#!/usr/bin/env sh # # NormalNvim installer. # Supports: Arch, Ubuntu, MacOS, Termux, Fedora, WSL # Detect OS IS_ARCH=$(if [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -q "NAME=\"Arch Linux\"" /etc/os-release; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi) IS_UBUNTU=$(if [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -q "NAME=\"Ubuntu\"" /etc/os-release; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi) IS_MACOS=$(if [ -d /Applications ] && [ -d /System ]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi) IS_TERMUX=$(if [ -x "$(command -v pkg)" ] && [ -d "$HOME/.termux" ]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi) IS_FEDORA=$(if [ -f /etc/fedora-release ]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi) # Currently unused IS_WSL=$(if grep -q Microsoft /proc/version; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi) IS_NIXOS=$(if [ -d /etc/nixos ] && [ -f /etc/os-release ] && grep -q "NAME=\"NixOS\"" /etc/os-release; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi) ## INSTALL NormalNvim ############################################################################### echo echo "Welcome to NormalNvim!" echo "==================================================================" echo "This installer will ask you for confirmation on every step before:" echo "==================================================================" echo "1) Cloning NormalNvim on '~/.config/nvim'." echo "2) (optional) We will ask you to fork NormalNvim on GitHub, and provide your GitHub username so we can change git remote origin to your fork." echo "3) (optional) Install system dependencies, to unlock all features." echo "==================================================================" echo echo echo echo echo "Step 1: Cloning NormalNvim on ~/.config/nvim" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" if [ -d ~/.config/nvim ]; then echo "ERROR: The directory ~/.config/nvim already exist." echo " Please move it to a different location before installing." exit 1 fi echo "INFO: Installing NormalNvim in '~/.config/nvim'" git clone https://github.com/NormalNvim/NormalNvim.git ~/.config/nvim cd ~/.config/nvim || echo 2>&1 echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "SUCCESS: NormalNvim installed correctly" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" printf "PRESS ENTER TO CONTINUE" read -r echo echo echo echo ## DETECT REMOTE ORIGIN ############################################################################### echo "Step 2: Change git remote origin (optional)" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "* We recommend forking NormalNvim." echo "* You can do it now." echo "* We are gonna ask your GitHub username to set your" echo " git remote URL to git://github.com//NormalNvim.git" echo "" printf "Please, enter your GitHub username [leave blank to skip]: " read -r github_username # Check if the username is not empty if [ -n "$github_username" ]; then # Change the remote URL git remote set-url origin "git://github.com/$github_username/NormalNvim.git" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "SUCCESS: GitHub username provided. You will get updates from:" echo " git://github.com/$github_username/NormalNvim.git" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" else echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" echo "SKIPPED: No GitHub username provided. You will get updates from:" echo " git://github.com/NormalNvim/NormalNvim.git" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" fi echo echo echo echo ## INSTALL DEPENDENCIES ############################################################################### echo "Step 3: Install system dependencies (optional)" echo "------------------------------------------------------------------" printf "Do you want to install the dependencies? [Y/n]" read -r answer answer_lowercase=$(echo "$answer" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [ -z "$answer_lowercase" ] || [ "$answer_lowercase" = "y" ] || [ "$answer_lowercase" = "yes" ]; then ## ARCH INSTALLER (dependencies) ############################################################################# if [ "$IS_ARCH" = "true" ]; then echo "Arch Linux detected." # DETECT AUR CLIENT # ----------------- if command -v paru > /dev/null 2>&1; then AUR_CMD="paru -S --needed"; elif command -v yay > /dev/null 2>&1; then AUR_CMD="yay -S --needed"; fi # INSTALL DEPENDENCIES # -------------------- if [ -n "$AUR_CMD" ]; then "$AUR_CMD" "luarocks python" "yazi" "fd" "git-delta" "grcov" "rustup" "yarn" "python-pytest" "gcc" "binutils" "dotnet-runtime" "dotnet-sdk" "aspnet-runtime" "mono" "jdk-openjdk" "kotlin" "elixir" "npm" "nodejs" "typescript" "make" "go" "nasm" "r" "nuitka" "python" "ruby" "perl" "lua" "pyinstaller" "swift-bin" "flutter-bin" "gcc-fortran" "fortran-fpm-bin" "doxygen" "ldoc" "ruby-yard"; yarn