version 1.0 workflow annotate_variants_wf { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index String base_name File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index File? bam File? bam_index # annotation options Boolean incl_snpEff = true Boolean incl_dbsnp = true Boolean incl_gnomad = true Boolean incl_rna_editing = true Boolean include_read_var_pos_annotations = true Boolean incl_repeats = true Boolean incl_homopolymers = true Boolean incl_splice_dist = true Boolean incl_blat_ED = true Boolean incl_cosmic = true Boolean incl_cravat = true File? dbsnp_vcf File? dbsnp_vcf_index File? gnomad_vcf File? gnomad_vcf_index File? rna_editing_vcf File? rna_editing_vcf_index File? cosmic_vcf File? cosmic_vcf_index File? ref_splice_adj_regions_bed File? cravat_lib_tar_gz String? cravat_lib_dir File? repeat_mask_bed String? genome_version String docker = "trinityctat/ctat_mutations:latest" String plugins_path = "/usr/local/src/ctat-mutations/plugins" String scripts_path = "/usr/local/src/ctat-mutations/src" Int preemptible Int cpu } Boolean vcf_input = defined(vcf) parameter_meta { left:{help:"One of the two paired RNAseq samples"} right:{help:"One of the two paired RNAseq samples"} bam:{help:"Previously aligned bam file. When VCF is provided, the output from ApplyBQSR should be provided as the bam input."} bai:{help:"Previously aligned bam index file"} vcf:{help:"Previously generated vcf file to annotate and filter. When provided, the output from ApplyBQSR should be provided as the bam input."} sample_id:{help:"Sample id"} # resources ref_fasta:{help:"Path to the reference genome to use in the analysis pipeline."} ref_fasta_index:{help:"Index for ref_fasta"} gtf:{help:"Annotations GTF."} dbsnp_vcf:{help:"dbSNP VCF file for the reference genome."} dbsnp_vcf_index:{help:"dbSNP vcf index"} gnomad_vcf:{help:"gnomad vcf file w/ allele frequencies"} gnomad_vcf_index:{help:"gnomad VCF index"} rna_editing_vcf:{help:"RNA editing VCF file"} rna_editing_vcf_index:{help:"RNA editing VCF index"} cosmic_vcf:{help:"Coding Cosmic Mutation VCF annotated with Phenotype Information"} cosmic_vcf_index:{help:"COSMIC VCF index"} repeat_mask_bed:{help:"bed file containing repetive element (repeatmasker) annotations (from UCSC genome browser download)"} ref_splice_adj_regions_bed:{help:"For annotating exon splice proximity"} cravat_lib_tar_gz:{help:"CRAVAT resource archive"} cravat_lib_dir:{help:"CRAVAT resource directory (for non-Terra / local use where ctat genome lib is installed already)"} genome_version:{help:"Genome version for annotating variants using Cravat and SnpEff", choices:["hg19", "hg38"]} include_read_var_pos_annotations :{help: "Add vcf annotation that requires variant to be at least 6 bases from ends of reads."} plugins_path:{help:"Path to plugins"} scripts_path:{help:"Path to scripts"} docker:{help:"Docker or singularity image"} } # leftnorm and split multiallelics call left_norm_vcf { input: input_vcf = input_vcf, input_vcf_index = input_vcf_index, base_name = base_name, ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } if (incl_snpEff) { call snpEff { input: input_vcf = left_norm_vcf.vcf, input_vcf_index = left_norm_vcf.vcf_index, base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, plugins_path = plugins_path, genome_version = select_first([genome_version]), docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible, cpu = cpu } } if (incl_dbsnp) { call annotate_dbsnp { input: input_vcf = select_first([snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), dbsnp_vcf = select_first([dbsnp_vcf]), dbsnp_vcf_index = select_first([dbsnp_vcf_index]), base_name = base_name, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } } if (incl_gnomad) { call annotate_gnomad { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), gnomad_vcf = select_first([gnomad_vcf]), gnomad_vcf_index = select_first([gnomad_vcf_index]), base_name = base_name, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } } if (incl_rna_editing) { call annotate_RNA_editing { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), rna_editing_vcf = select_first([rna_editing_vcf]), rna_editing_vcf_index = select_first([rna_editing_vcf_index]), base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } } if (include_read_var_pos_annotations) { call annotate_PASS_reads { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), bam = select_first([bam]), bam_index = select_first([bam_index]), base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible, cpu = cpu } } if (incl_repeats) { call annotate_repeats { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_PASS_reads.vcf, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_PASS_reads.vcf_index, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), repeat_mask_bed = select_first([repeat_mask_bed]), base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible, cpu = cpu } } if (incl_homopolymers) { call annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_repeats.vcf, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_repeats.vcf_index, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf_index, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } } if (incl_splice_dist) { call annotate_splice_distance { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf, annotate_repeats.vcf, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf_index, annotate_repeats.vcf_index, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf_index, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), ref_splice_adj_regions_bed = select_first([ref_splice_adj_regions_bed]), base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } } if (incl_blat_ED) { call annotate_blat_ED { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_splice_distance.vcf, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf, annotate_repeats.vcf, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_splice_distance.vcf_index, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf_index, annotate_repeats.vcf_index, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf_index, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), ref_fasta = ref_fasta, ref_fasta_index = ref_fasta_index, base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible, cpu = cpu } } if (incl_cosmic) { call annotate_cosmic_variants { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_blat_ED.vcf, annotate_splice_distance.vcf, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf, annotate_repeats.vcf, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_blat_ED.vcf_index, annotate_splice_distance.vcf_index, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf_index, annotate_repeats.vcf_index, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf_index, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), cosmic_vcf = select_first([cosmic_vcf]), cosmic_vcf_index = select_first([cosmic_vcf_index]), base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } } if (incl_cravat) { call open_cravat { input: input_vcf = select_first([annotate_cosmic_variants.vcf, annotate_blat_ED.vcf, annotate_splice_distance.vcf, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf, annotate_repeats.vcf, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([annotate_cosmic_variants.vcf_index, annotate_blat_ED.vcf_index, annotate_splice_distance.vcf_index, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf_index, annotate_repeats.vcf_index, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf_index, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), cravat_lib_tar_gz = cravat_lib_tar_gz, cravat_lib_dir = cravat_lib_dir, genome_version = select_first([genome_version]), base_name = base_name, scripts_path = scripts_path, docker = docker, preemptible = preemptible } } call rename_vcf { input: input_vcf = select_first([open_cravat.vcf, annotate_cosmic_variants.vcf, annotate_blat_ED.vcf, annotate_splice_distance.vcf, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf, annotate_repeats.vcf, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf, annotate_gnomad.vcf, annotate_dbsnp.vcf, snpEff.vcf, left_norm_vcf.vcf]), input_vcf_index = select_first([open_cravat.vcf_index, annotate_cosmic_variants.vcf_index, annotate_blat_ED.vcf_index, annotate_splice_distance.vcf_index, annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy.vcf_index, annotate_repeats.vcf_index, annotate_PASS_reads.vcf_index, annotate_RNA_editing.vcf_index, annotate_gnomad.vcf_index, annotate_dbsnp.vcf_index, snpEff.vcf_index, left_norm_vcf.vcf_index]), base_name = base_name, docker=docker, preemptible=preemptible } output { File vcf = rename_vcf.vcf File vcf_index = rename_vcf.vcf_index } } task left_norm_vcf { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index String base_name File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 50) } command <<< set -ex echo "####### leftnorm and split multiallelics ##########" # leftnorm and split multiallelics bcftools norm \ -f ~{ref_fasta} \ -m -any \ -o ~{base_name}.norm.vcf \ ~{input_vcf} ~{scripts_path}/ ~{base_name}.norm.vcf ~{base_name}.norm.groom.vcf bcftools sort -T . ~{base_name}.norm.groom.vcf > ~{base_name}.norm.groom.sorted.vcf bgzip -c ~{base_name}.norm.groom.sorted.vcf > ~{base_name}.norm.groom.sorted.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.norm.groom.sorted.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.norm.groom.sorted.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.norm.groom.sorted.