---Chat--- /clear Clear chat area /tell user message (alias p, or msg) Private message /roll dice sides Roll dice /me text Send text marked as being an action that you did /spoof text Send text marked as being an action that happened in the environment /ooc text Send text marked as being out-of-character /ignore username /unignore username /ignorelist Manage ignore list /away (message, optional) Set or clear away status /status /status status /status status message Clear status, set a status, or set a status with a message attached. The "iic" status is special ("Interested in being In Character") and you can search for it with /findiic. /exportlogs Save the log of your current chat session to a text file /topic /topic message Get or set the discussion topic/activity of the current map, if allowed Currently only registered users can set topics, and topics are cleared when there is no longer anyone on a map /cleartopic Clears the map's current topic ---Utility--- /getturf Makes a map tile object that would recreate the turf you're standing on, and puts it into your inventory. /getobj Makes map tile objects that would recreate every map object you're standing on, and puts it into your inventory. /undodel Undoes your most recent delete /releasekeys If a script is currently acting on your inputs, this command cancels out that mode ---Account/customization--- /nick newname Change display name /userdesc text Change your description /userpic bunny, cat, hamster or fire /userpic x y (measured in tiles, from https://novasquirrel.com/town/img/potluck.png) /userpic imgur link Change your icon /savedpic /savedpic name Switch to a different saved pic. If you don't provide a name, you'll get a list of pics you have saved. /savedpiclist /savedpiclist set name url /savedpiclist del name /savedpiclist clear Manage the saved pic list. /savedpiclist list2 Get the list of saved pics in text form (just in case you're on a client that doesn't support buttons). /login username password /register username password /changepass newpass Manage account ---User information--- /who List all users on the map /entitywho List all entities on the map, not just users /whereare (alias: wa) Display a list of public maps that have users If these maps also have topics set, they are displayed too /gwho List all users on the server /look user Reads the character description of someone (or something) on the same map /last user Displays someone's last login/logout time ---Movement--- /offset x y Offsets your character some amount of pixels horizontally and vertically /map mapnumber /map mapnumber x y /defaultmap Switch to a different map You can optionally provide coordinates to teleport to on the new map /coords Display your coordinates /goback Go back to the map you were previously on /tpa user (alias mjoin) Requests a teleport to another user /tpahere user (alias msummon) Request to teleport another user to you /tpaccept user Accept a teleport request /tpdeny user (alias mdecline) Refuse a teleport request /tpaccept user type id /tpdeny user type id Accept/refuse a specific teleport request, where "type" is currently "tpa", "tpahere", "carry", "followme", or "followmap". ID may be left out, in which case the request's ID doesn't have to match. /tpcancel user (alias mcancel) Cancel all requests you made to a specific user /sethome Sets your "home" /home Teleports to your "home" ---Carrying users--- /carry user /carryme user Offer to carry a user (or request that a user carry you) /followme user /followyou user Offer to let a user follow behind you (or request that a user let you follow them) /followmap user /followyoumap user Offer to let a user follow you to other maps (or request that a user bring you to other maps) /syncmove user Offer to synchronize movement with another user, where either of you moving will move the other /hopon user Accept a user's carry request /hopoff Stop being carried (and stop following) /dropoff user Stop carrying a specific user /rideend Stop carrying anyone /carrywho List who you are carrying /ridewho Display who is carrying you ---Other user interaction--- /requestpermission user permission,permission,permission Requests that someone temporarily grant you permissions. Valid permissions to request are move, move_new_map, minigame, set_owner_to_this, modify_appearance /giveitem user item transfer /giveitem user item move /giveitem user item copy /giveitem user item tempcopy Offer to give an item to someone. Item has to currently be in your inventory somewhere or at the very least loaded. Give types: transfer: Assign the user as the new owner of the item *and* move it into their inventory move: Move the item into the user's inventory, but leave ownership the same copy: Make a copy of the item, and put it in the user's inventory tempcopy: Same as above, but item will be marked as temporary even if it wasn't already temporary ---Maps--- /newmap Creates a new map and gives you the number for it (if you are registered) /savemap Saves any changes made to the map /publicmaps List all maps whose privacy setting has been set to "public" /mymaps List all maps that have you set as the owner /applymapsection {data} Overwrites a rectangle of the map with new data, where the data is provided in the same format as the MAP protocol messages. Require admin privileges for the map. ---Moderation--- /tp user Force teleport to user (unimplemented) /tphere Force user to teleport to you (unimplemented) /clearmap Clears everything on the map (unimplemented) /kick user Sends a user home /kickallusers Sends all users home that aren't admins of the current map /returnall /returnall username Sends all entities home that are in the same container, aren't players, aren't following players or being carried by them, and aren't owned by the map owner. If you specify a username, it will remove all of that user's entities, and will ignore the above. /flushbuildlog Flushes the build log file, so that it's up to date. ---Map configuration--- /mapid Get map ID /mapsize width height /mapname name /mapowner user Change map info /mapdefaultfloor grass Change what tile type is the default /mapwallpaper none /mapwallpaper url /mapwallpaper url absolute /mapwallpaper url center /mapwallpaper url repeat /mapwallpaper url repeatx /mapwallpaper url repeaty /mapwallpaper url over_turf /mapwallpaper url offset=16,16 Remove a map wallpaper, or set one. You can specify a series of parameters to specify how the wallpaper should look. You can put all of them on a line together (like /mapwallpaper url center repeat repeatx repeaty offset=8,8), though "absolute" and "center" override each other. Wallpapers are images that are overlaid on top of a map, replacing the default floor. If "over_turf" is enabled, the wallpaper will draw on top of all floors, not just the default. Map objects will still draw on top as normal. /mapspawn Set map starting position to where you're currently standing /mapprivacy public/unlisted/private Change the privacy of the map. Public: Map is publicly listed, and anyone may join Unlisted: Map isn't listed anywhere, but anyone may join Private: Map isnt listed anywhere, and only users on the whitelist may join /grant permission username /deny permission username /revoke permission username Modify the map permissions for a particular user. A permission can be set to allow (with grant), disallow (with deny), or default (with revoke). If a permission for the user is the default, the map's setting for that permission is used instead. The map's default can be changed by using !default for the username. For deny and revoke only, !guest may be used to apply additional restrictions to guests. For grant and revoke only, group:groupid may be used to apply additional privileges to members of a given group. (groupid is the numeric ID of the group) Permissions available: entry : Allowed to teleport to the map build : Allowed to build sandbox : Allowed to edit or delete other peoples' objects freely admin : Allowed to use admin commands map_bot : Allowed to use /listen bulk_build: Allowed to use builk-build protocol commands (BLK) object_entry : Allowed to bring non-player entities here persistent_object_entry : Allowed to bring non-player entities here persistently (otherwise, they'll be sent home when the map unloads) modify_properties : Allowed to modify properties of the map remote_command : Allowed to make the command do a command modify_appearance : Allowed to modify certain properties of the map list_contents : Allowed to get a list of the entities on the map remotely set_owner_to_this : Allowed to set the owner of their entities to this entity set_topic : Allowed to change the topic on this map /permlist List the map's default permissions and the permissions for each user /mapimport Provide an input to upload a map (unimplemented) /mapentrytext text Set text to display upon entry (unimplemented) /mapexport Allow the user to download the map /mapbuild on/off Enable or disable building on the map /mapdisablesave on/off Enable or disable saving the map (temporarily) /mapedgelink edge map_id Link this map to another map, so that moving past the edge will put you on that other map. If map_id is "none" then the link will be removed. The link has to be applied separately on both maps. Edge is a number from 0 to 7, where 0 is east, 1 is south east, 2 is south, and so on. ---Miscellaneous--- /time Display current date and time /disconnect Disconnect yourself from the server ---Bot commands--- /listen category,category,... map_id,map_id,... /unlisten category,category,... map_id,map_id,... Start or stop listening in on a comma separated list of categories and maps. The client's account must be registered and have the map_bot permission granted for the map being listened in on. Protocol messages relayed will have a "remote_map" parameter added to them, with the map ID. Messages will also have "username" and "user_id", for PUT, DEL and BLK. Categories available (and protocol messages that get relayed): move: MOV build: PUT, DEL, BLK entry: WHO chat: MSG "build" sends an initial MAI and MAP to the listener "entry" sends an initial WHO to the listener /listeners List all remote clients currently listening in on the map /keep_entities_loaded /keep_entities_loaded id,id,id... Set a list of entities that should be kept loaded while you're online (or clear the list) /test_entities_loaded id,id,id... Test if specific entities are loaded /message_forwarding set entity_id,entity_id,entity_id... /message_forwarding set entity_id,entity_id,entity_id... MAP,MAI,PRI ... See the message forwarding section in protocol.txt ---Group commands--- /newgroup Create a new group /namegroup id text /descgroup id text Change the name or description of a group /changegroupowner id username Transfer the group to a new owner /joinpassgroup id text Change the join password of a group, or remove the join password by leaving it blank and make it purely invite-only /deletegroup id Delete a group you own /invitetogroup id username Invite someone to a group (unimplemented) /joingroup id /joingroup id password Join a group /leavegroup id Leave a group you're in /kickgroup id username Remove someone from a group you're in /ownedgroups Display a list of the groups you own /mygroups List of the groups you're part of ---Entity command--- /entity id /entity id info Get information about the entity, such as properties and contents. /entity id locate Find where this entity is /entity id move x y /entity id tags /entity id addtag tag_group tag value /entity id deltag tag_group tag /entity id addtag_root tag value /entity id deltag_root tag Get tags or change them. /entity id perms /entity id permsfor id Get permissions on an entity, or test permissions for this entity acting on a different entity. /entity id grant permission id/username /entity id deny permission id/username /entity id revoke permission id/username Change permissions. /entity id tempgrant permission id/username /entity id temprevoke permission id/username /entity id temprevokeall Temporarily grant a permission that will be gone when either entity unloads. /entity id temprelease username Remove a temporary permission that has been given to this entity. /entity id summon Move entity to your position within the map you're on. /entity id do command_here Same as sending a CMD protocol message with the "rc" field set. /e is an alias for /entity ---Admin commands--- /ipwho List the IPs of all users currently online /ipban ip;reason;length Add an IP ban. Length can be blank for bans without an expiration, or can consist of a number immediately followed by a unit, such as 1d or 30m: m=minutes h=hour d=day w=week y=year /ipunban ip Remove all bans applying to a given IP /ipbanlist List all IP bans /broadcast text Broadcast text to the whole server /operoverride Toggles whether or not you can bypass permission checks /resetpassfor username Resets the password for a specific account /rehash Reloads the config file, including any resource files the config includes