[//]: # (Attention! These weird-looking lines are comments and will not show up in the rendered text! They are a guide for you.) [//]: # (Description: be clear and concise to describe the defect.) **Description**: [//]: # (Expected results: briefly explain what you expected and how the defect diverged from that expectation.) **Expected results**: *** [//]: # (Platform details: the names and versions of your browser, OS, etc.) **Browser**: **Browser version**: **Operating system**: **Operating system version**: *** [//]: # (Steps to reproduce: a step-by-step account of exactly what you did to find the defect.) **Steps to reproduce**: 1. *** [//]: # (Attachments and comments: any screenshots, videos, etc. of the defect or related to it, as well as additional comments about the bug.) **Attachments and comments**: