#! /usr/bin/env python """ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2015 creon (creon.nu@gmail.com) Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ import SimpleHTTPServer import SocketServer import BaseHTTPServer import cgi import os from math import ceil from thread import start_new_thread from logging.handlers import TimedRotatingFileHandler from exchanges import * from utils import * import config _wrappers = {'bittrex': Bittrex, 'poloniex': Poloniex, 'ccedk': CCEDK, 'bitcoincoid': BitcoinCoId, 'bter': BTER, 'testing': Peatio, 'cryptsy': Cryptsy, 'southx': SouthXChange} for e in config._interest: _wrappers[e] = _wrappers[e]() for u in config._interest[e]: for s in ['bid', 'ask']: config._interest[e][u][s]['orders'] = [] config._interest[e][u][s]['low'] = config._interest[e][u][s]['rate'] config._interest[e][u][s]['high'] = config._interest[e][u][s]['rate'] try: os.makedirs('logs') except: pass try: os.makedirs('stats') except: pass dummylogger = logging.getLogger('null') dummylogger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) dummylogger.propagate = False logname = str(int(time.time() * 100)) creditor = logging.getLogger("credits") creditor.propagate = False creditformat = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s: %(message)s', datefmt="%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S") ch = TimedRotatingFileHandler('logs/%s.credits' % logname, when='midnight') ch.setFormatter(creditformat) creditor.addHandler(ch) logger = logging.getLogger() logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh = TimedRotatingFileHandler('logs/%s.log' % logname, when='midnight') fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) sh = logging.StreamHandler() sh.setLevel(logging.INFO) formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s: %(message)s', datefmt="%Y/%m/%d-%H:%M:%S") fh.setFormatter(formatter) sh.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(fh) logger.addHandler(sh) _liquidity = [] _active_users = 0 _round = 0 _valflag = False master = Connection(config._master, logger) if config._master != "" else None slaves = [CheckpointThread(host, logger) for host in config._slaves] keys = {} pricefeed = PriceFeed(15, logger) lock = threading.Lock() class NuRPC(): def __init__(self, config, address, logger=None): """ Check that the RPC library can be imported and set up the RPC http server connection """ self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger('null') self.address = address self.rpc = None try: import jsonrpc except ImportError: self.logger.warning('NuRPC: jsonrpc library could not be imported') else: # rpc connection self.JSONRPCException = jsonrpc.JSONRPCException opts = dict(tuple(line.strip().replace(' ', '').split('=')) for line in open(config).readlines() if len(line.split('=')) == 2) if 'rpcuser' not in opts.keys() or 'rpcpassword' not in opts.keys(): self.logger.error("NuRPC: RPC parameters could not be read") else: try: self.rpc = jsonrpc.ServiceProxy("http://%s:%s@" % (opts['rpcuser'], opts['rpcpassword'], 14002)) self.txfee = self.rpc.getinfo()['paytxfee'] except: self.logger.error("NuRPC: RPC connection could not be established") self.rpc = None def pay(self, txout): """ Attempt to make the payment to the addresses specified in txout :param txout: a json formatted 'sendtomany' object :return: """ self.logger.info("attempting to make payout") try: self.rpc.sendmany("", txout) self.logger.info("successfully sent payout: %s", txout) return True except AttributeError: self.logger.error('NuRPC: client not initialized') except self.JSONRPCException as e: self.logger.error('NuRPC: unable to send payout: %s', e.error['message']) except: self.logger.error("NuRPC: unable to send payout (exception caught): %s", sys.exc_info()[1]) return False def liquidity(self, bid, ask): """ Submit liquidity info through the rpc connection :param bid: :param ask: :return: """ try: self.rpc.liquidityinfo('B', bid, ask, self.address) self.logger.info("successfully sent liquidity: buy: %.8f sell: %.8f", bid, ask) return True except AttributeError: self.logger.error('NuRPC: client not initialized') except self.JSONRPCException as e: self.logger.error('NuRPC: unable to send liquidity: %s', e.error['message']) except: self.logger.error("NuRPC: unable to send liquidity (exception caught): %s", sys.exc_info()[1]) return False class