# How to Contributing ? 1. Fork nipo project to your repository (https://github.com/NipoDB/nipo) 2. Go to your **$GOPATH** via `cd $GOPATH` 3. If your not having **bin,pkg,src** folder creating using `mkdir -p {src,bin,pkg}` 4. Create nipo module original path `mkdir -p src/github.com/NipoDB` 5. Go to **NipoDB** path `cd src/github.com/NipoDB` 6. Clone Forked Project in current path `git clone https://github.com/your_username/nipo.git` 7. Go to **nipo** folder `cd nipo` 8. Change branch from **main** to **dev** via `git checkout dev` 9. Getting required packages via `go get ./...` 10. Add remote `git remote add upstream https://github.com/NipoDB/nipo.git` to update your fork repo. 11. Working on Project and send yours **PR** # Note - To check and update your forked repo before any changes use - `git fetch upstream` - `git merge upstream/dev` - `git merge upstream/main` - If any file changed via **merge**, push on your forked branch via `git push origin dev` or `git push origin main` - Just work on **dev** branch. - After change in any file **add/commit** your changes.