oboscore: dashboard_score_max_impact: dashboard: 1 impact: 1 impact_external: 3 no_base: 5 overall_error: 20 overall_info: 5 overall_warning: 10 report_errors: 10 report_info: 3 report_warning: 5 reuse: 1 dashboard_score_weights: dashboard: 1 impact: 1 impact_external: 3 no_base: 5 overall_error: 5 overall_info: 0.1 overall_warning: 0.5 report_errors: 0.05 report_info: 0.005 report_warning: 0.01 reuse: 1 ontologies: - base_generated: true base_prefixes: - BMO - BMOALT changed: true date: 2024-09-09 13:20:26.755394 metrics: 'Axioms: Breakdown of axiom types': AnnotationAssertion: 7694 Declaration: 697 DisjointClasses: 19 EquivalentClasses: 7 SubAnnotationPropertyOf: 11 SubClassOf: 772 TransitiveObjectProperty: 1 'Axioms: Number of axioms': 9201 'Entities: % of entities reused': 100.0 'Entities: Number of annotation properties': 149 'Entities: Number of classes': 542 'Entities: Number of data properties': 0 'Entities: Number of individuals': 0 'Entities: Number of object properties': 8 'Entities: Number of unsatisfiable classes': 0 'Info: Breakdown of OWL class expressions used': Class: 2137 ObjectSomeValuesFrom: 244 'Info: Does the ontology fall under OWL 2 DL?': false 'Info: Experimental OBO score': _dashboard: 0.733 _formula: (1*impact+1*dashboard)/2 _impact: 0.0 _impact_external: 0 _reuse: 1.0 oboscore: 0.366 'Info: How many externally documented uses?': 0 'Info: How many ontologies use it?': 0 'Info: Logical consistency': true 'Info: Syntax': RDF/XML Syntax 'Info: Usage of namespaces in axioms': BFO: 259 CARO: 2 CHEBI: 79 CHMO: 5 CL: 21 CMO: 29 CTO: 3 DOID: 408 GO: 28 GSSO: 10 HP: 12 IAO: 2097 ICO: 8 IDO: 2 MAXO: 29 MMO: 2 MONDO: 47 MP: 4 MPATH: 2 NCIT: 656 OAE: 3 OBCS: 6 OBI: 97 OGG: 11 OGMS: 21 OMIT: 71 OMO: 4 ONS: 2 OPMI: 75 PATO: 19 PR: 99 RO: 34 SCDO: 47 SO: 6 STATO: 6 SYMP: 12 UBERON: 61 dc: 35 dc11: 40 foaf: 4 obo: 936 oboInOwl: 3685 owl: 2 prefix_unknown: 374 rdf: 127 rdfs: 894 skos: 133 'Info: Which ontologies use it?': [] mirror_from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Astghik-S/BMO/main/BMO-merged.owl namespace: bmo results: FP01 Open: status: PASS FP02 Common Format: status: PASS FP03 URIs: status: PASS FP04 Versioning: comment: Version IRI does not resolve status: ERROR FP05 Scope: status: PASS FP06 Textual Definitions: status: PASS FP07 Relations: status: PASS FP08 Documented: status: PASS FP09 Plurality of Users: comment: Missing usages status: ERROR FP11 Locus of Authority: comment: Invalid contact information status: ERROR FP12 Naming Conventions: status: PASS FP16 Maintenance: status: PASS FP20 Responsiveness: status: PASS ROBOT Report: status: PASS sha256_hash: c4c0f8f7a522e7838234703e64540582004e7bd5729834c97563ed31233717c1 summary: comment: 3 errors status: ERROR summary_count: ERROR: 3 INFO: 0 WARN: 0 version: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/bmo/releases/2024-05-26/bmo.owl - base_generated: true base_prefixes: - EXMO - EXMOALT changed: true date: 2024-09-09 13:20:38.605953 metrics: 'Axioms: Breakdown of axiom types': AnnotationAssertion: 6370 AnnotationPropertyRangeOf: 1 AsymmetricObjectProperty: 2 DataPropertyRange: 1 Declaration: 1277 DifferentIndividuals: 1 DisjointClasses: 32 DisjointObjectProperties: 10 EquivalentClasses: 27 FunctionalObjectProperty: 3 InverseFunctionalObjectProperty: 1 InverseObjectProperties: 115 IrrefexiveObjectProperty: 8 ObjectPropertyDomain: 112 ObjectPropertyRange: 120 Rule: 31 SubAnnotationPropertyOf: 75 SubClassOf: 564 SubObjectPropertyOf: 