## 2.0.8 ## Enhancement: - Fix critical issue. ## 2.0.7 ## Enhancement: - Less working with Node v10. ## 2.0.6 ## Fix: - Restore capability to generate HTML files. ## 2.0.5 ## Avoid error: - Restore capability to generate HTML files. ## 2.0.4 ## Avoid error: - Avoid the `TypeError [ERR_INVALID_CALLBACK]: Callback must be a function` error. ## 2.0.3 ## Security fix: - Solve lodash low vulnerability - Solve node.extend low vulnerability ## 2.0.2 ## Removed: - `NA#imgOptimization` removed. - `NA#webconfig.optimizations` removed. - `NA#webconfig.imgOptimizationsBeforeResponse` removed. - `NA#webconfig.imgOptimizationsEnable` removed. ## 2.0.1 ## Enhancement: - Capability to now just set "2.0.x" to use NodeAtlas. ## 2.0.0-beta ## Features: - Gitter Chat for both fr (Aide) and en (Help) language: `https://gitter.im/NodeAtlas/`. - Configuration file with `.js` extension allowed. - `NA#locals.urlRootPath` is added (same as `NA#webconfig.urlRoot`). - `NA#locals.urlSubPath` is added (same as `NA#webconfig.urlRelativeSubPath`). - `NA#locals.urlFilePath` is added. - `NA#locals.urlPath` is added. - `NA#locals.currentRouteKey` is added. - `NA#webconfig.view` is added. - `NA#webconfig.mimeType` is added. - `NA#webconfig.charset` is added. - `NA#webconfig.headers` is added. - `NA#webconfig.cache` is added. - `NA#webconfig.pug` is added. - `NA#webconfig.socketClientFile` is added. - `NA#webconfig.socketServerOptions` is added. - `NA#webconfig.version` added. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.enablePug` is added. - `NA#controllers[].setSockets` is added for both common and specific controller. - `NA#controllers[].changeDom(next(), locals.virtualDom()...` added to directly obtain `$`. - `NA#controllers[].changeDom` `next` callback accept a `$` first parameter. - `NA#configuration.cache` is added. - `--cache` command is added. - `NA#httpsServer` added. - `NA#httpServer` added. - `NA#statics` added. - `NA#version` added. - `NA#engine` added. - `NA#middlewares` added. - `NA#middlewaresRelativePath` added. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.middlewares` added. - `NA#assetsCopy` added. - `NA#stopped` added. - `global.NA` embty object added for isomorphic code. - `NA.isClient = true` added into `node-atlas/socket.io.js` for isomorphic code. - `serverRelativePath` folder is created if is not exist. - Language `portRequiresPrivileges` is added. - Less and Stylus vendor autoprefix automaticly added with options `less.autoprefix` and `stylus.autoprefix`. Updates: - CLI command `nodeatlas` become `node-atlas` (with `atlas` as alias) - `NA#appLanguage` become `NA#cliLanguage`. - `NA#appLabels` become `NA#cliLabels`. - `NA#websiteController[]` become `NA#controllers[]`. - `NA#controllers[].changeVariation` become `NA#controllers[].changeVariations`. - `NA#controllers[].changeVariations(params, next)` become `NA#controllers[].changeVariations(next, locals, request, response)`. - `NA#controllers[].changeDom(params, next)` become `NA#controllers[].changeVariations(next, locals, request, response)`. - `NA#controllers[].changeDom(params.dom...` become `NA#controllers[].changeVariations(next, locals.dom...`. - `NA#controllers[].loadModules` become `NA#controllers[].setModules`. - `NA#changeVariationCommon` become `NA#changeVariationsCommon`. - `NA#changeVariationSpecific` become `NA#changeVariationsSpecific`. - `NA#currentVariation` become `NA#locals`. - `NA#locals.currentRoute` become `NA#locals.route`. - `NA#locals.currentRouteParameters` become `NA#locals.routeParameters`. - `NA#locals.currentRouteName` become `NA#locals.route`. - `NA#locals.urlBasePath` become `NA#webconfig.urlRoot + NA#webconfig.urlRelativeSubPath` (without ending "/"). - `NA#currentRouteParameters` become `NA#locals.routeParameters`. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.generate` become `NA#locals.routeParameters.output`. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.template` become `NA#locals.routeParameters.view`. - `NA#webconfig.urlWithoutFileName` become `NA#webconfig.urlRoot`. - `NA#webconfig.generatesRelativePath` become `NA#webconfig.serverlessRelativePath`. - `NA#webconfig.serverlessRelativePath` default value become `"serverless"`. - `NA#webconfig.templatesRelativePath` become `NA#webconfig.viewsRelativePath`. - `NA#webconfig.viewsRelativePath` default value become `"views"`. - `NA#webconfig.htmlGeneratesBeforeResponse` become `NA#webconfig.htmlGenerationBeforeResponse`. - `NA#webconfig.imagesOptimizationsBeforeResponse` become `NA#webconfig.imgOptimizationsBeforeResponse`. - `NA#webconfig.imagesOptimizationsEnable` become `NA#webconfig.imgOptimizationsEnable`. - `NA#webconfig.stylesheetsBundlesBeforeResponse` become `NA#webconfig.cssBundlingBeforeResponse`. - `NA#webconfig.stylesheetsBundlesEnable` become `NA#webconfig.cssBundlingEnable`. - `NA#webconfig.javascriptBundlesBeforeResponse` become `NA#webconfig.jsBundlingBeforeResponse`. - `NA#webconfig.javascriptBundlesEnable` become `NA#webconfig.jsBundlingEnable`. - `NA#webconfig.viewsRelativePath` replace removed `NA#webconfig.componentsRelativePath`. - `NA#webconfig.httpSecureRelativeKeyPath` become `NA#webconfig.httpSecureKeyRelativePath`. - `NA#webconfig.httpSecureRelativeCertificatePath` become `NA#webconfig.httpSecureCertificateRelativePath`. - `NA#webconfig.bundles.javascript` become `NA#webconfig.bundles.javascripts`. - `NA#webconfig.htmlGenerationEnable` become `NA#webconfig.output`. - `NA#webconfig.output` to `false` by default. - `NA#afterGenerates` become `NA#afterGeneration`. - `NA#newRender` become `NA#view`. - `NA#addCommonVariation` become `NA#common`. - `NA#addSpecificVariation` become `NA#specific`. - `NA#init` become `NA#start`. - `NA#config` become `NA#init`. - `NA#serverPhysicalPath` become `NA#nodeatlasPath`. - `NA#websitePhysicalPath` become `NA#serverPath`. - `NA#nodeAtlasModulePath` become `NA#nodeatlasModulesRelativePath` and become relatif to `NA#nodeatlasPath`. - `NA#websiteModulesPath` become `NA#serverModulesRelativePath` and become relatif to `NA#serverPath`. - `--init` command become `--create`. - `--directory` command become `--path`. - `templatesPath` var become `viewsPath` var. - `templateFile` var become `viewFile` var. - Language `templateNotFound` become `viewNotFound`. - Language `templateNotSet` become `viewNotSet`. - Language `emulatedIndexPage` become `indexPage`. - EJS engine become ATLAS engine and `<% %>` become ``. - `NA#httpServer` become `NA#express`. - `NA#getSupport` become `NA#get`. - `NA#postSupport` become `NA#post`. - `NA#putSupport` become `NA#put`. - `NA#deleteSupport` become `NA#delete`. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.getSupport` become `NA#locals.routeParameters.get`. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.postSupport` become `NA#locals.routeParameters.post`. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.putSupport` become `NA#locals.routeParameters.put`. - `NA#locals.routeParameters.deleteSupport` become `NA#locals.routeParameters.delete`. - `NA#commonController` become `NA#controller`. - `NA#commonVariation` become `NA#variation`. - `NA#enableLess` become `NA#less`. - `NA#enableStylus` become `NA#stylus`. - `NA#enableIndex` become `NA#index`. - `NA#enableForceDomain` become `NA#forceDomain`. - `NA#stylus.stylus` become `NA#stylus.filse`. - `NA#less.files` become `NA#less.files`. - The `templates/hello-world` example is better. - `NA.modules.cheerio` replaced by `NA.modules.jsdom`. Removed: - `NA#modules.child_process` removed. - `NA#modules.forcedomain` removed. - `NA#webconfig.componentsRelativePath` removed. - `NA#locals.urlBasePathSlice` removed. - `NA#variations.currentRouteName` removed. - `NA#modulesRequired` and `NA#downloadAllModules` removed. Use `npm install` manually instead if you download package manually. - Original `NA#variations` removed. - Language `templateDirectoryNotExist` removed. ## 1.8.0 ## Features: - Allows to do something after server was starded with callback `started` for API. - Allows to start a Simple Web Server in HTTPs or