User(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, key, address, unit, exchange, pricefeed, sampling, tolerance, logger=None): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.key = key self.active = True self.address = address self.balance = 0.0 self.pricefeed = pricefeed self.unit = unit self.exchange = exchange self.tolerance = tolerance self.sampling = sampling self.last_errors = [""] * sampling self.cost = {'ask': config._interest[repr(exchange)][unit]['bid']['rate'], 'bid': config._interest[repr(exchange)][unit]['ask']['rate']} self.rate = {'ask': config._interest[repr(exchange)][unit]['bid']['rate'], 'bid': config._interest[repr(exchange)][unit]['ask']['rate']} self.liquidity = {'ask': [[] for i in xrange(sampling)], 'bid': [[] for i in xrange(sampling)]} self.credits = { 'ask': [[{'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}] for i in xrange(sampling)], 'bid': [[{'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}] for i in xrange(sampling)]} self.lock = threading.Lock() self.trigger = threading.Lock() self.trigger.acquire() self.response = ['m' for i in xrange(sampling)] self.logger = logger if logger else logging.getLogger('null') self.requests = [] self.daemon = True self.cancel = False self.history = [] self.page = 1 self.record() self.bundle() def record(self): missings = self.response.count('m') rejects = self.response.count('r') amount = {'bid': [], 'ask': []} norm = max(1.0, float(len(self.response) - missings - rejects)) for i in xrange(len(self.response)): for side in ['bid', 'ask']: stats = config._interest[repr(self.exchange)][self.unit][side] if not amount[side] and self.response[i] == 'a': amount[side] = [self.credits[side][i][j]['amount'] for j in xrange(3)] if self.credits[side][i][0]['cost'] == stats['high'] \ or self.credits[side][i][1]['cost'] == stats['low']: amount[side] = [self.credits[side][i][j]['amount'] for j in xrange(3)] self.history.append( {'time': int(time.time()), 'balance': self.balance, 'missings': missings, 'rejects': rejects, 'bid': amount['bid'], 'ask': amount['ask'], 'rate': self.rate}) if len(self.history) == 60 * 24 + 1: with open('stats/%s.%s.%s.%d' % (logname, self.key, self.unit, self.page), 'w') as fo: fo.write(json.dumps(self.history)) self.page += 1 self.history = self.history[-1:] def bundle(self): self.checkpoint = {'liquidity': self.liquidity.copy(), 'response': self.response[:], 'last_errors': self.last_errors[:], 'balance': self.balance} def set(self, request, bid, ask, sign): if len(self.requests) < 10: # don't accept more requests to avoid simple spamming self.requests.append(({p: v[0] for p, v in request.items()}, sign, {'bid': bid, 'ask': ask})) self.active = True def run(self): while True: self.trigger.acquire() self.lock.acquire() res = 'm' if self.requests: requests = self.requests[:] self.requests = [] for rid, request in enumerate(requests): try: orders = self.exchange.validate_request(self.key, self.unit, request[0], request[1]) except: orders = {'error': 'exception caught: %s' % sys.exc_info()[1]} if not 'error' in orders and not self.cancel: valid = {'bid': [], 'ask': []} price = self.pricefeed.price(self.unit,0.0) last_error = '' for order in orders: deviation = 1.0 - min(order['price'], price) / max(order['price'], price) if deviation <= self.tolerance: span = 60.0 / config._sampling et = int(time.time()) st = et - span if 'closed' in order and order['closed'] < et: et = order['closed'] if 'opened' in order and order['opened'] > st: st = order['opened'] order['amount'] *= max(0.0, float(et - st) / span) valid[order['type']].append([order['id'], order['amount'], request[2][order['type']]]) else: self.last_errors.append( 'unable to validate request: order of deviates too much from current price') for side in ['bid', 'ask']: del self.liquidity[side][0] self.liquidity[side].append(valid[side]) if last_error != "" and len(valid['bid'] + valid['ask']) == 0: res = 'r' self.last_errors.append(last_error) self.logger.debug( "unable to validate request %d/%d for user %s at exchange %s on unit %s: orders of deviate too much from current price", rid + 1, len(self.requests), self.key, repr(self.exchange), self.unit) else: res = 'a' self.last_errors.append("") break else: if self.cancel: orders = {'error': 'request handling canceled'} res = 'r' if rid + 1 == len(requests) or self.cancel: self.last_errors.append("unable to validate request: " + orders['error']) self.logger.warning( "unable to validate request %d/%d for user %s at exchange %s on unit %s: %s", rid + 1, len(requests), self.key, repr(self.exchange), self.unit, orders['error']) for side in ['bid', 'ask']: del self.liquidity[side][0] self.liquidity[side].append([]) if self.cancel: break else: self.last_errors.append("no request received") for side in ['bid', 'ask']: del self.liquidity[side][0] self.liquidity[side].append([]) self.response = self.response[1:] + [res] del self.last_errors[0] self.lock.release() def validate(self): self.cancel = False try: self.trigger.release() except thread.error: pass # user did not finish last request in time def finish(self): if self.active: self.cancel = True try: self.lock.acquire() self.lock.release() except KeyboardInterrupt: raise def response(errcode=0, message='success'): return {'code': errcode, 'message': message} def register(params): ret = response() if set(params.keys()) == set(['address', 'key', 'name']): user = params['key'][0] name = params['name'][0] address = params['address'][0] if address[0] == 'B': # this is certainly not a proper check if name in config._interest: for slave in slaves: slave.register(address, user, name) if not user in keys: lock.acquire() keys[user] = {} for unit in config._interest[name]: keys[user][unit] = User(user, address, unit, _wrappers[name], pricefeed, config._sampling, config._tolerance, logger) keys[user][unit].start() lock.release() logger.info("new user %s on %s: %s" % (user, name, address)) else: if keys[user].values()[0].address != address: ret = response(9, "user already exists with different address: %s" % user) else: ret = response(8, "unknown exchange requested: %s" % name) else: ret = response(7, "invalid payout address: %s" % address) else: ret = response(6, "invalid registration data received: %s" % str(params)) return ret def liquidity(params): ret = response() if set(params.keys() + ['user', 'sign', 'unit', 'ask', 'bid']) == set(params.keys()): user = params.pop('user')[0] sign = params.pop('sign')[0] unit = params.pop('unit')[0] try: bid = float(params.pop('bid')[0]) ask = float(params.pop('ask')[0]) if user in keys: if unit in keys[user]: start_new_thread(keys[user][unit].set, (params, bid, ask, sign)) else: ret = response(12, "unit for user %s not found: %s" % (user, unit)) else: ret = response(11, "user not found: %s" % user) except ValueError: ret = response(10, "invalid cost information received: %s" % str(params)) return ret def poolstats(): return {'liquidity': ([(0, 0)] + _liquidity)[-1], 'sampling': config._sampling, 'users': _active_users, 'credits': _round / config._sampling, 'validations': _round} critical_message = "" def userstats(user): res = {'balance': 0.0, 'efficiency': 0.0, 'rejects': 0, 'missing': 0, 'message': critical_message} res['units'] = {} for unit in keys[user]: checkpoint = keys[user][unit].checkpoint if checkpoint['liquidity']['bid'].count([]) + checkpoint['liquidity']['ask'].count([]) < 2 * config._sampling: credits = { 'bid': [{'amount': 0.0, 'cost': -1.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': -1.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': -1.0}], 'ask': [{'amount': 0.0, 'cost': -1.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': -1.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': -1.0}]} last_error = "" missing = checkpoint['response'].count('m') rejects = checkpoint['response'].count('r') res['balance'] += checkpoint['balance'] res['missing'] += missing res['rejects'] += rejects norm = max(1.0, float(keys[user][unit].sampling - missing - rejects)) for i in xrange(keys[user][unit].sampling): if checkpoint['last_errors'][i] != "": last_error = checkpoint['last_errors'][i] for side in ['bid', 'ask']: stats = config._interest[repr(keys[user][unit].exchange)][unit][side] if credits[side][0]['cost'] < 0.0 and checkpoint['response'][i] == 'a': for j in xrange(3): credits[side][j]['amount'] = keys[user][unit].credits[side][i][j]['amount'] credits[side][j]['cost'] = 0.0 if keys[user][unit].credits[side][i][0]['cost'] == stats['high'] or \ keys[user][unit].credits[side][i][1]['cost'] == stats['low']: for j in xrange(3): credits[side][j]['amount'] = keys[user][unit].credits[side][i][j]['amount'] for side in ['bid', 'ask']: stats = config._interest[repr(keys[user][unit].exchange)][unit][side] credits[side][0]['cost'] = stats['high'] credits[side][1]['cost'] = stats['low'] res['units'][unit] = {'bid': credits['bid'], 'ask': credits['ask'], 'rate': keys[user][unit].rate, 'rejects': rejects, 'missing': missing, 'active': keys[user][unit].active, 'last_error': last_error} if len(res['units']) > 0: res['efficiency'] = 1.0 - (res['rejects'] + res['missing']) / float(config._sampling * len(res['units'])) return res def collect(timeout): for slave in slaves: slave.collect(timeout) for slave in slaves: checkpoint = slave.finish() if not 'error' in checkpoint: for user in checkpoint: for unit in checkpoint[user]: for i in xrange(config._sampling): if keys[user][unit].response[i] == 'm': keys[user][unit].last_errors[i] = checkpoint[user][unit]['last_errors'][i] if checkpoint[user][unit]['response'][i] != 'm': keys[user][unit].response[i] = checkpoint[user][unit]['response'][i] if checkpoint[user][unit]['response'][i] == 'a': for side in ['bid', 'ask']: keys[user][unit].liquidity[side][i] = checkpoint[user][unit]['liquidity'][side][ i] for user in keys: for unit in keys[user]: keys[user][unit].bundle() keys[user][unit].active = keys[user][unit].liquidity['bid'].count([]) + keys[user][unit].liquidity[ 'ask'].count([]) < 2 * keys[user][unit].sampling def checkpoints(params): ret = {} for user in params: if user in keys: for unit in keys[user]: if keys[user][unit].active: if not user in ret: ret[user] = {} ret[user][unit] = keys[user][unit].checkpoint return ret def credit(): for name in config._interest: for unit in config._interest[name]: users = [k for k in keys if unit in keys[k] and repr(keys[k][unit].exchange) == name] for user in users: keys[user][unit].record() keys[user][unit].rate['bid'] = 0.0 keys[user][unit].rate['ask'] = 0.0 for side in ['bid', 'ask']: config._interest[name][unit][side]['low'] = 0.0 config._interest[name][unit][side]['high'] = 0.0 config._interest[name][unit][side]['orders'] = [] for sample in xrange(config._sampling): config._interest[name][unit][side]['orders'].append([]) # payout variables maxrate = config._interest[name][unit][side]['rate'] submitted = [] for user in users: keys[user][unit].credits[side][sample] = [{'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}, {'amount': 0.0, 'cost': 0.0}] submitted.extend([(user, order) for order in keys[user][unit].liquidity[side][sample]]) submitted.sort(key=lambda x: (x[1][2], x[1][0])) orders = [submitted[i] for i in xrange(len(submitted)) if i == 0 or submitted[i][1][0] != submitted[i - 1][1][0]] mass = sum([order[1] for _, order in submitted]) if mass > 0: target = min(mass, config._interest[name][unit][side]['target']) maxlevel = int(ceil(mass / target)) pricelevels = sorted( list(set([order[2] for _, order in orders if order[2] < maxrate])) + [maxrate, maxrate]) if len(pricelevels) < maxlevel + 2: pricelevels += [maxrate] * (2 + maxlevel - len(pricelevels)) # calculate level levelvolume = [0.0 for p in pricelevels] for user, order in orders: if order[2] <= maxrate: for i, p in enumerate(pricelevels): if order[2] < p or p == maxrate: levelvolume[i] += order[1] lower = mass - int(mass / target) * target higher = int((mass / target) + 1) * target - mass lvl = len(pricelevels) - 3 for i in xrange(1, len(levelvolume) - 1): if levelvolume[i - 1] >= lower and levelvolume[i] >= config._interest[name][unit][side][ 'target']: lvl = i - 2 break config._interest[name][unit][side]['low'] = pricelevels[lvl + 1] config._interest[name][unit][side]['high'] = pricelevels[lvl + 2] # collect user contribution volume = [{user: 0.0 for user in users}, {user: 0.0 for user in users}, {user: 0.0 for user in users}] for user, order in orders: volume[2][user] += order[1] if order[2] <= maxrate: ulvl = pricelevels.index(order[2]) if ulvl < lvl + 1: volume[0][user] += order[1] if ulvl < lvl + 2 or pricelevels[lvl + 2] == maxrate: volume[1][user] += order[1] if sample == config._sampling - 1: logger.debug('%s pricelevel %d [%.4f,%.4f]: %s', side, lvl, float(sum(volume[0].values())), float(sum(volume[1].values())), " ".join([str(s) for s in pricelevels])) logger.debug('%s pricevolumes [%.4f,%.4f]: %s', side, lower, higher, " ".join([str(s) for s in levelvolume])) # credit higher payout level norm = float(sum(volume[1].values())) for user in volume[1]: if norm > 0 and volume[1][user] > 0: price = pricelevels[lvl + 2] contrib = min(volume[1][user], higher * volume[1][user] / norm) payout = contrib * price volume[0][user] -= contrib volume[2][user] -= contrib keys[user][unit].balance += payout / float(24 * 60 * config._sampling) keys[user][unit].credits[side][sample][0] = {'amount': contrib, 'cost': price} keys[user][unit].rate[side] += price * contrib / (volume[1][user] * config._sampling) config._interest[name][unit][side]['orders'][sample].append( {'amount': contrib, 'cost': price}) creditor.info("[%d/%d] %.8f %s %.8f %s %s %s %.2f high %s", sample + 1, config._sampling, payout / float(24 * 60 * config._sampling), user, contrib, side, name, unit, price * 100, keys[user][unit].address) # credit lower payout level norm = float(sum([max(0, v) for v in volume[0].values()])) for user in volume[0]: if norm > 0 and volume[0][user] > 0: price = pricelevels[lvl + 1] contrib = min(volume[0][user], lower * volume[0][user] / norm) payout = contrib * price volume[2][user] -= contrib keys[user][unit].balance += payout / float(24 * 60 * config._sampling) keys[user][unit].credits[side][sample][1] = {'amount': contrib, 'cost': price} keys[user][unit].rate[side] += price * contrib / (volume[0][user] * config._sampling) config._interest[name][unit][side]['orders'][sample].append( {'amount': contrib, 'cost': price}) creditor.info("[%d/%d] %.8f %s %.8f %s %s %s %.2f low %s", sample + 1, config._sampling, payout / float(24 * 60 * config._sampling), user, contrib, side, name, unit, price * 100, keys[user][unit].address) # mark zero payout level for user in volume[2]: if volume[2][user] > float(10 ** (-8)): keys[user][unit].credits[side][sample][2] = {'amount': volume[2][user], 'cost': 0.0} config._interest[name][unit][side]['orders'][sample].append( {'amount': volume[2][user], 'cost': 0.0}) def pay(nud): txout = {} lock.acquire() for user in keys: for unit in keys[user]: if not keys[user][unit].address in txout: txout[keys[user][unit].address] = 0.0 txout[keys[user][unit].address] += keys[user][unit].balance lock.release() txfee = 0.01 if not nud.rpc else nud.txfee txout = {k: v - nud.txfee for k, v in txout.items() if v - txfee > config._minpayout} if txout: sent = False if config._autopayout: sent = nud.pay(txout) try: filename = 'logs/%d.credit' % time.time() out = open(filename, 'w') out.write(json.dumps(txout)) out.close() if not sent: logger.info("successfully stored payout to %s: %s", filename, txout) lock.acquire() for user in keys: for unit in keys[user]: if keys[user][unit].address in txout and keys[user][unit].balance > 0.0: creditor.info("[-] %.8f %s %s", keys[user][unit].balance, user, unit) keys[user][unit].balance = 0.0 lock.release() except: logger.error("failed to store payout to %s: %s", filename, txout) else: logger.warning("not processing payouts because no valid balances were detected.") def submit(nud): curliquidity = [0, 0] lock.acquire() for user in keys: for unit in keys[user]: for s in xrange(config._sampling): curliquidity[0] += sum([order[1] for order in keys[user][unit].liquidity['bid'][-(s + 1)]]) curliquidity[1] += sum([order[1] for order in keys[user][unit].liquidity['ask'][-(s + 1)]]) lock.release() curliquidity = [curliquidity[0] / float(config._sampling), curliquidity[1] / float(config._sampling)] _liquidity.append(curliquidity) nud.liquidity(curliquidity[0], curliquidity[1]) def sync(): ts = int(time.time() * 1000.0) return {'time': ts, 'sync': 15000, 'round': _round} class RequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler): def do_POST(self): if len(self.path) == 0: self.send_response(404) return self.path = self.path[1:] if self.path in ['register', 'liquidity', 'checkpoints']: ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('content-type')) if ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded': length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length')) params = cgi.parse_qs(self.rfile.read(length), keep_blank_values=1) if self.path == 'register': ret = register(params) elif self.path == 'liquidity': ret = liquidity(params) elif self.path == 'checkpoints': if _valflag: ret = {'error': "validation in progress"} else: ret = checkpoints(params) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.wfile.write("\n") self.wfile.write(json.dumps(ret)) self.end_headers() def do_GET(self): if len(self.path.replace('/', '')) == 0: self.send_response(200) return method = self.path[1:] if master: try: content = json.dumps(master.get(method, trials=1, timeout=5)) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.wfile.write("\n") self.wfile.write(content) self.end_headers() except: self.send_response(404) elif 