Freebsd 14 Wayland and Wayfire using Nvidia on Dell XPS 15 [0:00] - [0:30]: hi in today's video I'm going to be covering installing freebs D14 running whand using the wfire compositor with WL roots on a Dell XPS 15 2019 model with an Nvidia graphics card that's right FreeBSD 14 with whand running on an Nvidia graphics card let me switch across the browser here and this is some photos of the machine I'm using this is [0:30] - [1:01]: Del XPS 15 2019 model with a GTX 1650 Nvidia graphics card what I'm going to do is tell you how to get this set up uh explain what works on the hardware side and on the software side and take you through lots of T um tips and tricks um that will be useful to you so first of all on the FreeBSD Forum um first thing I came across about wfire which is the WL Roots compositor that [1:01] - [1:33]: I'm using for Wayland was this message found zero gpus cannot create backend failed to open any DRM device so I saw this before I actually decided to try and get this working and thought okay that doesn't look good but maybe it's possible and it is and I'm going to show you how so what I'm going to do is uh come across to some notes that I've been going through so what I'm going to do is just come across to YouTube here and show the previous video I did about this [1:33] - [2:01]: uhsd 14 Wayland okay what you'll see here is a video I did about 10 days ago fbsd wh and desktop with wfire and this was running on my old 2011 MacBook a 11 in uh with 4 gig of RAM okay so what I'm going to do is actually expand upon this video [2:01] - [2:30]: and uh show you the steps that uh you need to go through to get this working with Nvidia on a delx ps15 and also some new tips and tricks um that will be useful to you so what I'm going to do is actually come across to my notes for that video and show you the actual difference so the difference there's only um a couple of bits of difference in the setup for the Delux PS 15 compared to [2:30] - [3:00]: the MacBook Air so on the MacBook Air what we were doing is installing some drivers that we needed basically we had to install Li um VA Intel driver Li VA utils DRM 515 kod and that required us to put in our Etc um kld Dore list equals i915 KMS [3:00] - [3:30]: okay so that was the setup um on the MacBook Air and that was all working so I was figuring okay maybe um there's something that we can actually do to get this working so had a look at Robo noie on YouTube and he's got a a video about um getting Nvidia set up I think it was done about last year and from that video I got a couple of tips and those were the packages that we needed to install [3:30] - [4:03]: and some things we needed to add to our kld list uh which is kind of like the sort of modules that get loaded basically so here's the secret Source this is what you need to do to get this working so the packages that we're going to be installing are the nvidia-driver Nvidia Das settings nvidia-drm d515 kod Liv va- Intel driver and lib va- [4:03] - [4:30]: utils uh now this particular machine has got sort of um uh Intel and Nvidia graphics cards basically uh let me just have some M te so this is the next bit of the secret source and I'm going to give you a tip about um the SRC command as well so the csrc command can be used to edit your [4:30] - [5:01]: Etc rc. Com or you can add it manually but what we need to do is add these particular modules to be loaded okay so what we do is pseudo Sy ysrc kld Dore list plus equals and what this plus equals does is it will append these items to the K delete um kld list in your rc. comp instead of overwriting the content so we do plus [5:01] - [5:30]: equals I 915 KMS Nvidia D mode set nvidia-drm Linux and Linux 64 or what you can do is manually edit the ETC rc. comp file and then basically add this section in so that's the only difference really uh between getting this set up on the Nvidia graphics card [5:30] - [6:00]: in my dxps compared to my old 2011 MacBook Air so what I'm going to do is actually go through and show you some other tips and tricks on getting this set up and show you what actually works and what doesn't so first of all what doesn't work on the hardware everything works there's only two things um that don't work and one has a fix so if config you'll notice that [6:00] - [6:30]: there is no WiFi card showing up however if I do PKG search WiFi what you'll see down here is this thing here Wi-Fi box do- iwl WiFi and this is a w Wireless car driver via virtualized Linux wi-fi box I believe is a virtualized Linux environment that allows you to use [6:30] - [7:00]: um wireless cards that are supported on Linux on free BSD I haven't actually got into that um but it looks like it is possible um using Wi-Fi box to get the built-in Wi-Fi drivers working on the delx ps15 however I have got a old Alpha wireless card um an external USB card that I know works on pbsd because I've tested it on my Mac book air so [7:00] - [7:31]: that's not an issue so that's the only um thing that wasn't supported out of the box is the Wi-Fi but it looks like you can actually get it working with Wi-Fi box the next thing is um mbank in cuder with the Nvidia graphics card that doesn't seem to be supported so for instance when I'm using OBS I don't have the option to record using inven um encoding that's the only other thing so [7:31] - [8:01]: the wireless we can fix the enven encoding it doesn't look like we can everything else works so um the HDMI uh works perfectly so I've got my external monitor set up the keyboard backlight works the screen backlight Works um the headphone jack um all the keyboard I manag to switch the keys which I'll show you because on a Delux ps15 the control key um is on the far left and the ALT [8:01] - [8:30]: key is by the space bar we want to swap those over so I'll show you how to do that what I'm going to do now is actually come through and show you a nice new bit of kit that you can use and that is tofi and that is a whand roofi dmenu clone so I'm going to launch that now and this is tofi you can see it looks exactly like a dmenu up here [8:30] - [9:00]: and what I have um it set up to do is just show desktop entries and you can see here these are all the desktop applications that I've got installed I've got chromium which I showed you in a previous video so if I just open chromium here this is chromium with wide Vine support to enable DRM video and audio playback I showed you how to do this in the previous video this is built using a poudrier Jael [9:00] - [9:31]: and this has got uh wide Vine support so I do Chrome flags and scroll down to the bottom down here what you'll see is CDM storage database and CDM storage database migration that means wide Vine is enabled so that you can work watch things like Netflix um Channel 4 ITV in the UK um uh the Youtube movies um in the US which use DRM encryption Spotify all that kind of of stuff so we got [9:31] - [10:00]: chromium set up there um we've got the ality terminal we've got volume which is the pulse um audio volume control because uh Firefox and OBS use pulse audio we got Firefox we've got OBS studio um we've got displays which is a [Music] um displays so this is the um thing that lets you configure your displays [10:00] - [10:30]: basically and this is going to be important because um you can see here we've got two screen names dp-3 and Ed p-1 and that's going to be important for MPV because I'm going to show you how to use MPV to automatically play videos on your second display because there a trick you need to know for that so you can see here these are all the desktop applications say chromium ality pul audio we've got emac that's [10:30] - [11:02]: the emac client Firefox displays um OBS config this is the config GUI for the wfire compositor we got the Nvidia settings um program and then we've got VLC which is actually automatically installed with OBS on FreeBSD now what I'm going to do is while I've got this open I'm going to show you how to configure this because there's some tips and tricks you need to know to get this to work properly um and I'm also going to show you how to [11:02] - [11:33]: shorten all these names are displayed here because by default in your application launcher things like Firefox will be called Firefox web browser um OBS would be called OBS studio um config would actually be called the wfire config manager and then VLC would be called the VLC media player I'm going to do is show you to toffey so first of all what you need to do PKG [11:33] - [12:00]: search toffee it's like Ry but with a tea okay toffee tiny Dynamic menu for Wayland I also saw this mentioned on Brody Robinson's Channel um with a few tips on getting the best performance out of this by explicitly setting the font path to the font you're going to use but there was one thing um that had me stomp here with the background color [12:00] - [12:30]: for the menu so what I'm going to do is actually come into the coffee config toffee okay so this is toffee so the configuration file is do config toffey config and basically this has got um two modes you can either run in the dmenu mode that I showed you or in a typical Ry mode where it comes up with a big [12:30] - [13:03]: um overlay on top of your application showing you a list now the important thing about this application launcher which is vital is