require 'formula' class Ogre19 < Formula homepage '' stable do url '' version '1.9.0' sha1 'dd1c0a27ff76a34d3c0daf7534ab9cd16e399f86' patch do url '' sha1 '9ad217fc33690f76fd857ba49c3840715d4f3527' end patch do url '' sha1 'c520d0641183bb275a0b29ef6188353bc2ba6217' end end devel do url '' version '1.9.1-devel' sha1 'aa9b0c6d371802e0535515758e88c4893045cd5f' patch do url '' sha1 '90bef44c2a821bba3254c011b0aa0f5ecedeb788' end patch do # this is the same patch as hgaiser's `window.patch` above, but applicable to the latest 1.9 version url '' sha1 '44ef20d7a7124814bacade807a7d97bb8c1e6356' end end #head '', :using => :hg #patch :DATA depends_on 'boost' depends_on 'cmake' => :build depends_on 'doxygen' depends_on 'freeimage' depends_on 'freetype' depends_on 'libzzip' depends_on 'tbb' depends_on :x11 option 'with-cg' def install ENV.m64 cmake_args = [ "-DCMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES='x86_64'", "-DOGRE_BUILD_LIBS_AS_FRAMEWORKS=OFF", "-DOGRE_FULL_RPATH:BOOL=FALSE", "-DOGRE_BUILD_DOCS:BOOL=FALSE", "-DOGRE_INSTALL_DOCS:BOOL=FALSE", "-DOGRE_BUILD_SAMPLES:BOOL=FALSE", "-DOGRE_INSTALL_SAMPLES:BOOL=FALSE", "-DOGRE_INSTALL_SAMPLES_SOURCE:BOOL=FALSE", ] cmake_args << "-DOGRE_BUILD_PLUGIN_CG=OFF" unless build.include? "with-cg" cmake_args.concat(std_cmake_args) cmake_args << ".." mkdir "build" do system "cmake", *cmake_args system "make install" end # Reference of where debian puts files: # # # FIXME: for now we build with doc and samples OFF, so config files, media # and docs are not present # remove config files from bin directory # (share/'OGRE/config').install Dir[bin/"macosx/*.cfg"] # rmdir bin/"macosx" # # (share/"OGRE/").install prefix/"Media" # rmdir prefix/"Media" # # (doc/"OGRE").install Dir[prefix/"Docs/*"] # rmdir prefix/"Docs" # Put these cmake files where Debian puts them (share/"OGRE/cmake/modules").install Dir[prefix/"CMake/*.cmake"] rmdir prefix/"CMake" # This is necessary because earlier versions of Ogre seem to have created # the plugins with "lib" prefix and software like "rviz" now has Mac # specific code that looks for the plugins with "lib" prefix. Hence we add # symlinks with the "lib" prefix manually, but their use is deprecated. Dir.glob(lib/"OGRE/*.dylib") do |path| filename = File.basename(path) symlink path, lib/"OGRE/lib#{filename}" end end end