#!/bin/bash # SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 Demerzel Solutions Limited # SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only #exit when any command fails set -e DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive # Install required packages #sudo apt-get install -y docker-compose docker.io jq pwgen validators=$1 docker_image=$2 if [ -z "$validators" ] then validators=3 fi if [ -z "$docker_image" ] then docker_image=nethermind/nethermind:latest fi main() { mkdir -p private-networking cd private-networking # Clean up folders from previous runs clearDbs # Create folder for each node for i in $(seq 1 $validators); do mkdir -p node_$i; done # Create genesis folder that will store chainspec file mkdir -p genesis echo "Downloading goerli chainspec from Nethermind GitHub repository" # Download chainspec file with clique engine and place it in genesis folder (we will be using goerli chainspec in this example) wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NethermindEth/nethermind/master/src/Nethermind/Chains/goerli.json # Remove all post merge EIPs sed -i '/TransitionTimestamp/d' goerli.json cp goerli.json genesis/goerli.json for i in $(seq 1 $validators); do mkdir -p node_$i/configs node_$i/staticNodes; done writeEmptyStaticNodesFile $i for i in $(seq 1 $validators); do PORT=$(( 30301 + $i )) PRIVATE_IP=10.5.0.$(( 1 + $i )) KEY=$(openssl rand -hex 32) writeNethermindConfig $i $PORT $PRIVATE_IP $KEY done writeDockerComposeHead for i in $(seq 1 $validators); do JSONRPC_PORT=$(( 8545 + $i )) PRIVATE_IP=10.5.0.$(( 1 + $i )) writeDockerComposeService $i $JSONRPC_PORT $PRIVATE_IP done writeDockerComposeBottom docker-compose up -d # Wait for JSON RPC service to be available echo "Waiting for JSON RPC service..." echo "[" > static-nodes-updated.json for i in $(seq 1 $validators); do ATTEMPT=0 MAX_ATTEMPTS=20 JSONRPC_PORT=$(( 8545 + $i )) PORT=$(( 30301 + $i )) PRIVATE_IP=10.5.0.$(( 1 + $i )) until $(curl --output /dev/null -sf localhost:$JSONRPC_PORT); do if [ ${ATTEMPT} -eq ${MAX_ATTEMPTS} ];then printf "\nCouldn't reach one of the JSON RPC endpoints. Something is wrong with the node_$i\n" break fi printf '.' ATTEMPT=$(($ATTEMPT+1)) sleep 2 done STATIC_NODE=$(curl -sf -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"parity_enode","params":[],"id":67}' localhost:$JSONRPC_PORT | jq '.result') printf "\nStatic node for node_$i: $STATIC_NODE\n" # FORMATTING DUE TO THE INCORRECT EXTERNAL IP (probably temporary solution) STATIC_NODE_FORMATTED=${STATIC_NODE%%@*}@$PRIVATE_IP:$PORT if [ $i -ne $validators ];then echo $i echo " $STATIC_NODE_FORMATTED\"," >> static-nodes-updated.json else echo "ELSE: $i" echo " $STATIC_NODE_FORMATTED\"" >> static-nodes-updated.json fi done echo "]" >> static-nodes-updated.json SIGNERS="" # Reading Node addresses and save to $SIGNERS variable for i in $(seq 1 $validators); do name="SIGNER_$i" res=$(readSigners $i) SIGNERS+=$res eval $name=$res done echo "SIGNERS: $SIGNERS" docker-compose down # Writing Extra Data field to goerli.json chainspec writeExtraData $validators # Clear db's clearDbs mv static-nodes-updated.json static-nodes.json docker-compose up } #END of main function writeNethermindConfig() { cat < node_$1/configs/config.cfg { "Init": { "WebSocketsEnabled": false, "StoreReceipts" : true, "EnableUnsecuredDevWallet": true, "IsMining": true, "ChainSpecPath": "/config/genesis/goerli.json", "BaseDbPath": "nethermind_db/clique", "LogFileName": "clique.logs.txt", "StaticNodesPath": "Data/static-nodes.json" }, "Network": { "DiscoveryPort": $2, "P2PPort": $2, "LocalIp": "$3", "ExternalIp": "$3" }, "JsonRpc": { "Enabled": true, "Host": "$3", "Port": 8545 }, "KeyStoreConfig": { "TestNodeKey": "$KEY" }, "Merge":{ "Enabled":false } } EOF } function writeEmptyStaticNodesFile() { cat < static-nodes.json [ ] EOF } function writeDockerComposeHead() { cat < docker-compose.yml version: "3.5" services: EOF } function writeDockerComposeBottom() { cat <> docker-compose.yml networks: vpcbr: driver: bridge ipam: config: - subnet: EOF } function writeDockerComposeService() { cat <> docker-compose.yml node_$1: image: $docker_image container_name: node_$1 command: --config config volumes: - ./genesis:/config/genesis - ./node_$1/configs/config.cfg:/nethermind/configs/config.cfg - ./static-nodes.json:/nethermind/Data/static-nodes.json - ./node_$1/db/clique:/nethermind/nethermind_db/clique - ./node_$1/keystore:/nethermind/keystore ports: -$2:8545 networks: vpcbr: ipv4_address: $3 EOF } function readSigners() { log=$(docker logs node_$1 | grep Node) left_part=$(echo $log | cut -d ':' -f2) hash="${left_part%%(*}" result=$(echo $hash | cut -c 3-) echo "$result" } function writeExtraData() { EXTRA_VANITY="0x22466c6578692069732061207468696e6722202d204166726900000000000000" EXTRA_SEAL="0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" EXTRA_DATA=${EXTRA_VANITY}${SIGNERS}${EXTRA_SEAL} echo "EXTRA_DATA: $EXTRA_DATA" cat goerli.json | jq '.genesis.extraData = '\"$EXTRA_DATA\"' | .params.chainID = "0x12341234" | .params.networkID = "0x12341234" | .nodes = [] | .engine.clique.params.period = 3' > genesis/goerli.json } function clearDbs() { for i in $(seq 1 $validators); do printf "Clearing db of node_$i\n" # sudo because they are created by docker sudo rm -rf node_$i/db/clique done } main