Sublime Copy from Find Results =============================== [![Build Status](]( Little package to remove the line number when copying from the find in files panel ## Use The command is designed to only work on the `Find Results` tab and default to a normal copy otherwise. It will transform this: ```` 6 class CopyFromFindResultsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): 7: def run(self, edit): 8 self.view.run_command('copy') ```` to this: ```` class CopyFromFindResultsCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit): self.view.run_command('copy') ```` ## KeyBindings There is no default shortcut, to add it open your User Keybindings file and add something like the following: ````javascript // Linux or Windows { "keys": ["ctrl+c"], "command": "copy_from_find_results", "context": [{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.find-in-files" }] } // MacOS { "keys": ["super+c"], "command": "copy_from_find_results", "context": [{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.find-in-files" }] } ```` using `"context": [{ "key": "selector", "operator": "equal", "operand": "text.find-in-files" }]` it's being extra careful, you can leave that out and the package will check for `Find Results` for you. ### Outside Find in Files If you want to use the package outside `Find Results` you can add a the `force` argument, like this: ````javascript // Linux or Windows { "keys": ["ctrl+alt+c"], "command": "copy_from_find_results", "args": { "force": true } } // MacOS { "keys": ["super+alt+c"], "command": "copy_from_find_results", "args": { "force": true } } ```` ## Settings ````javascript { // If set to false, it removes the dots added by sublime to mark the separation between matches in the same file. "keep_intermediate_dots": false } ```` ## Installation ### PackageControl If you have [PackageControl]( installed, you can use it to install the package. Just type `cmd-shift-p`/`ctrl-shift-p` to bring up the command pallete and pick `Package Control: Install Package` from the dropdown, search and select the package and you're all set. ### Manual You can clone the repo in your `/Packages` (*Preferences -> Browse Packages...*) folder and start using/hacking it. cd ~/path/to/Packages git clone git:// "Copy from Find Results"