overload webconfig.json to start it in HTTPs with `httpSecure` in CLI or API. - Allows to start a Simple Web Server with other `httpHostname` in CLI or API. - Allows to change NodeAtlas language used with `lang` in CLI or API. Enhancement: - Allows to start a Simple Web Server with other `httpPort` (support HTTPs) in CLI or API. Updates: - `afterInitProject` become `created` for API. - `afterGeneration` become `generated` for API. ## 1.7.3 ## Updates: - New README with less informations. All informations are on official Website. ## 1.7.2 ## Updates: - Compatibility test and information checked and updated. ## 1.7.1 ## Bugfix: - Find the real place of `node-atlas` module used by CLI or by API. ## 1.7.0 ## Enhancement: - Use `NA.serverPhysicalPath` to find real location of NodeAtlas engine. - Use `--init` command to copy « templates/hello-world » from NodeAtlas directory to current directory. ## 1.6.2 ## Enhancement: - Split a too long function into two. Bugfix: - Add `imagemin` submodule into `package.json`. ## 1.6.1 ## Bugfix: - Allows template of `enableIndex` to manage special char displaying. ## 1.6.0 ## Feature: - Allows you to add dynamicly routes to webconfig with `setRoutes`. ## 1.5.1 ## Updates: - `changeVariation` callback have no necessity to use `variation` anymore as first parameter. ## 1.5.0 ## Updates: - change `htmlGenerateBeforeResponse` into `htmlGeneratesBeforeResponse`. ## 1.4.2 ## Updates: - async 2.1.x update. ## 1.4.1 ## Updates: - cheerio 0.22.x update. ## 1.4.0 ## Feature: - Quick support for HTTP DELETE and PUT for create REST API easily. ## 1.3.4 ## Feature: - Possibility to change all Headers information by page. Updates: - async 1.5.x update. ## 1.3.3 ## Updates: - async 2.0.0 update. - express-session 1.14.0 update. - less-midleware 2.2.0 update. - uglify-js 2.7.0 update. ## 1.3.2 ## Enhancement: - `--httpHostname` become a configurable value from CLI and API usage. This will help you to test website with others device on the same network without use some proxy or internet webserver. ## 1.3.1 ## Enhancement: - `httpSecure` not use https object if it only defined to `true` to support plateform that provide https certificate for you (e. i. Cloud9). ## 1.3.0 ## Updates: - Stylus support for generate CSS. ## 1.2.7 ## Updates: - Package New Description. ## 1.2.6 ## Updates: - New async version. - Less informations on NodeAtlas index bootstrap page. ## 1.2.5 ## Updates: - See the link for starting page in the console. ## 1.2.4 ## Bugfix: - `--browse` command work as expected now ! ## 1.2.3 ## Updates: - Less-Midleware 2.1.0 update. ## 1.2.2 ## Updates: - Body Parser Module update. ## 1.2.1 ## Bugfix: - Avoid Cheerio output use decodeEntities. ## 1.2.0 ## Updates: - Use a couple `index.js` and `bin/` directory to work. ## 1.1.9 ## Updates: - Bin directory used and lib/install.js removed. ## 1.1.4 ## Updates: - Update dependencies. ## 1.1.3 ## Updates: - Update dependencies. ## 1.1.2 ## Updates: - Update dependencies. ## 1.1.1 ## Updates: - Update dependencies. ## 1.1.0 ## Features: - To be able to execute code after assets generation with `--generate` via API. - Allow you to pass image compression options for generation with `--generate` ## 1.0.0 ## Updates: - All functionality of Roadmap for v1.0. ## 0.99.x ## Updates: - Preparation for v1.0. ## 0.50.0 ## Updates: - Allow '/home/' path for example to generate 'home' path with good `urlBasePath`. ## 0.49.1 ## Bugfixes: - Bad name file in the console.log for multiple Less file. ## 0.49.0 ## Updates: - Compile Less with Generate feature. ## 0.48.0 ## Updates: - Use Less with `urlRelativeSubPath`. ## 0.47.0 ## Updates: - A nice looked Index page for webconfig. ## 0.46.0 ## Updates: - Expose `currentRouteName` value for know the key of route if a key is setted. ## 0.45.1 ## Updates: - Expose function for templating with variation for Back-end part. ## 0.44.0 ## Updates: - Allow all webconfig param to not set with '/' in end or start. ## 0.43.0 ## Updates: - Update image optimization