that it works even when applications are full screen so you can see here this application is full screen but toffey still comes up at the top of the screen so that's really important um the thing I'm going to do is actually show you how you can while [13:03] - [13:32]: my brain's still working how you set up WF fire so that it doesn't start up with a panel I'll explain why you don't want a panel um okay so back to toffee so these are the important settings anchor top so this sets toffee um to be run at the top here now there are several different um ways you can run toffee you can run if you just run toffee um it [13:32] - [14:03]: will start up like typical um sort of dmenu kind of Clone where it just shows all the binaries on your application but you don't on your system but you don't want that you want tofy Das drun and what that does is that just shows the applications that got desktop launchers so anchor top so that sets this to be at the top we got the background color hex color here sort of an off black um [14:03] - [14:31]: border width what we need to do is set the Border width to be zero D1 launch equals true and then what we need to do is actually set the font path so by default what happens is it uses Pango um which does a font look up and that delays the startup because it's got to look up the font uh before it renders it so what you do to impr improve the St up time is you actually specify the full [14:31] - [15:02]: path to a font um in this case I'm using Fe code bold uh which gives us this um nice thing here I would recommend the code bold because um we're not going to be using hinting for the fonts and if you don't use a bold font it can look a bit uh pixelated okay we set the font size the height we set um here the hint font equals false okay um so we don't hint the f um the [15:02] - [15:31]: fonts because that improves the rendering time as well horizontal true mint input width what this does is this controls the input size so as you can see here if you set like a by default it'll have a input in a input width and you can see as I start typing here the text comes up [15:31] - [16:00]: um so for example if you had a input width of 100 what would that would do is that would make a gap of 100 pixels here um and then it would list all the applications so you'd have a big gap um and the text wouldn't be buted up to the left of the screen so we don't want that so we set the Min input width equal zero and what that does is that kind of removes the left padding on [16:00] - [16:31]: there um it's not the you can see I've got padding left here here all this kind of stuff um you need minute input width equal zero to remove all the padding to the left and that's going to not that's not going to um interfere with you actually typing out the name of the application um so let me just escape this um number of results so this is the number of results that actually show up by default uh in the menu and you want to set that [16:31] - [17:01]: to something like 10 um the more results you have um that it's going to render by default the longer it will take to launch so outline width now this is another one that's really um important the Ry menu that um tofu tofy can do you know um how it comes up what it does it by default it has a big border around the [17:01] - [17:31]: menu right and when I was setting this up and the in the Border color with something like magenta uh so what happened was every time I was launching this um instead of me being able to see all this text and everything it just coming coming up of a big magenta bar and I couldn't figure what that the hell it was until I realized um the outline width is related to the border which pull in the Border color so we set the outline width to [17:31] - [18:00]: zero we set all these padding options padding bottom left right to zero and padding top um eight okay because otherwise the text would be sort of right up at the top of the screen so they want a little bit of padding um there so eight this the set up font size 10 height 30 and padding top eight get it sort of centered properly like that then we've got the prompt color we got the prompt text so you can see here this [18:00] - [18:31]: is a little um prompt you know like you get a shell uh prompt color and the input color result spacing we've got the selection color so this is um when something is selected yeah uh the text color and the width so the width is 100% so that goes the full width of the screen so that's toffee so the config for tofy now what I'm going to do is [18:31] - [19:00]: move on and show you how to reduce the names that are displayed in the toffee menu so if we come into local share applications what you'll see is I've actually copied all the default um applications that I use uh into this D directory and modified them and I'm going to show you [19:00] - [19:33]: how to do that so by default the desktop application launchers on freeb FreeBSD are installed in user local share applications so you can see all here here are all the desktop entries for the applications what I'm going to do is show you how we copy these um from this location to local share applications and modify them so what we do is we we do a [19:33] - [20:01]: CP user local share applications like chromium uh to local local share applications okay we do this copy the applications we want to modify from that directory into our local share applications okay so what we're going to be doing is actually modifying these in some different ways there are some [20:01] - [20:31]: applications where I want to reduce the the the name that it shows up in the launcher and there are some applications I want to hide from the launcher as well I'm going to show you how to do that so first thing simp simply here uh I think this might be called chromium web browser by default let's have a look uh list user local share applic ation chromium web [20:31] - [21:01]: browser uh no I know why I copied that one okay important one this is important this is vital if you're running wfire and in this case um uh what we need to do is change this exact line you can see here exact by default it's just going to be Chrome percent capital u what we need to do is add in this Das Dash O Zone Das platform equals whand [21:01] - [21:30]: okay so that's what you need to do um for chromium so that's why we copied that across and I've run out of T um otherwise chromium won't launch okay so that's first tip for chromium um OBS studio um by default this is called um you know OBS studio so all you need to do is edit the name here and just change it to OBS okay and that will um basically make it come [21:30] - [22:03]: up as OBS um emac so what we have is emac and the emac uh client and each and they both create desktop entries um I'm always going to be running the emac client so what I want to do is hide emac from showing up as an entry in the toffey launcher and this is done by adding this line at the bottom here hang on hidden equals true so copy the emex uh [22:03] - [22:32]: desktop file from user local share applications desktop um emac do desktop to tier. loal share applications modify and stick hidden equals true at the bottom and then for emac client what I did was the name for that by default is emac uh in sort of parentheses um client so I just changed that to emac okay [22:32] - [23:02]: um uh Firefox again Firefox is going to be called Firefox web browser so what we do is we just change the name to Firefox um MPV um I'm always going to be running MPV on the command line so I don't want it to show up as a desktop entry so we just put hidden equals true to prevent MPV showing up as a desktop application in the launcher um Nvidia settings uh I think this is [23:02] - [23:32]: called Nvidia settings config or settings manager or something um let's have a look let's user local share applications Nvidia yeah Nvidia X server settings is what it's called by default so we can just shorten that to Nvidia yeah rather than having um you know big lot of text come up so the the idea is we want to remove all the extra text um that shows [23:32] - [24:01]: up here basically that we don't need okay pavu control um that is called let's see yeah see by default that's called pulse audio volume control we'll just shorten it to volume okay qt5 CT desktop that's a application for setting the theme for [24:01] - [24:32]: qt5 um applications like um OBS studio so that you can set the dark mode but I don't actually once I've done it I can I can always run it on the command line so I just set it to be hidden so I'm not going to use it again once I've set it up um uh VLC you know that's like called VLC media player so we just shorten that to VLC uh wfire config manager um I changed that from wfire [24:32] - [25:00]: config manager to just config because otherwise when you're typing Firefox um you're going to have to choose between the wfire config manager and Firefox uh which would be annoying so when I type fire fire I just want Firefox to come up not the way fire config config manager so we just change that to config and WeChat um is a command line application for some reason it installs a desktop entry tree so we just set that to be um hidden equals [25:00] - [25:30]: true once you've done all of that you've got the toffee set up um that that's what you'll end up with basically a nice little application launcher there that's really easy to use so let's go on to um some other stuff um so what I'm going to do is actually go through um some settings that are important so while my brain is still on that topic um of screens and stuff from [25:30] - [26:01]: earlier I'll show you um MPV okay config MPV MPV doc config okay couple of things here um what we can actually do is specify the audio device like this so this is how you can actually specify um the default audio device that MPV uses so audio- device equals [26:01] - [26:30]: ossd dsp1 that's my headphones we can check what devices we've got with cat Dev snd stat and you'll see here um PCM uh one is the uh PC Z is the default that's the speakers pcm1 is the headphones uh PCM 2 is HDMI and pcm3 is [26:30] - [27:00]: my USB mic okay so that's how we set the audio device now um I'll also show also while I'm actually thinking of this um on on the audio side what I need to do is uh show you something else um sorry to get switched back and forth but just while I'm thinking cuz this is important there is a um I showed you in this video here how you can set up virtual [27:00] - [27:33]: osss um audio for OBS Studio that you can actually record snd IOD audio which is used by things like chromium Firefox uses pulse audio by default and so does OBS studio so you can capture the audio from Firefox but not from chromium so in this setup guide what I was basically doing is showing you how to get up um virtual OSS um set up but [27:33] - [28:03]: what you need to do [Music] um is actually um I should have put that in I didn't so hang on let me just switch to my root okay right virtual OSS enable equals no so [28:03] - [28:30]: virtual OSS um what it does you can use it to create a loop back device so that you can basically record the audio from chromium and stuff but if you enable it at boot what happens is it interferes with your DSP devices so you can set a default DSP device like your headphones but if you have virtual OSS enabled um in rc. comp what it's going to do is [28:30] - [29:02]: it's going to clone the default uh the first audio device which would be your speakers um so you could set your default audio device to be headphones but if you've got virtual OSS enabled it will override that and send it back to the speakers which is really irritating and you have to faf about with virtual OSS um and a control thing to actually switch to another um audio device which [29:02] - [29:35]: would mean every time you boot up you'd have to run a command to set the V the audio device back to what you want what we do is in our we set virtual OSS enable equals no and then what we can do is when we actually want to use it to record uh snd IOD audio from things like chromium with OBS we would run pseudo CIS RC onear virtual OSS um and um let me just put [29:35] - [30:01]: that in my docs so I remember to push it um let me just put this in while I remember and I'll amend the notes as I go along um but this is just important because otherwise it's going to interfere with your audio setup so in [30:01] - [30:31]: this bit here what I was basically saying is um you set up virtual OSS you set it to enable no and then you can basically do sudo service on stock virtual OSS um and then as root what you can do is create the loop back device um and replace the device name you want to capture here so this would capture the um speakers if I wanted to C to the audio from the headphones I'll do that [30:31] - [31:00]: um and then you can record um in OBS but that's just a little tip um if you've set up virtual OSS and you're wondering why your default um audio device is not working okay so while I'm on the audio device thing uh which is related to MPV as I just s showed you here the default audio device what you have is um is it bootload is it sometimes I forget no [31:00] - [31:32]: it's in your CIS okay this is where you can set the default audio output so to set the default audio output in your CIS fuse hw. sn. deault unit equals 1 one will be the headphone zero would be the speakers and what you can also do is use all new your devices automatically by adding this code here [31:32] - [32:01]: so hw. snd do default uncore Auto equals 1 and what that means is suppose you you boot up without anything plugged in um any headphones or anything plugged in then you plug your headphones in it should automatically switch to your headphones and then when you unplug the headphones it will switch back to the speakers but this only applies to things that uh a new device [32:01] - [32:31]: seems to be something that's not connected when you boot up so if you boot up with your headphones so if you set the default audio unit to zero your speakers and this to one and you boot up of your headphones plugged in it's not going to switch to the headphones because it's kind of not a new device as it were it was already plugged in when you boot it up so the new the using new devices seems to [32:31] - [33:00]: be after you've actually booted up um and then it will be a new device if that makes sense uh also here this is something you need for chromium as well and this is a tip from Robo noie to um improve the responsiveness and change the responsiveness from the server to the desktop so that's just a bit on the audio side of things that I wanted to cover um how virtual OSS can interfere with your default audio device and how [33:00] - [33:32]: you can use new audio devices automatically there are things you can supposedly answer to your boot loader. comp uh or or boot device. hints to specify speakers and headphones but I don't think that's actually needed and it's a bit of a fuffle to do so anyway after that little Sidetrack I want to get back to MPV uh because the next important thing is full screen okay so here we go full screen [33:32] - [34:01]: full screen on second display so on gnome um there is a different option you need to use for getting the full screen to work um let me see if I've got that here so I can just show you the difference I just want to show you the difference [34:01] - [34:31]: between the two okay so on gnome uh running Wayland what you can do is um in your MPV Doom you can run you can have FS fs- screen equals 1 and that will um set the video to be automatically displayed full screen on your second display because it's a zerob based index uh screen zero would be your [34:31] - [35:02]: laptop screen one would be the uh external display however these options don't work on wfire on WL loots and this is something that kind of really critical to me every time I open a video I want it to be open full screen on the second display I don't want to have to constantly move a video across to the second display every time I open it so after a bit of fapping about I figured out what the option is these are two two [35:02] - [35:30]: options you need here fs and fs- Screen Dame equals where do we get the equals from the display application so as you can see here in um this application here W displays we got dp3 that's the um external Monitor and Ed dp-1 so this is how we figure out the screen [35:30] - [36:02]: name okay so we want dp-3 we put that in our MPV doc config and it will work and basically automatically open videos on the second display full screen so that's something really important to actually get set up um and I just wanted to cover that um so what I'm going to do is actually go [36:02] - [36:30]: through um my DOT files and just see if anything rings a bell that I need to actually point out um so one thing really important input uh input okay so as I said uh D xps15 the keyboard [36:30] - [37:01]: layout what you have is um on the on the left side of the keyboard you got Control Function the sort of Super Key then alt then space so what we need to do is actually swap control and ALT that's vital um so what we need to do is we come into our wfire so wfi is the um conf the compositor that we're basically [37:01] - [37:33]: using and there is a GUI application that you can use to configure this and what it does is it will automatically save the config file in do config wfire um you can create a config wfire directory in put wfire in in there but then the GUI application doesn't pick that file up so my advice is to keep the config file for wfire in in [37:33] - [38:02]: config.ini uh so that you can use the GUI application uh to actually configure it and the reason why you want to use the GUI application is because it will allow you to um create commands to do things um like launch Firefox or you know um run toi the application launcher up here and you put in the command and you can then it will give you an option to say [38:02] - [38:33]: okay what keys do you want to use to launch this command um and you need to use that because some of the key names are hard to figure out otherwise but anyway this is the setup you need for the Dell XPS 15 keyboard layout um in your wifi. inii so under the input section what we have here is X kbor layout equal GB xkb uncore model equal [38:33] - [39:00]: pc105 this is the critical bit here xkb options equals control colon swap underscore l altore l control so what that basically does is that swaps left alt and left control so that the uh instead of control being at the far left um an ALT being next to