#!/bin/bash echo "Checking if jq is installed" echo "exiting if not" which jq >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 echo "Checking if base64 is installed" echo "exiting if not" which base64 >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 echo "Checking if curl is installed" echo "exiting if not" which which >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 echo "Checking if sed is installed" echo "exiting if not" which sed >/dev/null 2>&1 || exit 1 echo echo "Everything is ready to extract the mqtt data" echo "please log in now:" echo # Read Email echo -n Email: read email # Read Password echo -n Password: read -s password echo # Convert Password to base64 mypass=$(echo -n $password | base64) # Get token token=$(curl -s -H "Host: api.ecoflow.com" -H "lang: de-de" -H "lang: de-de" -H "platform: android" -H "sysversion: 11" -H "version:" -H "phonemodel: SM-X200" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "user-agent: okhttp/3.14.9" --data-binary "{\"appVersion\":\"\",\"email\":\"$email\",\"os\":\"android\",\"osVersion\":\"30\",\"password\":\"$mypass\",\"scene\":\"IOT_APP\",\"userType\":\"ECOFLOW\"}" --compressed "https://api.ecoflow.com/auth/login" | jq .data.token | sed 's/"//' | sed 's/"//') ## Get UserId userid=$(curl -s -H "Host: api.ecoflow.com" -H "lang: de-de" -H "lang: de-de" -H "platform: android" -H "sysversion: 11" -H "version:" -H "phonemodel: SM-X200" -H "content-type: application/json" -H "user-agent: okhttp/3.14.9" --data-binary "{\"appVersion\":\"\",\"email\":\"$email\",\"os\":\"android\",\"osVersion\":\"30\",\"password\":\"$mypass\",\"scene\":\"IOT_APP\",\"userType\":\"ECOFLOW\"}" --compressed "https://api.ecoflow.com/auth/login" | jq .data.user.userId | sed 's/"//' | sed 's/"//') # Get MQTT Credentials curl -s -H "Host: api.ecoflow.com" -H "lang: de-de" -H "platform: android" -H "authorization: Bearer $token" -H "sysversion: 11" -H "version:" -H "phonemodel: SM-X200" -H "user-agent: okhttp/3.14.9" --compressed "https://api.ecoflow.com/iot-auth/app/certification?userId=$userid" | jq . echo echo "Subscribe to /app/device/property/YourSerialNumber" echo "Subscribing to # does not work at all" echo echo "UserID: "$userid echo "have fun"