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task snpEff { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index String base_name String scripts_path String base_name String plugins_path String genome_version String docker Int preemptible Int cpu Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 50) } command <<< set -ex echo "######### SnpEFF #########" bgzip -cd ~{input_vcf} | \ java -Xmx3500m -jar ~{plugins_path}/snpEff.jar \ -nostats -noLof -no-downstream -no-upstream -noLog \ ~{genome_version} > ~{base_name}.snpeff.tmp.vcf ~{scripts_path}/ \ ~{base_name}.snpeff.tmp.vcf \ ~{base_name}.snpeff.vcf bgzip -c ~{base_name}.snpeff.vcf > ~{base_name}.snpeff.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.snpeff.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.snpeff.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.snpeff.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_dbsnp { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File dbsnp_vcf File dbsnp_vcf_index String base_name String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 50) } command <<< set -ex echo "####### Annotate dbSNP ########" bcftools annotate \ --output-type z \ --annotations ~{dbsnp_vcf} \ --columns "INFO/OM,INFO/PM,INFO/SAO,INFO/RS" \ --output ~{base_name}.dbsnp.vcf.gz \ ~{input_vcf} tabix ~{base_name}.dbsnp.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.dbsnp.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.dbsnp.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_gnomad { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File gnomad_vcf File gnomad_vcf_index String base_name String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 50) } command <<< set -ex echo "####### Annotate gnomAD ########" bcftools annotate \ --output-type z \ --annotations ~{gnomad_vcf} \ --columns "INFO/gnomad_RS,INFO/gnomad_AF" \ --output ~{base_name}.gnomad.vcf.gz \ ~{input_vcf} tabix ~{base_name}.gnomad.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.gnomad.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.gnomad.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_RNA_editing { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File rna_editing_vcf File rna_editing_vcf_index String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 50) } command <<< set -ex echo "######### Annotate RNA Editing #############" bcftools annotate \ --output-type z \ --annotations ~{rna_editing_vcf} \ --columns "INFO/RNAEDIT" \ --output ~{base_name}.rna_editing.gz \ ~{input_vcf} #must groom for gatk compat ~{scripts_path}/ ~{base_name}.rna_editing.gz ~{base_name}.rna_editing.groom.vcf bgzip -c ~{base_name}.rna_editing.groom.vcf > ~{base_name}.rna_editing.groom.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.rna_editing.groom.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.rna_editing.groom.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.rna_editing.groom.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_PASS_reads { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File bam File bam_index String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu Int disk = ceil((size(bam, "GB") * 3) + 20) } command <<< set -ex echo "######## Annotate PASS Reads #########" ~{scripts_path}/ \ --vcf ~{input_vcf} \ --bam ~{bam} \ --output_vcf ~{base_name}.annot_pass_reads.vcf \ --threads ~{cpu} bgzip -c ~{base_name}.annot_pass_reads.vcf > ~{base_name}.annot_pass_reads.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.annot_pass_reads.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.annot_pass_reads.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.annot_pass_reads.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_repeats { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File repeat_mask_bed String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 20) } command <<< set -ex echo "####### Annotate Repeats #########" ~{scripts_path}/ \ --input_vcf ~{input_vcf} \ --repeats_bed ~{repeat_mask_bed} \ --output_vcf ~{base_name}.annot_repeats.vcf bgzip -c ~{base_name}.annot_repeats.vcf > ~{base_name}.annot_repeats.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.annot_repeats.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.annot_repeats.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.annot_repeats.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_homopolymers_n_entropy { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 50) } command <<< set -ex echo "########## Annotate Entropy and Homopolymers ###############" ~{scripts_path}/ \ --input_vcf ~{input_vcf} \ --ref_genome_fa ~{ref_fasta} \ --tmpdir $TMPDIR \ --output_vcf ~{base_name}.homopolymer.vcf bgzip -c ~{base_name}.homopolymer.vcf > ~{base_name}.homopolymer.