the space bar [39:00] - [39:33]: alt will become control next to the space bar and control on the far left of the space bar become alt so you'll then have a layout of um alt the function key the super key and then control um because otherwise it's going to be a real stretch to do copy and paste so this is um something that's completely vital and then what we have here is um uh Ed um xkb rules equals EV Dev and we [39:33] - [40:00]: what we do here is I know this isn't a Mac but we set the xkb variant to Mac and the reason for that is so that the um shift um and the key on the second level yeah will will will add a till okay because we're always going to be typing till uh as a shortcut for our home directory and otherwise youve kind of got to do a stretch to shift and then the key [40:00] - [40:30]: underneath the Escape so that's why we set the xkb variant to Mac so that the till um is right next to the shift key so that's vital next thing is um how do we um set up wave fire without a panel and you're going to say I need a panel no you don't cuz explain why [40:30] - [41:00]: uh two reasons why you don't want to panel uh because we've got the application launcher up here yeah so all you're going to be having in the panel is the time real realistically you can have um like an applet for the volume so uh but you can see here volume so that's the pulse audio volume here but we can launch that as a GUI application so there's no need to actually it it's it's faster to launch [41:00] - [41:30]: something the volume by using tofy rather than coming up here clicking a little drop down and then selecting stuff and faing about okay um so realistically all you'd be having because you um on FreeBSD there is like a network manager for ghost BSD but is a bit clunky and you know not great so you're going to be using the command line to change um networks and stuff like that [41:30] - [42:00]: so all you'd be having up here is a clock so you need a panel just for the clock because I say I've got a clock down here in emac I got a clock in t-x here so and and I'm I'm always going to have applications full screen um so that was another annoyance every time with a panel um it was really annoying because every time I open an application on a window [42:00] - [42:30]: and a new workspace I was having to put it full screen so that um you know because otherwise for example I'll show you emac this is full screen if I take this down here you can see it's got a title bar if I had a panel as well that would push the content down to like here so you'd be losing um at a guess sort of 80 to 100 pixels ju just to have a clock up here um and why do you need that if you've [42:30] - [43:03]: got it in there so the other reason is it actually makes wfire a lot faster to actually start um it actually starts up a lot faster without the panel um and also when it opens Windows because it doesn't have to figure out okay there's a panel there so I need to resize it so that you know all that kind of stuff so it actually makes uh wfire start up faster and the actual Windows render [43:03] - [43:30]: quicker without the panel there so what I'm going to do is actually show you how to uh set up um WF um okay this is the section here I don't need this I need I need to comment that bit out okay so this is the bit here auto start so in your wave [43:30] - [44:02]: file what you have is auto start and what we do is auto start WF shell equals false WF shell is the thing that controls both the panel and the desktop picture the lovely um icon here so what we do is auto start WF shell equals false and then we have background equals w WF background so config WF [44:02] - [44:30]: shell um and what you'll see here is the background up at the top here this is the background and this is the path to the FreeBSD Lynch mob. JPEG that is set as my um desktop background and um if you go to veren site uh if you search for verm moden fbsd wallpapers he actually got a link to a lot of our wallpapers for free BSD uh where you can actually download [44:30] - [45:00]: this wallpaper so that's how you can um set up wave fire and WF shell not to use a panel there's two parts um in your wfire inii you have auto start the auto start WF shell equals false and then background equals WF background and that's a tip from um the a gith Hub issue that was actually um recommended [45:00] - [45:31]: by the developer of wfi so that's all good um and then in your W WF shell. inii um file you actually have the backround and you can actually set that um open the config here so uh in the config so this is the wfire config manager and this is where you start stop up and this is like the command so um this is the toffee [45:31] - [46:00]: drun thing here so what you can see is um what you do is to create the keyboard shortcut for toffee um in the wfire config manager we open command click plus and then we fill it out like this type regular command tofe Das dun and then what you do is you press here this will be empty then you press the keyboard shortcut that you want to to use and you [46:00] - [46:30]: can see why I'm suggesting that you use the GUI applications because otherwise it's extremely difficult to work out sometimes what the actual key you pressed is here because you can see here it's super Capital key a um and there's no way you would figure that out without using the um GUI config manager here you'd be stumped if you were trying to do this manually so you do want to use the wfi [46:30] - [47:02]: config manager and remember it will store the config file in config wfire ini and it won't pick up a wfire file in config wfire wfire okay so this is how you um create the keyboard shortcuts okay and you can see here these are things what I also want to mention is Hardware related touchpad gestures yeah touchpad [47:02] - [47:32]: gestures perfectly working perfectly touchpad work out absolutely brilliantly um so in the desktop side here what we've got is extra touchscreen gestures viewport switcher uh follow Focus output switcher Expo idle view Port swipe so that's for swiping and what you need to get the touchpad working while my brain is still on that um uh get 3 BSD 3 [47:32] - [48:00]: BSD uh XPS rout XPS uh is it loader yeah that's the one this is what you need this is what you need for um touchpad they used to be a separate thing which I've been um I can't remember off hand there used to be a separate thing for touchpads that you would use but this is the new module and [48:00] - [48:33]: this works both on my MacBook Air 2011 um and on the Dell xps15 so what you need is wsp load equals yes in boot loader. and that is how you set up the touchpad uh is anything else why um H yeah I want to cover mixer Tui as well while I've got that um set up [48:33] - [49:00]: um which I'll show you so that's the touchpads gestures so you can get the the touchpad working with wfire so you can swipe left and right okay wsp load equals yes in your boot loader. comp and then in your wfire um thing what you want is extra touchscreen gestures um viewport swipe some of these options here basically [49:00] - [49:33]: um okay and you can see here this is how you can figure the panel um so you can put in um stuff like here um there thing well put in the uh okay yeah menu uh no that's not it what you set the background in here um but I'm I'm not using this um I'm I'm specifying config and you can copy my config okay we got other things like here like move resize window walls [49:33] - [50:03]: um yeah there's a way to I think there's a way to actually um move Windows across to this to the other display but I need to get into I haven't fixed that so mix a Tui okay so you're thinking okay why do I need another mixer I've got pavu control here why do I need two mixers what two [50:03] - [50:31]: audio systems unfortunately or fortunately depending on your Viewpoint um so what we got is um the default audio is OSS which is was it snd IOD audio however Firefox and some other applications like OBS Studio use pulse audio I believe you can actually set Firefox to use snd audio in the back end [50:31] - [51:00]: uh you can do about config and change the output for Firefox from pulse audio to snd audio um but what what the um issue is um if I come across to my sort of notes Here let me um my audio notes hang on me [51:00] - [51:30]: just okay [Music] um yeah audio okay so um setting the um if I just run mixer hang on mixer um what you'll see is the sort of audio levels for Stuff basically um and you can see we've got [51:30] - [52:02]: various things we've got Vol we've got PCM we've got speaker record iio gain monitor um and what you have to do is to set the volume level of each of these um options you kind have to do Vol mixer vol. volume equal 1 100 then set the PCM mixer PCM volume equal 100 100 and it's a paint and then record and monitor um this is how you mute and [52:02] - [52:32]: unmute so mixer vol.1 mute equals one that mutes it and zero unmutes it um but the issue is setting all these um options on the command line is a bit of a pain so what we want to do is actually install mixer Tui PKG search mixer Tui audio mixer with a terminal user interface so mixer Tui and what you'll see here is this looks like the Ula [52:32] - [53:00]: mixer that you may be familiar with on Linux uh works the same way you