# Commake (v0.0.2) - https://niallbunting.com/commake/ .PHONY: all help init install build run lint test e2e plan deploy int versioncheck .ONESHELL: all: lint test run #help Full check help: @echo "-- HELP --" @grep '#[h]elp' makefile # Use this to check if they have the correct version # To use update the if statement and the message. versioncheck: @if [ 0 -gt 0 ]; then echo "Wrong version of: " && exit 1; fi init: #help Run through dependencies and check @echo brew install brew-gem @echo brew gem install jekyll @echo "\nor\n" @echo "sudo apt-get install ruby-full build-essential zlib1g-dev" @echo "echo '# Install Ruby Gems to ~/gems' >> ~/.bashrc" @echo "echo 'export GEM_HOME="$HOME/gems"' >> ~/.bashrc" @echo "echo 'export PATH="$HOME/gems/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc" @echo "source ~/.bashrc" @echo "gem install jekyll bundler" install: versioncheck #help Install packages @echo "gem install github-pages" gem install github-pages echo "bundle install" bundle install echo "bundle add webrick" bundle add webrick build: #help Bulid the project files @echo Not Implemented run: #help Run Locally bundle exec jekyll serve --baseurl="" lint: #help Run linting @echo Not Implemented test: #help Run the unit tests @echo Not Implemented int: #help Run the int tests @echo Not Implemented e2e: #help Run the e2e tests @echo Not Implemented plan: #help Plan to run any infra changes @echo "Commit your changes!" deploy: #help Run any infra changes @echo Just push to remote git push # Custom Commands - Put your custom commands below