/* This sketch is combined demo of: 1) SD(esp_32) -- > SD_Test; 2) WiFi --> ETH_LAN8720 It displays info about the card on the terminal and initializes LAN after that. You can ping the IP address shown on the terminal. */ #include static bool eth_connected = false; #include "FS.h" #include "SD_MMC.h" void listDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * dirname, uint8_t levels){ Serial.printf("Listing directory: %s\n", dirname); File root = fs.open(dirname); if(!root){ Serial.println("Failed to open directory"); return; } if(!root.isDirectory()){ Serial.println("Not a directory"); return; } File file = root.openNextFile(); while(file){ if(file.isDirectory()){ Serial.print(" DIR : "); Serial.println(file.name()); if(levels){ listDir(fs, file.name(), levels -1); } } else { Serial.print(" FILE: "); Serial.print(file.name()); Serial.print(" SIZE: "); Serial.println(file.size()); } file = root.openNextFile(); } } void createDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){ Serial.printf("Creating Dir: %s\n", path); if(fs.mkdir(path)){ Serial.println("Dir created"); } else { Serial.println("mkdir failed"); } } void removeDir(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){ Serial.printf("Removing Dir: %s\n", path); if(fs.rmdir(path)){ Serial.println("Dir removed"); } else { Serial.println("rmdir failed"); } } void readFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){ Serial.printf("Reading file: %s\n", path); File file = fs.open(path); if(!file){ Serial.println("Failed to open file for reading"); return; } Serial.print("Read from file: "); while(file.available()){ Serial.write(file.read()); } } void writeFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ Serial.printf("Writing file: %s\n", path); File file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ Serial.println("Failed to open file for writing"); return; } if(file.print(message)){ Serial.println("File written"); } else { Serial.println("Write failed"); } } void appendFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path, const char * message){ Serial.printf("Appending to file: %s\n", path); File file = fs.open(path, FILE_APPEND); if(!file){ Serial.println("Failed to open file for appending"); return; } if(file.print(message)){ Serial.println("Message appended"); } else { Serial.println("Append failed"); } } void renameFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path1, const char * path2){ Serial.printf("Renaming file %s to %s\n", path1, path2); if (fs.rename(path1, path2)) { Serial.println("File renamed"); } else { Serial.println("Rename failed"); } } void deleteFile(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){ Serial.printf("Deleting file: %s\n", path); if(fs.remove(path)){ Serial.println("File deleted"); } else { Serial.println("Delete failed"); } } void testFileIO(fs::FS &fs, const char * path){ File file = fs.open(path); static uint8_t buf[512]; size_t len = 0; uint32_t start = millis(); uint32_t end = start; if(file){ len = file.size(); size_t flen = len; start = millis(); while(len){ size_t toRead = len; if(toRead > 512){ toRead = 512; } file.read(buf, toRead); len -= toRead; } end = millis() - start; Serial.printf("%u bytes read for %u ms\n", flen, end); file.close(); } else { Serial.println("Failed to open file for reading"); } file = fs.open(path, FILE_WRITE); if(!file){ Serial.println("Failed to open file for writing"); return; } size_t i; start = millis(); for(i=0; i<2048; i++){ file.write(buf, 512); } end = millis() - start; Serial.printf("%u bytes written for %u ms\n", 2048 * 512, end); file.close(); } void WiFiEvent(WiFiEvent_t event) { switch (event) { case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_START: Serial.println("ETH Started"); //set eth hostname here ETH.setHostname("esp32-ethernet"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_CONNECTED: Serial.println("ETH Connected"); break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP: Serial.print("ETH MAC: "); Serial.print(ETH.macAddress()); Serial.print(", IPv4: "); Serial.print(ETH.localIP()); if (ETH.fullDuplex()) { Serial.print(", FULL_DUPLEX"); } Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(ETH.linkSpeed()); Serial.println("Mbps"); eth_connected = true; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_DISCONNECTED: Serial.println("ETH Disconnected"); eth_connected = false; break; case ARDUINO_EVENT_ETH_STOP: Serial.println("ETH Stopped"); eth_connected = false; break; default: break; } } void testClient(const char * host, uint16_t port) { Serial.print("\nconnecting to "); Serial.println(host); WiFiClient client; if (!client.connect(host, port)) { Serial.println("connection failed"); return; } client.printf("GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: %s\r\n\r\n", host); while (client.connected() && !client.available()); while (client.available()) { Serial.write(client.read()); } Serial.println("closing connection\n"); client.stop(); } // Print SDCard Info, perform son read/write operations and test file I/O // (This is called when the button is pressed) void Print_SDCard_Info () { uint8_t cardType = SD_MMC.cardType(); if(cardType == CARD_NONE){ Serial.println("No SD_MMC card attached"); return; } Serial.print("SD_MMC Card Type: "); if(cardType == CARD_MMC){ Serial.println("MMC"); } else if(cardType == CARD_SD){ Serial.println("SDSC"); } else if(cardType == CARD_SDHC){ Serial.println("SDHC"); } else { Serial.println("UNKNOWN"); } uint64_t cardSize = SD_MMC.cardSize() / (1024 * 1024); Serial.printf("SD_MMC Card Size: %lluMB\n", cardSize); listDir(SD_MMC, "/", 0); createDir(SD_MMC, "/mydir"); listDir(SD_MMC, "/", 0); removeDir(SD_MMC, "/mydir"); listDir(SD_MMC, "/", 2); writeFile(SD_MMC, "/hello.txt", "Hello "); appendFile(SD_MMC, "/hello.txt", "World!\n"); readFile(SD_MMC, "/hello.txt"); deleteFile(SD_MMC, "/foo.txt"); renameFile(SD_MMC, "/hello.txt", "/foo.txt"); readFile(SD_MMC, "/foo.txt"); testFileIO(SD_MMC, "/test.txt"); Serial.printf("Total space: %lluMB\n", SD_MMC.totalBytes() / (1024 * 1024)); Serial.printf("Used space: %lluMB\n", SD_MMC.usedBytes() / (1024 * 1024)); } // Pressing the button will pull down the input (it has a 10k pullup resistor) #define BUTTON_PRESSED() (!digitalRead (34)) void setup() { // Wait for the hardware to initialize: delay(500); Serial.begin(115200); //if(!SD_MMC.begin()) // if using ESP32 package 2.0.x if(!SD_MMC.begin("/sdcard", true)) // if using ESP32 package 3.x.x { Serial.println("Card Mount Failed"); Serial.println("Note: is it formated as FAT32? (exFAT and other formats at NOT supported)"); return; } Serial.println("Card Mounted"); WiFi.onEvent(WiFiEvent); ETH.begin(); pinMode (34, INPUT); // Button } void loop() { // Note: you may have to press the button for 2 seconds before it is detected (because of the delay at the end of this loop) if (BUTTON_PRESSED()) { Print_SDCard_Info (); // Wait for the user to release the button while (BUTTON_PRESSED()); } if (eth_connected) { testClient("google.com", 80); } delay(2000); }