AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09 Description: >- AWS Cloudformation template to create an EC2 instance, installs and starts GitLab Runner. **WARNING** This template creates an Amazon EC2 instance. You will be billed for the AWS resources used if you create a stack from this template. Parameters: GitLabServer: Description: Address of GitLab Web Server application Type: String Default: '' GitLabRunnerToken: Description: >- Registration token for GitLab Runner. Registration token must contain exactly 20 alphanumeric characters AllowedPattern: '^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$' Type: String MinLength: '20' MaxLength: '20' NoEcho: true GitLabApiToken: Description: >- Access token for GitLab API for removal of the runner registration from GitLab upon EC2 instance termination. AllowedPattern: '^[-_a-zA-Z0-9]*$' Type: String NoEcho: true DockerVersion: Description: The Docker CE version number. Type: String Default: '18.02' InstanceType: Description: The EC2 instance type for GitLab Runner server Type: String Default: t2.micro AllowedValues: - t2.nano - t2.micro - t2.small - t2.medium - t2.large - m3.large - m3.xlarge - m3.2xlarge - m4.large - m4.xlarge - m4.2xlarge - m4.4xlarge ConstraintDescription: must be a valid EC2 instance type InstanceStorageSize: Description: GitLab Runner server storage size (in GBs) Type: Number Default: '40' KeyName: Description: Name of an existing EC2 KeyPair to enable SSH access to the instance Type: 'AWS::EC2::KeyPair::KeyName' ConstraintDescription: Can contain only ASCII characters. VpcId: Description: GitLab Runner server VPC Type: 'AWS::EC2::VPC::Id' Subnet1ID: Description: GitLab Runner server private subnet 1 Type: 'AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id' Subnet2ID: Description: GitLab Runner server private subnet 2 Type: 'AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id' Subnet3ID: Description: GitLab Runner server private subnet 3 Type: 'AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id' NumInstances: Description: Number of Runner server instances in Auto scaling group Type: Number Default: 1 Conditions: HasKeyName: !Not - !Equals - '' - Ref: KeyName HasGitLabApiToken: !Not - !Equals - '' - Ref: GitLabApiToken Mappings: RegionMap: us-east-1: AMI: ami-cd0f5cb6 us-east-2: AMI: ami-10547475 us-west-1: AMI: ami-09d2fb69 us-west-2: AMI: ami-6e1a0117 ca-central-1: AMI: ami-9818a7fc eu-west-1: AMI: ami-785db401 eu-central-1: AMI: ami-1e339e71 eu-west-2: AMI: ami-996372fd ap-southeast-1: AMI: ami-6f198a0c ap-southeast-2: AMI: ami-e2021d81 ap-northeast-2: AMI: ami-d28a53bc ap-northeast-1: AMI: ami-ea4eae8c ap-south-1: AMI: ami-099fe766 sa-east-1: AMI: ami-10186f7c Resources: RunnerIamRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Properties: RoleName: GitlabRunnerRole AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Principal: Service: - Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Path: / Policies: - PolicyName: GitLabRunnerPolicy PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'sts:AssumeRole' Resource: - 'arn:aws:iam::*:role/TerraformRole' - 'arn:aws:iam::*:role/S3BackendRole' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 294bb1e8-9c8f-41eb-9c34-e37d348993a0 RunnerInstanceProfile: Type: 'AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile' Properties: InstanceProfileName: GitlabRunnerProfile Roles: - !Ref RunnerIamRole Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 8431b43e-a91e-4a42-a3f2-3e19e8408683 RunnerAutoScalingGroup: Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::AutoScalingGroup' Properties: LaunchConfigurationName: !Ref RunnerLaunchConfiguration VPCZoneIdentifier: - !Ref Subnet1ID - !Ref Subnet2ID - !Ref Subnet3ID MinSize: !Ref NumInstances MaxSize: !Ref NumInstances Cooldown: '300' NotificationConfigurations: !If - HasGitLabApiToken - - NotificationTypes: - 'autoscaling:EC2_INSTANCE_TERMINATE' TopicARN: !Ref RunnerLifecycleTopic - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue' DesiredCapacity: !Ref NumInstances Tags: - Key: Name Value: GitLabRunner PropagateAtLaunch: 'true' CreationPolicy: ResourceSignal: Count: !Ref NumInstances Timeout: PT15M Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 43142532-0cf7-41bc-8c0f-891d886aee8d RunnerLaunchConfiguration: Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::LaunchConfiguration' Metadata: Comment: Install GitLab Runner 'AWS::CloudFormation::Init': config: packages: {} files: {} commands: 1-Register-Docker-Runner: command: !Sub >- gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --name Docker-Runner-$(ec2metadata --instance-id) --url ${GitLabServer} --executor docker --docker-image docker:${DockerVersion} --docker-volumes /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock --registration-token ${GitLabRunnerToken} --locked=false 2-Register-Shell-Runner: command: !Sub >- gitlab-runner register --non-interactive --name Shell-Runner-$(ec2metadata --instance-id) --url ${GitLabServer} --executor shell --registration-token ${GitLabRunnerToken} --locked=false --tag-list terraform,awscli 3-Start-Runner: command: gitlab-runner start 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: aece8c9d-d225-49d9-a729-14ec4a45ceea Properties: KeyName: !If - HasKeyName - !Ref KeyName - !Ref 'AWS::NoValue' ImageId: !FindInMap - RegionMap - !Ref 'AWS::Region' - AMI InstanceType: !Ref InstanceType IamInstanceProfile: !GetAtt - RunnerInstanceProfile - Arn BlockDeviceMappings: - DeviceName: /dev/sda1 Ebs: VolumeSize: !Ref InstanceStorageSize UserData: !Base64 'Fn::Join': - |+ - - '#!/bin/bash' - set -x -e - apt-get update - >- apt-get -y install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common - >- curl -fsSL | apt-key add - - >- add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" - apt-get update - apt-get -y install docker-ce awscli unzip - >- wget - unzip - rm - mv terraform /usr/local/bin/ - >- curl -L | bash - apt-get -y install gitlab-runner - apt-get -y install python-setuptools - >- easy_install - !Sub >- cfn-init --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource RunnerLaunchConfiguration --region ${AWS::Region} - !Sub >- cfn-signal -e $? --stack ${AWS::StackName} --resource RunnerAutoScalingGroup --region ${AWS::Region} ScaleDownAtNight: Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction' Properties: AutoScalingGroupName: !Ref RunnerAutoScalingGroup DesiredCapacity: 0 MaxSize: 0 MinSize: 0 Recurrence: 0 22 * * * Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: d16f00fe-10db-4d20-bc66-0664546b8f33 ScaleUpInMorning: Type: 'AWS::AutoScaling::ScheduledAction' Properties: AutoScalingGroupName: !Ref RunnerAutoScalingGroup DesiredCapacity: 1 MaxSize: 1 MinSize: 1 Recurrence: 0 14 * * 1-5 Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 928e53f3-5cb6-495e-a0af-6aea93a04c80 RunnerLifecycleTopic: Type: 'AWS::SNS::Topic' Condition: HasGitLabApiToken Properties: Subscription: - Protocol: lambda Endpoint: !GetAtt - RunnerUnregisterFunction - Arn Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 5acf3eaa-8aae-4d88-a6b8-0b4201d8bd03 RunnerUnregisterFunction: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Function' Condition: HasGitLabApiToken Properties: Handler: index.handler MemorySize: 128 Timeout: 15 Runtime: nodejs6.10 Role: !GetAtt - RunnerUnregisterRole - Arn Environment: Variables: GITLAB_API_TOKEN: !Ref GitLabApiToken Code: ZipFile: !Sub |- const https = require('https'); var extractInstanceIdFromEvent = function(event) { console.log('Event received: ' + event); var message = event.Records[0].Sns.Message; console.log('SNS Message: ' + message); var regex = /Terminating EC2 instance: (i-[0-9a-z]+)/g; var match = regex.exec(message); var instanceId = match[1]; console.log('EC2 Instance ID: ' + instanceId); return instanceId; }; const optionsForRequestAllRunners = { hostname: '', method: 'GET', path: '/api/v4/runners', headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN': process.env.GITLAB_API_TOKEN }, timeout: 5000 }; const optionsForRunnerDelete = function(runnerId) { return { hostname: '', method: 'DELETE', path: '/api/v4/runners/'+runnerId, headers: { 'PRIVATE-TOKEN': process.env.GITLAB_API_TOKEN }, timeout: 5000 }; }; exports.handler = function(event, context) { var ec2InstanceId = extractInstanceIdFromEvent(event); const req = https.request(optionsForRequestAllRunners, (res) => { console.log('statusCode:', res.statusCode); let rawData = ''; res.on('data', (chunk) => { rawData += chunk; }); res.on('end', () => { try { const parsedData = JSON.parse(rawData); //console.log(parsedData); parsedData.forEach((elem) => { if (elem.description && elem.description.endsWith(ec2InstanceId)) { console.log("About