706 SubPropertyChainOf: 145 SymmetricObjectProperty: 86 TransitiveObjectProperty: 45 'Axioms: Number of axioms': 9732 'Entities: % of entities reused': 100.0 'Entities: Number of annotation properties': 151 'Entities: Number of classes': 434 'Entities: Number of data properties': 1 'Entities: Number of individuals': 35 'Entities: Number of object properties': 658 'Entities: Number of unsatisfiable classes': 0 'Info: Breakdown of OWL class expressions used': Class: 1949 ObjectAllValuesFrom: 34 ObjectComplementOf: 2 ObjectIntersectionOf: 29 ObjectSomeValuesFrom: 125 ObjectUnionOf: 15 'Info: Does the ontology fall under OWL 2 DL?': true 'Info: Experimental OBO score': _dashboard: 0.733 _formula: (1*impact+1*dashboard)/2 _impact: 0.0 _impact_external: 0 _reuse: 1.0 oboscore: 0.366 'Info: How many externally documented uses?': 0 'Info: How many ontologies use it?': 0 'Info: Logical consistency': true 'Info: Syntax': RDF/XML Syntax 'Info: Usage of namespaces in axioms': BFO: 660 DOID: 10 ENVO: 1 HsapDv: 62 IAO: 2808 OBI: 21 OMO: 4 RO: 3392 UBERON: 64 dc: 318 dc11: 18 foaf: 2 obo: 1503 oboInOwl: 2158 owl: 2 prefix_unknown: 68 rdf: 434 rdfs: 1691 skos: 5 xsd: 143 'Info: Which ontologies use it?': [] mirror_from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DarkKnight0-0/exmo/master/exmo.owl namespace: exmo results: FP01 Open: comment: Ontology license 'exercise medicine ontology is licensed under cc by 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).' does not match registry license 'https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/'. status: ERROR FP02 Common Format: status: PASS FP03 URIs: status: PASS FP04 Versioning: comment: Version IRI does not resolve status: ERROR FP05 Scope: status: PASS FP06 Textual Definitions: status: PASS FP07 Relations: status: PASS FP08 Documented: status: PASS FP09 Plurality of Users: comment: Missing usages status: ERROR FP11 Locus of Authority: status: PASS FP12 Naming Conventions: status: PASS FP16 Maintenance: status: PASS FP20 Responsiveness: status: PASS ROBOT Report: status: PASS sha256_hash: 8195fb794788a150dd3fdc732a362631cfbbcbf835539d5db28cebb4be847b64 summary: comment: 3 errors status: ERROR summary_count: ERROR: 3 INFO: 0 WARN: 0 version: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/exmo/2024-07-10/exmo.owl - base_generated: true base_prefixes: - PBPKO - PBPKOALT changed: true date: 2024-09-09 13:20:33.548162 metrics: 'Axioms: Breakdown of axiom types': AnnotationAssertion: 2338 Declaration: 582 SubClassOf: 558 'Axioms: Number of axioms': 3478 'Entities: % of entities reused': 100.0 'Entities: Number of annotation properties': 19 'Entities: Number of classes': 565 'Entities: Number of data properties': 0 'Entities: Number of individuals': 0 'Entities: Number of object properties': 0 'Entities: Number of unsatisfiable classes': 0 'Info: Breakdown of OWL class expressions used': Class: 1681 'Info: Does the ontology fall under OWL 2 DL?': true 'Info: Experimental OBO score': _dashboard: 0.6 _formula: (1*impact+1*dashboard)/2 _impact: 0.0 _impact_external: 0 _reuse: 1.0 oboscore: 0.3 'Info: How many externally documented uses?': 0 'Info: How many ontologies use it?': 0 'Info: Logical consistency': true 'Info: Syntax': RDF/XML Syntax 'Info: Usage of namespaces in axioms': GO: 9 IAO: 1818 OBCS: 10 UBERON: 40 dc: 6 foaf: 15 obo: 1727 rdf: 258 rdfs: 567 skos: 102 xsd: 1 'Info: Which ontologies use it?': [] mirror_from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Crispae/pbpko/main/Robot/ontologies/pbpko.owl namespace: pbpko results: FP01 Open: status: PASS FP02 Common Format: status: PASS FP03 URIs: comment: 0 invalid IRIs. The Ontology IRI is not valid. file: fp3 status: ERROR FP04 Versioning: comment: Version IRI does not resolve status: ERROR FP05 Scope: status: PASS FP06 Textual Definitions: comment: 6 duplicate definitions. 