global add "jest" "jsdoc" "typedoc"; cargo install "yazi-fm" "cargo-nextest"; go install "golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest" else echo "ERROR: You must have 'paru' or 'yay' installed so we can use the AUR." fi # UBUNTU INSTALLER (dependencies) ############################################################################# elif [ "$IS_UBUNTU" = "true" ]; then echo "Ubuntu detected." sudo apt update; sudo apt install --install-if-missing "luarocks" "yarn" "rust-fd-find" "python-pytest" "delta" "rust-grcov" "rustup" "gcc-defaults" "binutils" "dotnet8" "monodevelop" "java-common" "nasm" "r-base" "rustc" "golang" "python" "ruby" "perl" "lua5.3" "kotlin" "elixir" "make" "nodejs" "npm" "node-typescript" "nuitka" "doxygen" "yard"; pip install "pyinstaller"; yarn global add "jest" "jsdoc" "typedoc"; cargo install "yazi-fm"; go install "golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest"; sudo snap install --classic "flutter" # MACOS INSTALLER (dependencies) ############################################################################# elif [ "$IS_MACOS" = "true" ]; then echo "MacOS detected." sudo brew install "luarocks" "fd" "git-delta" "rustup" "yarn" "gcc" "binutils" "dotnet" "mono" "openjdk" "dart-sdk" "kotlin" "elixir" "node" "typescript" "make" "rust" "go" "nasm" "r" "ruby" "perl" "lua" "swift" "pyinstaller" "doxygen"; sudo brew install --cask "dotnet-sdk" "flutter"; pip install "pytest" "Nuitka"; yarn add global "jest" "jsdoc" "typedoc"; cargo install "yazi-fm" "cargo-nextest" "grcov"; go install "golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest" # TERMUX INSTALLER (dependencies) ############################################################################# elif [ "$IS_TERMUX" = "true" ]; then echo "Termux detected." pkg update; pkg install "tur-repo"; pkg install "luarocks" "yazi" "python" "fd" "git-delta" "yarn" "mono" "openjdk-17" "dart" "kotlin" "elixir" "nodejs" "make" "rust" "golang" "nasm" "python" "ruby" "perl" "liblua52" "swift" "gcc-default" "binutils-libs" "doxygen"; pip install "pytest" "Nuitka" "pyinstaller"; yarn add global "jest" "typescript" "jsdoc" "typedoc"; cargo install "cargo-nextest" "git-delta" "grcov"; go install "golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest" # FEDORA INSTALLER (dependencies) ############################################################################# elif [ "$IS_FEDORA" = "true" ]; then echo "Fedora detected." sudo dnf install "luarocks" "rust-fd-find" "rust-git-delta" "rustup" "python3-pytest" "gcc" "binutils" "dotnet6.0" "dotnet-runtime-6.0" "dotnet-sdk-6.0" "aspnetcore-runtime-6.0" "mono-complete" "java-21-openjdk" "elixir" "nodejs" "npm" "typescript" "make" "golang" "nasm" "R-rlang" "ruby" "perl" "lua" "swift-lang" "gcc-gfortran" "doxygen" "lua-ldoc" "rubygem-yard"; pip install "pytest" "Nuitka" "pyinstaller"; npm install -g "yarn" "jest" "typescript" "jsdoc" "typedoc"; cargo install "yazi-fm" "cargo-nextest" "grcov"; go install "golang.org/x/tools/cmd/godoc@latest" # ERROR: OS NOT DETECTED ############################################################################# else echo "ERROR: It seems your OS is not Arch Linux, Ubuntu, MacOS, Termux, or Fedora." echo "Your OS is not directly supported." echo "But you can still read the wiki and install the dependencies manually." fi fi # End of install dependencies # SUCCESS MESSAGE ############################################################################### echo echo echo echo echo "NormalNvim has been correctly installed" echo "========================================" echo "The first time you open NormalNvim, it will install the next things concurrently:" echo "" echo "* PLUGINS: → You can remove from your config the ones you don't want later." echo "* MASON: → Pre-configured LSP servers, linters, formatters and debuggers." echo "* TREESITTER: → For improved syntax highlighting." echo "" echo "========================================" echo "PRESS ENTER TO OPEN IT" nvim -c ':MasonInstall ansible-language-server angular-language-server asm-lsp asmfmt bash-debug-adapter bash-language-server checkmake codelldb clangd cmakelint csharpier cucumber-language-server debugpy delve docker-compose-language-service dockerfile-language-server elixir-ls eslint-lsp fantomas findent firefox-debug-adapter fortls fsautocomplete golangci-lint golangci-lint-langserver gopls google-java-format helm-ls html-lsp java-test json-lsp jq jsonlint kotlin-debug-adapter kotlin-language-server ktlint lua-language-server marksman matlab-language-server neocmakelsp netcoredbg omnisharp perlnavigator php-debug-adapter phpactor php-cs-fixer phpstan rubocop pyright autopep8 rust-analyzer selene shellcheck shfmt svelte-language-server stylua taplo typescript-language-server yaml-language-server yamllint yamlfmt zls' -c ':TSInstall all' 2>&1