can easily come through um select the audio devices and um easily increase the volume so I would really recommend this because um escape to quit um otherwise it's a real pain to set the volume levels for stuff and it's very easy to overlook setting the volume level for [53:00] - [53:30]: your mic before you start recording an OBS studio so you need to set the volume level using the mixer Tui and for your recording devices and all that kind of stuff um but there's a couple of things you need to do to actually um get this set up so when you install mixer Tui you'll get two messages come out in the console message from CIS CTL info mod to use [53:30] - [54:01]: this interface make sure you have loaded the cisl info kernel module by doing sud KD load CIS CTL info um um to add it permanently what you need to do is add um cctl info load equals yes to your bootloader doc config now you can do this two ways you can do it by manually editing the file or you can be Co and use the CIS RC command which [54:01] - [54:30]: actually is it primary use is to edit the um rc. comp file in etc etc rc. comp but with the- f option you can specify any file um and this makes it um is is a safer way of doing things because um uh you're not kind of editing the file going to make a mistake of course you can still make make a spelling mistake here but what you do is you run sud sudo cisr [54:30] - [55:00]: c-f booot loader. cctl infocore load equals yes or you can manually edit the boot loader. config you know pseudo booot loader. and then add cisl info uncore load equals yes to load comp like this then what you need to do um is the next section uh the message you'll [55:00] - [55:33]: get is uh you need to use um cctl by name so what we do is pseudo KD load cctl by name uncore improved and we need to add that to our bootloader do comp as well so we do p sudo cisr c-foot loader. com cctl by name improved equals yes or by manly editing your uh bootloader Doom um P sudoi bootloader Doc and then [55:33] - [56:00]: adding cctl by name improved equals yes once you've done that you will have um mixer um Tui setup and another thing um that just reminds me um um okay where is it up here OBS Studio okay so we're actually use to record the screen with [56:00] - [56:30]: OBS studio um another thing that you need to install is W robs um because what you if you you don't you won't be able to record the screen basically um WL robs will give you an extra option in the sources section in OBS um which will say uh let me brck it up you it'll give you two options whand [56:30] - [57:02]: output DMF a buff or Wayland output scy and what you want is the DMF a buff and you can then uh select a screen to record just the same way as you would um normally but you need WL robs installed for OBS studio and um this is really important because basically I got everything set out ready do the demo um opened OBS studio for the first time oh [57:02] - [57:30]: I can't I've got no option to record the screen um then I remembered okay I need to install something else um and once You' install WL robs you will get the option in sources um to um select a screen using dmfa uh buff and you want to use dmfa buff and instead of SCP y because it's um apparently better um I think sepy copies a lot of stuff into memory or something [57:30] - [58:03]: um but that's just something while my brain was uh think about it and also with OBS studio if you've been going through the guide and watch the previous video um which I'd recommend um what you need to do for OBS studio is um create the uh VI um under uh and need um memory locked unlimited like this so this is how now we set the character set language um and then once you've done that you do capore MK DB till the for [58:03] - [58:31]: sl. login and it should be login I keep forgetting to change this um my bad comp um and that creates a sort of database um but you need that for OBS studio um so what I'm going to do is just go through some stuff and refresh my memory of all the things have gone through to um set up so um what I'll do is I'll go [58:31] - [59:03]: through the vot config files and I'll go through the um dot files just to see if there anything sort of um you know rings a bell about what I got set up so I've gone through a lot of this before uh in the previous guide um so we've got things like um asni load and these will be default we we want ZFS uh we need null fs and temp FS for purrier um which [59:03] - [59:31]: is the build environment uh is the package Builder that lets us build the wide Vine port for chromium so we can watch DRM encrypted audio and video uh we set the audio here um uh HDI load U audio load um temperature stuff the touchpad um I mentioned there wsp load equals yes uh [59:31] - [60:02]: this is a tip from rogo Robo nugie um asynchronous IO so we want that um and then we want uh Q's load um for virtual OSS but again we don't load virtual OSS because as I said if you load virtual osss it will override thep device um so you can set as I said if you set the thep device um Qs um Q um virtual OSS will override it and set it back to the speakers basically um and [60:02] - [60:31]: these were the things that are needed for mixer Tui uh CTL info load equals yes and CTL by name improve load equals yes so that's the loader let's go for the acceptor uh we got the devs um FS tab so this is needed for Linux here so [Music] so Linux so this is needed [60:31] - [61:03]: um for actually I think the Nvidia card actually loads Linux as you can see in the KD list we actually to load Linux and Linux 64 um uh so these things are required for the Nvidia card and um also prri a as well one of them I think was required purrier um but I may be wrong um we've got our PF config so we got PF here um [61:03] - [61:33]: this is my USB to ethernet adapter um got like I don't need that one I can remove that and then this is um for my railink USB card uh so let's go through that just bring that down one level uh ZFS enabled clear temp poost name um if config um on the sort of default [61:33] - [62:01]: um device sh enable no um PF yes time and date and we got powered here so we got um powered enabled powered Flags um performance and economy and that brings me on to what's the fans like on this computer quiet as anything it's like a Prius yeah there's not a noise even when [62:01] - [62:32]: playing YouTube videos or um DRM encrypted video using chromium um using MPV recording with OBS studio now not a whisper nothing the fans don't go crazy at all um so there's absolutely no noise at all and the performance is great okay now this is the important thing here the kld list that I mentioned so kld list equals Nvidia mode set Nvidia DRM oh [62:32] - [63:00]: I've got that in twice my bad I don't know why I got that in twice okay um I was adding something and uh so these are the things you need Nvidia mode set Nvidia DRM Linux Linux 64 I 915 KMS you also want ext2fs and what that does is that allows you to mount Linux drives like EXT 2 3 and four [63:00] - [63:32]: um I'm not sure if it's got right access I think it might do um okay so then we've got seat enabled um seat D enabled equals yes that's needed for um Wayland we got debus enabled um and just while I think of it bit being w wfire start so this is how you start wfire you can you um if you just start [63:32] - [64:00]: wayf fire in the terminal we're not using a um a login manager so basically we just log in on the command line you know username password and then we start wfire and the way you want to start wfire is like this uh you want to create a script so I just call it wfire start or whatever um exe db- launch D- exit with with session wfire and that will start wfire with debuff and you want that for things like desktop [64:00] - [64:30]: notifications um so I have desktop notifications that come in from things like um YouTube and what will happen is they will sharpen emac because I use um emac the ednc emac desktop notification server so notifications will come up um in emx notify send three BSD is awesome [64:30] - [65:00]: bang oops and you can see there notify send 3bd is awesome so that's how you get um desktop notifications working um just something um am on this one or this one yeah TheBus uh Linux enabl yes we want that um for various things um I think we need it for um the mvidia primarily uh also [65:00] - [65:31]: here virtual OSS enabled equals no um so again we don't start virtual OSS by default because otherwise it's going to override the DSP and so what you do is when you want to use it you run sudo CIS rc1 virtual OSS uh snd IOD enable equals yes that's the audio um used by chromium we we enable that so that we can um chromium will play without that but we need to enable that so that we can capture the audio [65:31] - [66:02]: with OBS uh we got um devfs system rule set so that we can mount um drives as our regular user and these are the settings for my Ray link Alpha WiFi so w Lands Run Z wl0 if config WLAN WPA um sin DHCP so uh you then create you know you [66:02] - [66:30]: create the um wa WPA supplicant thing with your um you know the SSD and password and stuff and um if you have that set up and you boot up it will just automatically connect to the Wi-Fi so um that's the let me just um see if I can find it Alpha May link adapter yeah like this