to delete runner: "+elem.description); const deleteReq = https.request(optionsForRunnerDelete(; deleteReq.end(); } }); } catch (e) { console.error(e.message); } }); }); req.on('error', (e) => { console.error(e); }); req.end(); }; Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: f898ddfa-41c5-4382-aebb-02c12666dead RunnerLifecycleRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Condition: HasGitLabApiToken Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Principal: Service: Effect: Allow Sid: '' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 91e172ec-6c5e-4ee0-99b8-730a2194aad5 RunnerLifecyclePolicy: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Policy' Condition: HasGitLabApiToken Properties: PolicyName: RunnerLifecyclePolicy Roles: - Ref: RunnerLifecycleRole PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'sns:publish' Resource: !Ref RunnerLifecycleTopic Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: bcf4f765-f8b0-44a3-b937-ccfa8c5622ea RunnerUnregisterPermission: Type: 'AWS::Lambda::Permission' Condition: HasGitLabApiToken Properties: Action: 'lambda:InvokeFunction' FunctionName: !GetAtt - RunnerUnregisterFunction - Arn Principal: SourceArn: !Ref RunnerLifecycleTopic Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 7c9ae8c0-95d5-43bf-ad14-ec2ce473dc34 RunnerUnregisterRole: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role' Condition: HasGitLabApiToken Properties: AssumeRolePolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Action: 'sts:AssumeRole' Principal: Service: Effect: Allow Sid: '' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: c236e2d0-2cdd-447c-9dba-ca60e7c8fb24 RunnerUnregisterPolicy: Type: 'AWS::IAM::Policy' Condition: HasGitLabApiToken Properties: PolicyName: RunnerUnregisterPolicy Roles: - Ref: RunnerUnregisterRole PolicyDocument: Version: 2012-10-17 Statement: - Effect: Allow Action: - 'logs:CreateLogGroup' - 'logs:CreateLogStream' - 'logs:DescribeLogGroups' - 'logs:PutLogEvents' Resource: 'arn:aws:logs:*:*:*' Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': id: 6eace77b-cc29-4fb7-b324-ae3e623e0df3 Outputs: StackName: Value: !Ref 'AWS::StackName' AwsRegion: Value: !Ref "AWS::Region" AwsAccountId: Value: !Ref "AWS::AccountId" Metadata: 'AWS::CloudFormation::Designer': aece8c9d-d225-49d9-a729-14ec4a45ceea: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 110 'y': 90 z: 1 embeds: [] 43142532-0cf7-41bc-8c0f-891d886aee8d: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 230 'y': 90 z: 1 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - aece8c9d-d225-49d9-a729-14ec4a45ceea 928e53f3-5cb6-495e-a0af-6aea93a04c80: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 430 'y': 160 z: 1 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - 43142532-0cf7-41bc-8c0f-891d886aee8d d16f00fe-10db-4d20-bc66-0664546b8f33: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 340 'y': 160 z: 1 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - 43142532-0cf7-41bc-8c0f-891d886aee8d 8431b43e-a91e-4a42-a3f2-3e19e8408683: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -50 'y': 90 z: 1 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - 294bb1e8-9c8f-41eb-9c34-e37d348993a0 294bb1e8-9c8f-41eb-9c34-e37d348993a0: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -170 'y': 90 z: 1 embeds: [] 5acf3eaa-8aae-4d88-a6b8-0b4201d8bd03: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 230 'y': 220 z: 1 embeds: [] f898ddfa-41c5-4382-aebb-02c12666dead: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -30 'y': 220 z: 1 embeds: [] 91e172ec-6c5e-4ee0-99b8-730a2194aad5: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 350 'y': 340 z: 1 embeds: [] bcf4f765-f8b0-44a3-b937-ccfa8c5622ea: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 230 'y': 340 z: 1 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - 91e172ec-6c5e-4ee0-99b8-730a2194aad5 7c9ae8c0-95d5-43bf-ad14-ec2ce473dc34: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: 90 'y': 270 z: 1 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - f898ddfa-41c5-4382-aebb-02c12666dead c236e2d0-2cdd-447c-9dba-ca60e7c8fb24: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -30 'y': 330 z: 1 embeds: [] 6eace77b-cc29-4fb7-b324-ae3e623e0df3: size: width: 60 height: 60 position: x: -150 'y': 330 z: 1 embeds: [] isassociatedwith: - c236e2d0-2cdd-447c-9dba-ca60e7c8fb24