'loaderio' in method: # evil hack to support load tester (TODO) self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/plain') self.wfile.write("\n") self.wfile.write(method.replace('/', '')) self.end_headers() elif method in ['status', 'exchanges', 'sync']: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.wfile.write("\n") if method == 'status': self.wfile.write(json.dumps(poolstats())) elif method == 'exchanges': self.wfile.write(json.dumps(config._interest)) elif method == 'sync': self.wfile.write(json.dumps(sync())) self.end_headers() elif method in keys: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.wfile.write("\n") self.wfile.write(json.dumps(userstats(method))) self.end_headers() elif '/' in method: root = method.split('/')[0] method = method.split('/')[1:] if root == 'price': price = {'price': pricefeed.price(method[0],0.0} if price['price']: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.wfile.write("\n") self.wfile.write(json.dumps(price)) self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(404) elif root == 'info': if len(method) == 2 and method[0] in config._interest and method[1] in config._interest[method[0]]: self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.wfile.write("\n") self.wfile.write(json.dumps(config._interest[method[0]][method[1]])) self.end_headers() else: self.send_response(404) elif root == 'history': try: page = int(method[2]) if page == 0: content = json.dumps(keys[method[0]][method[1]].history) else: content = open('stats/%s.%s.%s.%d' % (logname, method[0], method[1], page)).read() content = fin.read() self.send_response(200) self.send_header('Content-Type', 'application/json') self.wfile.write("\n") self.wfile.write(content) self.end_headers() except: self.send_response(404) else: self.send_response(404) else: self.send_response(404) def log_message(self, format, *args): pass class ThreadingServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): pass nud = NuRPC(config._nuconfig, config._grantaddress, logger) if not nud.rpc: logger.critical('Connection to Nu daemon could not be established, liquidity will NOT be sent!') config._autopayout = False httpd = ThreadingServer(("", config._port), RequestHandler) sa = httpd.socket.getsockname() logger.debug("serving on %s port %d", sa[0], sa[1]) start_new_thread(httpd.serve_forever, ()) if master: _round = -1 ts = int(time.time() * 1000.0) ret = master.get('sync', trials=3, timeout=15) if not 'error' in ret: _round = ret['round'] delay = (60000 - (ret['time'] % 60000)) - (int(time.time() * 1000.0) - ts) / 2 if delay <= 0: logger.error("unable to synchronize time with master server: time difference to small") logger.info("waiting %.2f seconds to synchronize with master server", delay / 1000.0) time.sleep(delay / 1000.0) else: logger.error("unable to synchronize time with master server: %s", ret['message']) elif slaves: delay = max(float(60000 - (int(time.time() * 1000) % 60000)), 0.0) if delay > 0.0: logger.info("waiting %.2f seconds to synchronize with slave servers", delay / 1000.0) time.sleep(delay / 1000.0) lastcheckp = time.time() lastcredit = time.time() lastpayout = time.time() lastsubmit = time.time() while True: try: curtime = time.time() # wait for validation round to end: lock.acquire() _active_users = 0 for user in keys: active = False for unit in keys[user]: keys[user][unit].finish() active = active or keys[user][unit].active if active: _active_users += 1 lock.release() # create checkpoints if not slaves or curtime - lastcheckp >= 60: collect(max(float(60 / config._sampling) - time.time() + curtime, 0.01) / 2.0) lastcheckp = curtime _valflag = False if not master: _round += 1 # send liquidity if curtime - lastsubmit >= 60: submit(nud) lastsubmit = curtime # credit requests if curtime - lastcredit >= 60: credit() lastcredit = curtime # make payout if curtime - lastpayout >= 86400: pay(nud) lastpayout = curtime else: while True: ret = master.get('sync', trials=1, timeout=1) if 'error' in ret or ret['round'] == _round: time.sleep(0.1) continue _round = ret['round'] break # start new validation round _valflag = True lock.acquire() for user in keys: for unit in keys[user]: keys[user][unit].validate() lock.release() if not master: time.sleep(max(float(60 / config._sampling) - time.time() + curtime, 0)) except Exception as e: logger.error('exception caught in main loop: %s', sys.exc_info()[1]) httpd.socket.close() raise