# About Prevu is a plugin for Sublime Text 2 that allows you to quickly open your projects local url for testing. # Installation - Use Package Control to install - Or you can download or clone directly and drop into your Sublime Text 2 packages directory (plugin folder must be named Prevu) -- `Preferences > Browse Packages` to get to the package directory # Usage Add a comment with the following tag: ``` location: project/ ``` And use the key-combo `ctrl + shift + q` to use prevu. This will cause a new tab or window to open in your default browser. Url will turn into: `http://localhost/project` # Settings Settings can be configured and found under `Preferences > Package Settings > Prevu` Supports `#`, `//`, `*`, `!` comments out of the box. # Download https://github.com/Nijikokun/Prevu/zipball/master # License Prevu is released under AOL (c) Nijikokun 2012 # Version 0.1 - Initial release