package flixel.system; import flash.display.Bitmap; import flash.display.BitmapData; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import; import; import flash.Lib; import; import flash.text.TextField; import flash.text.TextFormat; import flash.text.TextFormatAlign; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxStringUtil; class FlxBasePreloader extends NMEPreloader { /** * Add this string to allowedURLs array if you want to be able to test game with enabled site-locking on local machine */ public static inline var LOCAL:String = #if flash "local" #else "localhost" #end; /** * Change this if you want the flixel logo to show for more or less time. Default value is 0 seconds (no delay). */ public var minDisplayTime:Float = 0; /** * List of allowed URLs for built-in site-locking. * Set it in FlxPreloader's constructor as: `['', FlxPreloader.LOCAL]`; */ public var allowedURLs:Array; /** * The index of which URL in allowedURLs will be triggered when a user clicks on the Site-lock Message. * For example, if allowedURLs is `['', '']`, and `siteLockURLIndex = 1`, then * the user will go to '' when they click the message, but sitelocking will allow either of those URLs to work. * Defaults to 0. */ public var siteLockURLIndex:Int = 0; private var _percent:Float = 0; private var _width:Int; private var _height:Int; private var _loaded:Bool = false; private var _urlChecked:Bool = false; private var _startTime:Float; /** * FlxBasePreloader Constructor. * @param MinDisplayTime Minimum time (in seconds) the preloader should be shown. (Default = 0) * @param AllowedURLs Allowed URLs used for Site-locking. If the game is run anywhere else, a message will be displayed on the screen (Default = []) */ public function new(MinDisplayTime:Float = 0, ?AllowedURLs:Array) { super(); removeChild(progress); removeChild(outline); minDisplayTime = MinDisplayTime; if (AllowedURLs != null) allowedURLs = AllowedURLs; else allowedURLs = []; _startTime =; } /** * Override this to create your own preloader objects. */ private function create():Void {} /** * This function is called externally to initialize the Preloader. */ override public function onInit() { super.onInit(); Lib.current.stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; Lib.current.stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; create(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); checkSiteLock(); } /** * This function is called each update to check the load status of the project. * It is highly recommended that you do NOT override this. */ override public function onUpdate(bytesLoaded:Int, bytesTotal:Int) { #if flash if (root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal == 0) bytesTotal = 50000; #end #if web _percent = (bytesTotal != 0) ? bytesLoaded / bytesTotal : 0; #else super.onUpdate(bytesLoaded, bytesTotal); #end } /** * This function is triggered on each 'frame'. * It is highly reccommended that you do NOT override this. */ private function onEnterFrame(E:Event):Void { var time = - _startTime; var min = minDisplayTime * 1000; var percent:Float = _percent; if ((min > 0) && (_percent > time / min)) percent = time / min; update(percent); if (_loaded && (min <= 0 || time / min >= 1)) { removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); super.onLoaded(); destroy(); } } /** * This function is called when the project has finished loading. * Override it to remove all of your objects. */ private function destroy():Void {} /** * Override to draw your preloader objects in response to the Percent * * @param Percent How much of the program has loaded. */ private function update(Percent:Float):Void {} /** * This function is called EXTERNALLY once the movie has actually finished being loaded. * Highly recommended you DO NO override. */ override public function onLoaded() { #if web _loaded = true; _percent = 1; #else super.onLoaded(); #end } /** * This should be used whenever you want to create a Bitmap that uses BitmapData embedded with the * @:bitmap metadata, if you want to support both Flash and HTML5. Because the embedded data is loaded * asynchronously in HTML5, any code that depends on the pixel data or size of the bitmap should be * in the onLoad function; any such code executed before it is called will fail on the HTML5 target. * * @param bitmapDataClass A reference to the BitmapData child class that contains the embedded data which is to be used. * @param onLoad Executed once the bitmap data is finished loading in HTML5, and immediately in Flash. The new Bitmap instance is passed as an argument. * @return The Bitmap instance that was created. */ private function createBitmap(bitmapDataClass:Class, onLoad:Bitmap->Void):Bitmap { #if html5 var bmp = new Bitmap(); bmp.bitmapData = Type.createInstance(bitmapDataClass, [0, 0, true, 0xFFFFFFFF, function(_) onLoad(bmp)]); return bmp; #else var bmp = new Bitmap(Type.createInstance(bitmapDataClass, [0, 0])); onLoad(bmp); return bmp; #end } /** * This should be used whenever you want to create a BitmapData object from a class containing data embedded with * the @:bitmap metadata. Often, you'll want to use the BitmapData in a Bitmap object; in this case, createBitmap() * can should be used instead. Because the embedded data is loaded asynchronously in HTML5, any code that depends on * the pixel data or size of the bitmap should be in the onLoad function; any such code executed before it is called * will fail on the HTML5 target. * * @param bitmapDataClass A reference to the BitmapData child class that contains the embedded data which is to be used. * @param onLoad Executed once the bitmap data is finished loading in HTML5, and immediately in Flash. The new BitmapData instance is passed as an argument. * @return The BitmapData instance that was created. */ private function loadBitmapData(bitmapDataClass:Class, onLoad:BitmapData->Void):BitmapData { #if html5 return Type.createInstance(bitmapDataClass, [0, 0, true, 0xFFFFFFFF, onLoad]); #else var bmpData = Type.createInstance(bitmapDataClass, [0, 0]); onLoad(bmpData); return bmpData; #end } /** * Site-locking Functionality */ private function checkSiteLock():Void { #if web if (!_urlChecked && (allowedURLs != null)) { if (!isHostUrlAllowed()) { var tmp = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight, true, FlxColor.WHITE)); addChild(tmp); var format = new TextFormat(); format.color = 0x000000; format.size = 16; format.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER; format.bold = true; format.font = "system"; var textField = new TextField(); textField.width = tmp.width - 16; textField.height = tmp.height - 16; textField.y = 8; textField.multiline = true; textField.wordWrap = true; textField.defaultTextFormat = format; textField.text = "Hi there! It looks like somebody copied this game without my permission. Just click anywhere, or copy-paste this URL into your browser.\n\n" + allowedURLs[0] + "\n\nto play the game at my site. Thanks, and have fun!"; addChild(textField); textField.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goToMyURL); tmp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goToMyURL); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame); } else { _urlChecked = true; } } #end } #if web private function goToMyURL(?e:MouseEvent):Void { //if the chosen URL isn't "local", use FlxG's openURL() function. if (allowedURLs[siteLockURLIndex] != FlxBasePreloader.LOCAL) FlxG.openURL(allowedURLs[siteLockURLIndex]); else Lib.getURL(new URLRequest(allowedURLs[siteLockURLIndex])); } private function isHostUrlAllowed():Bool { if (allowedURLs.length == 0) { return true; } var homeDomain:String = FlxStringUtil.getDomain(#if flash loaderInfo.loaderURL #elseif js js.Browser.location.href #end); for (allowedURL in allowedURLs) { if (FlxStringUtil.getDomain(allowedURL) == homeDomain) { return true; } else if (allowedURL == LOCAL && homeDomain == LOCAL) { return true; } } return false; } #end }