pragma solidity ^ 0.6.0; /** *Submitted for verification at on 20 /** * @title SafeMath * @dev Unsigned math operations with safety checks that revert on error */ library SafeMath { /** * @dev Multiplies two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow. */ function mul(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) { // Gas optimization: this is cheaper than requiring 'a' not being zero, but the // benefit is lost if 'b' is also tested. // See: if (a == 0) { return 0; } uint256 c = a * b; require(c / a == b); return c; } /** * @dev Integer division of two unsigned integers truncating the quotient, reverts on division by zero. */ function div(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) { // Solidity only automatically asserts when dividing by 0 require(b > 0); uint256 c = a / b; // assert(a == b * c + a % b); // There is no case in which this doesn't hold return c; } /** * @dev Subtracts two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow (i.e. if subtrahend is greater than minuend). */ function sub(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) { require(b <= a); uint256 c = a - b; return c; } /** * @dev Adds two unsigned integers, reverts on overflow. */ function add(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) { uint256 c = a + b; require(c >= a); return c; } /** * @dev Divides two unsigned integers and returns the remainder (unsigned integer modulo), * reverts when dividing by zero. */ function mod(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal pure returns(uint256) { require(b != 0); return a % b; } } // File: contracts/Nutbank.sol contract Nutbank { using SafeMath for uint256; struct InvestorInfo { uint256 invested; uint256 lockbox; uint256 withdrawn; uint256 lastInvestmentTime; } mapping(address => InvestorInfo) public investors; mapping(address => uint256) public affiliateCommission; mapping(address => uint256) public devCommission; uint256 public investorsCount; uint256 public lockboxTotal; uint256 public withdrawnProfitTotal; uint256 public affiliateCommissionWithdrawnTotal; uint256 public donatedTotal; uint256 public gamesIncomeTotal; address dev_0_master = msg.sender; address dev_1_master = msg.sender; address private dev_0_escrow = msg.sender; address private dev_1_escrow = msg.sender; address owner = msg.sender; uint256 public constant minInvest = 100 trx; event Invested(address investor, uint256 amount); event Renvested(address investor, uint256 amount); event WithdrawnAffiliateCommission(address affiliate, uint256 amount); event WithdrawnProfit(address investor, uint256 amount); event WithdrawnLockbox(address investor, uint256 amount); /** * PUBLIC */ /** * @dev Donation for Onigiry ecosystem. * TESTED */ function () external payable { // 2% - to developers uint256 devFee = msg.value.div(100); devCommission[dev_0_escrow] = devCommission[dev_0_escrow].add(devFee); devCommission[dev_1_escrow] = devCommission[dev_1_escrow].add(devFee); donatedTotal = donatedTotal.add(msg.value); } /** * @dev Accepts income from games for Onigiry ecosystem. * TESTED */ function fromGame() external payable { // 4% - to developers uint256 devFee = msg.value.div(100).mul(2); devCommission[dev_0_escrow] = devCommission[dev_0_escrow].add(devFee); devCommission[dev_1_escrow] = devCommission[dev_1_escrow].add(devFee); gamesIncomeTotal = gamesIncomeTotal.add(msg.value); } /** * @dev Returns invested amount for investor. * @param _address Investor address. * @return invested amount. * TESTED */ function getInvested(address _address) public view returns(uint256) { return investors[_address].invested; } /** * @dev Returns lockbox amount for investor. * @param _address Investor address. * @return lockbox amount. * TESTED */ function getLockBox(address _address) public view returns(uint256) { return investors[_address].lockbox; } /** * @dev Returns withdrawn amount for investor. * @param _address Investor address. * @return withdrawn amount. * TESTED */ function getWithdrawn(address _address) public view returns(uint256) { return investors[_address].withdrawn; } function changeMin(uint minAmt) external{ require(msg.sender == owner); minInvest = MinAmt; } /** * @dev Returns last investment time amount for investor. * @param _address Investor address. * @return last investment time. * TESTED */ function getLastInvestmentTime(address _address) public view returns(uint256) { return investors[_address].lastInvestmentTime; } /** * @dev Gets balance for current contract. * @return balance for current contract. * TESTED */ function getBalance() public view returns(uint256) { return address(this).balance; } /** * @dev Calculates sum for lockboxes and dev fees. * @return Amount of guaranteed balance by constract. * TESTED */ function guaranteedBalance() public view returns(uint256) { return lockboxTotal.add(devCommission[dev_0_escrow]).add(devCommission[dev_1_escrow]); } /** * @dev User invests funds. * @param _affiliate affiliate address. * TESTED */ function invest(address _affiliate) public payable { require(msg.value >= minInvest, "min 100 tron"); uint256 profit = calculateProfit(msg.sender); if (profit > 0) { msg.sender.transfer(profit); } // 1% - to affiliateCommission if (_affiliate != msg.sender && _affiliate != address(0)) { uint256 commission = msg.value.div(100); affiliateCommission[_affiliate] = affiliateCommission[_affiliate].add(commission); } if (getLastInvestmentTime(msg.sender) == 0) { investorsCount = investorsCount.add(1); } uint256 lockboxAmount = msg.value.div(100).mul(84); investors[msg.sender].lockbox = investors[msg.sender].lockbox.add(lockboxAmount); investors[msg.sender].invested = investors[msg.sender].invested.add(msg.value); investors[msg.sender].lastInvestmentTime = now; delete investors[msg.sender].withdrawn; lockboxTotal = lockboxTotal.add(lockboxAmount); // 4% - to developers uint256 devFee = msg.value.div(100).mul(2); devCommission[dev_0_escrow] = devCommission[dev_0_escrow].add(devFee); devCommission[dev_1_escrow] = devCommission[dev_1_escrow].add(devFee); emit Invested(msg.sender, msg.value); } /** * @dev Updates escrow address for developer. * @param _address Address of escrow to be used. * TESTED */ function updateDevEscrow(address _address) public { require(msg.sender == dev_0_master || msg.sender == dev_1_master, "not dev"); (msg.sender == dev_0_master) ? dev_0_escrow = _address: dev_1_escrow = _address; } /** * @dev Allows developer to withdraw commission. * TESTED */ function withdrawDevCommission() public { uint256 commission = devCommission[msg.sender]; require(commission > 0, "no dev commission"); require(address(this).balance.sub(commission) >= lockboxTotal, "not enough funds"); delete devCommission[msg.sender]; msg.sender.transfer(commission); } /** * @dev Withdraws affiliate commission for current address. * TESTED */ function withdrawAffiliateCommission() public { uint256 commission = affiliateCommission[msg.sender]; require(commission > 0, "no commission"); require(address(this).balance.sub(commission) >= guaranteedBalance(), "not enough funds"); delete affiliateCommission[msg.sender]; affiliateCommissionWithdrawnTotal = affiliateCommissionWithdrawnTotal.add(commission); msg.sender.transfer(commission); emit WithdrawnAffiliateCommission(msg.sender, commission); } /** * @dev Allows investor to withdraw profit. * TESTED */ function withdrawProfit() public { uint256 profit = calculateProfit(msg.sender); require(profit > 0, "no profit"); investors[msg.sender].lastInvestmentTime = now; investors[msg.sender].withdrawn = investors[msg.sender].withdrawn.add(profit); withdrawnProfitTotal = withdrawnProfitTotal.add(profit); // 2% - to developers uint256 devFee = profit.div(100); devCommission[dev_0_escrow] = devCommission[dev_0_escrow].add(devFee); devCommission[dev_1_escrow] = devCommission[dev_1_escrow].add(devFee); // 3% - stay in contract msg.sender.transfer(profit.div(100).mul(95)); emit WithdrawnProfit(msg.sender, profit); } /** * @dev Allows investor to withdraw lockbox funds, close deposit and clear all data. * @notice Pending profit stays in contract. * TESTED */ function withdrawLockBoxAndClose() public { uint256 lockboxAmount = getLockBox(msg.sender); require(lockboxAmount > 0, "no investments"); delete investors[msg.sender]; investorsCount = investorsCount.sub(1); lockboxTotal = lockboxTotal.sub(lockboxAmount); msg.sender.transfer(lockboxAmount); emit WithdrawnLockbox(msg.sender, lockboxAmount); } /** * @dev Reinvests pending profit. * TESTED */ function reinvestProfit() public { uint256 profit = calculateProfit(msg.sender); require(profit > 0, "no profit"); uint256 lockboxFromProfit = profit.div(100).mul(84); investors[msg.sender].lockbox = investors[msg.sender].lockbox.add(lockboxFromProfit); investors[msg.sender].lastInvestmentTime = now; investors[msg.sender].invested = investors[msg.sender].invested.add(profit); lockboxTotal = lockboxTotal.add(lockboxFromProfit); emit Renvested(msg.sender, profit); } /** * @dev Calculates pending profit for provided customer. * @param _investor Address of investor. * @return pending profit. * TESTED */ function calculateProfit(address _investor) public view returns(uint256) { uint256 hourDifference = now.sub(investors[_investor].lastInvestmentTime); uint256 rate = percentRateInternal(investors[_investor].lockbox); uint256 calculatedPercent = (hourDifference.mul(rate))/ 3600; return investors[_investor].lockbox.div(100000).mul(calculatedPercent); } /** * @dev Calculates rate for lockbox balance for msg.sender. * @param _balance Balance to calculate percentage. * @return rate for lockbox balance. * TESTED */ function percentRateInternal(uint256 _balance) public pure returns(uint256) { uint256 step_1 = 50000 trx; uint256 step_2 = 100000 trx; uint256 step_3 = 150000 trx; uint256 step_4 = 500000 trx; uint256 dailyPercent_0 = 145; // 3.5% uint256 dailyPercent_1 = 205; // 5% uint256 dailyPercent_2 = 305; // 7.5% uint256 dailyPercent_3 = 406; // 10% uint256 dailyPercent_4 = 600; // 15% uint256 dailyPercent_0 = 25; // 0.6% if (_balance >= step_4) { return dailyPercent_4; } else if (_balance >= step_3 && _balance < step_4) { return dailyPercent_3; } else if (_balance >= step_2 && _balance < step_3) { return dailyPercent_2; } else if (_balance >= step_1 && _balance < step_2) { return dailyPercent_1; } return dailyPercent_0; } /** * @dev Calculates rate for lockbox balance for msg.sender. User for public * @param _balance Balance to calculate percentage. * @return rate for lockbox balance. * TESTED */ function percentRatePublic(uint256 _balance) public pure returns(uint256) { uint256 step_1 = 50000 trx; uint256 step_2 = 100000 trx; uint256 step_3 = 150000 trx; uint256 step_4 = 500000 trx; uint256 dailyPercent_0 = 135; // 3.5% uint256 dailyPercent_1 = 500; // 5% uint256 dailyPercent_2 = 750; // 7.5% uint256 dailyPercent_3 = 1000; // 10% uint256 dailyPercent_4 = 1500; // 15% if (_balance >= step_4) { return dailyPercent_4; } else if (_balance >= step_3 && _balance < step_4) { return dailyPercent_3; } else if (_balance >= step_2 && _balance < step_3) { return dailyPercent_2; } else if (_balance >= step_1 && _balance < step_2) { return dailyPercent_1; } return dailyPercent_0; } }