//Lord of the Rings: Return of the King autosplitter by Blartic77 state("ROTK") { byte Load : 0xAAFA0, 0x178; byte IsCutscene : 0xEA468, 0x4; string5 Level : 0x7F388, 0x58E; uint BossHP : 0x179754, 0xAA0; } init { print("Checking your browse history. Looking for stored passwords..."); refreshRate = 30; } start { if(current.Level == "Hel01" && old.Level == "Fro03") return true; else return false; } split { if(current.Level != old.Level && current.Level != "Fro03") return true; if(current.Level == "Cra01" && current.BossHP == 100 && current.IsCutscene == 0 && old.IsCutscene == 1) return true; else return false; } isLoading { if(current.Load == 1||current.Load == 255) return true; else return false; } startup { var errorMessage = MessageBox.Show ( "If you're using software like DxWnd to play in\n"+ "windowed mode, make sure you run the game\n"+ "first and LiveSplit afterwards, as otherwise\n"+ "the autosplitter might not work at all.", "RotK splitter WARNING!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error ); }