openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: Neblio REST API Suite description: APIs for Interacting with NTP1 Tokens & The Neblio Blockchain version: 1.3.0 servers: - url: '' paths: '/ntp1/tokenid/{tokensymbol}': get: summary: Returns the tokenId representing a token description: > Translates a token symbol to a tokenId if a token exists with that symbol on the network operationId: getTokenId parameters: - name: tokensymbol in: path description: Token symbol required: true schema: type: string tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: >- Object containing the token symbol and ID, if token symbol does not exist on network, empty object is returned. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenIdResponse' /ntp1/broadcast: post: summary: Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network description: > Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network. If successful returns the txid of the broadcast trasnaction. operationId: broadcastTx requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/broadcastTxRequest' tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing the TXID if the broadcast was successful content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/broadcastTxResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/ntp1/addressinfo/{address}': get: summary: Information On a Neblio Address description: | Returns both NEBL and NTP1 token UTXOs held at the given address. operationId: getAddressInfo parameters: - name: address in: path description: Neblio Address to get information on. required: true schema: type: string tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object with an array of UTXOs for this address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressInfoResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/ntp1/transactioninfo/{txid}': get: summary: Information On an NTP1 Transaction description: | Returns detailed information regarding an NTP1 transaction. operationId: getTransactionInfo parameters: - name: txid in: path description: Neblio txid to get information on. required: true schema: type: string tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object represending this transaction content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTransactionInfoResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}': get: summary: Get Metadata of Token description: | Returns the metadata associated with a token. operationId: getTokenMetadata parameters: - name: tokenid in: path description: TokenId to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string - name: verbosity in: query description: 0 (Default) is fastest, 1 contains token stats, 2 contains token holding addresses schema: type: number tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing the metadata of a token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenMetadataResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}/{utxo}': get: summary: Get UTXO Metadata of Token description: > Returns the metadata associated with a token for that specific utxo instead of the issuance transaction. operationId: getTokenMetadataOfUtxo parameters: - name: tokenid in: path description: TokenId to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string - name: utxo in: path description: Specific UTXO to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string - name: verbosity in: query description: 0 (Default) is fastest, 1 contains token stats, 2 contains token holding addresses schema: type: number tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing the metadata of a token for a UTXO content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenMetadataResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/ntp1/stakeholders/{tokenid}': get: summary: Get Addresses Holding a Token description: > Returns the the the addresses holding a token and how many tokens are held operationId: getTokenHolders parameters: - name: tokenid in: path description: TokenId to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing all of the addresses holding a token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenHoldersResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /ntp1/issue: post: summary: Builds a transaction that issues a new NTP1 Token description: > Builds an unsigned raw transaction that issues a new NTP1 token on the Neblio blockchain. operationId: issueToken requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/issueTokenRequest' tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object representing the token created content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/issueTokenResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /ntp1/sendtoken: post: summary: Builds a transaction that sends an NTP1 Token description: > Builds an unsigned raw transaction that sends an NTP1 token on the Neblio blockchain. operationId: sendToken requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/sendTokenRequest' tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object representing the tx to send the token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sendTokenResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /ntp1/burntoken: post: summary: Builds a transaction that burns an NTP1 Token description: > Builds an unsigned raw transaction that burns an NTP1 token on the Neblio blockchain. operationId: burnToken requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/burnTokenRequest' tags: - NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object representing the tx to burn the token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/burnTokenResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /ins/tx/send: post: summary: Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network (not NTP1 specific) description: > Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network. If successful