// Boson X Autosplitter by NERS state("bosonx") { byte started : 0x11DB24, 0x54, 0xBC, 0x2C; string8 percentageStr : 0x11D918, 0x48, 0x10, 0x800, 0x10, 0x8, 0x4E4, 0x2C; int frames : "gameoverlayrenderer.dll", 0x107CD8; } startup { print("[Boson X] Autosplitter starting up"); settings.Add("100percent", true, "Split on reaching 100% completion on each stage"); settings.Add("200percent", true, "Split on reaching 200% completion on each stage"); vars.framesOnStart = 0; } init { int mms = modules.First().ModuleMemorySize; // 1204224 for v1.2.5 print("[Boson X] Game detected - module memory size: " + mms); } update { try { current.percentage = Double.Parse(current.percentageStr); } catch(Exception e) {} // this is just to avoid errors when the string is a random value (when you're not in a stage or you're dead) if(current.started == (old.started + 1)) // just started a stage vars.framesOnStart = current.frames; } start { // add a delay because you start in the air and timer starts when you touch the ground return vars.framesOnStart > 0 && current.frames >= vars.framesOnStart + 60; } split { return (settings["100percent"] && current.percentage >= 100.00 && current.percentage <= 105.00 && old.percentage < 100.00) || (settings["200percent"] && current.percentage >= 200.00 && current.percentage <= 205.00 && old.percentage < 200.00); } onReset { vars.framesOnStart = 0; }