{ "name": "PulsesSecure Pack", "description": "# This PulseSecure content pack contains the following:\n\n## grok patttern \n * PULSEUSER \n * PULSELOGON\n\n## UDP Input with extracor\n * Grok based extractor with match on String for apply\n## Streams\n * PulseSecure Global Stream with all extracted messages\n * PulseSecure Failed Logins contains all messages with failed status\n\n## Dashboard\n * PulseSecure", "category": "Firewalls, Gateways", "inputs": [ { "id": "595c925a2ccf43470bacb54b", "title": "UDP", "configuration": { "expand_structured_data": false, "recv_buffer_size": 262144, "port": 1514, "override_source": null, "force_rdns": false, "allow_override_date": true, "bind_address": "", "store_full_message": true }, "static_fields": {}, "type": "org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput", "global": false, "extractors": [ { "title": "pulsesecure", "type": "GROK", "cursor_strategy": "COPY", "target_field": "", "source_field": "message", "configuration": { "grok_pattern": "%{PULSELOGON}", "named_captures_only": true }, "converters": [], "condition_type": "STRING", "condition_value": "PulseS", "order": 0 } ] } ], "streams": [ { "id": "595cccb62ccf43470bacf49b", "title": "PulseSecure Failed Logins", "description": "PulseSecure Failed Logins will be delivered from the \"PulesSecure Global\" Stream after the messages are gone through the grok_extractor.", "disabled": false, "matching_type": "AND", "stream_rules": [ { "type": "EXACT", "field": "pulse_status", "value": "failed on host", "inverted": false, "description": "Match the filtered messages from the grok extractor for pulsesecure." } ], "outputs": [], "default_stream": false }, { "id": "595cdfaa2ccf43470bad0930", "title": "PulseSecure Global", "description": "PulseSecure Global contains all PulseSecure messages after they are processed by the pulsecure grok extractor.", "disabled": false, "matching_type": "AND", "stream_rules": [ { "type": "CONTAINS", "field": "message", "value": "PulseSecure", "inverted": false, "description": "" } ], "outputs": [], "default_stream": false } ], "outputs": [], "dashboards": [ { "title": "PulseSecure", "description": "PulseSecure Audit messages with pulse_status last 30minutes", "dashboard_widgets": [ { "description": "PulseSecure LoginAttempts (2h)", "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_COUNT", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 7200 }, "lower_is_better": false, "trend": true, "query": "_exists_:pulse_status" }, "col": 1, "row": 2, "height": 1, "width": 2 }, { "description": "PulseSecure LoginMessages (2h)", "type": "SEARCH_RESULT_CHART", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "interval": "minute", "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 7200 }, "query": "_exists_:pulse_status" }, "col": 1, "row": 1, "height": 1, "width": 3 }, { "description": "Login Success/Failed (2h)", "type": "QUICKVALUES", "cache_time": 10, "configuration": { "timerange": { "type": "relative", "range": 7200 }, "field": "pulse_status", "show_pie_chart": true, "query": "_exists_:pulse_status", "show_data_table": true }, "col": 3, "row": 2, "height": 2, "width": 1 } ] } ], "grok_patterns": [ { "name": "PULSELOGON", "pattern": "%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:timestamp}%{SPACE}%{PROG:pulse_appliance}%{SPACE} %{PROG:software}:%{SPACE}%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:pulse_time}%{SPACE}-%{SPACE}%{NOTSPACE:pulse_appliance}%{SPACE}-%{SPACE}\\[%{IPORHOST:pulse_source_host}\\](?:%{NOTSPACE}|%{SPACE})%{SPACE}%{NOTSPACE}\\[(?:%{NOTSPACE})?\\]%{SPACE}-%{SPACE}%{DATA:pulse_action}\\'%{DATA:pulse_app_action_detail}\\'%{SPACE}%{DATA:pulse_status}%{SPACE}\\'%{IP:pulse_source_ip}\\'%{SPACE}%{WORD}%{SPACE}\\'(?:%{MAC:pulse_source_mac})?\\'%{SPACE}%{WORD}%{SPACE}%{WORD}\\ \\'(%{PULSEUSER:pulse_loginuser}|%{WORD:pulse_loginuser})\\'(?:%{NOTSPACE}|%{SPACE}reason%{SPACE}\\'%{GREEDYDATA:pulse_reason}\\.\\'\\.)" }, { "name": "PULSEUSER", "pattern": "%{USER}\\\\%{INT}" } ], "lookup_tables": [], "lookup_caches": [], "lookup_data_adapters": [] }