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.homopolymer.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.homopolymer.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.homopolymer.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_splice_distance { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File ref_splice_adj_regions_bed String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 20) } command <<< set -ex echo "########## Annotate Splice Distance ##############" ~{scripts_path}/ \ --input_vcf ~{input_vcf} \ --splice_bed ~{ref_splice_adj_regions_bed} \ --temp_dir $TMPDIR \ --output_vcf ~{base_name}.splice_distance.vcf bgzip -c ~{base_name}.splice_distance.vcf > ~{base_name}.splice_distance.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.splice_distance.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.splice_distance.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.splice_distance.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_blat_ED { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File ref_fasta File ref_fasta_index String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 200) } command <<< set -ex echo "########### Annotate BLAT ED #############" ~{scripts_path}/ \ --input_vcf ~{input_vcf} \ --output_vcf ~{base_name}.blat_ED.vcf \ --reference ~{ref_fasta} \ --temp_dir $TMPDIR \ --threads ~{cpu} bgzip -c ~{base_name}.blat_ED.vcf > ~{base_name}.blat_ED.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.blat_ED.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.blat_ED.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.blat_ED.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "40G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task annotate_cosmic_variants { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index File cosmic_vcf File cosmic_vcf_index String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 20) } command <<< set -ex echo "############# Annotate COSMIC Variants ################" bcftools annotate \ --annotations ~{cosmic_vcf} \ --columns "INFO/COSMIC_ID,INFO/TISSUE,INFO/TUMOR,INFO/FATHMM,INFO/SOMATIC" \ --output ~{base_name}.annot_cosmic.tmp.vcf \ ~{input_vcf} #must groom for gatk compat ~{scripts_path}/ \ ~{base_name}.annot_cosmic.tmp.vcf ~{base_name}.annot_cosmic.vcf bgzip ~{base_name}.annot_cosmic.vcf tabix ~{base_name}.annot_cosmic.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.annot_cosmic.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.annot_cosmic.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task open_cravat { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index # must specify cravat_lib_dir or cravat_lib_tar_gz File? cravat_lib_tar_gz #providing the tar.gz file with the cravat resources String? cravat_lib_dir #path to existing cravat lib dir in the ctat genome lib String genome_version String base_name String scripts_path String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 3) + 50 + if(defined(cravat_lib_tar_gz))then 100 else 0) } command <<< set -ex echo "########### Annotate CRAVAT #############" cravat_lib_dir="~{cravat_lib_dir}" # cravat if [ "$cravat_lib_dir" == "" ]; then if [ "~{cravat_lib_tar_gz}" == "" ]; then echo "Error, must specify cravat_lib_tar_gz or cravat_lib path" exit 1 fi #use the provided tar.gz cravat lib cravat_lib_dir="~{cravat_lib_tar_gz}" mkdir cravat_lib_dir compress="pigz" if [[ $cravat_lib_dir == *.bz2 ]] ; then compress="pbzip2" fi tar -I $compress -xf $cravat_lib_dir -C cravat_lib_dir --strip-components 1 cravat_lib_dir="cravat_lib_dir" fi export TMPDIR=/tmp # ~{scripts_path}/ \ --input_vcf ~{input_vcf} \ --genome ~{genome_version} \ --cravat_lib_dir $cravat_lib_dir \ --output_vcf ~{base_name}.cravat.tmp.vcf #must groom for gatk compat ~{scripts_path}/ \ ~{base_name}.cravat.tmp.vcf ~{base_name}.cravat.groom.vcf bcftools sort -T . ~{base_name}.cravat.groom.vcf > ~{base_name}.cravat.vcf bgzip -c ~{base_name}.cravat.vcf > ~{base_name}.cravat.vcf.gz tabix ~{base_name}.cravat.vcf.gz >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.cravat.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.cravat.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } } task rename_vcf { input { File input_vcf File input_vcf_index String base_name String docker Int preemptible Int cpu = 1 Int disk = ceil((size(input_vcf, "GB") * 2)) } command <<< set -ex echo "####### Final step: Renaming Vcf ########" mv ~{input_vcf} ~{base_name}.vcf.gz mv ~{input_vcf}.tbi ~{base_name}.vcf.gz.tbi >>> output { File vcf = "~{base_name}.vcf.gz" File vcf_index = "~{base_name}.vcf.gz.tbi" } runtime { disks: "local-disk " + disk + " HDD" docker: docker memory: "4G" preemptible: preemptible cpu : cpu } }