SublimeText2-LinkOpener ======================= Tiny [Sublime Text 2]( plugin for opening links in selected text. Simply **select any portion** of text and *LinkOpener* will **open all links** inside with protocols *http*, *https*, *ftp* or starting with *www.* in your default browser. Supports multiple selection. **Added web search** - supports multiple selection - by default uses Google - edit your User settings to set a different engine or adjust Google's URL (use %s in the place of searched term) Commands for adding key bindings: * *link_opener_search_term* * *link_opener_open_url* * *link_opener_select_next_url* * *link_opener_select_all_urls* (no arguments needed) Released under MIT licence. Feel free to add issues, ideas, pull requests... Thanks [danio]( for a fix #1. **@NoxArt**