returns the txid of the broadcast trasnaction. operationId: sendTx requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/sendTxRequest' tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: An object containing the TXID if the broadcast was successful content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/broadcastTxResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/ins/block/{blockhash}': get: summary: Returns information regarding a Neblio block description: Returns blockchain data for a given block based upon the block hash operationId: getBlock parameters: - name: blockhash in: path description: Block Hash required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing all information on a blockchain block content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getBlockResponse' '/ins/block-index/{blockindex}': get: summary: Returns block hash of block description: Returns the block hash of a block at a given block index operationId: getBlockIndex parameters: - name: blockindex in: path description: Block Index required: true schema: type: number tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing block hash content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getBlockIndexResponse' '/ins/tx/{txid}': get: summary: Returns transaction object description: Returns NEBL transaction object representing a NEBL transaction operationId: getTx parameters: - name: txid in: path description: Transaction ID required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing transaction info content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTxResponse' '/ins/rawtx/{txid}': get: summary: Returns raw transaction hex description: Returns raw transaction hex representing a NEBL transaction operationId: getRawTx parameters: - name: txid in: path description: Transaction ID required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing raw hex of transaction content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getRawTxResponse' '/ins/addr/{address}': get: summary: Returns address object description: Returns NEBL address object containing information on a specific address operationId: getAddress parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing address info content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressResponse' '/ins/addr/{address}/balance': get: summary: Returns address balance in sats description: Returns NEBL address balance in satoshis operationId: getAddressBalance parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Address balance content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressBalanceResponse' '/ins/addr/{address}/unconfirmedBalance': get: summary: Returns address unconfirmed balance in sats description: Returns NEBL address unconfirmed balance in satoshis operationId: getAddressUnconfirmedBalance parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Address unconfirmed balance content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressUnconfirmedBalanceResponse' '/ins/addr/{address}/totalReceived': get: summary: Returns total received by address in sats description: Returns total NEBL received by address in satoshis operationId: getAddressTotalReceived parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Total received by address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressTotalReceivedResponse' '/ins/addr/{address}/utxo': get: summary: Returns all UTXOs at a given address description: >- Returns information on each Unspent Transaction Output contained at an address operationId: getAddressUtxos parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: UTXOs at an address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressUtxosResponse' '/ins/addr/{address}/totalSent': get: summary: Returns total sent by address in sats description: Returns total NEBL sent by address in satoshis operationId: getAddressTotalSent parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Total sent by address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressTotalSentResponse' /ins/txs: get: summary: Get transactions by block or address description: Returns all transactions by block or address operationId: getTxs parameters: - name: address in: query description: Address required: false schema: type: string - name: block in: query description: Block Hash required: false schema: type: string - name: pageNum in: query description: Page number to display required: false schema: type: number tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: List of transactions content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTxsResponse' /ins/sync: get: summary: Get node sync status description: Returns information on the node's sync progress operationId: getSync tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Sync Info content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getSyncResponse' /ins/status: get: summary: Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions description: >- Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions - getInfo, getDifficulty, getBestBlockHash, getLastBlockHash operationId: getStatus parameters: - name: q in: query description: >- Function to call, getInfo, getDifficulty, getBestBlockHash, or getLastBlockHash required: false schema: type: string tags: - Insight responses: '200': description: Function Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getStatusResponse' /testnet/ins/tx/send: post: summary: Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network (not NTP1 specific) description: > Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network. If successful returns the txid of the broadcast trasnaction. operationId: testnet_sendTx requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/sendTxRequest' tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: An object containing the TXID if the broadcast was successful content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/broadcastTxResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/testnet/ins/block/{blockhash}': get: summary: Returns information regarding a Neblio block description: Returns blockchain data for a given block based upon the block hash operationId: testnet_getBlock parameters: - name: blockhash in: path description: Block Hash required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing all information on a blockchain block content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getBlockResponse' '/testnet/ins/block-index/{blockindex}': get: summary: Returns block hash of block description: Returns the block hash of a block at a given block index operationId: testnet_getBlockIndex parameters: - name: blockindex in: path description: Block Index required: true schema: type: number tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing block hash content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getBlockIndexResponse' '/testnet/ins/tx/{txid}': get: summary: Returns transaction object description: Returns NEBL transaction object representing a NEBL transaction operationId: testnet_getTx parameters: - name: txid in: path description: Transaction ID required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing transaction info content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTxResponse' '/testnet/ins/rawtx/{txid}': get: summary: Returns raw transaction hex description: Returns raw transaction hex representing a NEBL transaction operationId: testnet_getRawTx parameters: - name: txid in: path description: Transaction ID required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing raw hex of transaction content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getRawTxResponse' '/testnet/ins/addr/{address}': get: summary: Returns address object description: Returns NEBL address object containing information on a specific address operationId: testnet_getAddress parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Object containing address info content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressResponse' '/testnet/ins/addr/{address}/balance': get: summary: Returns address balance in sats description: Returns NEBL address balance in satoshis operationId: testnet_getAddressBalance parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Address balance content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressBalanceResponse' '/testnet/ins/addr/{address}/unconfirmedBalance': get: summary: Returns address unconfirmed balance in sats description: Returns NEBL address unconfirmed balance in satoshis operationId: testnet_getAddressUnconfirmedBalance parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Address unconfirmed balance content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressUnconfirmedBalanceResponse' '/testnet/ins/addr/{address}/totalReceived': get: summary: Returns total received by address in sats description: Returns total NEBL received by address in satoshis operationId: testnet_getAddressTotalReceived parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Total received by address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressTotalReceivedResponse' '/testnet/ins/addr/{address}/utxo': get: summary: Returns all UTXOs at a given address description: >- Returns information on each Unspent Transaction Output contained at an address operationId: testnet_getAddressUtxos parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: UTXOs at an address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressUtxosResponse' '/testnet/ins/addr/{address}/totalSent': get: summary: Returns total sent by address in sats description: Returns total NEBL sent by address in satoshis operationId: testnet_getAddressTotalSent parameters: - name: address in: path description: Address required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Total sent by address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressTotalSentResponse' /testnet/ins/txs: get: summary: Get transactions by block or address description: Returns all transactions by block or address operationId: testnet_getTxs parameters: - name: address in: query description: Address required: false schema: type: string - name: block in: query description: Block Hash required: false schema: type: string - name: pageNum in: query description: Page number to display required: false schema: type: number tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: List of transactions content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTxsResponse' /testnet/ins/sync: get: summary: Get node sync status description: Returns information on the node's sync progress operationId: testnet_getSync tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Sync Info content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getSyncResponse' /testnet/ins/status: get: summary: Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions description: >- Utility API for calling several blockchain node functions - getInfo, getDifficulty, getBestBlockHash, getLastBlockHash operationId: testnet_getStatus parameters: - name: q in: query description: >- Function to call, getInfo, getDifficulty, getBestBlockHash, or getLastBlockHash required: false schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-Insight responses: '200': description: Function Response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getStatusResponse' '/testnet/ntp1/tokenid/{tokensymbol}': get: summary: Returns the tokenId representing a token description: > Translates a token symbol to a tokenId if a token exists with that symbol on the network operationId: testnet_getTokenId parameters: - name: tokensymbol in: path description: Token symbol required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: >- Object containing the token symbol and ID, if token symbol does not exist on network, empty object is returned. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenIdResponse' /testnet/ntp1/broadcast: post: summary: Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network description: > Broadcasts a signed raw transaction to the network. If successful returns the txid of the broadcast trasnaction. operationId: testnet_broadcastTx requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/broadcastTxRequest' tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing the TXID if the broadcast was successful content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/broadcastTxResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/testnet/ntp1/addressinfo/{address}': get: summary: Information On a Neblio Address description: | Returns both NEBL and NTP1 token UTXOs held at the given address. operationId: testnet_getAddressInfo parameters: - name: address in: path description: Neblio Address to get information on. required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object with an array of UTXOs for this address content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getAddressInfoResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/testnet/ntp1/transactioninfo/{txid}': get: summary: Information On an NTP1 Transaction description: | Returns detailed information regarding an NTP1 transaction. operationId: testnet_getTransactionInfo parameters: - name: txid in: path description: Neblio txid to get information on. required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object represending this transaction content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTransactionInfoResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/testnet/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}': get: summary: Get Metadata of Token description: | Returns the metadata associated with a token. operationId: testnet_getTokenMetadata parameters: - name: tokenid in: path description: TokenId to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string - name: verbosity in: query description: 0 (Default) is fastest, 1 contains token stats, 2 contains token holding addresses schema: type: number tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing the metadata of a token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenMetadataResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/testnet/ntp1/tokenmetadata/{tokenid}/{utxo}': get: summary: Get UTXO Metadata of Token description: > Returns the metadata associated with a token for that specific utxo instead of the issuance transaction. operationId: testnet_getTokenMetadataOfUtxo parameters: - name: tokenid in: path description: TokenId to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string - name: utxo in: path description: Specific UTXO to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string - name: verbosity in: query description: 0 (Default) is fastest, 1 contains token stats, 2 contains token holding addresses schema: type: number tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing the metadata of a token for a UTXO content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenMetadataResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' '/testnet/ntp1/stakeholders/{tokenid}': get: summary: Get Addresses Holding a Token description: > Returns the the the addresses holding a token and how many tokens are held operationId: testnet_getTokenHolders parameters: - name: tokenid in: path description: TokenId to request metadata for required: true schema: type: string tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object containing all of the addresses holding a token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTokenHoldersResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /testnet/ntp1/issue: post: summary: Builds a transaction that issues a new NTP1 Token description: > Builds an unsigned raw transaction that issues a new NTP1 token on the Neblio blockchain. operationId: testnet_issueToken requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/issueTokenRequest' tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object representing the token created content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/issueTokenResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /testnet/ntp1/sendtoken: post: summary: Builds a transaction that sends an NTP1 Token description: > Builds an unsigned raw transaction that sends an NTP1 token on the Neblio blockchain. operationId: testnet_sendToken requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/sendTokenRequest' tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object representing the tx to send the token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sendTokenResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /testnet/ntp1/burntoken: post: summary: Builds a transaction that burns an NTP1 Token description: > Builds an unsigned raw transaction that burns an NTP1 token on the Neblio blockchain. operationId: testnet_burnToken requestBody: $ref: '#/components/requestBodies/burnTokenRequest' tags: - Testnet-NTP1 responses: '200': description: An object representing the tx to burn the token content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/burnTokenResponse' default: description: Unexpected error content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error' /testnet/faucet: get: summary: Withdraws testnet NEBL to the specified address description: > Withdraw testnet NEBL to your Neblio Testnet address. By default amount is 1500000000 or 15 NEBL and has a max of 50 NEBL. Only 2 withdrawals allowed per 24 hour period. operationId: testnet_getFaucet parameters: - name: address in: query description: Your Neblio Testnet Address required: true schema: type: string - name: amount in: query description: Amount of NEBL to withdrawal in satoshis required: false schema: type: number tags: - Testnet-Faucet responses: '200': description: Object containing the transaction ID of the withdrawal. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getFaucetResponse' /: post: security: - rpcAuth: [] summary: Send a JSON-RPC call to a localhost neblio-Qt or nebliod node description: >- Call any Neblio RPC command from the Neblio API libraries. Useful for signing transactions with a local node and other functions. Will not work from a browser due to CORS restrictions. Requires a node to be running locally at operationId: json_rpc servers: - url: '' description: Communicate with locally running Neblio node on Mainnet - url: '' description: Communicate with locally running Neblio node on Testnet requestBody: required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/rpcRequest' tags: - JSON-RPC responses: '200': description: Object containing the JSON response from the Neblio node. content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/rpcResponse' '401': description: Authentication information is missing or invalid headers: WWW_Authenticate: schema: type: string components: securitySchemes: rpcAuth: type: http scheme: basic requestBodies: sendTokenRequest: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sendTokenRequest' description: Object representing the token to be sent required: true broadcastTxRequest: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/broadcastTxRequest' description: Object representing a transaction to broadcast required: true issueTokenRequest: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/issueTokenRequest' description: Object representing the token to be created required: true burnTokenRequest: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/burnTokenRequest' description: Object representing the token to be burned required: true sendTxRequest: content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/sendTxRequest' description: Object representing a transaction to broadcast required: true schemas: getTokenIdResponse: type: object properties: tokenId: type: string description: Unique ID of the token tokenName: type: string description: String representing the token Symbol broadcastTxRequest: type: object required: - txHex properties: txHex: type: string description: Signed raw tx hex to broadcast broadcastTxResponse: type: object properties: txid: type: string description: Txid of successfully broadcasted transaction getAddressInfoResponse: type: object properties: address: type: string description: The Neblio Address utxos: type: array description: Array of UTXOs held at this address. items: type: object properties: index: type: number description: Index of the UTXO at this address txid: type: string description: Txid of this UTXO blockheight: type: number description: Blockheight of the UTXO blocktime: type: number description: Blocktime of the UTXO scriptPubKey: type: object description: Object representing the scruptPubKey of the UTXO used: type: boolean description: Whether the UTXO has been used value: type: number description: Value of the UTXO in NEBL satoshi tokens: type: array description: Array of NTP1 tokens in this UTXO. items: type: object properties: tokenId: type: string description: Unique NTP1 identifier for this token amount: type: number description: Number of Tokens issueTxid: type: string description: TXID the token originally was issued in divisibility: type: number description: Decimal places the token is divisible to lockStatus: type: boolean description: >- Whether the token is locked, preventing more from being issued aggregationPolicy: type: string description: Whether the tokens can be aggregated together getTransactionInfoResponse: type: object properties: hex: type: string description: Transaction in raw hex txid: type: string description: TXID of transaction version: type: number description: Transaction version locktime: type: number description: Transaction locktime vin: type: array description: Array of transaction inputs items: type: object properties: txid: type: string description: TXID of the input vout: type: number description: output index scriptSig: type: object properties: asm: type: string hex: type: string sequence: type: number previousOutput: type: object properties: asm: type: string hex: type: string reqSigs: type: number type: type: string addresses: type: array items: type: string tokens: type: array items: type: object properties: tokenId: type: string description: ID of the token amount: type: number description: Number of tokens issueTxid: type: string description: TXID the token was issued in divisibility: type: number description: Decimal places the token is divisible to lockStatus: type: boolean description: Whether issuance of more tokens is locked aggregationPolicy: type: string description: Whether the tokens are aggregatable value: type: number description: Value of input in NEBL satoshi vout: type: array description: Array of transaction outputs items: type: object properties: value: type: number description: Value of the output in NEBL satoshi 'n': type: number description: Output index scriptPubKey: type: object properties: asm: type: string hex: type: string reqSigs: type: number type: type: string addresses: type: array items: type: string tokens: type: array items: type: object properties: tokenId: type: string description: ID of the token amount: type: number description: Number of tokens issueTxid: type: string description: TXID the token was issued in divisibility: type: number description: Decimal places the token is divisible to lockStatus: type: boolean description: Whether issuance of more tokens is locked aggregationPolicy: type: string description: Whether the tokens are aggregatable used: type: boolean description: Whether this output has now been used blockheight: type: number description: Blockheight of this transaction usedBlockheight: type: number description: Blockheight this output was used in usedTxid: type: string description: TXID this output was used in blocktime: type: number description: Block time of this transaction blockheight: type: number description: Block height of this transaction totalsent: type: number description: Total NEBL sent in this transaction in satoshis fee: type: number description: Total NEBL used as fee for this transcation in satoshis blockhash: type: string description: Hash of the block this transaction is in time: type: number description: Transaction time confirmations: type: number description: Number of transaction confirmations getTokenMetadataResponse: type: object properties: tokenId: type: string description: ID of the token someUtxo: type: string description: Example UTXO containing this token. divisibility: type: number description: Decimal places the token is divisible to lockStatus: type: boolean description: Whether issuance of more tokens is locked aggregationPolicy: type: string description: Whether the tokens are aggregatable initialIssuanceAmount: type: number description: Total tokens issued in initial issuance totalSupply: type: number description: Total number of tokens in supply numOfHolders: type: number description: Total number of addresses this token is held at numOfTransfers: type: number description: Total number of transactions of this token numOfIssuance: type: number description: Total number of times this token has been issued numOfBurns: type: number description: Number of times tokens have been burned firstBlock: type: number description: Block number token was issued in issuanceTxid: type: string description: TXID the token was issued with issueAddress: type: string description: Address that issued the tokens metadataOfIssuance: type: object description: Metadata set at issuance properties: data: type: object properties: tokenName: type: string description: Token symbol issuer: type: string description: Name of token issuer description: type: string description: Token description userData: type: object description: Metadata set by user on token properties: meta: type: array items: type: object properties: key: type: string value: type: string metadataOfUtxo: type: object description: Metadata set for UTXO properties: userData: type: object description: Metadata set by user on token for UTXO properties: meta: type: array items: type: object getTokenHoldersResponse: type: object properties: tokenId: type: string description: TokenId of the token holders: type: array items: type: object properties: address: type: string amount: type: number divibility: type: number description: How many decimal points the token is divisble to lockStatus: type: boolean description: Whether new issuances of this token are locked aggregationPolicy: type: string description: Whether the tokesn are aggregatable someUtxo: type: string description: A UTXO of this token issueTokenRequest: type: object required: - issueAddress - amount - divisibility - fee - reissuable - transfer properties: issueAddress: type: string description: Address issuing the token amount: type: number description: Number of tokens to issue divisibility: type: number description: Number of decimal places the token should be divisble by (0-7) fee: type: number description: >- Fee in satoshi to include in the issuance transaction min 1000000000 (10 NEBL) reissuable: type: boolean description: whether the token should be reissuable flags: type: object description: Object representing flags that potentialy modify this transaction properties: splitChange: type: boolean description: >- If true change will be split into 2 outputs, one for NEBL change and one for NTP1 change (recommended) transfer: type: array items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address to send the amount of issued tokens to amount: type: number metadata: type: object description: Object representing all metadata at token issuance properties: tokenName: type: string description: Token Symbol it will be identified by (ex. NIBBL) issuer: type: string description: Name of token issuer description: type: string description: Long name or description of token (ex. Nibble) urls: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the URL url: type: string description: Actual URL mimeType: type: string description: mimeType of URL content dataHash: type: string description: 'Hash of data at the URL, used for verification' userData: type: object description: Metadata set by user on token properties: meta: type: array items: type: object properties: key: type: string value: type: string encryptions: type: array description: Array of encryption instruction objects for encrypting userData items: type: object properties: key: type: string description: userData key to encrypt pubkey: type: string description: RSA public key used for encryption format: type: string description: key format (pem or der) type: type: string description: pkcs1 or pkcs8 rules: type: object description: Object describing token rules properties: fees: type: object properties: items: type: array description: Array of objects describing fee rules items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address fee is auto sent to tokenId: type: string description: >- How fee should be paid, either with a tokenId, or with NEBL if null value: type: string description: >- Amount of NTP1 token, or NEBL (in satoshi) to pay as fee locked: type: boolean description: Whether this rule can be modified in future transactions holders: type: array description: >- Array of objects describing what addresses can hold the token items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address that can hold the token locked: type: boolean description: >- Whether this rule can be modified in future transactions expiration: type: object description: Object describing expiration rules of the token properties: validUntil: type: number description: Blockheight at wh locked: type: boolean description: Whether this rule can be modified in future transactions issueTokenResponse: type: object properties: tokenId: type: string description: TokenId of the to be issued token txHex: type: string description: 'Unsigned, raw transaction hex of the transaction to issue the token' sendTokenRequest: type: object required: - fee - to properties: fee: type: number description: >- Fee in satoshi to include in the issuance transaction min 10000 (0.0001 NEBL) from: type: array description: Array of addresses to send the token from items: type: string sendutxo: type: array description: Array of UTXOs to send the token from items: type: string to: type: array items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address to transfer tokens to amount: type: number description: Number of tokens to send tokenId: type: string description: ID of token we are sending flags: type: object description: Object representing flags that potentialy modify this transaction properties: splitChange: type: boolean description: >- If true change will be split into 2 outputs, one for NEBL change and one for NTP1 change (recommended) metadata: type: object description: Object representing all metadata at token issuance properties: tokenName: type: string description: Token Symbol it will be identified by (ex. NIBBL) issuer: type: string description: Name of token issuer description: type: string description: Long name or description of token (ex. Nibble) urls: type: array items: type: object properties: name: type: string description: Name of the URL url: type: string description: Actual URL mimeType: type: string description: mimeType of URL content dataHash: type: string description: 'Hash of data at the URL, used for verification' userData: type: object description: Metadata set by user on token properties: meta: type: array items: type: object properties: key: type: string value: type: string encryptions: type: array description: Array of encryption instruction objects for encrypting userData items: type: object properties: key: type: string description: userData key to encrypt pubkey: type: string description: RSA public key used for encryption format: type: string description: key format (pem or der) type: type: string description: pkcs1 or pkcs8 rules: type: object description: Object describing token rules properties: fees: type: object properties: items: type: array description: Array of objects describing fee rules items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address fee is auto sent to tokenId: type: string description: >- How fee should be paid, either with a tokenId, or with NEBL if null value: type: string description: >- Amount of NTP1 token, or NEBL (in satoshi) to pay as fee locked: type: boolean description: Whether this rule can be modified in future transactions holders: type: array description: >- Array of objects describing what addresses can hold the token items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address that can hold the token locked: type: boolean description: >- Whether this rule can be modified in future transactions expiration: type: object description: Object describing expiration rules of the token properties: validUntil: type: number description: Blockheight at wh locked: type: boolean description: Whether this rule can be modified in future transactions sendTokenResponse: type: object properties: txHex: type: string description: 'Unsigned, raw transaction hex of the transaction to send the token' ntp1OutputIndexes: type: array description: Array of indexes transfering NTP1 tokens items: type: number multisigOutputs: type: array description: Array of indexes of multisig outputs items: type: number burnTokenRequest: type: object required: - fee - burn properties: fee: type: number description: >- Fee in satoshi to include in the issuance transaction min 10000 (0.0001 NEBL) from: type: array description: Array of addresses to send the token from items: type: string transfer: type: array items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address to transfer tokens to amount: type: number description: Number of tokens to send tokenId: type: string description: ID of token we are sending burn: type: array description: Array of objects representing tokens to be burned items: type: object properties: amount: type: number description: Amount of tokens to burn tokenId: type: string description: Unique token id we are burning burnTokenResponse: type: object properties: txHex: type: string description: 'Unsigned, raw transaction hex of the transaction to burn the token' ntp1OutputIndexes: type: array description: Array of indexes transfering NTP1 tokens items: type: number multisigOutputs: type: array description: Array of indexes of multisig outputs items: type: number getFaucetResponse: type: object properties: status: type: string description: Whether the withdrawal was successful data: type: object properties: txId: type: string description: TXID of a successful withdrawal sendTxRequest: type: object required: - rawtx properties: rawtx: type: string description: Signed raw tx hex to broadcast getBlockResponse: type: object properties: hash: type: string description: Block hash confirmations: type: number description: Number of confirmations block has size: type: number description: Block size in bytes height: type: number description: Block height version: type: number description: Block version merkleroot: type: string description: Merkleroot of block tx: type: array description: Array of tx ids in the block items: type: string time: type: number description: Block time relative to epoch nonce: type: number description: Block nonce bits: type: string description: Block bits difficulty: type: number description: Block difficulty previousblockhash: type: string description: Hash of the previous block on the chain nextblockhash: type: string description: Hash of the next block on the chain