# Use a base image with Python FROM nvcr.io/nvidia/pytorch:23.05-py3 # Set working directory WORKDIR /app #COPY notebooks COPY ./notebooks/*.ipynb notebooks/ RUN mkdir -p /app/imgs COPY ./notebooks/dataset.zip . COPY ./notebooks/toy_data/* notebooks/toy_data/ COPY ./notebooks/imgs/* notebooks/imgs/ COPY ./integrations/langchain/llms/triton_trt_llm.py . COPY ./integrations/langchain/llms/nv_aiplay.py . COPY ./notebooks/requirements.txt . # Run pip dependencies RUN pip3 install -r requirements.txt RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y unzip wget git libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0 RUN pip3 install accelerate transformers==4.33.1 --upgrade # Expose port 8888 for JupyterLab EXPOSE 8888 # Start JupyterLab when the container runs CMD ["jupyter", "lab", "--allow-root", "--ip=","--NotebookApp.token=''", "--port=8888"]