# How to Collaborate: 1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub account. 2. Clone the repository to your local machine ``` $ git clone "https://www.github.com/{Username}/Dockerize-Actions" ``` where username is your GitHub account username. 3. Create a branch where you can do your local work. Never work on **master** branch as we do not allow master commits except by admins. ``` $ git branch {branchname} $ git checkout branchname ``` 4. Do your work and stage your changes. ``` $ git add ``` 5. Commit you changes with a commit message containing your name, file(s) worked upon, changes added. ``` $ git commit -m "Name| files| Changes" ``` 6. Push changes to your forked repository ``` $ git push -u origin branchname ``` 7. Create a pull request to the upstream repository. # Synchronize forked repository with Upstream repository 1. Create upstream as our repository ``` $ git remote add upstream "https://www.github.com/NishkarshRaj/Dockerize-Actions" ``` 2. Fetch upstream changes in local machine ``` $ git fetch upstream ``` 3. Switch to master branch ``` $ git checkout master ``` 4. Merge changes in local machine ``` $ git merge upstream/master ``` 5. Push changes to your forked GitHub repository ``` $ git push -f origin master ```