/* This file is part of JonDesign's SmoothGallery v2.1beta1. JonDesign's SmoothGallery is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. JonDesign's SmoothGallery is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with JonDesign's SmoothGallery; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Main Developer: Jonathan Schemoul (JonDesign: http://www.jondesign.net/) */ gallery.Transitions.extend({ fadeslideleft: function(oldFx, newFx, oldPos, newPos){ oldFx.options.transition = newFx.options.transition = Fx.Transitions.Cubic.easeOut; oldFx.options.duration = newFx.options.duration = 1500; if (newPos > oldPos) { newFx.start({ left: [this.galleryElement.offsetWidth, 0], opacity: 1 }); oldFx.start({opacity: [1,0]}); } else { newFx.start({opacity: [0,1]}); oldFx.start({ left: [0, this.galleryElement.offsetWidth], opacity: 0 }).chain(function(fx){fx.set({left: 0});}.pass(oldFx)); } }, continuoushorizontal: function(oldFx, newFx, oldPos, newPos){ oldFx.options.transition = newFx.options.transition = Fx.Transitions.linear; if ( ((newPos > oldPos) || ((newPos==0) && (oldPos == (this.maxIter-1) ))) && (!((newPos == (this.maxIter-1 )) && (oldPos == 0))) ) { oldFx.set({opacity: 1}); oldFx.start({ left: [0, this.galleryElement.offsetWidth * -1] }); newFx.set({opacity: 1, left: this.galleryElement.offsetWidth}); newFx.start({ left: [this.galleryElement.offsetWidth, 0] }); } else { oldFx.set({opacity: 1}); oldFx.start({ left: [0, this.galleryElement.offsetWidth] }); newFx.set({opacity: 1, left: this.galleryElement.offsetWidth * -1}); newFx.start({ left: [this.galleryElement.offsetWidth * -1, 0] }); } }, continuousvertical: function(oldFx, newFx, oldPos, newPos){ oldFx.options.transition = newFx.options.transition = Fx.Transitions.linear; if ( ((newPos > oldPos) || ((newPos==0) && (oldPos == (this.maxIter-1) ))) && (!((newPos == (this.maxIter-1 )) && (oldPos == 0))) ) { oldFx.set({opacity: 1}); oldFx.start({ top: [0, this.galleryElement.offsetHeight * -1] }); newFx.set({opacity: 1, top: this.galleryElement.offsetHeight}); newFx.start({ top: [this.galleryElement.offsetHeight, 0] }); } else { oldFx.set({opacity: 1}); oldFx.start({ top: [0, this.galleryElement.offsetHeight] }); newFx.set({opacity: 1, top: this.galleryElement.offsetHeight * -1}); newFx.start({ top: [this.galleryElement.offsetHeight * -1, 0] }); } } });