you get for like [66:30] - [67:02]: 10 quid okay also works with Kelly NX um so this is what I got one of these um it looks a bit like this um says gasy uh I think I can't remember which one it is I'll have to dig out the thing but it's basically an alpha Ray Link Card and they work fine on um fre BSD is it or is it this one it might be this [67:02] - [67:31]: one yeah it looks a bit more like this yeah basically it says Alpha on it but basically it looks like that and you can pick them up for you can see dirt cheap um and they work perfectly so I have to dig that out um so that was the uh WiFi uh cctl okay just go for the cctl disable the system Bell uh VFS us Mount equals one that's [67:31] - [68:00]: so that we can mount uh drives as our user um this is where we set the default audio unit so s SW snd default unit equals 1 that's going to be the headphones use um new um audio devices automatically um this is still required for chromium I believe k. ic. shm mcore allore removed equals 1 and this is a chip tip from Robo noie who change your [68:00] - [68:32]: responsiveness from server to desktop using k. shed. preemptor fresh equals 224 so that's assist CTL um user local Etc I've got my doas um and this is sort of Puri a setup so um basically I've got doc files or both both the MacBook Air and the uh Delux ps15 um root files for both the um [68:32] - [69:01]: MacBook Air and the XPS um okay hang on so uh the pp do files um so what I'm going to do is go through zsh EMV couple of things you need to set up which I covered in the previous video but these are the things you need to set like your home uh this is important the xdg runtime directory [69:01] - [69:31]: which are covered in the guide um amongst this lot um you're getting set stuff set up Wayland here yeah this is how you create the xdg runtime directory um change the section here with you know to your username basically you go through and you got you got to get this set up because otherwise whan's not going to work um so in your shell config you have to have xdg runtime directory um pointed to [69:31] - [70:03]: VAR run user and then the ID which is going to be 1,1 um by default uh M enabled um whand uh qtp uh QT qpa Platform Theme so that will allow you to set the dark mode for QT applications uh shush uh wlc um and MPD I'll also cover uh MPD uh zsh is [70:03] - [70:31]: sort of um nothing I need to cover in in that um here's the login comp so your loginor comp should look like this basically uh memory unlocked equals unlimited I think I need to actually uh I think I've got login missing a couple of options from [70:31] - [71:03]: that one no um I think I had it set somewhere else I was also setting the text uh the you know um that other stuff you can set the C and you know um okay um so config um the other thing yet um you want to set up is the gpg agent um I cover this in the guide as well you want to set uh you want to create in [Music] um [71:03] - [71:34]: ing Nu PG in your home directory you want to create gpg-agent Doom uh we set in the pinak program used by gpg and you want to set it to user local bin piny curses because the graphical versions of the pin prompts don't allow you to paste in your password so you want to use the terminal version pentry curses CU otherwise you get really pissed off okay um so I'm [71:34] - [72:02]: going to go through the dot files um the config uh so is a laity um nothing you need to go through any of these um gtk3 uh settings this is how you enable dark mode um so uh in in the settings.ini in the gtk3 do0 file um directory in do config [72:02] - [72:31]: you want um something like this um I think some application some application I installed automatically installed ader um as a default theme so basically what you do is gtk D ion D theme name equals aditer Dark gtk theme name equals Ed wa to dark and then gtk application preferred Dark theme equals true once you've done that all your gtk applications will have a dark theme and I also showed you in that guide how you [72:31] - [73:00]: can set QT applications to have a dark theme as well okay MPD um yeah uh so we got MPD set up here um and basically this is so that you can run MPD as your regular user um so it will have access to the music in your home directory because otherwise by default it will store everything in something like Varon MPD uh which is all [73:00] - [73:31]: owned by the audio user or something um which makes it a real pain um so this is how you run MPD as your regular user um got MPV as I showed you MPV the important things in there we can set the audio device so we can yeah so DSP zero will be speakers one you know headphones two Etc um and the other important thing that we needed [73:31] - [74:00]: to set is this down here FS full screen and fs- screen- name equals and you get the screen name from the display program which I believe is called canini or something uh but I've listed that in the guide um the application you need to install once you got that set up an MPV um the videos will automatically um be opened up on your second display and these are basically [74:00] - [74:31]: um profiles so what you can do is you can actually have profiles that apply to particular URLs so I covered this in a previous video but you can create a profile that only applies to YouTube here so you can see here it's kind of matching a regular expression and you can um override particular settings just for that um URL basically so that's MPV um and got M NCP [74:31] - [75:02]: TX um so again toffee last thing um anchor top border width dun launch equals true and again I'll show you the [Music] um config w f was it w f um if it's in this one or the other I'm going to forget coffee yeah okay [75:02] - [75:30]: command Okay so this the tofe config and this is the um wii. um you can see here um this is how um I launched um sort of toffee basically um and you can see how I did it in the gy and this is the config um and we launch it with tofy Das dun which gives you um only applications [75:30] - [76:02]: that have a desktop entry okay because there's no point having a load of binaries coming up there that's just pointless in my opinion um and again we set the font so I'd recommend um F code bold is a nice font and um um PKG search F code yeah so just uh PSE sudo PKG install Fe code and then in toffee what you do is font equals user local share fonts F [76:02] - [76:30]: code F code-- ttf and that will give you um nice stuff like that I recommend using the B the Bold font because otherwise uh because we're um setting the font hinting to false um if it's not bold it will look really crap basically um horizontal to yeah we want it be horizontal as a dmenu clone remember the Min input width is the thing that [76:30] - [77:01]: controls space right here so if you had 300 you'd have 300 pixel space and then all the things listed I don't want that big space I just want them coming up here like that um outline WID padding you know promp color you can copy all of all that stuff there so I think that's most of um everything I wanted to go through um I've gone through the root dot files the um dot [77:01] - [77:32]: files uh the config for wfire um so let's just have a quick recap of the important things so most important thing is the drivers so recap on this the drivers that we need to install are nvidia-driver Nvidia Das settings now let me just do do a search here PKG so cuz this took a this is one thing that had me stumped okay so what you'll [77:32] - [78:02]: see is you got a couple of options you've got Nvidia drmk mod um and what I think that did was that installed Nvidia DRM 5110 K mod okay so this kind of like a meta package I believe um so when I tried with the 510 um uh km mod drivers that didn't work that didn't work on my um MacBook Air either I had to use the 515 on the um the [78:02] - [78:30]: MacBook Air so first of all what happened was I installed the Nvidia drmk mod and that didn't work what happens if I install the other one so I uninstalled that and then installed Nvidia DRM 515k mod um as shown here and I tried it and it didn't work and I thought okay what happens if I then install the lib VA Intel driver and the lib VA [78:30] - [79:02]: utils um and at that point what I had was Nvidia mod set Nvidia DRM Linux and Linux 64 installed and it still wasn't working and I thought okay um what was happening basically was first of all um first stage I got to was no gpus found then I got something um saying waiting for DRM back end oh well that's a bit of an improvement uh then what after actually installing these things [79:02] - [79:30]: after switching to Nvidia DRM 515k mod installing the LI VA Intel driver and livv utils cuz this machine used Intel as well and then what happened was you know it was so I put in I also added in the i915 KMS typed wave fire and me the terminal and the desktop came up and it all worked so it took a [79:30] - [80:04]: bit of uh detective work to actually get this working and figure out the correct packages and all that kind of stuff um but these two here Linux and Linux 64 these were a tip from Robo and nugie site um and also saw people mentioning you need Nvidia mode settings but so this is the setup this is the secret source to get this working the Nvidia driver Nvidia settings so that's the settings thing Nvidia DRM 