Produce a forest plot based on a regression model

  panels = default_forest_panels(model, factor_separate_line = factor_separate_line),
  covariates = NULL,
  exponentiate = NULL,
  funcs = NULL,
  factor_separate_line = FALSE,
  format_options = forest_model_format_options(),
  theme = theme_forest(),
  limits = NULL,
  breaks = NULL,
  return_data = FALSE,
  recalculate_width = TRUE,
  recalculate_height = TRUE,
  model_list = NULL,
  merge_models = FALSE,
  exclude_infinite_cis = TRUE,
  show_global_p = c("none", "bottom", "aside")



regression model produced by lm, glm, coxph


list with details of the panels that make up the plot (See Details)


a character vector optionally listing the variables to include in the plot (defaults to all variables)


whether the numbers on the x scale should be exponentiated for plotting


optional list of functions required for formatting panels$display


whether to show the factor variable name on a separate line


formatting options as a list as generated by forest_model_format_options


theme to apply to the plot


limits of the forest plot on the X-axis (taken as the range of the data by default)


breaks to appear on the X-axis (note these will be exponentiated if exponentiate == TRUE)


return the data to produce the plot as well as the plot itself


TRUE to recalculate panel widths using the current device or the desired plot width in inches


TRUE to shrink text size using the current device or the desired plot height in inches


list of models to incorporate into a single forest plot


if `TRUE`, merge all models in one section.


whether to exclude points and confidence intervals that go to positive or negative infinity from plotting. They will still be displayed as text. Defaults to TRUE, since otherwise plot is malformed


Show model global p value, only works for Cox model. - 'none', don't show. - 'bottom', show global p value in the bottom. - 'aside', show global p value along with 'Reference', this is useful when you plot a list of models.


A ggplot ready for display or saving, or (with return_data == TRUE, a list with the parameters to call panel_forest_plot in the element plot_data and the ggplot itself in the element plot)


This function takes the model output from one of the common model functions in R (e.g. lm, glm, coxph). If a label attribute was present on any of the columns in the original data (e.g. from the labelled package), this label is used in preference to the column name.

The panels parameter is a list of lists each of which have an element width and, optionally, item, display, display_na, heading, hjust and fontface. item can be "forest" for the forest plot (exactly one required) or "vline" for a vertical line. display indicates which column to display as text. It can be a quoted variable name or a formula. The column display can include the standard ones produced by tidy and in addition variable (the term in the model; for factors this is the bare variable without the level), level (the level of factors), reference (TRUE for the reference level of a factor). For coxph models, there will also be n_events for the number of events in the group with that level of the factor and person_time for the person-time in that group. The function trans is definded to be the transformation between the coefficients and the scales (e.g. exp). Other functions not in base R can be provided as a list with the parameter funcs. display_na allows for an alternative display for NA terms within estimate.


#> #> Attaching package: ‘dplyr’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: #> #> filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
pretty_lung <- lung %>% transmute(time, status, Age = age, Sex = factor(sex, labels = c("Male", "Female")), ECOG = factor(lung$ph.ecog), `Meal Cal` = ) print(forest_model(coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ., pretty_lung)))
#> Warning: Unable to resize forest panel to be smaller than its heading; consider a smaller text size
# Example with custom panels panels <- list( list(width = 0.03), list(width = 0.1, display = ~variable, fontface = "bold", heading = "Variable"), list(width = 0.1, display = ~level), list(width = 0.05, display = ~n, hjust = 1, heading = "N"), list(width = 0.05, display = ~n_events, width = 0.05, hjust = 1, heading = "Events"), list( width = 0.05, display = ~ replace(sprintf("%0.1f", person_time / 365.25),, ""), heading = "Person-\nYears", hjust = 1 ), list(width = 0.03, item = "vline", hjust = 0.5), list( width = 0.55, item = "forest", hjust = 0.5, heading = "Hazard ratio", linetype = "dashed", line_x = 0 ), list(width = 0.03, item = "vline", hjust = 0.5), list(width = 0.12, display = ~ ifelse(reference, "Reference", sprintf( "%0.2f (%0.2f, %0.2f)", trans(estimate), trans(conf.low), trans(conf.high) )), display_na = NA), list( width = 0.05, display = ~ ifelse(reference, "", format.pval(p.value, digits = 1, eps = 0.001)), display_na = NA, hjust = 1, heading = "p" ), list(width = 0.03) ) forest_model(coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ ., pretty_lung), panels)
#> Warning: Unable to resize forest panel to be smaller than its heading; consider a smaller text size
data_for_lm <- tibble( x = rnorm(100, 4), y = rnorm(100, 3, 0.5), z = rnorm(100, 2, 2), outcome = 3 * x - 2 * y + 4 * z + rnorm(100, 0, 0.1) ) print(forest_model(lm(outcome ~ ., data_for_lm)))
data_for_logistic <- data_for_lm %>% mutate( outcome = (0.5 * (x - 4) * (y - 3) * (z - 2) + rnorm(100, 0, 0.05)) > 0.5 ) print(forest_model(glm(outcome ~ ., binomial(), data_for_logistic)))