import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt class NaiveBayes(): """ The Gaussian Naive Bayes classifier. Based on the bayes rule X::shape (n, nf), n samples with nf features y::shape (n,) or (n,1) """ def __init__(self): self.classes = None self.X = None self.y = None self.class_labels = None self.feature_names = None # Parameters :: mu, sigma (mean and variance) and prior of each class self.parameters = dict() def fit(self, X, y): assert X.shape[0]==y.shape[0] assert len(y.shape)==1 or y.shape[1]==1 self.n, = X.shape self.X = X self.y = y self.classes = np.unique(y) # Calculate the mean and variance of each feature for each class # Calculate the prior for each class c # P(Y) = number of samples in class c / total numberof samples for c in self.classes: param = {} param["mu"] = X[np.where(y==c)].mean(0) param["sig"] = X[np.where(y==c)].var(0) + 1e-10 param["prior"] = X[np.where(y==c)].shape[0]/self.n self.parameters[c] = param # Gaussian probability distribution # P(xi) ~ N(mu, sig) def _Pxy(self, mu, sig, x): a = (1.0 / (np.sqrt((2.0 * np.pi) * sig))) pxy = a*np.exp(-(((x - mu)**2) / (2 * sig))) return pxy # Classify using Bayes Rule, P(Y|X) = P(X|Y)*P(Y)/P(X) # P(X|Y) - Probability. Gaussian distribution (fun _Pxy) # P(Y) - Prior # P(X) - Scales the posterior to the range 0 - 1 # P(Y|X) - (posterior) # Classify the sample as the class that results in the largest def _Pyx(self, xi): Pyx = [] # Go through list of classes for c in self.classes: Pyc = self.parameters[c]["prior"] mu = self.parameters[c]["mu"] sig = self.parameters[c]["sig"] Pxyc = self._Pxy(mu, sig, xi).prod(axis=-1) Pyxc = Pyc*Pxyc + 1e-10 # adding small value to avoid all zero Pyx = Pyxc if c==self.classes[0] else np.c_[Pyx,Pyxc] #Normalizing Pyx /= Pyx.sum(-1)[None].T return Pyx # Predict the class labels corresponding to the # samples in X def predict(self, X): Pyx = self._Pyx(X) return self.classes[Pyx.argmax(-1)] def predict_prob(self,X): return self._Pyx(X) def set_class_labels(self,labels): assert len(labels)==len(self.classes) self.class_labels = labels def set_feature_names(self,fnames): assert len(fnames) self.feature_names = fnames def _getPDF(self,mean,var,imin,imax,points=1000): xi = np.linspace(imin,imax,points) a = (1.0 / (np.sqrt((2.0 * np.pi) * var))) px = a*np.exp(-(((xi - mean)**2) / (2 * var))) return px,xi def VizPx(self,nfeatures = None): if self.class_labels is None: self.class_labels = ['C'+str(c) for c in self.classes] if self.feature_names is None: self.feature_names = ['f'+str(i+1) for i in range(] if nfeatures is None: ngrid = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt( NF = list(range( else: ngrid = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(nfeatures)))) NF = list(nfeatures) mn = self.X.min(0) mx = self.X.max(0) for j in NF: plt.subplot(ngrid,ngrid,j+1-NF[0]) for i in range(len(self.classes)): c = self.classes[i] imin, imax = mn[j],mx[j] imin -= 0.2*imin imax += 0.2*imax imean = self.parameters[c]['mu'][j] ivar = self.parameters[c]['sig'][j] Px,xi = self._getPDF(imean,ivar,imin,imax) plt.plot(xi,Px/Px.sum(), label=self.class_labels[i]) plt.xlabel(self.feature_names[j]) plt.ylabel(r'P(x)') plt.xlim([xi[0],xi[-1]]) if j+1-NF[0]==ngrid: plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.05,1),loc = 2) plt.grid(alpha=0.5) plt.tight_layout() plt.ticklabel_format(style='sci',axis='y',scilimits=(0,0))