FTPSync ==================== *Addon for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3* # No longer maintained *Unofortunately no longer have time to continue with fixes and improvements :( I hope it will still be a bit useful. The plugin will continue to be free to use. If someone wishes to continue with development feel free to remove this message* Simple and free plugin for FTP synchronization. Just hit the _save_ as usual and it's upped. What's there for you? * Multiple named upload targets * Ignored file regex patterns * Secure transfer using TLS * Downloading via temporary file (better stability) * Determining newer remote files, overwrite protection * Manual multiple file & folder up/downloading (sidebar context menu) * Multithreaded uploading and downloading * Local&remote renaming and deleting * Progress bar for multiple up/download * Remote browsing and manipulating via file list For more info look into [Wiki](https://github.com/NoxArt/SublimeText2-FTPSync/wiki/_pages) How to use ---------- To mark a folder and descendants for upload insert **ftpsync.settings** file in following format. Don't worry - the skeleton can be simply inserted using *Preferences > Package Settings > FTPSync > Setup FTPSync in this folder* or using context menu in Side bar or using Control/CMD+Shift+P. Sample settings file with minimum of options: ( *does not contain all options* ) { 'primary': { host: 'ftp.mywebsite.com', username: 'johnsmith', password: 'secretpassword', path: '/www/', upload_on_save: true, tls: true } } Set password to `null` (don't use quotes) if you do not want to store password in a file and set in manually (FTPSync will request the password in such case). [All connection settings »](https://github.com/NoxArt/SublimeText2-FTPSync/wiki/All-settings) Files are automatically uploaded **on save** (unless disabled by _upload\_on\_save_=false setting). In your newly created settings file some options are preceded with `//`, this means they are commented out (and default value from global settings file is used) - remove the `//` to enable the entry. Drawbacks and notes --------------------- * SFTP is not supported at the moment and is not planned in near future (you can use [SFTP](http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/sftp) or [Mote](https://github.com/SublimeText/Mote) plugins) * SSL/TLS is not supported for servers that enforce SSL_REUSE (encryption support will hopefully increase in future) * Does not support continuous watching and syncing, only (after) manual action * Does not support proxy connections * Does not support remote diff at the moment * Does not support special characters in remote path at the moment About ----- Done by **Jiří @NoxArt Petruželka** ~ [Twitter](https://twitter.com/NoxArt) Released under **MIT licence**. Thank you for the financial support! Feel free to add [issues, ideas](https://github.com/NoxArt/SublimeText2-FTPSync/issues), pull requests... Thanks to [thecotne](https://github.com/thecotne), [castus](https://github.com/castus), [tommymarshall](https://github.com/tommymarshall), [TotallyInformation](https://github.com/TotallyInformation), [saiori](https://github.com/saiori), [vnabet](https://github.com/vnabet), [Jcrs](https://github.com/Jcrs), [ItayXD](https://github.com/ItayXD), [bibimij](https://github.com/bibimij), [digitalmaster](https://github.com/digitalmaster), [alfaex](https://github.com/alfaex), [seyDoggy](https://github.com/seyDoggy), Nuno, [mikedoug](https://github.com/mikedoug), [stevether](https://github.com/stevether), [zaus](https://github.com/zaus), [noAlvaro](https://github.com/noAlvaro), [zofie86](https://github.com/zofie86), [fma965](https://github.com/fma965), [PixelVibe](https://github.com/PixelVibe), [Kaisercraft](https://github.com/Kaisercraft), [benkaiser](https://github.com/benkaiser), [anupdebnath](https://github.com/anupdebnath), [sy4mil](https://github.com/sy4mil), [leek](https://github.com/leek), [surfac](https://github.com/surfac), [mitsurugi](https://github.com/mitsurugi), [MonoSnippets](https://github.com/MonoSnippets), [Zegnat](https://github.com/Zegnat), [cwhittl](https://github.com/cwhittl), [shadowsdweller](https://github.com/shadowsdweller), [adiulici01](https://github.com/adiulici01), [tablatronix](https://github.com/tablatronix), [bllim](https://github.com/bllim), [Imaulle](https://github.com/Imaulle), [friskfly](https://github.com/friskfly), [lysenkobv](https://github.com/lysenkobv), [nosfan1019](https://github.com/nosfan1019), [smoochieboochies](https://github.com/smoochieboochies), [Dmitry Loktev](https://github.com/unknownexception), [fedesilvaponte](https://github.com/fedesilvaponte), [fedegonzaleznavarro](https://github.com/fedegonzaleznavarro), [camilstaps](https://github.com/camilstaps), [maknapp](https://github.com/maknapp), [certainlyakey](https://github.com/certainlyakey), [victorhqc](https://github.com/victorhqc), [eniocarv](https://github.com/eniocarv), [molokoloco](https://github.com/molokoloco), [tq0fqeu](https://github.com/tq0fqeu), [Arachnoid](https://github.com/Arachnoid), [ahgood](https://github.com/ahgood), [SourceR85](https://github.com/SourceR85), [nirajaryal](https://github.com/nirajaryal), [Stock-webdesign](https://github.com/Stock-Webdesign), [chachan](https://github.com/chachan), [webattitude](https://github.com/webattitude), [VarinderS](https://github.com/VarinderS), [Gadoma](https://github.com/Gadoma), [pnukeid](https://github.com/pnukeid), [patatjenl](https://github.com/patatjenl), [ridethepinguin](https://github.com/ridethepenguin), [Kovas](https://github.com/Kovas), [giolvani](https://github.com/giolvani), [superDuperCyberTechno](https://github.com/superDuperCyberTechno), [druellan](https://github.com/druellan), [StuartMorris0](https://github.com/StuartMorris0), [adisos](https://github.com/adisos), [marcoflorian](https://github.com/marcoflorian), [MartinBucko](https://github.com/MartinBucko) for reporting issues, ideas and fixing! Tips ---- * **Set key bindings (hotkeys) for frequent actions you use** Please edit only `Key Bindings - User`, open using: `Preferences > Package Control > FTPSync > Key Bindings - User` You can use the contents of `Key Bindings - Default` as a template and copy it there. If you edit `Key Bindings - Default` (either Sublime's or FTPSync's), your changes will be lost on update. [More info](https://github.com/NoxArt/SublimeText2-FTPSync/wiki/Key-bindings) * **Renaming and deleting** Please keep in mind that for deleting and renaming on server you need to use `FTPSync > Rename` respectively `FTPSync > Delete` features, not those in Sublime Text 2 or SideBarEnhancements. * **Working from more places? Or in team?** You can either use *download_on_open=true* to check files upon openning or *FTPSync: Check current file* command to see whether you have the same version as is on all servers. Using *overwrite_newer_prevention* is also recommended (it's actually enabled by default). * **Upload different language versions to different servers of paths** e.g. { "": { "host": "ftp.host.en.com", "ignore": "/locale/(?!fr)\\w+/.*" }, "": { "host": "ftp.host.cz.com", "ignore": "/locale/(?!cz)\\w+/.*" } } * **Using file compilation? Want to upload as well?** You can use *after_save_watch* option to setup files to be watched for change after uploading on save. [Learn how to use in Wiki](https://github.com/NoxArt/SublimeText2-FTPSync/wiki/Why-and-how-to-use-afterwatch).