515k mode that's critical Livia Intel driver livier utils [80:04] - [80:32]: and this is the kld list in our I 915 KMS Nvidia mod set Nvidia DRM Linux and Linux 64 so those are the things you need to get set up um to actually get this to work okay um so that's what basically going to um sort of look like in the rc. com um and again there is uh no en and [80:32] - [81:00]: no Cuda um by the looks of things um so that's that's the the one and only downside um of this is um you don't have en enven encoding for OBS Studio but that was really the only thing that I ever used it for um so I can live with about it's not too bad um you know nothing to Grumble about so that was the drivers [81:00] - [81:31]: that you need to get set up um the other thing that I almost forgot was you need um WL robs for OBS studio um yeah and this is what the login comp should look like um we set the I'll amend my thing there um setting the character set language um in LC um yeah uh the other new thing was um we set up mix of Tui um and the other thing was [81:31] - [82:02]: getting MPV to automatically open the video on the second display um so this is um my setup guide um for pbsd 14 with whand using the w fire compositor which is based on WL Roots um and the other thing I me should mention is for ages I was using gnome with whand [82:02] - [82:32]: uh either running a buntu nixos or Fedora on this machine uh purely because that was the only thing that would actually run it on Linux so um you know people always say oh no you can't run um WL rout stuff uh with Nvidia graphics cards it's you know it's not working it's not supported um and again you know when I was searching um for wfire and um Nvidia on fre BSD this was the first thing I [82:32] - [83:01]: actually got mentioned found zero gpus cannot create back end fail to open any DRM device so you know it wasn't off to a good start before I even tried to install this but to be honest I was just so fed up with Fedora and gnome um and I just got everything set up on the MacBook Air and I just really had to get it set up on um this machine as well uh the the issues with um gnome are basically that [83:01] - [83:30]: uh I think I saw a comment recently someone said yeah I installed gnome and suddenly I've got iOS on my desktop yeah is like that um and basically it's it's like a closed environment there are no application launches or anything that works with it is all done through extensions um and it's style over function uh really is um so you know I've got a really nice [83:30] - [84:00]: application launcher like this um the other nice thing I wanted to mention about um uh I I will mention theor in a second is wave fire um is is is actually really really good it's better than gnome in my opinion because what it's got um which is vital is it's got independent workspace per monitor so if I switch workspaces on this display here it's not going to change the workspace on the [84:00] - [84:30]: second display okay which is really annoying suppose you're watching a video on the second display and you switch workspaces you don't want it to suddenly switch the video to another workspace you know every time you switch one on the laptop that would drive you nuts so there's independent workspaces put a monitor on wfi that's something else I wanted to mention um downsides for for Dora um a couple of things one it's completely different to a Buon so a lot [84:30] - [85:01]: of the commands that you'll learned using a bunto don't work on um fedoras for example when you regenerate your init Ram FSS you got to use something like called Draw cut on fbsd um also you have to manually add repositories for the audio and video for you know codec and stuff um the other really annoying thing is you have um some things are updated [85:01] - [85:32]: the terminal and some things are updated in the software Center um so you know you'll you do an update in the terminal but then you've also got to check the software thing because it will give you some updates there and also um when you upgrade Fedora say I upgraded fedora from 38 to 39 um it's got a big button in the software Center update you just click that okay great that's nice and easy but um you have to switch back to [85:32] - [86:02]: the terminal you got to do something like um group updates to update um um that all the video and audio groups that you installed using these repositories and stuff which is ridiculous so you got some stuff that's updated in the terminal some stuff that's updated in the software Center um so you got to use both um also um dnf is unbelievably slow the package manager [86:02] - [86:30]: um if I just come across here you know it's a PKG search uh Nvidia bang just spits everything out instantly right with dnf on Fedora what happens is you've got all these additional repositories that you'd had to enable for the audio and video so when you search for something it has to go through and it reloads each one of those so before it gives you the results [86:30] - [87:02]: you'll be sat there for like 30 seconds a minute waiting for it to update all the repositories before it can actually give you a list of software that you can install um so that was something that was really really irritating about for Dora um as well as the fact that literally every other couple of days you got updates for pipe pip pip wire or um a new kernel every couple of days so problem with door is you boot it up you've got a load of updates like new kernel new audio system [87:02] - [87:32]: so you got to install them and then reboot before you can actually get on with any bloody work um so that so that was something that was really annoying um so what's what's the benefits of actually using 3bsc let's have a look what we got set up here uh we got vot ZFS so we've got [Music] um ZFS on rout with encryption on Fedora it uses um butter fs and Lux and butter [87:32] - [88:00]: FS by default doesn't have encryption so what you have to do is have a lux encrypted container with butter FS inside um and you can only use Lux one not Lux two um the other thing is you can uh with butter FS you can have a thing where you've got butter FS snapshots for like boot environments but you kind of got to go through all this setup install something and change your grab file and [88:00] - [88:31]: everything on FreeBSD what we have is BDM boot environments um so basically what you can do is when there's an update to the system you you can actually install them in a separate boot environment and if something goes wrong you can just boot into the previous one so that's brilliant the other thing that you've got to um get your head round is packages are separate from the system so when Linux you'll be used to like you [88:31] - [89:03]: know updating your packages and it updates the system at the same time on FreeBSD it doesn't they're separated so you have um a release and all the packages are for that release so like you know 14 you have all the packages for 14 you've got release 14.1 and all the packages will then be upgraded to work with that release um so you don't have dependency hell um and you you either update your [89:03] - [89:32]: packages um um you know PKG updates that's just going to update the actual packages it's not doing the system you're still on release 14 and then when release 14.1 comes out basically what you do if I've got BDM okay you basically set up BDM um you create a new boot environment you install the updates um and you boot into that uh so [89:32] - [90:01]: that's sort of another sort of Advantage is the user land and the system are completely separate and when you're updating your packages you're not updating the system as it were also all the config files are kept separate if you look on um uh user bin so this is like user bin here um you know all you've got user s [90:01] - [90:30]: spin these are all the um system sort of utilities basically those are the system commands have a look if you're on Linux have a look in your bin directory you see just is full of everything everything just gets dumped in with the system configuration as well so on Linux basically um everything go goes in one pot um on free BSD everything is separated all the user um installed [90:30] - [91:01]: applications are completely separate there'll be um you know user so user local bin okay um as you can see YT DLP [Music] um xdg you can see um w WF background WF doc so that's another really important thing to get your head round is all the applications are installed separately [91:01] - [91:33]: from the system so it's much much cleaner you're not have a look on your bin directory on Linux and you'll see you've got all your system stuff coupled in with things like YT DLP um that's another kind of really important thing no system D no system D hooray um starting services and stopping on FreeBSD is so much simpler uh you know service start service stop that's it um let's have a look in top here uh [91:33] - [92:01]: you can see top um is is kind of running in one screen you can see OBS um it's only actually saying 11% um in the OBS there but um that's another thing is you have a lot less stuff running um on 3 BSD and it's so much easier to actually figure out what's running and what's uh what you actually set up and installed [92:01] - [92:30]: um compared to uh Linux