{ "my_faction_id":{ # Any of the entries in this file may be ommited if you simply want to defer # to the default for that entry # Prevents references to crew in the faction's fleets, sometimes substituting # "crew" with "AI persona" "useCrewlessTraitNames":false, # Replaces default trait names with ones that are better suited to organic void critters "useBiologicalTraitNames":false, # Changes the short description prior to listing traits. Enter %s where the # commander's name should be, if you want it to apear at all "descriptionOverride":"The ships in %s's fleet are known for having the following traits:", # Allows the fleets of this faction to have famous flagships, which the # player may find out about from a bar event "allowFamousFlagshipsInFleets":true, # If true, the bars at markets owned by your faction will sometimes have # patrons that offer information about the whereabouts of famous # flagships or derelicts "allowFamousFlagshipBarEvent":true, "allowFamousDerelictBarEvent":true, # Ships in this list may be chosen as a derelict for the derelict bar event # Generally, only ships defined by your faction mod should be listed here # Frequency should be based on balance issues and how plausible it is for # that ship to be a derelict. The power (FP) of the ship should not come in to # consideration, as that is adjustable by users in the options file "derelictFrequency":{ "my_hull_id":1, # 1 is the standard frequency, it generally shouldn't be higher "my_other_hull_id":0.1, # This hull will have 10% of the chance to be chosen }, # Ships in this list may be chosen as a derelict for the derelict bar event, # but only at markets owned by your faction "exclusiveDerelictFrequency":{ # This ship will only be available at your faction's markets "my_super_special_hull_id":5, # Since this ship id is also in derelictFrequency, the sum of both # probabilities will be used at at your markets "my_other_hull_id":0.5, }, # Edit the values in the lists below to change the probability of fleets from # this faction getting traits. Higher numbers make traits more likely. # To disable a trait, set its value to 0. Removing a trait from the list will # only revert it to the default value. "goodTraitFrequency":{ "peak_cr_time":1, "repair":1, "malfunction":1, "mount_durability":1, "engine_durability":1, "hull_integrity":1, "armor_strength":1, "emp_resistance":1, "engine_power":1, "maneuverability":1, "damage":1, "weapon_stability":1, "turret_rotation":1, "range":1, "missile_guidance":1, "missile_reload":1, "fighter_damage":0.25, "fighter_speed":0.25, "fighter_durability":0.25, "refit_time":0.25, "overload_time":1, "flux_capacity":1, "flux_dissipation":1, "vent_rate":1, "shield_raise_rate":1, "shield_stability":1, "shield_strength":1, "phase_cost":0, "phase_cooldown":0, "blockade_runner":0, "ballistics_rof":0, "energy_cost":0, "pd_range":1, "pd_damage":1, }, "badTraitFrequency":{ "peak_cr_time":1, "repair":1, "malfunction":1, "mount_durability":1, "engine_durability":1, "hull_integrity":1, "armor_strength":1, "emp_resistance":1, "engine_power":1, "maneuverability":1, "damage":1, "weapon_stability":1, "turret_rotation":1, "range":1, "missile_guidance":1, "missile_reload":1, "fighter_damage":0.25, "fighter_speed":0.25, "fighter_durability":0.25, "refit_time":0.25, "overload_time":1, "flux_capacity":1, "flux_dissipation":1, "vent_rate":1, "shield_raise_rate":1, "shield_stability":1, "shield_strength":1, "phase_cost":0, "phase_cooldown":0, "ballistics_rof":0, "energy_cost":0, "pd_range":1, "pd_damage":1, "cursed":1, # Low chance to cause spontaneous weapon/engine malfunctions, even at peak PPT "phase_mad":0, # Chance to cause weapon/engine malfunctions while phased }, # By defining a "forcedPreset", all fleets in the faction will have the traits you # specify, in the specified order. This list will override the frequency lists # above, until they run out of traits "forcedPreset":{ # The number of traits each fleet in the faction will have, unless the player # Set this to 0 to prevent fleets from having any traits "numberOfTraits":3, "goodTraits":[ # Put good traits here. The first traits listed will be chosen first. At # least numberOfTraits must be chosen if you want to prevent other # good traits from being chosen ], "badTraits":[ # Put bad traits here. The first traits listed will be chosen first. At # least half of numberOfTraits should be chosen if you want to prevent # other bad traits from being chosen ], # Move traits from below to the lists above. Feel free to delete the unused traits list later "unusedTraitsThatAreOnlyHereForYourConvenience":[ "peak_cr_time", "repair", "malfunction", "mount_durability", "engine_durability", "hull_integrity", "armor_strength", "emp_resistance", "engine_power", "maneuverability", "damage", "weapon_stability", "turret_rotation", "range", "missile_guidance", "missile_reload", "fighter_damage", "fighter_speed", "fighter_durability", "refit_time", "overload_time", "flux_capacity", "flux_dissipation", "vent_rate", "shield_raise_rate", "shield_stability", "shield_strength", "cursed", "ballistics_rof", "energy_cost", "pd_range", "pd_damage", ], }, # This section allows you to define forced presets as above, but only for # commanders with specific names (like IBB commanders, for example) "forcedCommanderPresets":{ # By defining "Commander Name" below, all fleets with commanders named # "Commander Name" will have the specified traits "Commander Name":{ # Everything in this section may be defined in the same way as the # contents of the "forcedPreset" section. "numberOfTraits":3, "goodTraits":[ ], "badTraits":[ ], }, }, }, "my_other_faction_id":{ # You can list as many factions configurations as you like in this file }, }