# CHANGELOG ## v3.2.24 > `2022-12-07` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Accessibility failure on vue-slider-dot class [#662](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/662) ## v3.2.23 > `2022-11-02` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Scss file compile error. [#640](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/640) ## v3.2.22 > `2022-10-29` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Type error. [#649](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/649) ## v3.2.18 > `2022-07-14` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Add component names. [#636](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/pull/636) ## v3.2.17 > `2022-07-08` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Zoom property not working with btt/rtl direction. [#618](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/pull/618) ## v3.2.16 > `2022-06-24` ### 🎉 Feature - Add `es` folder. [#546](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/546) ## v3.2.15 > `2021-10-12` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - `getRecentDot` ignores disabled dots. [#584](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/pull/584) ## v3.2.14 > `2021-07-22` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - When moving the slider following console error occurs. [#556](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/pull/556) ## v3.2.11 > `2020-11-20` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - In Order mode, `setValue` will not sort. [#507](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/507) ## v3.2.10 > `2020-10-29` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Add `zoom` prop to support zoomed scenes. ## v3.2.7 > `2020-10-15` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - The `focus` method method parameter error. ## v3.2.6 > `2020-10-12` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - When `contained` is `true`, slider position is out of sync with mouse position. ## v3.2.5 > `2020-08-20` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - An error occurred in ie11. [#482](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/482) ## v3.2.4 > `2020-08-12` ### 🎉 Feature - Added `dotAttrs` prop to support setting custom attributes on the slider. [document](https://nightcatsama.github.io/vue-slider-component/#/api/props?hash=dotattrs) [#481](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/481) ## v3.2.3 > `2020-08-07` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - When `data` is `Array` type, an exception occurs when change the `data`. [#479](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/479) ## v3.2.2 > `2020-07-08` ### 🎉 Feature - `data` supports `object` type. [example](https://nightcatsama.github.io/vue-slider-component/#/basics/data?hash=when-data-is-object-type) ## v3.2.1 > `2020-07-08` ### 🎉 Feature - Allow keyboard tab to access slider. [#470](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/470) [#402](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/402) - `useKeyboard` default parameters changed from `false` to `true`. ## v3.2.0 > `2020-07-06` ### 🎉 Feature - `data` supports `Array` type, and adds `data-value` and `data-label` parameters. [#471](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/471) [document](https://nightcatsama.github.io/vue-slider-component/#/api/props?hash=data) [example](https://nightcatsama.github.io/vue-slider-component/#/basics/data?hash=when-data-is-arrayobject-type) ## v3.1.5 > `2020-06-01` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Import component error in AMD-Environment. [#410](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/410) [#379](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/379) ## v3.1.4 > `2020-05-27` ### 🎉 Feature - Added `value` parameter for default scope slot. [#459](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/pull/459) ## v3.1.3 > `2020-05-10` ### 🎉 Feature - Added `index` parameter for drag events and `@change`. [#456](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/456) [document](https://nightcatsama.github.io/vue-slider-component/#/api/events) ## v3.1.2 > `2020-04-16` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Optimize the error message. [#438](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/438) - The slider position is incorrect when the range is too large. [#449](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/449) ## v3.1.1 > `2020-02-14` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - `onValueChanged` may be called before control is created. [#436](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/pull/436) ## v3.1.0 > `2019-12-09` ### 🎉 Feature - `tooltip` supports `hover` and `active` parameter. [#423](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/423) - `tooltip` default parameters changed from `focus` to `active`. [document](https://nightcatsama.github.io/vue-slider-component/#/api/props?hash=tooltip) ## v3.0.46 > `2019-12-08` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Cannot drag when included and lazy are both equal to true. [#421](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/421) ## v3.0.45 > `2019-12-07` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix label still clickable when `clickable=true`. [#422](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/422) ## v3.0.44 > `2019-11-29` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fixing `will-change` will blur tooltips. [#418](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/418) ## v3.0.43 > `2019-11-14` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix `minRange`, `maxRange` cannot be calculated correctly. [#414](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/414) ## v3.0.42 > `2019-10-03` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Can't scroll on mobile devices. [#413](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/413) ## v3.0.41 > `2019-09-27` ### 🎉 Feature - Add Prop `dragOnClick` to allow the user to drag the slider directly when pressing the process. [PR#404](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/pull/404) ## v3.0.40 > `2019-09-01` ### 🎉 Feature - Slot `process` add parameter `index`. ## v3.0.39 > `2019-08-28` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Keyboard control is abnormal with `included = true`. [#395](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/395) ## v3.0.38 > `2019-08-13` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - `useKeyboard` does not work. [#389](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/389) ## v3.0.37 > `2019-08-13` ### 🎉 Feature - Export mark component and dot component. - Support `default` slot. ## v3.0.35 > `2019-08-12` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Remove `.vue-slider-sr-only`. [#68](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/68) ## v3.0.34 > `2019-08-04` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Compatible screen reader. - The cursor does not display the disabled flag when `disabled: true` ## v3.0.33 > `2019-06-27` ### 🎉 Feature - Add prop `keydownHook`. [#377](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/377) ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Tooltip is not displayed correctly in lazy mode. [#375](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/375) ## v3.0.32 > `2019-06-04` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix `mark` rendering order is not correct. [#370](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/370) ## v3.0.31 > `2019-04-30` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix IE does not support `Array.from`. [#353](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/353) ## v3.0.30 > `2019-04-22` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix when the `mark` is an object, `include` does not work. ## v3.0.29 > `2019-04-21` ### 🎉 Feature - `tooltipFormatter` support array type. [#349](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/349) ## v3.0.28 > `2019-04-17` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix typescript declaration file conflict. [#346](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/346) ## v3.0.27 > `2019-04-16` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix `MouseEvent` is not available in `cypress`. [#345](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/345) ## v3.0.26 > `2019-04-09` ### 🎉 Feature - `dotOptions` support sliding range limit (`min` and `max`). ## v3.0.25 > `2019-04-04` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - `tooltipPlacement` not support array type. [#338](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/338) ## v3.0.24 > `2019-04-04` ### 🎉 Feature - Support scss variable to override default style ## v3.0.23 > `2019-04-03` ### 🎉 Feature - Add prop `contained` to support for two alignment modes. [#337](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/337) ## v3.0.22 > `2019-04-01` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Use `indexOf` instead of `includes`, fix [#334](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/334) ## v3.0.21 > `2019-03-28` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Mouse/Touch position calculation error ## v3.0.19 > `2019-03-28` ### 🎉 Feature - Add Prop `adsorb` to control the slider to automatically adsorb to the nearest value ## v3.0.18 > `2019-03-28` ### 🎉 Feature - Add extraction css, support server-side rendering ## v3.0.17 > `2019-03-27` ### 🎉 Feature - Add Slot (`process`) ## v3.0.16 > `2019-03-19` ### 🎉 Feature - Add Methods (`setValue` and `setIndex`) - Add Prop `silent` to suppress all warnings. ## v3.0.15 > `2019-03-15` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Calculation error when using BigNumber ## v3.0.13 > `2019-03-14` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Typescript Compile Error, fix [#321](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/321) ## v3.0.12 > `2019-03-14` ### 🎉 Feature - `width` and `height` support `String` type ## v3.0.11 > `2019-03-13` ### 🔧 Chore - Optimize package size - Upgrade vue-property-decorator, fix [#320](https://github.com/NightCatSama/vue-slider-component/issues/320) ## v3.0.8 > `2019-03-11` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Component not updated when array length changes ## v3.0.5 > `2019-03-02` ### 🎉 Feature - Add Methods (`getValue` and `getIndex`) ## v3.0.3 > `2019-03-01` ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Typescript type error ## v3.0.2 > `2019-02-28` ### 🎉 Feature - More customizable (`style`/`slot`) - Multiple style themes - Support for more sliders (Countless) - Add marks - Support SSR - Support Typescript ### 🐞 Bug Fixes - Fix v2.x exception. (No longer need to call refresh)