/*! Always dirty helper module (for jQuery Dirty Forms) | v2.0.0 | github.com/snikch/jquery.dirtyforms (c) 2015 Mal Curtis License MIT */ // Example helper, the form is always considered dirty (function($, window, document, undefined) { // Can't use ECMAScript 5's strict mode because several apps // including ASP.NET trace the stack via arguments.caller.callee // and Firefox dies if you try to trace through "use strict" call chains. // See jQuery issue (#13335) // Support: Firefox 18+ //"use strict"; // Create a new object, with an isDirty method var alwaysDirty = { isDirty: function (node) { // Perform dirty check on a given node (usually a form element) return true; } }; // Push the new object onto the helpers array $.DirtyForms.helpers.push(alwaysDirty); })(jQuery, window, document);