* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ foreach (['FS_TMP_NAME', 'FS_PATH', 'FS_MYDOCS'] as $name) { if (!defined($name)) { define($name, ''); } } if (FS_TMP_NAME != '' && !file_exists(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME)) { if (!file_exists(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp') && mkdir(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp')) { file_put_contents(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp/index.php', " 'Europe/Madrid', 'nf0' => 2, 'nf0_art' => 2, 'nf1' => ',', 'nf2' => ' ', 'pos_divisa' => 'right', 'factura' => 'factura', 'facturas' => 'facturas', 'factura_simplificada' => 'factura simplificada', 'factura_rectificativa' => 'factura rectificativa', 'albaran' => 'albarán', 'albaranes' => 'albaranes', 'pedido' => 'pedido', 'pedidos' => 'pedidos', 'presupuesto' => 'presupuesto', 'presupuestos' => 'presupuestos', 'provincia' => 'provincia', 'apartado' => 'apartado', 'cifnif' => 'CIF/NIF', 'iva' => 'IVA', 'irpf' => 'IRPF', 'numero2' => 'número 2', 'serie' => 'serie', 'series' => 'series', 'cost_is_average' => 1, 'precio_compra' => 'coste', 'homepage' => 'admin_home', 'check_db_types' => 0, 'stock_negativo' => 1, 'ventas_sin_stock' => 1, 'ip_whitelist' => '*', 'libros_contables' => 1, 'foreign_keys' => 1, 'new_codigo' => 'new', 'db_integer' => 'INTEGER' ); if (file_exists(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'config2.ini')) { $ini_data = parse_ini_file(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'config2.ini'); foreach ($ini_data as $i => $value) { $GLOBALS['config2'][$i] = $value; } } foreach ($GLOBALS['config2'] as $i => $value) { if ($i == 'zona_horaria') { date_default_timezone_set($value); } else { define('FS_' . strtoupper($i), $value); } } if (!file_exists('plugins')) { mkdir('plugins'); chmod('plugins', octdec(777)); } /// Cargamos la lista de plugins activos $GLOBALS['plugins'] = []; if (file_exists(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enabled_plugins.list')) { $list = explode(',', file_get_contents(FS_FOLDER . '/tmp/' . FS_TMP_NAME . 'enabled_plugins.list')); if (!empty($list)) { foreach ($list as $f) { if (file_exists('plugins/' . $f)) { $GLOBALS['plugins'][] = $f; } } } } /// cargamos las funciones de los plugins foreach ($GLOBALS['plugins'] as $plug) { if (file_exists(FS_FOLDER . '/plugins/' . $plug . '/functions.php')) { require_once 'plugins/' . $plug . '/functions.php'; } }