--- title: "OHI 2016 - Artisanal Opportunities: Preparing need data" author: "*Compiled on `r date()` by `r Sys.info()['user']`*" output: html_document: code_folding: show toc: true toc_depth: 1 toc_float: yes number_sections: false theme: cerulean highlight: haddock includes: in_header: '../../../src/templates/ohi_hdr.html' pdf_document: toc: true --- [REFERENCE RMD FILE: https://cdn.rawgit.com/OHI-Science/ohiprep/master/globalprep/prs_oa/v2016/oa_dataprep.html] #Summary [general description: What data are being generated? Why (what project, etc.)? Upstream/downstream processing information that might be helpful? Other information?] #Updates from previous assessment [Any significant changes in methods from previous analyses?] *** #Data Source [NOTE: can be copied from README.md in rawdata file] **Reference**: [citation for source data; website, literature, contact information. Version of data (if relevant). Screenshots if a series of menus had to be navigated to obtain the data.] **Downloaded**: [date downloaded or received] **Description**: [e.g., surface aragonite state] **Native data resolution**: [e.g., 1 degree, 30 m, etc.] **Time range**: [e.g., 1880-1899, monthly data provided for each year] **Format**: [e.g. NetCDF] *** #Methods [R code used to generate the data. Or, alternatively, description of the code/data files used to generate the data.] *** #Citation information [citation information: include if these data will have their own specific citation.]