20 missing definitions. See ROBOT Report for details. status: ERROR FP07 Relations: status: PASS FP08 Documented: status: PASS FP09 Plurality of Users: comment: Missing usages status: ERROR FP11 Locus of Authority: status: PASS FP12 Naming Conventions: status: PASS FP16 Maintenance: status: PASS FP20 Responsiveness: status: PASS ROBOT Report: comment: 8 errors, 47 warnings, 12 info messages. file: robot_report results: ERROR: 8 INFO: 12 WARN: 47 status: ERROR sha256_hash: 15c34bb5dc0760071f458d5d52da5e54d0783966a0adfc7e2c546937436ff1ef summary: comment: 5 errors status: ERROR summary_count: ERROR: 5 INFO: 0 WARN: 0 version: http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/pbpko/releases/2024-08-11/pbpko.owl - base_generated: true base_prefixes: - TMP - TMPALT changed: true date: 2024-09-09 13:20:20.579249 metrics: 'Axioms: Breakdown of axiom types': AnnotationAssertion: 2 Declaration: 2 EquivalentClasses: 1 'Axioms: Number of axioms': 5 'Entities: % of entities reused': 100.0 'Entities: Number of annotation properties': 1 'Entities: Number of classes': 2 'Entities: Number of data properties': 0 'Entities: Number of individuals': 0 'Entities: Number of object properties': 1 'Entities: Number of unsatisfiable classes': 0 'Info: Breakdown of OWL class expressions used': Class: 3 ObjectSomeValuesFrom: 1 'Info: Does the ontology fall under OWL 2 DL?': true 'Info: Experimental OBO score': _dashboard: 0.282 _formula: (1*impact+1*dashboard)/2 _impact: 0.0 _impact_external: 0 _reuse: 1.0 oboscore: 0.141 'Info: How many externally documented uses?': 0 'Info: How many ontologies use it?': 0 'Info: Logical consistency': true 'Info: Syntax': RDF/XML Syntax 'Info: Usage of namespaces in axioms': obo: 4 owl: 1 rdfs: 2 'Info: Which ontologies use it?': [] mirror_from: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/monarch-ebi-dev/robot_tests/master/custom-dashboard.owl namespace: tmp results: FP01 Open: comment: Missing ontology license. Missing registry license. status: ERROR FP02 Common Format: status: PASS FP03 URIs: comment: 0 invalid IRIs. The Ontology IRI is not valid. file: fp3 status: ERROR FP04 Versioning: comment: Missing version IRI status: ERROR FP05 Scope: comment: Missing domain (scope) status: ERROR FP06 Textual Definitions: comment: 2 missing definitions. See ROBOT Report for details. status: WARN FP07 Relations: comment: 1 non-RO properties used. file: fp7 status: INFO FP08 Documented: comment: Missing homepage and description status: ERROR FP09 Plurality of Users: comment: Missing tracker and usages status: ERROR FP11 Locus of Authority: comment: Missing contact information status: ERROR FP12 Naming Conventions: status: PASS FP16 Maintenance: comment: Missing version IRI to check date status: ERROR FP20 Responsiveness: comment: Missing tracker and usages status: ERROR ROBOT Report: comment: 3 warnings, 1 info messages. file: robot_report results: ERROR: 0 INFO: 1 WARN: 3 status: WARN sha256_hash: 60af01fd21e71e4e0a1c24178cfa75c445a624459af735e84db630159154bd69 summary: comment: 9 errors status: ERROR summary_count: ERROR: 9 INFO: 1 WARN: 2 version: null