nexp+1); subplot('position',[0.10 0.01 0.8 yheight]) axis off for ifile = 1:Nexp main = plotstruct{ifile}.fname; fullname = which(main); % Could be in MatlabPath if( isempty(fullname) ) if ( main(1) == '/' ) % must be a absolute pathname string1 = sprintf('data file: %s',main); else % must be a relative pathname mydir = pwd; string1 = sprintf('data file: %s/%s',mydir,main); end else string1 = sprintf('data file: %s',fullname); end ty = 1.0 - (ifile+1)*dy; h = text(0.0, ty, string1); set(h, 'Interpreter', 'none', ... 'HorizontalAlignment','left', ... 'FontSize', 8); % If the observation is trusted for this experiment, annotate as such. switch lower(plotstruct{ifile}.trusted) case 'true' ty = 1.0 - Nexp*dy + ifile*dy*2; h = text(0.0,ty,sprintf('TRUSTED OBSERVATION in %s',plotstruct{ifile}.title)); set(h,'FontSize',20,'Interpreter','none','HorizontalAlignment','left') otherwise end end %===================================================================== function varexist(filename, varnames) %% We already know the file exists by this point. % Lets check to make sure that file contains all needed variables. nvars = length(varnames); gotone = ones(1,nvars); for i = 1:nvars gotone(i) = nc_var_exists(filename,varnames{i}); if ( ~ gotone(i) ) fprintf('\n%s is not a variable in %s\n',varnames{i},filename) end end if ~ all(gotone) error('missing required variable ... exiting') end % % $URL$ % $Revision$ % $Date$