''' Example 1: Deep Neural Network from scrach @Author _ Nikesh Bajaj PhD Student at Queen Mary University of London & University of Genova Conact _ http://nikeshbajaj.in n[dot]bajaj@qmul.ac.uk bajaj[dot]nikkey@gmail.com ''' import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from DeepNet import deepNet import DataSet as ds plt.close('all') dtype = ['MOONS','GAUSSIANS','LINEAR','SINUSOIDAL','SPIRAL'] X, y,_ = ds.create_dataset(100, dtype[0],0.0,varargin = 'PRESET'); Xts, yts,_ = ds.create_dataset(200, dtype[0],0.1,varargin = 'PRESET'); print(X.shape, y.shape) NN = deepNet(X,y,Xts=Xts, yts=yts, Net = [3,3],NetAf =['tanh'], alpha=0.01,miniBatchSize = 0.3, printCostAt =100,AdamOpt=True,lambd=0,keepProb =[1.0]) plt.ion() for i in range(10): NN.fit(itr=10) NN.PlotLCurve() NN.PlotBoundries(Layers=True) NN.PlotLCurve() NN.PlotBoundries(Layers=True) print(NN) yi,yp = NN.predict(X) yti,ytp = NN.predict(Xts) print('Accuracy::: Training :',100*np.sum(yi==y)/yi.shape[1], ' Testing :',100*np.sum(yti==yts)/yti.shape[1])