// NRP_ChangeParty.js
* @target MZ
* @plugindesc v1.05 Implemented a party change screen.
* @author Takeshi Sunagawa (http://newrpg.seesaa.net/)
* @url http://newrpg.seesaa.net/article/500297653.html
* @help Implemented a party change screen.
* This is a simple scene to swap battle members and reserve members.
* As a prerequisite, RPG Maker MZ's standard formation feature
* makes it easy to swap battle members with reserve members.
* So if that is sufficient, the party change screen is not necessary.
* So what is the purpose of this plugin,
* it is mainly to restrict the use of reserve members.
* We anticipate that the level of difficulty
* will be lower than expected, especially
* if the recovery skills of the reserve members are freely available.
* Therefore, this plugin prohibits the use of recovery skills by
* reserve members by forbidding their replacement on the menu screen.
* If the party change screen could then be called up from a base,
* save point, etc., it would limit the use of reserve members.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* [Usage]
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* As mentioned above, the party change screen of this plugin
* is designed to replace battle members and reserve members.
* Actors to be organized should be added using
* the "Change Party Member" event command.
* The following features are applied when the plug-in is applied
* - Prohibit the replacement of reserve members
* in the formation of the menu.
* - Prohibits the use of skills by reserve members.
* In addition, depending on the settings of the plugin parameters,
* it is possible to set the reserve member
* itself not to be displayed in the menu.
* The party change screen should be called up
* at a time of your choosing.
* In addition to invoking the command via a plugin command,
* the command can also be added to the menu screen.
* The timing of when menu commands are available
* can also be controlled by switches.
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* [Terms]
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* There are no restrictions.
* Modification, redistribution freedom, commercial availability,
* and rights indication are also optional.
* The author is not responsible,
* but will deal with defects to the extent possible.
* @-----------------------------------------------------
* @ [Plugin Commands]
* @-----------------------------------------------------
* @command SceneStart
* @desc Call the change party screen.
* @-----------------------------------------------------
* @ [Plugin Parameters]
* @-----------------------------------------------------
* @param AllowRelease
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @desc Reduce the number of combat members to allow for less than three to be organized.
* @param ShowOtherPage
* @parent AllowRelease
* @type boolean
* @default false
* @desc When "AllowRelease" is on, the members are displayed on a separate page in the menu screen.
* @param ReserveOpacity
* @type number
* @desc Opacity of the reserved member's face, opaque at 255. If left blank, the default value of 160 is set.
* @param StatusType
* @type select
* @option Only Name @value name
* @option Name & Level @value level
* @option All @value all
* @default level
* @desc How to display status on the party change screen.
* All is deprecated as it usually does not fit.
* @param ChangeDisabledState
* @type state
* @desc Actors on a given state are not allowed to be replaced.
* @param