# Sublime PICO-8 PICO-8 plugin for the [Sublime Text 3](https://www.sublimetext.com/) editor. ![sublime-PICO-8](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Neko250/sublime-PICO-8/master/img/screenshot.png) This package includes: - `.p8` language definition (by [Overkill](http://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=11331)). - Syntax highlighting (by [Overkill](http://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=11331)). - PICO-8 `.ttf` font (by [RhythmLynx](http://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?uid=11704)). - Cartridge runner to launch your cart right from Sublime Text. - Code completion based on the official [PICO-8 API](http://neko250.github.io/pico8-api/). - Code snippets. ---- ## Installation ### Using [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/) 1. Open the command palette with `ctrl+shift+p` (`cmd+shift+p` in OSX). 1. Run `Package Control: Install Package` command. 1. Search for `PICO-8` and install it. 1. Restart Sublime Text. ### Using Git #### Linux ```bash cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages rm -rf PICO-8 git clone https://github.com/Neko250/sublime-PICO-8 PICO-8 ``` #### OSX ```bash cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages rm -rf PICO-8 git clone https://github.com/Neko250/sublime-PICO-8 PICO-8 ``` #### Windows ```bash cd "%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages" rd /s /q PICO-8 git clone https://github.com/Neko250/sublime-PICO-8 PICO-8 ``` ### Manual Installation 1. Download the files using the GitHub `.zip` download option. 1. Unzip the files and rename the folder to `PICO-8`. 1. Find your `Packages` directory: - Linux: `~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages` - Mac OS: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages` - Windows: `%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages` 1. Copy the folder into your Sublime Text `Packages` directory. ---- ## Post Installation ### Font Setup Independently of the installation method you chose, after installing you'll need to setup the PICO-8 font. 1. Open the command palette with `ctrl+shift+p` (`cmd+shift+p` in OSX). 1. Run `PICO-8: Download Font` command. 1. Find `PICO-8.ttf` in your downloads folder and install it. 1. Restart Sublime Text. Test different font sizes until you find one that goes well with your screen resolution ! ### Cartridge Runner Setup To setup the Cartridge Runner, open the Command Palette in Sublime Text (ctrl+shift+p / cmd+shift+p) and run "PICO-8: Setup PICO-8 Path". Then enter the path to PICO-8 in the prompt input. 1. Open the command palette with `ctrl+shift+p` (`cmd+shift+p` in OSX). 1. Run `PICO-8: Setup PICO-8 Path` command. 1. Type the path to your PICO-8 executable. Defaults to: - Linux: `/there/is/no/default/in/linux/shrug/pico8` - OSX: `/Applications/PICO-8.app/Contents/MacOS/pico8` - Windows: `C:\\Program Files (x86)\\PICO-8\\pico8.exe` __IMPORTANT__: Remember using the escape character for the backslash (`\\`) instead of a single one (`\`) in Windows !!! ---- ## Version History - __v2017.3.14__: - `added`: automatically lowercase the file upon saving. - `added`: `extcmd` function (syntax and autocomplete). - `added`: raspberry pi / pocketchip gpio snippet. - `added`: `forpairs` block snippet. - `added`: `repeat-until` block snippet. - `added`: `goto` block snippet. - `added`: semantic comments inside block snippets. - `changed`: updated api autocompletions to match PICO-8 0.1.10. - `changed`: `forin` block snippet renamed to `forall`. - `fixed`: hex number highlighting when not preceded by space. - `fixed`: comment start definition (`Toggle Comment` from the Command Palette). - __v2016.7.1__: - `added`: `.no-sublime-package`. - `changed`: package is no longer compressed. - `fixed`: cartridge runner is now visible to sublime. - __v2016.6.30__: - `added`: command palette download font shortcut: `PICO-8: Download Font`. - `added`: command palette preferences: `Preferences: PICO-8 - Default` & `Preferences: PICO-8 - User`. - `added`: command palette bbs shortcut: `PICO-8: Browse BBS`. - `added`: command palette API reference shortcut: `PICO-8: Browse API Reference`. - `added`: `highlight_line` setting defaults to `true`. - `added`: menu items to open preferences files: `Preferences > Package Settings > PICO-8`. - `changed`: version system changed to tagging date. - `changed`: theme's line highlight is now a bit brighter than the background. - `fixed`: setup cartridge runner from the command palette: `PICO-8: Setup PICO-8 Path`. - `fixed`: run cartridges from the command palette: `PICO-8: Run Cartridge`. - `removed`: old build system: `PICO-8.sublime-build`. - __v0.1.8__: - `added`: snippet library. - `added`: code completion. - `changed`: changed version to match PICO-8. - `fixed`: completed `.tmLanguage` functions. - __v0.0.3__: - `removed`: `.no-sublime-package`. - __v0.0.2__: - `added`: build system. - `changed`: installation message. - `changed`: font size no longer predefined. - `changed`: caret width no longer predefined. - __v0.0.1__: - `added`: installation message. - __v0.0.0__: - `added`: `.p8` language definition. - `added`: syntax highlighting. - `added`: PICO-8 TrueType font.