um sometimes you know you just want to stop something and then you figure out it's I know it's using system D which calls some other package off something it's like going to make a cup of tea and finding out you got to turn the toaster on to get the kettle to work um drives you not trying to um to figure out what's going on it's just so much easier on FreeBSD so another thing some things work better on [92:30] - [93:01]: FreeBSD emac so much better on FreeBSD on on um FreeBSD you install the emac devel package and that will install the latest version of emac so I'm running emac 30 pure GGK wh and support tree sitter all that kind of stuff on Fedora or a bun to I had to build it from Source um all the and a lot of the time on Linux um for years had problems with packages um you [93:01] - [93:31]: know not loading so you know you do an update um for your packages uh from elper and stuff and um you go to use something like it's kind of not loaded properly or um you know it's not compiled properly that kind of thing um rock solid solid on FreeBSD and um I don't have to build everything from Source I mean if I show you um if I got [93:31] - [94:03]: it um I think it might be Fedora Fedora emx build Fedora so these are all the steps I had to go through on Fedora to build um emac had to clone emac um like you got to do all this weird stuff from Fedora like group install development tools um and also I don't like the concept of the firewall where you got all these different zones then you kind of got to build all these dependencies uh install all this stuff [94:03] - [94:33]: um you know configure it with all these options make it um go through all that plava where on FreeBSD all I have to do is um PKG install emac and that will install the latest version of emac uh so how do other things compare other applications compare um to Linux so this is ality [94:33] - [95:00]: ality works exactly the same as Linux no better no worse absolutely fine no problems with it at all um I said emac much much better on pbsd much more solid you can install the latest versions no issues with things glitching out or anything like that uh Firefox works perfectly um uh YouTube video playback everything's absolutely perfect no [95:00] - [95:33]: problems at all um chromium chromium absolutely fine um works perfectly well um again I've got chromium set up with uh DRM wide Vine DRM so I can watch uh encrypted content so that's 3bs uh FreeBSD 40 running Wayland using wfire WL Roots compositor on a Del xps15 with an Nvidia graphics card so [95:33] - [96:00]: yeah it does work um and again the only um only niggles um the Wi-Fi um again PKG search Wii um it looks like to use the built-in Wi-Fi you got to use this thing called Wi-Fi box and the device is the iwl [96:00] - [96:31]: Wi-Fi um that is the card that is used by this machine I haven't looked into Wi-Fi box but basically it's like a virtualized Linux environment to run the Wi-Fi cards um that are supported on Linux on FreeBSD and might be something interesting to look into um so you got lot of different cards down here so I've got a external uh R link Alpha USB Wi-Fi card that I know works so I've tested it on my other [96:31] - [97:04]: machine so that's not really a problem the only other issue as said um is nank and Cuda um don't seem to be supported so those the only two things um that sort of kind of niggles but um uh I never Ed Wi-Fi and I said I got a card anyway so that's not an issue um the only thing I ever used enen en coding for was in OBS studio um so I'm not going to really miss that too much that's not too much of a biggie um so [97:04] - [97:33]: yeah absolutely great performance there's absolutely zero issues at all um Hardware or software side so um no fan noise at all I mean you haven't heard the fans kick in once while I've been doing this video um you know uh played videos full screen in Firefox chromium MPV not a whisper nothing um doesn't make a sound [97:33] - [98:03]: keyboard backlight Works screen backlight Works um all the ports work I haven't tested the SD card um I can change the keyboard layout um absolutely zero glitches with whand there's no artifacts there's no um funny issues R drawing the screen or any bits of green or any of that kind of stuff um so there's absolutely zero issues um with [98:03] - [98:30]: the hardware um and zero issues with the software or any of the um config options that have actually um gone through and used um absolutely um rock solid um uh great performance um it's really Snappy um let's see if I can actually uh record uh a bit of a video [98:30] - [99:01]: so um let's just open up my one here I don't know if I've actually got this set up to record the um actually saying I don't know if I got this set up to um record the desktop audio um on this machine I have to go through and do some sort of uh couple more tests but it does work um I just don't think I've actually um got it set up as yet um on my to-do list but I just wanted to go through and um show that this actually [99:01] - [99:32]: does work uh zero issue so this is the first video here bbsd whand desktop with wave fire and that was on the MacBook Air 2011 with 4 gig of RAM so we got his 3B sd14 whand running on a um 2011 machine with 4 gig of RAM and a Dell XPS 15 2019 um we have 16 gig ram um so we got [99:32] - [100:01]: both old and new computers running fre BSD uh with zero issues and people always say fbsd only works on 20-year-old think pads uh well I got to tell you that's fake news um it does work on newer um machines uh again this is uh there's been a lot of work going into the Nvidia DRM module which you can actually see on the 3bd forums and I just wanted to confirm it's [100:01] - [100:30]: the um DRM the one that actually works is the Nvidia DRM 515k mod that's what you want to install um absolutely zero issues with this at all um I haven't tried um you know hibernation closing the lid um that's usually done with the um sort of S3 sort of power setting um and there's a I think ver Mod's got a tip on [100:30] - [101:01]: his site about how you can uh sort of look into that um I'm not sure um it may be possible to kind of like log out a wfire to the console and then put the screen down I suppose that could be a workaround um that wouldn't be too bad um but yeah everything everything works all the um audio video um desktop applications um no problems with anything so far touch would and um I'll [101:01] - [101:30]: leave that here for now so hope that helps you get uh FreeBSD 14 running on your Delux PS with an Nvidia graphics card uh cuz it is possible and it works better for me um than Fedora 39 basically um much more stable there's there's no shitloads of upgrades of kernels and everything every couple of days um no sort of obscure sort of [101:30] - [102:00]: commands that you're not used to running for D instead of sort of auntu and things like that um so yeah I got two BSD on all my machines now pf5 wall um on a my router um with My BT um internet uh MacBook Air 2011 11 in 4 gig of RAM uh same setup and now the Delux [102:00] - [102:33]: PS5 um I'm pretty sure it's a um 2019 specs uh see if I can find something with the actual specs um yeah I haven't tested the webcam cuz I never use it um I'm pretty sure it's got a [Music] um yeah it's got really nice display this um I'm just wondering it's got [102:33] - [103:03]: anything about the actual effects in here of course not uh I think it's a GTX 1650 graphics card um let me just see if I can find it I is it so difficult to bloody find something from like Dell with the bloody specs um but anyway just to prove this isn't a um you know some elaborate hoax [103:03] - [103:32]: um it's actually Linux and I'm just you know faked it you name- a bbsd 14 release there you go poofs in the pudding that's 3 BSD so what I got here is 3 BSD I've got GFS list so I' got all my um as I showed you in the previous guide got home directory as a zfss ZFS data set and all [103:32] - [104:02]: my um uh all the directories in my home are also ZF and ZFS data sets as well I've got Puri air set up for building stuff I've got boot environments um so yeah and basically I've got ZFS encrypted rout um Wayland wave fire Z zsh emac you know all the command line applications I want um MPD audio um OBS [104:02] - [104:31]: got boot environments got um Unbound DNS server um you know got ports I can mount Linux drives uh so I can mount all my Linux drives uh using the EXT2 FS kernel module uh I got chromium wide Vine enabled got virtual OSS um audio for capturing audio from applications like uh chromium so yeah all good um took a bit of a while [104:31] - [105:02]: to figure out the secret source to get it working and the correct combination of packages and options that sort of thing but um you know a bit of persistence and uh it's possible um so um I'll have to respond to this sort of post um but no gpus found and uh put a link um to this guide on the FreeBSD Forum um so you can follow along but I'll put links to all this under the video and um [105:02] - [105:22]: again this is the first video that you want to have a look at um because I go through a lot of the steps um that I didn't mention here um getting prri a set up that sort of thing to get chromium working um so I'll put link to all this under the video and hope that helps