mechanism. Documentation: - Documentation for feature below. ## 0.41.0 ## Features: - Allow you to not generate a route with `currentRouteParameters.generate` set to false. Documentation: - Documentation for feature below. ## 0.40.1 ## Updates: - Update of less-middleware. ## 0.40.0 ## Features: - EJS 2 as template engine. Documentation: - Change include part for templating. ## 0.38.11 ## Documentation: - tl;dr Update. ## 0.38.10 ## Documentation: - Adding of tl;dr. ## 0.38.4 ## Bugfixes: - Avoid a stopping of generation of HTML pages when a directory was created. ## 0.38.3 ## Bugfixes: - Install `nodeatlas` command without problem on Unix system with `postinstall`. It's fixed. Documentation: - Add precision for `nodeatlas` command. ## 0.38.2 ## Bugfixes: - Install `nodeatlas` command without problem on Unix system with `postinstall`. Tests. ## 0.38.1 ## Bugfixes: - In SimpleWebServer, `browse` option with NA.run() do not start browser. It's fixed. ## 0.38.0 ## Features: - CSS could be injected inline by referencing some CSS file with `injectCss`. Useful for maintain HTML assets. Documentation: - Add precision for `injectCss` feature. ## 0.37.0 ## Features: - forceDomain could be disabled or enabled with `enableForceDomain`. By default, it's disabled. Documentation: - Add precision for `enableForceDomain` feature. ## 0.36.0 ## Features: - Allow you to desactivate HTML generation even if a `generatesRelativePath` directory exist. - `indexPage` property become `enableIndex`. Documentation: - Add precision for `htmlGenerateEnable` feature. ## 0.35.2 ## Bugfixes: - Bad type for javascriptBundlesEnable, stylesheetsBundlesEnable, javascriptBundlesBeforeResponse, stylesheetsBundlesBeforeResponse and autoGenerate. Setted to boolean, not string. ## 0.35.1 ## Bugfixes: - Avoid copy of `assetsRelativePath` into `generatesRelativePath` if `generatesRelativePath` do not exist. Documentation: - Add precision for generation of HTML asset. ## 0.35.0 ## Features: - Optimization of images. - `autoGenerate` become `htmlGenerateBeforeResponse` Bugfixes: - Conflict with "true" and true in the webconfig for javascriptBundlesEnable, stylesheetsBundlesEnable, javascriptBundlesBeforeResponse, stylesheetsBundlesBeforeResponse and autoGenerate. Documentation: - Explain how to activate Optimizations. ## 0.34.18 ## Bugfixes: - Allow utilisation of `nodeatlas` command on linux and MacOS. Tests. ## 0.34.5 ## Bugfixes: - Because of HTTPs implementation, Simple Server Mode return an error. It's fixed. ## 0.34.4 ## Bugfixes: - Because of HTTPs implementation, Simple Server Mode return an error. Tests. ## 0.34.3 ## Bugfixes: - Because of HTTPs implementation, Simple Server Mode return an error. Tests. ## 0.34.2 ## Bugfixes: - Insert commands directory. ## 0.34.1 ## Bugfixes: - npm debug for install.js. ## 0.34.0 ## Features: - Easilly support HTTPs protocol (and WSs prococol) with webconfig. Documentation: - Explain how to activate HTTPs. ## 0.33.3 ## Documentation: - Change a 404 external link. ## 0.33.2 ## Documentation: - New website example. - Example for multilingual 404 page. ## 0.33.1 ## Bugfixes: - The error page of `pageNotFound` was never matched if the `url` property was used. It's fixed. ## 0.33.0 ## Features: - With `--generate` command, all `assetsRelativePath` content will be copied into `generatesRelativePath` if this two path are different. Documentation: - Update with new information. ## 0.32.0 ## Features: - The `preRender` hook become the `changeVariation` hook. - The `render` hook become the `changeDom` hook. - The `params.data` of `render` become `params.dom` of `changeDom`. Bugfixes: - If a port is already in used, the error message said the port 80 is used even if the port used is 7777 for example. Documentation: - Update with new information. ## 0.31.0 ## Features: - The `--run` opition become the `--browse` option and `-r` become `-b`. - Adding of `--browse [subpath]`. Documentation: - Update with new information. ## 0.30.0 ## Information: - Creation of CHANGELOG.md file.