AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': 42b391b8-8760-4e05-86e6-b2603aa9e203: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 60 'y': 80 z: 0 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - 2d605179-bffb-473b-a272-092cc16c474c 2d605179-bffb-473b-a272-092cc16c474c: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -72.5 'y': 77.5 z: 0 embeds: [] 86669b58-9605-4dcf-9e41-4b8f2293aedf: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -120 'y': 170 z: 0 embeds: [] 3260e887-1314-461c-951b-758fcc6b42dd: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 90 'y': 170 z: 0 embeds: [] 0d95330d-54f4-4e82-8dbd-c876a633acc8: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -40 'y': 170 z: 0 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - 86669b58-9605-4dcf-9e41-4b8f2293aedf 8650c417-22c8-48a9-a520-1ba12e31f41f: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -120 'y': 280 z: 0 embeds: [] 7fcdae94-571e-4802-a9f8-197eca66b085: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 90 'y': 280 z: 0 embeds: [] 1660e06c-bfa8-4a8f-b7cf-70ab5df022fc: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 180 'y': 170 z: 0 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - 86669b58-9605-4dcf-9e41-4b8f2293aedf - 3260e887-1314-461c-951b-758fcc6b42dd Parameters: SshKeyNameParameter: Type: String Default: Your-SSH-Key-Name Description: The EC2 keypair name for instance SSH access. Resources: ManageEnvironmentIamPolicy: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Policy' Properties: PolicyName: ManageEnvPolicy Roles: - Ref: ManageEnvRole PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:DeleteLogGroup' - 'logs:DeleteLogStream' - 'logs:DescribeLogGroups' - 'logs:GetLogEvents' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' - 'logs:PutRetentionPolicy' Resource: 'arn:aws:logs:*:*:*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile' - 'iam:CreateInstanceProfile' - 'iam:CreateRole' - 'iam:DeleteInstanceProfile' - 'iam:DeleteRole' - 'iam:DeleteRolePolicy' - 'iam:GetRole' - 'iam:PassRole' - 'iam:PutRolePolicy' - 'iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile' Resource: '*' - Effect: Allow Action: - 'cloudformation:*' - 'ec2:*' - 'rds:*' - 'autoscaling:*' - 'elasticloadbalancing:*' - 'elasticfilesystem:*' - 'elasticloadbalancing:*' - 'lambda:*' - 'dynamodb:*' - 'sqs:*' Resource: '*' - Effect: Deny Action: 'aws-portal:*Billing' Resource: '*' - Effect: Deny Action: - 'cloudtrail:DeleteTrail' - 'cloudtrail:StopLogging' - 'cloudtrail:UpdateTrail' Resource: '*' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 42b391b8-8760-4e05-86e6-b2603aa9e203 ManageEnvRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: RoleName: ManageEnvRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Principal: Service: - Effect: Allow Sid: '' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 2d605179-bffb-473b-a272-092cc16c474c StartEnvironment: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: Handler: index.handler MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 15 Role: !GetAtt - ManageEnvRole - Arn Runtime: nodejs6.10 Code: ZipFile: | exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var cloudformation = new AWS.CloudFormation(); var params = { StackName: event.stackName, /* required */ Capabilities: [ 'CAPABILITY_IAM' ], EnableTerminationProtection: false, OnFailure: 'ROLLBACK', // DO_NOTHING | ROLLBACK | DELETE, Parameters: [ { ParameterKey: 'KeyName', ParameterValue: event.keyPairName }, { ParameterKey: 'ManagerSize', ParameterValue: event.managerSize || '1' }, { ParameterKey: 'ClusterSize', ParameterValue: event.clusterSize || '1' } ], Tags: [ { Key: 'CloudFormationStack', Value: event.stackName } ], TemplateURL: '', TimeoutInMinutes: 20 }; cloudformation.createStack(params, function(err, data) { if (err) { callback("Error creating the Stack: "+err); } else { callback(null, "Success creating the Stack."); } }); } Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 86669b58-9605-4dcf-9e41-4b8f2293aedf StopEnvironment: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Properties: Handler: index.handler MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 15 Role: !GetAtt - ManageEnvRole - Arn Runtime: nodejs6.10 Code: ZipFile: | exports.handler = function(event, context, callback) { var AWS = require('aws-sdk'); var cloudformation = new AWS.CloudFormation(); var params = { StackName: event.stackName /* required */ }; cloudformation.deleteStack(params, function(err, data) { if (err) { callback("Error deleting the Stack: "+err); } else { callback(null, "Success deleting the Stack."); } }); } Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 3260e887-1314-461c-951b-758fcc6b42dd AllowCloudwatchStartEnv: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Permission' Properties: Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction' FunctionName: !GetAtt - StartEnvironment - Arn Principal: SourceArn: !GetAtt - StartRule - Arn Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 0d95330d-54f4-4e82-8dbd-c876a633acc8 StartRule: Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule' Properties: Name: StartEnvironmentRule ScheduleExpression: cron(30 14 ? * 2-6 *) Targets: - Arn: !GetAtt - StartEnvironment - Arn Id: start_environment_rule_target Input: !Join - '' - - '{ "stackName": "MyStack", "keyPairName": "' - Ref: SshKeyNameParameter - '" }' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 8650c417-22c8-48a9-a520-1ba12e31f41f StopRule: Type: 'AWS::Events::Rule' Properties: Name: StopEnvironmentRule ScheduleExpression: cron(0 15 ? * 2-6 *) Targets: - Arn: !GetAtt - StopEnvironment - Arn Id: stop_environment_rule_target Input: '{ "stackName": "MyStack" }' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 7fcdae94-571e-4802-a9f8-197eca66b085 AllowCloudwatchStopEnv: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Permission' Properties: Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction' FunctionName: !GetAtt - StopEnvironment - Arn Principal: SourceArn: !GetAtt - StopRule - Arn Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 1660e06c-bfa8-4a8f-b7cf-70ab5df022fc