def load_cmap(cmap_name='batlow', preview=False): """ Load a ScientificColourMaps6 colormap from .txt file. To reverse the colormap, append a '-' after the colormap name, e.g., 'batlow-'. More info about ScientificColourMaps: """ import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap _scm6_dir = 'shared-ns1000k/GEO4962/scripts/ScientificColourMaps6' _scm6_dir = 'ScientificColourMaps6' if cmap_name.endswith('-'): _name = cmap_name.rstrip('-') # remove '-' from colormap name _file_name = f'{_scm6_dir}/{_name}/{_name}.txt' _cmap_data = np.flipud(np.loadtxt(_file_name)) # and reverse colormap else: _name = cmap_name _file_name = f'{_scm6_dir}/{_name}/{_name}.txt' _cmap_data = np.loadtxt(_file_name) cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(cmap_name, _cmap_data) if preview==True: x = np.linspace(0, 100, 100)[None, :] plt.imshow(x, aspect='auto',cmap=cmap); return cmap