## ----install-packages, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------------- ## # install the ggplot2 package ## install.packages("ggplot2") ## ----load-package--------------------------------------------------------------------- # load the package library(ggplot2) ## ----installed-packages, eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------- ## ## # check installed packages ## installed.packages() ## ----update-packages, eval=FALSE------------------------------------------------------ ## ## # list all packages where an update is available ## old.packages() ## ## # update all available packages ## update.packages() ## ## # update, without prompts for permission/clarification ## update.packages(ask = FALSE) ## ## # update only a specific package use install.packages() ## install.packages("plotly") ## ## ----challenge-code-kelv-to-cels, include=TRUE, results="hide", echo=FALSE------------ # check installed packages for dplyr installed.packages() # If found, is it up to date? old.packages() # If not found, install it. install.packages("dplyr")