reward: type: number description: Number of NEBL awarded in this block getBlockIndexResponse: type: object properties: blockHash: type: string description: Hash of the requested block getTxResponse: type: object properties: txid: type: string description: TXID of transaction version: type: number description: Transaction version locktime: type: number description: Transaction locktime vin: type: array description: Array of transaction inputs items: type: object properties: txid: type: string description: TXID of the input vout: type: number description: output index scriptSig: type: object properties: asm: type: string hex: type: string sequence: type: number value: type: number description: Value of input in NEBL valueSat: type: number description: Value of input in NEBL satoshi 'n': type: number description: input index vout: type: array description: Array of transaction outputs items: type: object properties: value: type: number description: Value of the output in NEBL 'n': type: number description: Output index scriptPubKey: type: object properties: asm: type: string hex: type: string reqSigs: type: number type: type: string addresses: type: array items: type: string used: type: boolean description: Whether this output has now been used blockheight: type: number description: Blockheight of this transaction usedBlockheight: type: number description: Blockheight this output was used in usedTxid: type: string description: TXID this output was used in blocktime: type: number description: Block time of this transaction blockheight: type: number description: Block height of this transaction totalsent: type: number description: Total NEBL sent in this transaction in satoshis fee: type: number description: Total NEBL used as fee for this transcation in satoshis blockhash: type: string description: Hash of the block this transaction is in time: type: number description: Transaction time confirmations: type: number description: Number of transaction confirmations valueOut: type: number description: Total NEBL output in this transaction valueIn: type: number description: Total NEBL input in this transaction fees: type: number description: Total NEBL used in fees for this transaction size: type: number description: Transcation size in bytes getRawTxResponse: type: object properties: rawtx: type: string description: Raw hex representing the transaction getAddressResponse: type: object properties: addrStr: type: string description: Address in string form balance: type: number description: NEBL balance balanceSat: type: number description: NEBL balance in satoshis totalReceived: type: number description: Total NEBL received totalReceivedSat: type: number description: Total NEBL received in satoshis totalSent: type: number description: Total NEBL sent totalSentSat: type: number description: Total NEBL sent satoshis unconfirmedBalance: type: number description: Unconfirmed NEBL balance unconfirmedBalanceSat: type: number description: Unconfirmed NEBL balance in satoshis unconfirmedTxAppearances: type: number description: Number of unconfirmed transactions for this address txAppearances: type: number description: Number of transactions for this address transactions: type: array description: Array of transaction ids for this address items: type: string getAddressBalanceResponse: type: number description: Address balance in satoshis getAddressUnconfirmedBalanceResponse: type: number description: Address unconfirmed balance in satoshis getAddressTotalReceivedResponse: type: number description: Address total received in satoshis getAddressTotalSentResponse: type: number description: Address total sent in satoshis getAddressUtxosResponse: type: array description: Array of objects representing this address' UTXOs items: type: object properties: address: type: string description: Address txid: type: string description: Transaction ID vout: type: number description: vout ts: type: number description: Timestamp scriptPubKey: type: string description: scriptPubKey amount: type: number description: NEBL amount confirmations: type: number description: Number of confirmations getTxsResponse: type: object description: Object containing an array of transaction objects properties: pagesTotal: type: number description: Number of pages of transactions txs: type: array description: Array of transaction objects items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/getTxResponse' getSyncResponse: type: object description: Object containing node sync status properties: status: type: string description: Current sync status blockChainHeight: type: number description: Current blockchain height syncPercentage: type: number description: Current sync percentage height: type: number description: Height node is synced to error: type: string description: Recent sync error messages type: type: string description: Node type getStatusResponse: type: object description: >- Depending on the function called, the structure and information contained in this object will vary rpcRequest: type: object required: - jsonrpc - id - method - params properties: jsonrpc: type: string default: '1.0' example: '1.0' description: JSON-RPC version id: type: string default: neblio-apis example: neblio-apis description: Identifier of RCP caller method: type: string example: getstakinginfo description: Name of the Neblio RPC method to call params: type: array example: [] description: Array of string params that should be passed to the RPC method. items: type: string rpcResponse: type: object description: Object containing the JSON response from the Neblio node. properties: result: type: object description: Object containing the response output. id: type: string description: Identifier of RCP caller error: type: object description: Object containing any error information. Error: type: object properties: code: type: integer format: int32 message: type: string fields: type: string