from __future__ import print_function from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from urllib.request import urlopen import boto3 import json import requests def lambda_handler(event, context): if "g-recaptcha-response" in event and "mail" in event and "text" in event: success = checkRecaptcha(event["g-recaptcha-response"]) else: success = False if success: send_email(event["mail"],event["text"]) else: print("RECaptcha failed!") return { "location": event["referer"] } def checkRecaptcha(captchaCode): requestData = { "secret": "mySecret", "response": captchaCode } data ="", data=requestData) result = data.json() return result.get('success', None) def send_email(userMail, content): # Replace with your "From" address. # This address must be verified with Amazon SES. SENDER = "My Sender " # Replace with a "To" address. If your account # is still in the sandbox, this address must be verified. RECIPIENT = "recipient@my.domain" # If necessary, replace us-west-2 with the AWS Region you're using for Amazon SES. AWS_REGION = "eu-west-1" # The subject line for the email. SUBJECT = "A user has sent you a message" # The character encoding for the email. CHARSET = "UTF-8" # Create a new SES resource and specify a region. client = boto3.client('ses',region_name=AWS_REGION) # Try to send the email. try: #Provide the contents of the email. response = client.send_email( Destination={ 'ToAddresses': [ RECIPIENT ] }, ReplyToAddresses=[ userMail, ], Message={ 'Body': { 'Text': { 'Charset': CHARSET, 'Data': content, }, }, 'Subject': { 'Charset': CHARSET, 'Data': SUBJECT, }, }, Source=SENDER, ) # Display an error if something goes wrong. except ClientError as e: print(e.response['Error']['Message']) else: print("Email sent! Message ID:"), print(response['MessageId'])