Amanda Hicks J. Neil Otte Jane Ball John Judkins Jonathan Bona Mihail Eduard Tudoreanu Nels D. Sanddal Robert J. Winchell Robert T. Maxson Rohit Pradhan Rosemary Nabaweesi Sarah Bost Stephen M. Bowman William R. Hogan Mathias Brochhausen The Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma systems (OOSTT) is a representation of the components of trauma centers and trauma systems coded in Web Ontology Language (OWL2). Ontology of Organizational Structures of Trauma centers and Trauma Systems Development of this ontology is funded by a grant from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health. release version - 2023-03-30 editor preferred label editor preferred label editor preferred term editor preferred term editor preferred term~editor preferred label example of usage has curation status definition definition textual definition editor note editor note definition editor definition editor term editor term editor alternative term definition source definition source curator note curator note imported from expand expression to elucidation ISA alternative term IEDB alternative term A description of an OOSTT class that is aimed at the OOSTT user community and not meant to be definition for use in ontology development, curation or maintenance. Mathias Brochhausen OOSTT user-centered description A label that is used specifically by CAFE applications ( Mathias Brochhausen CAFE application label temporal interpretation Unique Apollo Label in_subset label label aggregate of aggregate_of is aggregate of Relating a legal person or organization to an organization in the case where the legal person or organization has a role as member of the organization. is member of organization has organization member Relating an organization to a legal person or organization. See tracker: Person: Jie Zheng has organization member A relation between an information content entity and a value specification that specifies its value. OBI has value specification 'organize' holds between an independent continuant and a planned process, iff the independent continuant particpates in the planned process and also participated in the creation of the plan specification that the planned process realizes. Mathias Brochhausen organize This relation holds between two specifically dependent continuants, a and b, where b is of its nature such that it cannot exist unless a exists and where a is of its nature such that it cannot exist unless b exists. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen mutually specifically depends on A primitive, instance-level, relation obtaining between an information content entity and some portion of reality. Prescribing is what happens when an information content entity created, ratified, or issued by an entity with authority over the domain the ICE targets states actions or specifications or the omission of actions that are expected to be adhered to. Neil J. Otte prescribes 'has policy' holds between an organization and a directive information entity, iff the directive information entity is the outcome of a document act and it is meant to regulate the actions of the organization or its organizational members. Mathias Brochhausen has policy 'services area' holds iff a an organization performing or organizing paid or unpaid planned processes that benefit 3rd parties and b is a geographical region and a performs or organizes said planned process in the site of b. Mathias Brochhausen services geographical region 'policy of' holds between a directive information entity and an organization iff the directive information entity is the outcome of a document act and it is meant to regulate the actions of the organization or its organizational members. Mathias Brochhausen policy of participates in this blood clot participates in this blood coagulation this input material (or this output material) participates in this process this investigator participates in this investigation a relation between a continuant and a process, in which the continuant is somehow involved in the process participates_in participates in before or simultaneous with simultaneous with x overlaps y if and only if there exists some z such that x has part z and z part of y some ( some ?Y) overlaps temporally related to A mereological relationship or a topological relationship Chris Mungall Do not use this relation directly. It is ended as a grouping for a diverse set of relations, all involving parthood or connectivity relationships mereotopologically related to An organism that is a member of a population of organisms is member of is a mereological relation between a item and a collection. is member of member part of SIO member of has specified value A relation between a value specification and a number that quantifies it. A range of 'real' might be better than 'float'. For now we follow 'has measurement value' until we can consider technical issues with SPARQL queries and reasoning. PERSON: James A. Overton OBI has specified value A measurement datum that is the output of counting. It can be denoted as an arithmetic value or in form of a word, and is usually as a result of a process. count A planned process that computes the totality of some material entity. counting A measurement datum that quantifies a temporal region that is occupied by a processual entity. Mathias Brochhausen A measurement datum that quantifies a temporal region that is occupied by a processual entity. Duration duration Flow cytometry is a technique. A technique is a planned process used to accomplish a specific activity or task. PERSON: Melissa Haendel A method or skill used to accomplish a specific activity or task. Protocol is added to eagle-i temporarily until a relationship between the informatio entity "protocol" and these planned processes is created. This class refers to the axtual process not the document technique Rehabilitation for alcohol abuse. A technique that is performed to restore some or all of the patient's physical, sensory, and mental capabilities that were lost due to injury, illness, or disease. PERSON: Nicole Vasilevsky rehabilitation geographical entity of astronomical body A material entity that is (1) a bona fide or fiat object part of the crust, any bodies of liquid on or contained within the crust, or planetary boundary layer (if present) of a terrestrial planet (including Earth), dwarf planet, exoplanet, natural satellite, planetesimal, or small Solar System body, and that (2) overlaps the planetary surface (including having a boundary that coincides with part of the planetary surface). Mathias Brochhausen Matt Diller William R. Hogan Includes atmosphere, crust, geographical regions (e.g., the geographical region over which the state of Florida has jurisdiction), bodies of water, mountains, etc. Generally, an individual organism is a distinct object that is not a part of the Earth, although this requires more thought. But the intent is definitely for this class to NOT subsume organism universally. Human beings are contained within, but not part of, the Earth, for example. Note that despite the word 'planetary' in 'planetary surface', it refers generally to surface of dwarf planets, asteroids, moons, etc. We note that not all planets have a surface per se (e.g., gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn). So only planets, natural satellites, etc. with a planetary surface (with or without a planetary boundary layer) have geographical entities. We note that the term 'geography' is also applied to the Earth's moon, Mars, Venus, and possibly even other moons and planets in our own solar system and beyond. Thus, we are attempting to define things generally enough that they could be reused for the geographical entities/features on the Moon, Mars, other planets, exoplanets, other natural satellites (a.k.a moons), asteroids, etc. geographical entity A geographical entity that is demarcated at least in part by one or more closed fiat boundaries all of whose lines are part of the planetary surface. François Modave Mathias Brochhausen Matt Diller William R. Hogan geographical region assay Assay the wavelength of light emitted by excited Neon atoms. Count of geese flying over a house. A planned process with the objective to produce information about the material entity that is the evaluant, by physically examining it or its proxies. 12/3/12: BP: the reference to the 'physical examination' is included to point out that a prediction is not an assay, as that does not require physical examiniation. PlanAndPlannedProcess Branch measuring scientific observation OBI branch derived study assay any method assay The value of 'positive' in a classification scheme of "positive or negative"; the value of '20g' on the quantitative scale of mass. An information content entity that specifies a value within a classification scheme or on a quantitative scale. This term is currently a descendant of 'information content entity', which requires that it 'is about' something. A value specification of '20g' for a measurement data item of the mass of a particular mouse 'is about' the mass of that mouse. However there are cases where a value specification is not clearly about any particular. In the future we may change 'value specification' to remove the 'is about' requirement. value specification A representation that is either the output of a clinical history taking or a physical examination or an image finding, or some combination thereof. Albert Goldfain creation date: 2010-07-19T10:18:02Z clinical finding A social process that has at least one human participant and that includes as parts the treatment, diagnosis, or prevention of disease or injury--or the following of instructions of another human for treatment, diagnosis, or prevention--of a participant in the process Albert Goldfain creation date: 2011-02-21T09:57:44Z A process involving a patient and a healthcare professional that focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and consultation for a disease or injury, or for prevention of a subsequent injury. health care process TODO Albert Goldfain creation date: 2011-02-21T09:57:44Z 09/16/2020 Is this same as admission? Is this the same as inpatient encounter? hospitalization A part of an organism that has undergone a change in structural integrity and has a higher chance of dysfunction or causing dysfunction in another structure. At the scale of organism (as opposed to the cellular scale or the population scale), an injury is typically the result of a catastrophic event. Consider the implications of making 'injury' a subtype of 'disorder'. Albert Goldfain creation date: 2011-09-20T09:57:44Z Damage to a person's tissues, bones, or organ systems with the potential for dysfunction and caused by mechanical, thermal, or radiation mechanisms injury A data item that is about a patient and is the specified output of a health care process assay or diagnostic process creation date: 2018-11-27 clinical data item A social role inhering in a human being. Mathias Brochhausen William R. Hogan human social role A role in human social processes that is realized by health care processes such as seeking or providing treatment for disease and injury, diagnosing disease and injury, and undergoing diagnosis. William R. Hogan health care role Mathias Brochhausen human health care role A role borne by an organism and that is realized by presenting to a health care provider in a clinical encounter. Amanda Hicks Mathias Brochhausen patient CAFE domain expert working group. A person who presents to a healthcare provider for clinical care. In order to avoid the presumption of the formal structures and institutions of Western civilization, bearing a patient role does not entail that the organism presents at an official place of business, with an organization formally and legally registered with various gov't entities, with a person endowed by the gov't with certain certifications. patient role A human health care role inhering in an organization or human being that is realized by a process of providing health care services to an organism. Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare provider with responsibility for the care of ill and injured patients. William R. Hogan health care provider role A health care role borne by a human being and realized by promoting, maintaining, or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury and other physical and mental impairments. Mathias Brochhausen physician A credentialled health professional graduate of a school of medicine who provides medical care by promoting, maintaining, or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis, and treatment of disease, injury, and other physical and mental impairments. physician role A health care role borne by a human being and realized by the care of individuals, families, and communities so they may attain, maintain, or recover optimal health and quality of life. Mathias Brochhausen nurse based on: A health professional graduate of a school of nursing who provides nursing care to promote the attainment, maintenance, or recovery of optimal health and quality of life for individuals, families, and communities. nurse role Definition needed, but the idea is that we want to differentiate between provider and payer organizations. Some organizaitons have both roles (e.g., UPMC has a Hospital Division, a Physician Divison, and an Insurance Division). health care provider organization role A role inhering in an entity realized by social interactions in human society. Mathias Brochhausen Previous definition: A role played by an entity in human social processes. role in human social processes A role in human social processes that inheres in an organization. William R. Hogan Defined class that we will ultimately move to an application ontology. We are leaving here for now until we determine which application ontology: it is likely going to be an ontology that does not currently (2012-06-05) exist. Ditto for its current descendants. organization social role A role in human social processes that inheres in an organism. William R. Hogan Mathias Brochhausen Defined class that we will ultimately move to an application ontology. We are leaving here for now until we determine which application ontology: it is likely going to be an ontology that does not currently (2012-06-05) exist. Ditto for its current descendants. Includes animals as well as humans. For example, pet, assistance animal, animal grown for food, work animal, domesticated animal, K-9, etc. Human roles include gender role, party to legal entities, health care provider roles like doctor, nurse, etc. Previous definition: A role in human social processes played by an organism. organism social role An organization social role that is realized by a health care process. An organization that has a role in the healthcare delivery process. Previous definition: An organization social role played by an organization in health care processes. organization health care role A role borne by a human individual or by a collection of humans regarded as possessing rights and duties enforeable at law. An individual(s) with authority and rights and duties enforceable by law. legal person role A healthcare provider role that inheres in an organization and is realized by providing inpatient and outpatient care. Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare facility that provides inpatient and outpatient care. hospital role A patient role that inheres an organism suffering one or more injuries. Amanda Hicks injured patient The following definition for 'injured patient' was approved by the CAFE team of domain experts (experts in trauma care) May 29, 2015. A patient suffering one or more injuries. An individual with one or more injuries that requires treatment. injured patient role Amanda hicks employee employee role A role that concretizes a socio-lega generically dependent continuant Amanda Hicks socio-legal human social role A socio-legal human social role that concretizes a socio-legally generically dependent continuat that was created by a declaration performed by an organization. Amanda Hicks human role within an organization employer role A human health care provider role that inheres in a human being that is created by state licensing and that is realized by taking patient histories, performing physical exams, diagnosing illnesses, developing treatment plans, ordering lab tests, prescribing medications, counselling and educating patients, suturing wounds, and assisting in surgery under the supervision of a physician or a surgeon. US physician assistant role A physician role that, if it is realized, is realized either by administering medication for the temporary general or local suppression of sensory or motor nerve function during some health care encounter or providing airway management or by making decisions independently of a supervising physician regarding the adminstration of such medication. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen A physician with responsibility for managing complex airways, and administering anesthesia or making decisions about anethesthic medications to be administered in collaboration with the attending physician. anesthesiologist role A healthcare provider representing their specialty in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_specialty liaison true A role borne by a physician that, if realized, is realized by making the diagnostic and therapeutic decision during a trauma resuscitation. Mathias Brochhausen trauma team lead role An organization that is the bearer of a trauma center role. Mathias Brochhausen trauma center A professional organization of healthcare providers and trauma facilitites aiming to improve trauma care, the trauma system, and/or to conduct trauma research. Mathias Brochhausen A group of health professionals and trauma facilities with a formal mission focused on improving trauma care, the trauma system, and/or trauma research. trauma professional organization A role that inheres in a healthcare provider and, if realized, is realized by the bearer representing their speciality in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen specialty liaison role A plan specification specifying the monitoring, evaluating, and improving of the quality of care for trauma patients and of a trauma service as whole. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A plan aiming towards the improvement of quality of care by monitoring and evaluating care and patient safety for individual trauma patients and the trauma service overall. trauma quality improvement and patient safety program A committee with members from multiple specialties that engages in case review of trauma cases. Mathias Brochhausen A committee with members from multiple specialties that engages in case review of trauma cases. trauma multidisciplinary peer review committee A performance improvement committee that is part of a trauma program and reviews the system of care within that trauma center. Mathias Brochhausen A performance improvement committee that reviews the system, processes, and efficiencies of care within a trauma service. trauma program operational review committee A role appointed by a legislature that, if realized, grants the bearer authority to plan, coordinate, and monitor trauma systems. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The agency statutorily responsible for trauma systems planning, program coordination, and monitoring within the state, region or county. trauma lead agency role An organization in a defined geographic area that ensures optimal trauma care, which includes injury prevention, access to care, prehospital care, acute hospital care, and rehabilitation. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A systematic approach within a geographic region to assure and improve the process of trauma care, including prehospital care and rehabilitation, by establishing guidelines and monitoring performance and outcomes of care for the region's population and visitors. regional trauma system A conditional specification that guides prehospital providers in determining the most appropriate facility to care for the injured patient. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A decision tool "to help prehospital providers determine the most appropriate facility to care for the injured patient" developed by a medical direction authority [PMID: 22626915]. field triage guideline The planned process of alerting the trauma team members that a trauma patient is enroute or has arrived. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost Notification of the appropriate pre-defined trauma team, to match the severity of anticipated injuries, to assemble and prepare to evaluate and treat a patient after notification that the patient is enroute or has arrived at the emergency department. trauma team activation The planned process of trauma team members arriving to treat the patient. Mathias Brochhausen Assembling of the appropriate trauma team (surgeon, nurses, emergency physician, anesthesia specialist, X-ray technicians, and others as indicated) to match the patient's injury or physiological severity. trauma team response A healthcare provider who is bearing a trauma team lead role. Mathias Brochhausen trauma team lead An organization that has statutory authority from the legislature to develop and oversee a trauma system. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost trauma systems agency The agency legally responsible for trauma-EMS systems planning, program coordination, and monitoring within the state, region or county. trauma lead agency An organization of organizations and healthcare providers to facilitate and coordinate a multidisciplinary response to severe injury. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An organized and regulated local, state, provincial, regional, or national approach to facilitating and coordinating a multidisciplinary medical system response to severely injured patients. trauma system A statute or a set of statutes specifying an agency that holds authority for the creation and operation of a trauma system. Mathias Brochhausen A statute or multiple statutes that identifies a lead agency and authorizes the creation, operation, and evaluation of a state, regional or local trauma system. enabling legislation The organization that bears a trauma program role and is part of a healthcare provider organization. Mathias Brochhausen trauma service The organizational unit of a healthcare facility that is designated to provide and coordinate care for injured patients. trauma program A role borne by a human healthcare provider that, if realized is realized by managing the operation of the trauma service, including: supervision of trauma registry, trauma case managers, and support staff; coordination with hospital administration and medical staff; coordination of trauma quality improvement functions; preparation of trauma designation/verification applications, documentation and required reporting; and trauma-specific education and training. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost TPM role The individual responsible for managing the day-to-day operation of the trauma program, including: supervision of trauma registry, trauma case managers, and support staff; coordination with hospital administration and medical staff; coordination of trauma quality improvement functions; preparation of trauma designation/verification applications, documentation and required reporting; and trauma-specific education and training. The individual responsible for managing the operation of the trauma service, including: supervision of trauma registry, trauma case managers, and support staff; coordination with hospital administration and medical staff; coordination of trauma quality improvement functions; preparation of trauma designation/verification applications, documentation and required reporting; and trauma-specific education and training. trauma program manager role A planned process that comprehensively determines whether a facility meets the established criteria (state or national) regarding procedures, resources, and capabilities for the level of trauma service requested by the facility. Mathias Brochhausen A process that comprehensively determines whether a facility meets the established criteria of a verification body (e.g. the American College of Surgeons) regarding procedures, resources, personnel and capabilities required to be a designated trauma facility. trauma center verification A deontic document act that creates the role of a trauma center based on meeting the criteria by a designated organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A state, regional, provincial, or national recognition process in which a facility is awarded a trauma center role after a formal review of the hospital's organization, capacity, personnel, and resources by a verifying agency. trauma center designation A human health care role borne by a physician that, if realized, is realized by having the authority to direct and oversee the management all aspects of the trauma service. Mathias Brochhausen TMD role The role borne by a physician having the authority to manage all aspects of a trauma service. trauma medical director role An individual who abstracts, records, and validates data in an electronic trauma registry; assists with data analysis; and runs reports. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An individual who abstracts and records data into an electronic trauma registry and runs reports. trauma registrar role A performance improvement committee tasked to evaluate trauma care within a region or state. Mathias Brochhausen The CAFE Domain Expert Group trauma system operational process performance improvement committee An organization of healthcare professionals from multiple disciplines who collectively work together on the assessment and treatment of those who are potentially severely injured. Mathias Brochhausen A multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals who collectively work together on the initial assessment and treatment of individuals who are potentially severely injured. The term "potentially" was added both to the definition and the OOSTT user-centered description to acount for overtriage. Trauma resiscitation teams assess patients that are deemed to be severly injured by prehsopital healthcare providers. trauma resuscitation team A Level I trauma center role is a trauma center role that is borne by a hospital and that is the specified output of a Level I trauma center designation. If realized, it is realized by providing trauma care and education in accordance with the requirements for Level I trauma centers by the designating organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost level I trauma center role An example of the requirements for a Level I trauma center can be found on page 17 in Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient, 6th edition: level 1 trauma center role A Level II trauma center role is a trauma center role that is borne by a hospital and that is the specified output of a Level II trauma center designation. If realized, it is realized by providing trauma care and education in accordance with the requirements for Level II trauma centers by the designating organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost level II trauma center role An example of the requirements for a Level II trauma center can be found on page 18 in Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient, 6th edition: level 2 trauma center role A Level III trauma center role is a trauma center role that is borne by a hospital and that is the specified output of a Level III trauma center designation. If realized, it is realized by providing trauma care and education in accordance with the requirements for Level III trauma centers by the designating organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost level III trauma center role An example of the requirements for a Level III trauma center can be found on page 19 in Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient, 6th edition: level 3 trauma center role A trauma lead agency responsible for implementing rules and financing. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen The entity given authority by the government to implement rules and financing. jurisdictional lead agency A role that is borne by a hospital or clinic and, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing emergency trauma care through specially trained personnel. The role is the specified outcome of a trauma center designation. Mathias Brochhausen A formally recognized acute care hospital or clinic that meets the standards and established criteria for trauma center designation and provides stabilization or definitive care to trauma patients. trauma center role A Level IV trauma center role is a trauma center role that is borne by a hospital and that is the specified output of a Level IV trauma center designation. If realized, it is realized by providing trauma care and education in accordance with the requirements for Level IV trauma centers by the designating organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost level IV trauma center role An example of the requirements for a Level IV trauma center can be found on page 20 in Resources for Optimal Care of the Injured Patient, 6th edition: level 4 trauma center role A pediatric trauma center role is a trauma center role that is borne by a hospital and that is the specified output of a pediatric trauma center designation. If realized, it is realized by providing pediatric trauma care and education in accordance with the requirements for pediatric trauma centers by the designating organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A trauma center role that is borne by a hospital that is organized to provide trauma care to injured infants, children, and adolescents. Its bearer has a full range of pediatric specialists and equipment available 24 hours a day and admits a minimum required annual volume of severely injured patients established by the designating agency. The facility has transfer agreements with referring facilities, and provides performance improvement and education outreach to those facilities. The role is created by a pediatric Trauma Center designation. pediatric trauma center role A Level V trauma center role is a trauma center role that is borne by a hospital or clinic and that is the specified output of a Level V trauma center designation. If realized, it is realized by providing trauma care and education in accordance with the requirements for Level V trauma centers by the designating organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost level V trauma center role level 5 trauma center role A trauma center verifcation that has a designated trauma center as specified input. Designated trauma centers need to go through the process of reverification in a specified time interval. Mathias Brochhausen A process to determine whether a verified trauma center continues to meet the verification standards of the American College of Surgeons or a similar process in a particular trauma system or jurisdiction within a specified time period. trauma center reverification A planned process providing an assessment of a hospital regarding the feasibility of it becoming a designated trauma center. Mathias Brochhausen A planned process providing an assessment of a hospital's organization, capacity, personnel, and resources regarding the feasibility of it becoming a verified or designated trauma center. trauma center consultation A healthcare provider organization role that is borne by a part of a healthcare provider organization and, if realized, is realized by providing and coordinating care for injured patients. Mathias Brochhausen A program within a healthcare facility that provides and coordinates care for injured patients. trauma program role A plan specification that specifies which members of trauma personnel are supposed to be ready for trauma team activation during which time periods. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen trauma panel The plan specifying which trauma personnel are required to respond to trauma team activations for given time periods. trauma on call plan specification A trauma professional organization focusing its mission on a specified region within a nation. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen A professional organization focusing its mission on the improvement of trauma care within the region. regional trauma professional organization A trauma professional organization focusing its mission on a national level. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen A professional organization focusing its mission on the improvement of trauma care across the nation, with potential impacts at state, regional, and local levels. national trauma professional organization A plan specification specifying the organization of meetings of representatives of all medical specialities involved in trauma care to review the performance from a peer perspective. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost Guidelines for organization of the trauma peer review committee meetings with an intended outcome of reviewing the performance of trauma care from a peer perspective. trauma peer review committee meeting plan specification A planned process that realizes the concretization of a trauma peer review committee meeting plan specification. This meeting is inteded to to review the performance from a representatives of all medical specialities involved in trauma care by their peers. Mathias Brochhausen The scheduled time at which the members of the trauma peer review committee meet to evaluate and provide feedback to individual care providers regarding provided trauma care. trauma peer review committee meeting A role that is borne by a person that also bears a emergency medicine physician role and, if realized, is realized by providing management and leadership for the clinical department that providie emergency care to ill and injured patients. Mathias Brochhausen director of emergency medicine head of emergency medicine department role A emergency physician who provides management and leadership for the physicians providing emergency care to ill and injured patients. head of emergency medicine role A human health care role borne by a nurse and if realized, relized by managing a team of healthcare professionals, provide continuing education or providing input to healthcare policies in their organization Mathias Brochhausen A qualified nurse leader who has authority to manage and oversee nursing care provided within the healthcare facility, including provision of input to the facility's healthcare policies. nurse executive role A role that is the specified outcome of a social act and that is mutually specifically dependent on a reportee role and that, if realized, is realized by the bearer of the role reporting activities and results to the bearer of the depending reportee role. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen An individual who provides key information to another individual. reporter role A role that is the specified outcome of a social act and that is mutually specifically dependent on a reporter role and that, if realized, is realized by the bearer of the role receiving reports on activities and results by the bearer of the depending reporter role. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen An individual who receives key information from another individual. reportee role A specialty liaison role borne by a human being, which is also bearing an health care provider role, and if realized, is realized by the bearer representing anesthesiology in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen A physician or CRNA who represents anesthesia in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. anesthesiology liaison role A plan specification that has continuing medical education objective specifications as parts and that when concretized, is realized in processes that help maintain competence and learn about new and developing areas of medicine or the medical speciality of its bearer. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen A description of the continuing medical education offering that includes content, methodology, and evaluation with emphasis on helping health professionals maintain continued competency or learn new concepts in medical care. continuing medical education plan specification An objective specification that describes the endpoint of processes to maintain competency and learn new and developing areas in medicine or one of its specialities. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The description of content and expected learning for health professionals that is necessary to maintain continued competency and to learn new and developing concepts in medical care. Note that these are represented in OOST merely to define continuing medical education plan specifications. (JB & MB 29 June 2017) continuing medical education objective specification A role that inheres in an organization and, if realized, is realized by the bearer providing direction and overseeing the operations of a hospital. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_hospital governing body role true A committee with members from multiple specialties that engages in case review of trauma cases. Mathias Brochhausen trauma multidisciplinary peer review committee (OOSTT_00000006) A committee with members from multiple specialties that engages in case review of trauma cases. obsolete_trauma peer review committee true obsoleted_preshospital continuing education true A planned process that has prehospital protocols as its specified output. Mathias Brochhausen A planned process overseen by an authorized person or committee for development of prehospital practice guidelines regarding the assessment, management, and transport of patients with emergency conditions. prehospital protocol development An organization that is part of the bearer of a health care provider organization role and that has members that all bearer of a healthcare provider role within that organization. Mathias Brochhausen All healtcare providers who have been credentialed by a healthcare organization to provide care to patients or to perform administrative functions, including oversight of patient care. medical staff obsolete_resolution of support document true obsoleted_subordinate role true obsolete_authority role true A plan specification that specifies planned income and expenses for a person or an organization for a specified period of time. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen A detailed plan identifying the sources of revenue and allocation of funds for a designated period of time. budget A collection of humans that is part of a trauma program and whose members bear a trauma leadership role. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen The individuals who provide oversight, direction, coordination, and management for the facility's trauma program. trauma program leadership A deontic role borne by the bearer of a healthcare provider role that, if realized, is realized by developing, overseeing and improving medical care for injured patients in a healthcare provider organization. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The entity with the power to develop, oversee, improve medical care, and implement corrective actions following a performance improvement process for injured patients in the healthcare facility. The definition is intended to include rehabilitation as one part of medical care. authority over trauma care A role that inheres in an organization and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer overseeing the overall operation of a hospital. Mathias Brochhausen hospital board role A group of individuals appointed to a hospital's board of directors who provide governance, direction and oversight of the overall operation of a hospital. hospital governing body role A role that is borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by managing an organization as the final decision maker for day to day operations and the bearer of which is held accountable for the organizations performance. Mathias Brochhausen managing director The qualified person with the authority to make final day-to-day decisions for an organization, and who is accountable for the organization's performance. chief executive officer role A role that inheres in a human being and that, if realized, is realized by managing and overseeing the delivering of medical care at a hospital. Mathias Brochhausen A qualified physician who has authority to manage and oversee medical care provided within the healthcare facility. chief medical officer role A role that inheres in a human being and that, if realized, is realized by by its bearer managing nursing staff at a hospital and ensuring that standards of care are met. Mathias Brochhausen The chief nursing officer in a healthcare facility. head of clinical services role A specialty liaison role borne by a human being, which is also bearing a health care provider role, and if realized, is realized by the bearer representing emergency medicine in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen emergency medicine liaison role A specialty liaison role borne by a human being, which is also bearing a health care provider role, and if realized, is realized by the bearer representing orthopedic surgery in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A orthopedic surgeon who formally represents orthopedic surgery in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. orthopedic surgery liaison role A specialty liaison role borne by a human being, which is also bearing a health care provider role, and if realized, is realized by the bearer representing neurosurgery in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen neurosurgery liaison role A specialty liaison role borne by a human being, which is also bearing an health care provider role, and if realized, is realized by the bearer representing critical care in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen An critical care physician who serves as the formal representative for the critical care process on the multidisciplinary peer review committee. critical care liaison role A specialty liaison role borne by a human being, which is also bearing a health care provider role, and if realized, is realized by the bearer representing radiology in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen A radiologist who formally represents the imaging department in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. radiology liaison role A healthcare process involving a injured patient focusing on their trauma-caused condition. A healthcare process focused on the assessment and management of an injured patient. trauma care process A plan specification that prescribes educational processes to identify, monitor, and address potential opportunities to improve trauma care. J. Neil Otte John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen trauma QI/PI plan specification A plan that prescribes the processes to identify, monitor, and address potential opportunities to improve trauma care. trauma quality improvement and performance improvement plan specification A planned process that realizes the concretization of a trauma quality improvemement and performance improvement plan specification. J. Neil Otte John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen trauma QI/PI process The process for implementing measures to improve trauma patient outcomes and trauma care workflows. trauma quality improvement and performance improvement process An information content entity that is the specified outcome of and documents the sucessful completion of a tertiary education program. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen Recognized degree awarded after successful completion of a college or post-graduate porgram. academic degree A healthcare provider role borne by a human being and that, if realized, realized by providing assessment and treatment to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living and work skills of people with a physical, mental, or cognitive disorder. Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare professional who specializes in providing assessment and treatment to develop, recover, or maintain the daily living functioning and work-related skills of a person with a disability. occupational therapist role A health care provider role borne by a human being and, if realized, is realized by providing assessment and treatment to remediate impairments or promote mobility, function, and quality of by interventions that use mechanical force and movements. Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare professional who specializes in providing assessment and treatment to remediate impairments or promote mobility, function, and quality of life by interventions that use mechanical force, movements, massage, or electrical stimulation. physical therapist role A healthcare provider role borne by a human being and if realized, is realized by providing assessment and treatment that follows surgery, or treatment of a disease or of an injury, and which restores a patient's preferable functionality. Mathias Brochhausen A health professional (physiatrist, PT, OT, speech/language therapist) who promotes return to or improvement in functional status after a debilitating illness or injury event. rehabilitation specialist role A university (Latin: universitas, "a whole") is an institution of higher (or tertiary) education and research which grants academic degrees in various subjects and typically provides undergraduate education and postgraduate education. university A planned process that realizes a plan that concretizes a prehospital training plan specification and that relays information to members of the prehospital care providers and exercises the application of that information. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A training process with the primary objective of teaching prehospital care providers the assessment and management of care for patients with urgent and emergent conditions before and during transport to the hospital. prehospital provider training obsolete_emergency medical services operation true An academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a program of study lasting two years. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen Recognition awarded after completion of a specific curriculum from an accredited tertiary education provider that falls between high school and bachelor's degree program. associate degree An academic degree awarded by universities upon completion of a course of study demonstrating a mastery or high-order overview of a specific field of study or area of professional practice.[1] Within the area studied, graduates are posited to possess advanced knowledge of a specialized body of theoretical and applied topics; high order skills in analysis, critical evaluation, or professional application; and the ability to solve complex problems and think rigorously and independently. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen master's degree An academic degree awarded by colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study lasting three to seven years. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen bachelor's degree An academic degree in the science and principles of nursing, granted by an accredited tertiary education provider after the successful completion of a bachelor's of nursing program. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen bachelor's of nursing degree An academic degree granted by an accredited tertiary education provider after the successful completion of an associate of nursing program. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen associate of science in nursing An academic degree in the science and principles of nursing, granted by an accredited tertiary education provider after the successful completion of a master's of nursing program. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen An advanced academic degree in the principles and practices of nursing, with a focus on administration, education, or advanced nursing practice, granted by an accredited college or university after the successful completion of a master's of nursing program. master's in the science of nursing degree An objective specification that describes the endpoint of processes to maintain competency and learn new and developing areas in trauma medicine. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The description of content and expected learning for health professionals participating in the care of injured patients that is necessary to maintain continued competency and to learn new and developing concepts in trauma care management. Note that these are represented in OOST merely to define continuing trauma education plan specifications. (JB & MB 29 June 2017) continuing trauma education objective specification A plan specification that has a continuing trauma education objective specification as parts. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen continuing trauma education plan A description of the continuing medical education offering that includes content, methodology, and evaluation with emphasis on helping health professionals participating in the care of injured patients to maintain continued competency or learn new concepts in trauma care. continuing trauma education plan continuing trauma education plan specification A physician role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is being realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who specializes in performing operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury or congenital defect, to help improve bodily function or appearance, or to repair ruptured areas. term requested in OMRSE. Do not use outside the CAFE application! surgeon role A surgeon role borne by a human being and, that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual or instrumental techniques on the musculoskeletal system of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen A surgeon who specializes in performing operative manual and instrumental techniques on the musculoskeletal system of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair ruptured areas. term requested in OMRSE. Do not use outside the CAFE application! orthopedic surgeon role A physician role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is being realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on preadult patients to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. A surgeon who specializes in performing operative manual and instrumental techniques on infants, children, and adolescents to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair ruptured areas. term requested in OMRSE. Do not use outside the CAFE application! pediatric surgeon role An organization that provides prehospital care or transport to the sick and wounded. Mathias Brochhausen EMS ambulance service ems agency Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing. 7th edition. This term class is different from (emergency medical services). The latter seems to be inteded to represent a medical speciality, while this class represents an organization. obsolete_emergency medical service agency true A planned process that involves a physiscian and an agency providing prehospital care or transport of the sick and wounded and the physisican provides input regarding patient care and planning and operation of the service from a medical perspective. Mathias Brochhausen A planned process that involves a physiscian and an organization providing prehospital care and transport of the sick and wounded in which the physician provides input regarding patient care and evaluating performance of the service and individual providers of care . medical direction to emergency medical services A plan specification that specifies how the organizational structures interact to coordinate, manage and provide trauma care in a specified geographical region. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen trauma system plan trauma system plan specification A healthcare provider role that, if realized, is realized by planning, organizing and overseeing planned processes that realize the concretization of a trauma quality improvement and patient safety program. Mathias Brochhausen The role of a healthcare provider that ensures trauma quality improvement and patient safety within the trauma program. trauma quality improvement and patient safety program lead role A surgeon role borne by a human being and, that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative and non-operative manual or instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat an injury or other pathological situation that are caused by an injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A surgeon with oversight responsibility for the emergent, urgent, and restorative care of the injured patient, who specializes in performing operative and non-operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat an injury to help improve bodily function or appearance, or to repair ruptured areas. trauma surgeon role A role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing an assessment of processes carried out by another entity (person, organization, computer system) regarding their compliance with specifications and their quality. Mathias Brochhausen Role borne by an individual or organization to assess and ensure that a facility or person is compliant with policies, procedures, or guidelines. performance evaluator role A role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer undergoing an assessment of its actions carried out by a person or an organization regarding the compliance with specifications and the quality of those actions. Mathias Brochhausen The individual or facility being assessed by an individual, committee, or external organzation. performance evaluatee role A deontic role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing a document that lists the minimum qualifications of a person to become a member of the trauma service. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The power to establish minimum qualifications to be a member of the trauma service. authority to specify criteria for trauma service membership A socio-legal generically dependent continuant that is concretized in a role within an organizational context and which legally, normatively, or ethically permits some action. J. Neil Otte authority Authority prescribed by some enabling legislation J. Neil Otte Authority prescribed by enabling legislation, rules, or regulations statutory authority A deontic role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer actively participating in a document act that has a trauma service member role as its specified output. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The power to appoint members to the trauma service. authority to appoint members to the trauma service An organization healthcare role that is borne by a hospital and that, if realized, is realized by directly organizing and controlling prehospital providers. Mathias Brochhausen Stedman's Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing. 7th Edition. 2012. emergency medical services base station role A document that is about a trauma registrar role and specifies the extent of work and the rights and obligations that are associated with that role. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The description of job requirements and expectations of the individual assigned to abstract and record patient data and run reports for the trauma registry. It is important to note that this is not the rights and obligations or the professional role itself. This is a descriptive information content entity, not a directive one or a conglomerate of socio=legal entities. trauma registrar job description A deontic role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer participating in a document act that revokes a trauma service member role. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The power to revoke membership on the trauma service. authority to remove members from the trauma service An obligee role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer participating in continuing trauma eduction for an amount of time specified in their program or country. Sarah Bost continuing trauma education obligor role The obligation to participate in continuing trauma eduction for an amount of time specified in the partcipant's program or country. continuing trauma education obsolete_continuing trauma education obligee role true A planned process that is scattered over multiple temporal regions that fulfills an obligation for continuing medical education in the area of trauma care. Mathias Brochhausen trauma education verifiable for continuing medical education requirement A role that is borne by a member of an emergency department that has been authorized by department leadership and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer representing the emergency department. Mathias Brochhausen emergency department representative role A plan specification that specifies which orthopedic surgeon to call, if the primary on-call orthopedic surgeon is not available due to already taking care of other trauma patients. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen The identification of the orthopaedic surgeon scheduled to respond to a trauma patient when the primary oncall orthopaedic surgeon is unavailable due to extenuating circimstances. orthopedic surgeon backup call schedule A governmental organization that has the authority to create, amend, fund, and repeal laws. J. Neil Otte legislature An organization that is a part of some government. J. Neil Otte government organization Derived from 18 U.S. Code § 2711. Accessed 12.4.2022 at governmental organization Government is the means by which policy within a community are enforced, as well as the mechanism for determining the policy of the community. J. Neil Otte government ( the community may be local, regional, state, or national (Comment provided by J. Ball, N. Sanddal, S. Bowman) - 2017-07-18 obsolete_government true An organization consisting of persons who bear committee member role where that organization is appointed by an organization or members of an organization to realize a role. J. Neil Otte A group of individuals appointed by an organization or organization leader to complete a specific task or to fulfill a specific set of responsibilities. Dec 10, 2016: The definition originally stated that the committee was realizing a function. After review of the BFO definition of function I decided to change it to "role". M. Brochhausen committee A committee whose function is to evaluate the system of care within a trauma center. J. Neil Otte Sarah Bost A committee whose function is to evaluate and recommend improvements to the quality of the system of care within a trauma center or trauma system. performance improvement committee A role that inheres in a homo sapiens that, if realized, is realized by preparing, keeping, and overseeing records made in a register. Jonathan Bona Neil J. Otte An individual who abstract(s) and record(s) data into an electronic registry . registrar role A role that, if realized, is realized in the organization context of a committee. Neil J Otte The duties and responsibilities assigned to the member(s) of a committee. committee member role A disposition realized in process profiles that have participants the biological qualities of patients and the practices and instruments of medical professionals. Neil J. Otte An organizational approach to patient care that reduces or mitigates the risk for untoward patient outcomes. patient safety An organization whose purpose is to serve the goals of a particular profession or whose members bear roles within a single profession. J. Neil Otte professional organization A medical residency in the medical speciality that focuses on the care for undifferentiated and unscheduled patients with illnesses and injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A formal process for new physicians who choose emergency medicine as a specialty to obtain education, training, and practice experience under the supervision of a board-certified emergency physician. emergency medicine residency program A medical residency in the medical specialty that focuses on using operative manual or instrumental techniques on the musculoskeletal system of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A formal process for surgeons who choose orthopedic surgery as a specialty to obtain education, training, and practice experience under the supervision of a board-certified orthopedic surgeon. orthopedic surgery residency program A medical residency in the medical specialty that focuses on using operative manual and instrumental techniques on the nervous system of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A formal process for new physicians who choose neurosurgery as a specialty to obtain education, training, and practice experience under the supervision of a board-certified neurosurgeon. neurosurgery residency program A continuous coverage policy to ensure availability of a general surgeon. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare facility policy that specifies the requirement for general surgeon availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. continuous general surgery coverage policy A plan specification that specifies which surgeon to call, if the on-call trauma surgeons is not available due to already taking care of other trauma patients. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen The identification of the surgeon scheduled to respond to a trauma patient when the primary oncall surgeon is unavailable due to extenuating circumstances. trauma surgeon backup call schedule An organization with a specific responsibility that is a part of a larger organization with a specific responsibility. A formal subdivision of an organization with a specific responsibility. This class does not contain governmental departments. Governmental department is to be found here: MB, Jan 4, 2017 department A department that is part of a healthcare provider organization and that specialzes in the care for undifferentiated and unscheduled patients with illnesses and injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Mathias Brochhausen A formal subdivision of a healthcare facility that specializes in the care of unscheduled patients with urgent and emergent health conditions. emergency department A plan specification that specifies which neurosurgeon to call, if the primary on-call neurosurgeon is not available due to already taking care of other trauma patients. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen neurosurgeon backup call schedule A neurosurgeon backup call schedule that has been approved by the trauma medical director. Mathias Brochhausen TMD-approved neurosurgeon backup call schedule A planned process in which a person, an aggregate of persons or an organization reviews a plan specification and decides whether or not the plan specification is appropriate to achieve its objective and whether it is congruent with pre-existing plans and procedures. Mathias Brochhausen A formal review and approval process conducted by a committee or organization which is authorized to determine if a plan, policy, or procedure is appropriate to achieve organizational objectives. plan specification approval process A orthopedic surgeon backup call schedule that has been approved by the trauma medical director. Mathias Brochhausen TMD-approved orthopedic surgeon backup call schedule A role that inheres in a person, who is a member in a trauma program, and, if realized, is realized by acting us the contact point of the trauma program regarding nursing care in the emergency department. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_emergency department nursing liaison of trauma program true A plan specification that specifies on which schedule and to which extent anesthesia services are provided within a healthcare provider organization. Mathias Brochhausen anesthesia services availability plan specification (OOSTT_00000375) A plan that specifies the schedule for ensuring adequate numbers of anesthesia care providers are readily available 24 hours a day 7 days a week within a trauma center. obsolete_anesthesia services availability plan specification true A planned process that realizes the concretization of an anesthesia services availability plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen Implementation of an anesthesia services availability plan that includes continuous monitoring to ensure that anesthesia services are readily available 24 hours a day 7 days a week and to identify variations in the plan that need corrective action in a performance improvement process. anesthesia services availability plan execution A continuous coverage policy to ensure availability of an orthopedic surgeon. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A healthcare facility policy that specifies the requirement for orthopedic surgeon availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. continuous orthopedic surgery coverage policy A continuous coverage policy to ensure availability of a neurosurgeon. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare facility policy that specifies the requirement for neurosurgeon availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. continuous neurosurgery coverage policy A health care process that has as participant a patient who is not scheduled for medical treatment and requires immediate medical treatment John Judkins A healthcare process in which a patient needs and is provided urgent or emergent care. emergency health care process A continuous coverage policy that specifies procedures to ensure that anesthesiology services are available at a healthcare provider organization 24 hours, 7 days a week. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A healthcare facility policy that specifies the requirement for availability of anesthesiology services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. continuous anesthesiology coverage policy A medical fellowship that provides education in providing surgical treatment to patients that experienced musculoskeletal trauma. Mathias Brochhausen A planned process that is part of medical training and is aimed at surgeons to provide advanced preparation in the diagnosis and treatment of musculosketel diseases and injury. orthopedic surgery fellowship program A planned process that is part of medical training and is aimed at physicians to provide training in one of the medical specialities. Mathias Brochhausen medical fellowship program A role that inheres in an organization and, if realized, is realized by the bearer organizing the provision of operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient, either to remodel body parts to change their appearance or to restore the appearance and sometimes the function of body parts affected by trauma, previous surgery, or congenital defect. John Judkins An association of plastic surgeons with the role of sharing information and establishing guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical techniques to remodel body parts to change their appearance or to restore the appearance and sometimes the function of body parts affected by trauma, previous surgery, or congenital defect plastic surgery provider organization role A role that inheres in an organization and, if realized, is realized by the bearer organizing the provision of operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient's hand to investigate and/or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance. John Judkins An group or association of hand surgeons with the role of sharing information and establishing guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical techniques on a patient's hand and upper extremities. hand surgery provider organization role A role that inheres in an organization and, if realized, is realized by the bearer organizing the provision of operative manual and instrumental techniques to join or repair blood vessels too small to view unaided by microscopy, in order to provide blood circulation to a body part that is being surgically attached or reconstructed John Judkins An organization that provides specialized operative manual and instrumental techniques to join or repair blood vessels too small to view unaided by microscopy, in order to provide blood circulation to a body part that is being surgically attached or reconstructed This is not a representation of a professional organization of microvascular sugery providers, but an organization that provides microvascular surgery. microvascular surgery provider organization role A role that inheres in an organization and, if realized, is realized by the bearer organizing the provision of operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient's spine to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance. John Judkins A group or association of neurosurgical or orthopedic spine surgeons with the role of sharing information and establishing guidelines for the diagnosis, treatment, and surgical techniques on a patient's spine and spinal cord. spinal surgery provider organization role An aggregate of organizations whose members are all bearer of a level 1 trauma center role. Mathias Brochhausen A group of healthcare facilities that are all ACS verified or state designated as level 1 trauma centers. aggregate of level 1 trauma centers A role that inheres in a human being and, if realized, is realized by representing an emergency department in the quality improvement program of organization providing pre-hospital care and services. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen The health professional who represents the emergency department at a prehospital provider agency QI program. representative from emergency department to pre-hospital provider QI program A health care provider role that inheres in a human being and, if realized, is realized by a process of providing health care to a patient before and during transport of the patient to the hospital or from the initial hospital to the another healthcare provider organization. John Judkins A healthcare provider who cares for patients with urgent conditions before and during transport to the initial hospital or between the initial hospital and referral facility. based on the comments from our expert team, this class is modeled to include air medical provides (not to include pilots) and not to include dispatchers. prehospital care provider role A coverage policy that specifies that a emergency physician who is certified by an official agency or correspondent authority is present in the emergency department 24 hours, 7 days a week. Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare facility policy that specifies the requirement for an emergency physician who is certified by an official agency or correspondent authority availability 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. continuous board certified emergency physician staffing policy An information content entity that documents the participants of continuing trauma care education. Mathias Brochhausen The record verifying the completion of continuing trauma education requirements by trauma center physicians, nurses, and advance practice providers. record of participation in continuing trauma care education A role that is borne by a human being that is part of an emergency medical service agency, and that is realized by that person serving as the point of contact for a trauma program to the emergency medical service provider. Mathias Brochhausen EMS liaison to trauma program A formally designated EMS provider that serves as a conduit for two-way information sharing between the EMS agency and the trauma program. emergency medical services liaison to trauma program A role that is borne by an emergency physician who is a member of the emergency department and that is realized by its bearer serving as the point of contact for all quality improvement-related communication between to the emergency department and the trauma medical director. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An emergency physician who serves as the formal point of contact for the trauma medical director for all quality improvement-related issues regarding trauma care within the ED. obsolete_emergency department quality improvement liaison to TMD role true A physician role that, if it is realized, is realized by providing treatment for undifferentiated and unscheduled patients with illnesses and injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who provides treatment to the ill and injured needing urgent and emergent care. emergency physician role An obligee role that if realized is realized by its bearer evaluating the nursing care provided to trauma patients. Mathias Brochhausen trauma nursing evaluator obligor role The individual with authority and responsibility for evaluating the nursing care provided to trauma patients. trauma nursing evaluator obsolete_trauma nursing evaluator obligee role true An obligee role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer organizing and overseeing the trauma quality improvement and patient safety program. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost tqip coordinator obligor role A health professional role that results in the oversight and management of the trauma center's quality improvement and patient safety program as specified by the American College of Surgeons. tqip coordinator obsolete_tqip coordinator obligee role true A collection of humans that only has as members bearers of an anesthesiologist role. Mathias Brochhausen Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of anesthesiologists An objective specification that specifies the intended outcome of educating members of prehospital providers and conducting exercises that apply the learned material. Mathias Brochhausen prehospital training objective The specified outcome of the prehospital training process that includes the practical application of learned material to assess and manage patient care. prehospital provider training objective specification A plan specification that specifies the content and intended outcome of relying information about best practice in prehospital care to members of a prehospital care provider. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A description of the prehospital training process that includes content, methodology, and evaluation with emphasis on methods for assessing and managing the patient with an urgent or emergent illness or injury before and during transport to the hospital. prehospital provider training plan specification A plan specification that specifies standards and procedures for care provided to emergency patients before they reach the emergency department. Mathias Brochhausen A practice guideline that specifies the standards and procedures for the assessment and management of care provided to emergency patients before reaching the initial hospital or between the initial hospital and referral facility. prehospital protocol A physician role that, if it is realized, is realized by diagnosing and managing life-threatening conditions requiring sophisticated organ support and invasive monitoring. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen A physician with responsibility for diagnosing, managing, and treating life-threatening conditions in collaboration with other health professionals and the patient's family. critical care physician role An aggregate of organizations whose members are all bearer of a level 2 trauma center role. Mathias Brochhausen A group of healthcare facilities that are all ACS verified or state designated as level 2 trauma centers. aggregate of level 2 trauma centers An information content entity that is about a person and affirms that they have attended at least 50% of trauma quality improvement meetings. Mathias Brochhausen The record verifying that each specified member participates in the trauma quality improvement committee and attends the minimum number of meetings as required by the designating agency. record of participation in majority of trauma quality improvement meetings A role that inheres in a nurse and, if realized, is realized by its bearer to act as contact for all matter relating to nursing in the emergency room. Mathias Brochhausen An emergency nurse manager who serves as the point of contact for all matters related to nursing in the ED. emergency department nursing liaison A planned process that has members of an emergency medical service agency as participants and that aims to improve patient outcomes of prehospital care. Mathias Brochhausen A process that is designed to improve the quality of prehospital care that may involve individual EMS providers, an entire EMS agency, or a system-wide effort. emergency medical services quality improvement process A collection of humans that only has bearers of an emergency physician role as members. Mathias Brochhausen Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of emergency physicians An information content entity that is the specified outcome of an advanced advanced trauma life support. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen A record confirming the individuals who successfully complete an ATLS course. documentation of successful completion of ATLS course information successful completion of ATLS course information content entity A planned process aims to provide training for medical providers in the management of acute trauma cases, developed by the American College of Surgeons. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An educational program developed and overseen by the American College of Surgeons that provides health care professionals with knowldege and skills for the management of acute trauma patients. advanced trauma life support course A collection of emergency physicians that has successfully completed the advanced life support course. Mathias Brochhausen Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of emergency physicians with ATLS training A successful completion of ATLS course information that is not older than specified time before ATLS knowledge is no longer deemed current. Mathias Brochhausen A successful completion of the ATLS course that is not older than specified time before ATLS knowledge is no longer deemed current. documentation of current successful ATLS completion current successful ATLS completion information content entity A collection of emergency physicians with ATLS training for which the training has not been more than the time specified before their knowledge is no longer deemed current. Mathias Brochhausen Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of emergency physicians current in ATLS An emergency physician role that is the specified output of a board certification process and that, if realized, is realized by providing treatment for undifferentiated and unscheduled patients with illnesses and injuries requiring immediate medical attention. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who has completed an emergency medicine residency program and achieved board certification in the country of intended practice. board certified emergency physician role Board certification is the process by which a healthcare provider (physician, nurse, or other) in the United States demonstrates a mastery of basic knowledge and skills in a speciality of their occupation through written, practical, or simulator-based testing. Mathias Brochhausen Board certification is the process by which a healthcare provider (physician, nurse, or other) in the United States demonstrates a mastery of basic knowledge and skills in a speciality of their occupation through written, practical, or simulator-based testing. Health professionals from other countries go through a similar process as consistent with their country's requirements. medical board certification An emergency medicine physician role that is the outcome of fullfilling all obligations to be allowed to take a board certification exam in emergency medicine. Mathias Brochhausen An emergency physician who has completed all training requirements and is eligible to take the board certification examination in the country of intended practice. board eligible emergency physician role A collection of emergency physicians that only has members, which are board certified in emergency medicine or or have met all requirements for that subspecialty in their country of practice. All emergency physicians credentialed to practice in a healthcare facility who are either board certified or have met all requirements for that subspecialty in their country of practice. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of board certified emergency physicians A collection of emergency physicians that fulfil all criteria to sit a board certification exam, but that either have not taken one or have failed. Mathias Brochhausen All emergency physicians who have completed all training requirements and are eligible to sit for the emergency physician or pediatric emergency physician board certification exam in the country of intended practice. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of board eligible emergency physicians A collection of emergency physicians that all successfully took the board certification exam in emergency medicine and that have had ATLS training. Mathias Brochhausen All board certified emergency physicians who have successfully completed the ATLS course. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of board certified emergency physicians current in ATLS A plan specification that specifies the job requirements for the trauma surgeon positions in an institution and how those trauma surgeons will be used within the organization. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen institution-specific trauma surgeon profile Position description that is custom tailored to a particular medical facility and the role expected for trauma surgeon at that location. institute-specific trauma surgeon job description An institution-specific trauma surgeon profile that has been approved by the trauma medical director. Mathias Brochhausen TMD approved institution-specific trauma surgeon profile Institution-specific trauma surgeon qualification criteria approved by the trauma medical director. TMD-approved institution-specific trauma surgeon job description A plan specification that specifies the job requirements for the emergency medicine physician positions in an institution and how those emergency medicine physicians will be used within the organization. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen institution-specific emergency medicine physician job description An institution-specific job description of an emergency medicine physician. institution-specific emergency medicine physician job description institution-specific emergency medicine physician role description The qualification criteria for a physician to become a member of the emergency department that have been approved by the trauma medical director of the institution the department is a part of. Mathias Brochhausen TMD approved institution-specific emergency medicine physician profile An trauma surgeon role that is the outcome of fullfilling all obligations to be allowed to take a board certification exam in surgical critical care. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A surgeon who has completed all training requirements and is eligible to take the surgical critical care board certification examination in the country of intended practice. obsolete_board eligible trauma surgeon role true An emergency physician role that is the specified output of a board certification process and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual or instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat an injury or other pathological situation that are caused by an injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who is board certified in surgery and credentialed by the trauma program within the hospital to provide emergency surgical care of trauma patients and to oversee the patient care process. obsolete_board certified trauma surgeon role true An information content entity that is about the bearer of a healthcare provider role and that affirms that they fulfilled all requirements to receive state licensure in their healthcare provider role for the state they practice in. The assurance that a healthcare provider is licensed for their health care role. documentation of compliance with state licensure requirement compliance with state licensure requirement information content entity A collection of humans that only consists of surgeons that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification and that are subject to a performance review by the trauma medical director. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of trauma service surgeons reviewed by the TMD An obligee role that is realized by its bearer organizing and managing a trauma quality improvement and patient safety program. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost coordination of trauma quality improvement and patient safety obligor role The obligation to organize and managing the formal process to ensure performance improvement and patient safety in a facility. coordination of trauma quality improvement and patient safety obsolete_coordination of trauma quality improvement and patient safety obligee role true A plan specification that specifies that content, methodology, and testing of educational programs for nurses teaching standardized diagnostic and therapeutic procedures with trauma patients in a hospital setting. Mathias Brochhausen ATNC course plan specification A description of the advanced trauma care for nurses education program that includes content, methodology, and testing processes with emphasis on standardized diagnostic and therapeutic procedures to care for trauma patients in the hospital setting. advanced trauma care for nurses course plan specification An information content entity that is a specific output of a person participating in an advanced trauma care for nurses program and that certifies successful completion of the program. Mathias Brochhausen ATNC certificate Recognition awarded after successfully completing the advanced trauma care for nurses education program. advanced trauma care for nurses certificate A plan specification that specifies the content, methodology, evaluation of a course aimed at nurses and providing cognitive knowledge and psychomotoric skills that help optimizing trauma patient care in a hospital setting. Mathias Brochhausen A description of the Trauma Nurse Core Curriculum course that includes content, methodology, and evaluation with emphasis on providing nurses with cognitive knowledge and psychomotor skills that focus on assessing and managing the patient with serious or life-threatening injuries. trauma nursing core course plan specification An information content entity that is a specified output of a person participating in an trauma nursing core course and that certifies successful completion of that course. Documentation that a nurse has successfully completed the Trauma Nurse Core Curriculum program. trauma nursing core course certificate A deontic document act that creates a mutally dependent employee and employer role. Mathias Brochhausen A contract specifying the relationship between an employee and employer that outlines specific role responsibilities and expectations. JPB (20 March 2017): should output employee role and employer role employment contract document act An employee role that is the specified output of an employment contract document act and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing services for the amount of type regarded full time under the specific labor administration. Mathias Brochhausen An employee who provides services full time as specified in the employment agreement. full time employee role A plan specification that specifies the content, methodology, and evaluation of a training course teaching the Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS), informs about coding rules and conventions, and discusses methods for assessing the multiple injury patient. Mathias Brochhausen AAAM course plan specification A description of the AIS training process that includes content, methodology, and evaluation with emphasis on coding rules and conventions, and methods for assessing the patient with multiple injuries. abbreviated injury scale training course plan specification A planned process that realizes the concretization of an abbreviated injury scale training course plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen AAAM course A training process with the primary objective of teaching AIS scoring. abbreviated injury scale training course A collection of general surgeons that has successfully completed the advanced life support course. Mathias Brochhausen All surgeons serving who have successfully completed the Advanced Trauma Life Support program at some point in time. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of general surgeons with ATLS training A physician role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is being realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas without the bearer of the role specializing into any particular field of surgery. Mathias Brochhausen A surgeon without specialization who performs operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance, or to repair unwanted ruptured areas . general surgeon role A collection of general surgeons with ATLS training for which the training has not been more than the time specified before their knowledge is no longer deemed current. Mathias Brochhausen All surgeons serving on the trauma panel who have successfully completed the Advanced Trauma Life Support program at some point in time. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of general surgeons current in ATLS A deontic role that is the specified outcome of a document act between the chair of a surgery department and the bearer of a surgeon role that, of realized, is realized by its bearer admitting, evaluating, diagnosing, consulting, and providing pre-, intra and post-operative care, and performing surgical procedures, to patients of all ages, to correct or treat various conditions, diseases, disorders, and injuries of the alimentary tract, abdomen and its contents, extremities, breast, skin and soft tissue, head and neck, and endocrine systems. Mathias Brochhausen A general surgeon who is credentialed by a healthcare facility to admit, evaluate, diagnose, consult, and provide pre-, intra and post-operative care, and perform surgical procedures, to patients of all ages, to correct or treat various conditions, diseases, disorders, and injuries of the various body systems. general surgery privileges role A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a trauma surgeon role that are also bearing a general surgery privileges role. Mathias Brochhausen Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of trauma surgeons with general surgery privileges A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a trauma surgeon role that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification and that particpates in trauma education verifiable for 18 hours over 3 years. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of trauma surgeons on trauma service fulfilling CME requirement A plan specification that specifies the content, methodology, and evaluation of a course that aims to teach students about a subject through the experience of solving an open-ended problem found in trigger material. Mathias Brochhausen practice-based learning course plan A description of the education offering that includes content, methodology, evaluation, and definition of competencies with emphasis on training on open-ended problems. practice-based learning course plan practice-based learning course plan specification A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a trauma surgeon role that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification and that particpates in practice based training course organized by a trauma program. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost All trauma surgeons participating in the trauma service who have completed a trauma program sponsored simulation-based training program. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of trauma surgeons on trauma service with practice-based learning course A collection of trauma surgeons that fulfil all criteria to sit a board certification exam, but that either have not taken one or have failed. Mathias Brochhausen All surgeons who have completed all training requirements and are eligible to take the acute care and trauma surgery board certification examination in the country of intended practice. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of board eligible trauma surgeons A collection of trauma surgeons that only has members which are board certified in trauma surgery. Mathias Brochhausen All board certified trauma surgeons. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of board certified trauma surgeons An information content entity that is a specific output of a person participating in an internal trauma program course using a practice based learning approach and that certifies successful completion of the course. Mathias Brochhausen Recognition awarded after successful completion of a trauma practice-based learning course approved by the trauma program. trauma program internal practice-based learning course certificate A practice-based learning course plan specification that aims to improve the quality of patient outcomes in trauma medicine. Mathias Brochhausen A description of the education offering that includes content, methodology, and evaluation with emphasis on practice-based learning techniques for treatment of injured patients. practice-based learning trauma care course plan specification A collection of humans that consists exclusively of trauma surgeons that are listed on the trauma on call plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen All trauma surgeons participating on the trauma service. This class already follows the strategy of not fully defining collections (using universal restrictions) due to the reasoning load it creates. We only represent which properties the affirmed members of this class have using a necessary existential restriction collection of trauma surgeons on a trauma service An obligee role that inheres in a human being mentioned in an on call plan specification and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer participating a planned process realizing the concretization of the plan specification and being on call exclusively for the organization at specified times that is the contractual partner in the document act that created this role. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost on call exclusivity obligor role A healthcare professional who has a primary obligation to a single facility while on call, however, in certain subspecialty instances, the individual may be on call at more than one facility, in which case a back up call schedule is required. on call exclusivity obsolete_on call exclusivity obligee role true A collection of trauma surgeons who are members of the trauma service of an organization and are exclusively on call for that organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost All trauma surgeons who are members of the trauma service and exclusively serve one trauma center during a specific time period. collection of trauma surgeons with on call exclusivity A plan specification that specifies the content, methodology, evaluation of a course to relay information and exercise procedures relevant to optimize critical care. Mathias Brochhausen A description of the critical care certificate training process that includes content, methodology, and evaluation with emphasis on methods for assessing and treating the patient with critical or life/limb-threatening injuries and illnesses. critical care certificate course plan specfication A planned process that is the realization of the concretization of a critical care certificate course plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen A training process with the primary objective of teaching care of patients who are critically ill or injured. critical care certificate course An information content entity that is the specified output of a critical care certificate course. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost Recognition awarded after successful completion of education and training in any aspect of critical care meeting standards established under the authority of a governing board or agency. critical care certificate A collection of trauma surgeons that are part of the on call list of an organization and are certified in critical care. Mathias Brochhausen collection of trauma surgeons certified for critical care A medical fellowship that provides education in using operative manual or instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat an injury or other pathological situation that are caused by an injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A credentialed program of medical training for general surgeons to provide advanced preparation and certification in trauma surgery and management of injured patients. Some programs also include critical care. trauma surgery fellowship program An information content entity that is the specified output of a person successfully fulfilling the evaluation criteria at the end of a a trauma-focused post-residency training that lasts a minimum of one year and provides additional knowledge and experience in the management of injured patients. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A record confirming that a physician successfully fulfilled the evaluation criteria at the end of a trauma-focused post-residency training that lasts a minimum of one year and provides additional knowledge and experience in the management of injured patients. documentation of successful completion of trauma surgery fellowship successful completion of trauma surgery fellowship information content entity A collection of trauma surgeons that are part of the on call list of an organization and for whom exists information about successfully finishing a trauma surgery fellowship program. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_collection of fellowship-trained trauma surgeons on a trauma panel true A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a trauma surgeon role an that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost collection of orthopedic surgeons on trauma service A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a orthopedic surgeon role an that are mentioned in the trauma panel and that particpates in trauma education verifiable for 18 hours over 3 years. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost All orthopedic surgeons participating in the trauma service who are current in fulfilling requirements for trauma-related continuing medical education. collection of orthopedic surgeons on trauma service fulfilling CME requirement An orthopedic surgeon role that is the outcome of fullfilling all obligations to be allowed to take a board certification exam in orthopedic surgery. Mathias Brochhausen An orthopeadic surgeon who has completed all requisite training requirements and is eligible to take the board certification examination in the country of intended practice. board eligible orthopedic surgeon role An orthopedic surgeon role that is the specified output of a board certification process and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual or instrumental techniques on the musculoskeletal system of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who has completed an orthopedic surgery residency program and achieved board certification. board certified orthopedic surgeon role A collection of orthopedic surgeons mentioned on the trauma on call plan specification that fulfil all criteria to sit a board certification exam, but that either have not taken one or have failed. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost All orthopedic surgeons who have completed all training requirements, are eligible to sit for the orthopedic surgery board certification exam, practicing in a healthcare facility, and participating in the trauma service. collection of board eligible orthopedic surgeons on trauma service A collection of orthopedic surgeons that are mentioned in the trauma on call plan specification and that are board certified in orthopedic surgery. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost collection of board certified orthopedic surgeons on trauma service A deontic role that is the specified outcome of a document act between the head of a orthopedic surgery and the bearer of a orthopedic surgeon role that, of realized, is realized by its bearer admitting, evaluating, diagnosing, consulting, and providing pre-, intra and post-operative care, and performing orthopedic surgical procedures, to patients of all ages, to correct or treat various conditions, diseases, disorders, and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Mathias Brochhausen An orthopaedic surgeon who is credentialed by a healthcare facility to provide services that include assessment, diagnosis, management, and treatment of various conditions and injuries of the musculosekeletal system. general orthopedic surgery privileges role A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a orthopedic surgeon role that are mentioned in the trauma on call plan specification and that are also bearing a general orthopedic surgery privileges role. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_collection of orthopedic surgeons on trauma panel with general orthopedic surgery privileges true A plan specification that specifies under which circumstances and with which neurological injuries patients admitted to one hospital will be triaged to another healthcare provider organization when no neurosurgical coverage is available at the first hospital. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen A plan specifying the healthcare facility destination of a patient with neurologic injuries when neurosurgical coverage or resources (e.g, neuro ICU) are not available at the first facility. hospital neurological injury triage plan specification A plan specification that specifies under which circumstances and with which neurological injuries patients will be triaged from the emergency department to another healthcare provider organization when limited or no neurosurgical coverage is available and that is the specified output of an approval process through the trauma medical director. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A hospital's neurologic injury triage plan identifying the destination of patients with specified injuries, or based on injury severity, approved by the trauma medical director. TMD-approved hospital neurological injury triage plan specification A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a neurosurgeon role that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost collection of neurosurgeons on trauma service A collection of orthopedic surgeons who are members of the trauma service of an organization and are exclusively on call for that organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost All orthopedic surgeons who are members of the trauma service and exclusively serve one trauma center during a specific time period. collection of orthopedic surgeons with on call exclusivity A collection of neurosurgeons that are members of the trauma service of an organization and are exclusively on call for that organization. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost All neurosurgeons who are members of the trauma service and exclusively serve one trauma center during a specific time period. collection of neurosurgeons with on call exclusivity A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a neurosurgeon role that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification and that particpates in trauma education verifiable for 18 hours over 3 years. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost All neurosurgeons participating in the trauma service who are current in fulfilling requirements for trauma-related continuing medical education. collection of neurosurgeons on trauma service fulfilling CME requirement A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of an anesthesiologist role that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen collection of anesthesiologists on trauma service A medical residency in the medical speciality that focuses on the administration of medication for the temporary general or local suppression of sensory or motor nerve function during some health care encounter or on making decisions regarding the administration of such medication. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A formal process for new physicians who choose anesthesiology as a specialty to obtain education, training, and practice experience under the supervision of a board-certified anesthesiologist. anesthesiology residency program An information content entity that is the specified output of a person successfully fulfilling the evaluation criteria at the end of an anesthesiology residency program. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost Information confirming that a physician successfully fulfilled the evaluation criteria at the end of an anesthesiology residency program. documentation of successful completion of anesthesiology residency successful completion of anesthesiology residency information content entity A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of an anesthesiologist role and that have successfully completed an anesthesiology residency and that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost collection of anesthesiologists with anesthesiology residency on trauma service A nurse role that is the specified output of post-graduate education in nursing and that is realized by using extended and expanded skills, experience and knowledge in assessment, planning, implementation, diagnosis and evaluation of the care required. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A nurse with, at minimum, a Master's degree in nursing who uses expanded knowledge and skills in assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation of patient care. advanced practice registered nurse role An advanced practice registered nurse role that is the specified outcome of an accredition process with the Council of Accreditation in the United States of American and depends on graduate level education and board certification in anesthesiology. Mathias Brochhausen CRNA role A nurse with advanced education and training in anesthesiology who has successfully completed a national certification examination process, and is credentialed to practice by a healthcare facility. certified registered nurse anesthetist role A collection of humans that only has bearers of an certified registered nurse anesthetist role as members. Mathias Brochhausen All nurses with advanced education in anesthesiology who have successfully completed a national certification examination process, and is credentialed to practice by a healthcare facility. collection of certified registered nurse anesthetist A surgeon role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on the genitourinary system of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost urologist A surgeon with special training in genitourinary surgery operative techniques who investigates and treats patients with diseases and injuries to the kidneys and genitorurinary tract. genitourinary surgeon role A physician role that, if realized, is realized by the study and identification of the cause and pathway of diseases through examination of the whole body, tissue, cells, and body fluids. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who specializes in determining the cause and pathway of diseases and death through examination of the whole body, tissue, cells, and body fluids. pathologist role A physician role that, if realized, is realized by providing diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart and the blood vessels. Mathias Brochhausen A physician with speciialized training in cardiology who diagnoses and treats patients with dysrhythmias and diseases of the heart and blood vessels. cardiologist role A physician role that, if realized, is realized by providing diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the kidney, including renal replacement therapy (dialysis and renal transplants). Mathias Brochhausen A physician that specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of and injuries to the kidney, including renal replacement therapy (dialysis and renal transplants). nephrologist role A physician role that, if realized, is realized by providing diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lung and the respiratory tract. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who provides diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the lungs and the respiratory tract in association with the healthcare team managing an injured patient. pulmonologist role A physician role that, if realized, is realized by providing minimally invasive image-guided diagnosis and treatment of diseases in every organ system. Mathias Brochhausen A physician radiologist credentialed in providing minimally invasive image-guided diagnosis and treatment of diseases and vascular injuries. interventional radiologist role A physician role that, if realized, is realized by providing diagnosis and medical treatment for infants, children, and adolescents. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who specializes in providing diagnosis and medical treatment for infants, children, and adolescents. pediatrician role A surgeon role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on the heart and the great blood vessels of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen A surgeon with special training in cardiac surgery operative techniques who investigates and treats patients with diseases and injuries of the heart and great vessels. cardiac surgeon role A physician role that, if realized, is realized by providing diagnosis and treatment, including surgical procedures, on the eyeball. Mathias Brochhausen A physician who specializes in providing diagnosis and treatment, including surgical procedures on the eye and appendages (muscles, lids, sockets) ophthalmologist role A surgeon role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques for the restoration, reconstruction, or alteration of the human body. Mathias Brochhausen A surgeon who specializes in performing operative manual and instrumental techniques to remodel body parts to change their appearance or to restore the appearance and sometimes the function of body parts affected by trauma, previous surgery, or congenital defect. plastic surgeon role A physician role that, if it is realized, is realized by providing treatment for diseases of and injuries to the female reproductive system. Jonathan Bona Mathias Brochhausen A physician or surgeon with specialty in obstretrics and gynecology with responsibility for managing diseases and injuries to the female reproductive tract. gynecologist role A surgeon role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on the hard and soft tissue of the oral and maxillofacial anatomy of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen A surgeon who specializes in performing operative manual and instrumental techniques on the hard and soft tissue of the oral and maxillofacial anatomy of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair ruptured areas. oral and maxillofacial surgeon role A surgeon role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on the hand and upper extremeties of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. Mathias Brochhausen A surgeon who performs specialized operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a disease or musculoskeletal injuries of the hand and wrist. hand surgeon role An organizational social role that is the output of an accreditation process and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing education and evaluation for students seeking degrees allowing them to work as medical professionals. Mathias Brochhausen An organizational social role that is the output of an accreditation process and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing education and evaluation for students seeking degrees allowing them to work as allopathic or osteopathic physicians. medical school role A hospital role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer provides clinical education and training for future and current health professionals. Mathias Brochhausen A hospital with an academic affiliation that provides clinical education and training for future and current health professionals. teaching hospital role An objective specification to bring about the existence of an organization of organizations and healthcare providers to facilitate and coordinate a multidisciplinary response to severe injury. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system creation objective An information item specifying the aim to bring together participating organizations to coordinate a multidisciplinary response for patients with severe injury. trauma system creation objective specification A plan specification that has a trauma system creation objective as a part and that specifies the necessary processes to achieve that objective. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The plan describing the process for creation of a trauma system. trauma system creation plan specification A planned process that realizes the concretization of a trauma system creation plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen The authority and process used to create a trauma system for an area or region. trauma system creation An organization that brings together human beings or organizations from different backgrounds with shared idealistic or financial interest in some process and its outcomes to counsel and evaluate that process and its outcomes. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An assembly of individuals and organization representatives with different perspectives and responsibilities who collaborate to improve the trauma care process and its outcomes. multidisciplinary stakeholder group A planned process that realizes the concretization of a trauma system plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system operation An organization that has hospitals as members and that aims to represent the interests of hospitals. Mathias Brochhausen hospital association A professional organization consisting of physicians and that aims to represent the interests of physicians. Mathias Brochhausen medical association A professional organization consisting of nurses and that aims to represent the interests of nurses. Mathias Brochhausen A professional organization of nurses that focuses its mission on the improvement of nursing care at the national, state, regional, or local level. nurses association An organization that has emergency medical service agencies as members and that aims to represent the interests of emergency medical service agencies. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An association of EMS agencies that any agency may join voluntarily to share information or collaborate on issues of local, state, regional, or national importance. emergency medical services agency association An organization that EMS agencies as members and that aims to represent the interests of these agencies. Mathias Brochhausen An association of EMS agencies that any agency may join voluntarily to share information or collaborate on issues of state or national importance. obsolete_EMS agency organization true A healthcare provider role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing out-of-hospital acute care and transport to definitive care, to patients with illnesses and injuries which the patient believes constitute a medical emergency. Mathias Brochhausen A healthcare provider who treats illnesses and injuries that require an urgent medical response, providing out-of-hospital treatment and transport to definitive care. emergency medical service provider role A professional organization consisting of emergency medical service providers and that aims to represent the interests of emergency medical service providers. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An association of EMS providers that any provider may join voluntarily to share information or to collaborate on or advocate for issues of local, state, or national importance. emergency medical services provider association A plan specification that specifies the times of meeting for which the multidisciplinary stakeholder group will convene. Mathias Brochhausen multidisciplinary stakeholder group meeting schedule A planned process by an individual or organization to assess and ensure that a facility or person is compliant with policies, procedures, or guidelines, and that outcomes are comparable to established benchmarks. Mathias Brochhausen performance review process A role inhering in a human being or an organization that, if realized, is realized its bearer being the active participant of a performance review process. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_performance reviewer role true A committee that is the bearer of a performance reviewer role. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_performance review committee true An organization that consists of organizations and human beings bearing specific roles in the process of enforcing policies within a community. The members of the machinery of government receive their authority through the government. Mathias Brochhausen A network of organizations enforcing policies within a local, regional, state or national jurisdiction by authorized members of the government. machinery of government An organization that is part of the machinery of government and that is responsible for the oversight and administration of specific functions. The governmental agencies are given the authority to fulfill those responsibilities by the government. government agency governmental agency An organization that is not a governmental agency, not an organizational member of the machinery of government, and not part of the government. Mathias Brochhausen non-government organization non-governmental organization A governmental agency that is not reporting to any specific departmental part of government. Mathias Brochhausen free-standing government agency free-standing governmental agency the US State Department, the German Bundesgesundheitsministerium, the UK Her Mayesty's Treasury An organization that is part of the government and that is responsible for managing a specific sector of government. government department ministry governmental department A governmental department that manages aspects of prevention, healthcare, healthcare administration, and public health. Mathias Brochhausen department of health A governmental department that manages the government of the travel of goods and people in the governed area and the infrastructure related to travel. Mathias Brochhausen department of transportation A governmental department that manages the government of means to prevent and fight fires and, in some cases, other accidental events and natural disasters. Mathias Brochhausen department of fire administration A deontic document act that has as specified its output duty holder roles that are borne a trauma system or its organizational members and that are specified in a directive information content entity that is policy of that trauma system. Mathias Brochhausen ratifying regulations for trauma system A deontic role that if realised is realised by its bearer being the active participant in a document act ratifying regulations for trauma systems. Mathias Brochhausen authority to create regulation for trauma system A plan specification that is part of a budget and that specified the availability and usage of funds. Mathias Brochhausen spending plan A role borne by a human healthcare provider that, if realized is realized by managing and coordinating the operations a trauma system and its evaluation. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system manager role A human health care role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer keeping hospitals up-to-date on requirements, health practices, and staff needs to ensure patient safety and provide reports, analyses and benchmarking based on outcome and performance data. Mathias Brochhausen performance improvement coordinator role A plan specification that specifies the trauma system design with adopted standards of care for prehospital and hospital personnel and a process to regularly review the plan over time. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_trauma system plan true A trauma system plan that has been signed of by the lead health officer of its region. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_signed-off trauma system plan true A plan specification approval process that has a trauma system plan as specified input and part of the government or part of the machinery of government as an active agent expressing their agreement with the trauma system plan. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system plan government approval process The part of goverment or part of the governmental machinery can be national, state, or regional. trauma system plan governmental approval process A trauma system plan specification that is the specified output of a governmental approval process. Mathias Brochhausen Approval is given on the appropriate level: national, state, or regional. government-approved trauma system plan specification An information content entity that is the specified output of some training process, and that certifies that the recipient has completed that process. Jonathan Bona training certificate A plan specification that specifies procedures to ensure that a physician in a particular role is available at a healthcare provider organization 24 hours, 7 days a week. Jonathan Bona continuous coverage policy A healthcare provider representing their specialty in the multidisciplinary peer review committee. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A physician or other qualified healthcare professional representing their specialty in the multidisciplinary peer review committee who is also responsible for providing specialty input on issues, carrying opportunities for improvement back to their specialty, and assisting with formation, implementation, and auditing of corrective action plans. specialty liaison to multidisciplinary peer review committee role A plan specification that is about a trauma system plan specification and specifies procedures to evolve and revise the trauma system plan specification. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system plan development policy An emergency medical service agency that provides transport to the sick and wounded. Mathias Brochhausen EMS transporting agency emergency medical service transportation agency An information content entity that is part of an action specfication and that lists planned participants for the processes specified. Mathias Brochhausen list of planned participants A trauma system that is designed to care for all injured patients and that involves all acute care facilities. Mathias Brochhausen PMID: 16531850 inclusive trauma system A trauma system that has relatively few high-level centers that deliver definitive care. Mathias Brochhausen PMID: 16531850 exclusive trauma system An aggregate of emergency medical services agencies that provide transport for the sick and injured. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of emergency medical service transporting agency An aggregate of emergency medical services agencies that do not provide transport for the sick and injured. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of emergency medical services non-transporting agencies An organization that has other organizations as parts and that rovides emergency medical care. Once it is activated through the report of an incident that causes serious illness or injury, the focus of EMS is emergency medical care of the patient. Mathias Brochhausen EMS ambulance services paramedic services emergency medical services system An organization that intends to provide care or transport to the sick and injured as part of an emergency medical services system. Mathias Brochhausen EMS agency emergency medical services An organization that responds to emergency calls to care for the ill and injured that may additionally involve transport to an emergency facility. emergency medical services agency An emergency medical service transporting agency providing air transportation to move patients to and from healthcare facilities or accident scenes. Mathias Brochhausen air ambulance air medical services agency An emergency medical service transportation agency that specializes on pediatric patients. Mathias Brochhausen emergency medical service pediatric transportation agency An emergency medical services pediatric transportation agency that provides ground transportation. Mathias Brochhausen emergency medical services pediatric ground transportation agency An emergency medical services pediatric transportation agency that provides air transportation. Mathias Brochhausen emergency medical services pediatric air transportation agency An aggregate of organization that consists only of emergency medical service pediatric ground transportation agencies. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of emergency medical services pediatric ground transportation agencies An aggregate of organization that consists only of emergency medical service pediatric air transportation agencies. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of emergency medical services pediatric air transportation agencies A healthcare provider organization role that is borne by a hospital and that gets assigned based on an evaluation process. If realized, the role is realized by the hospital providing a burns managment team and providing state-of-the-art burn treatment and recovery to patients. Mathias Brochhausen burn center role An aggregate of organizations that has bearers of a burn center role as parts. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of burn centers A healthcare provider organization role that is borne by a hospital and that gets assigned based on an evaluation process. If realized, the role is realized by the hospital providing a burns managment team and providing state-of-the-art specialized pediatric burn treatment and recovery. Mathias Brochhausen pediatric burn center role A role borne by a hospital and realized by providing specialized care for patients with traumatic brain injuries. Mathias Brochhausen center for traumatic brain injury role An aggregate of organizations that has bearers of a center for traumatic brain injuries role as parts. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of centers for traumatic brain injuries A role borne by an organization and realized by providing specialized rehabilitation for patients with traumatic brain injuries. Mathias Brochhausen traumatic brain injury rehabilitation organization role An aggregate of organizations that has bearers of a traumatic brain injury rehabilitation facility role as parts. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of traumatic brain injury rehabilitation organizations A role borne by a hospital and realized by providing specialized care for patients with spinal cord injuries. Mathias Brochhausen spinal cord injury center role A role borne by an organization and realized by providing specialized rehabilitation for patients with spinal cord injuries. Mathias Brochhausen spinal cord injury rehabilitation organization role An aggregate of organizations that has bearers of a spinal cord injury center role as parts. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of spinal cord injury centers An aggregate of organizations that has bearers of a spinal cord injury rehabilitation facility role as parts. Mathias Brochhausen aggregate of spinal cord injury rehabilitation organizations A governmental agency that evaluates healthcare provider organizations, which are candidates for acquiring a trauma center role, and reports as an outcome whether the organization is fit to be a trauma center. Mathias Brochhausen trauma center verification government agency trauma center verification governmental agency A plan specification that specifies how members of emergency medical services agenies are supposed to acquire medical direction, when direct communication with medical providers is not available. Mathias Brochhausen emergency medical services offline medical direction protocol A plan specification that specifies when members of emergency medical services agenies are required to try to set up direct conversation with other healthcare providers to give medical direction. Mathias Brochhausen emergency medical services online medical direction guideline A trauma system participation incentive plan specification that specifies the availability of funding the local, regional, state or national government for trauma centers joining a trauma system. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system participation direct incentive plan specification A trauma system participation incentive plan specification that specifies indirect incentives to motivate trauma centers to participate in a trauma system. Examples of such incentives are additional billing codes, remuneration for trauma team response, and availability of training opportunities. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system participation indirect incentive plan specification A plan specification that specifies resources that become available to trauma centers if they participate in a trauma system. Mathias Brochhausen trauma system participation incentive plan specification A nurse role that is the specified output of nursing licensing act as specified by a country, state, province or similar licensing body ensureing that the bearer of the role meets the requirements specified in their jursidiction to obtain a nursing license. Mathias Brochhausen registered nurse role A role that is borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer providing direction to the a trauma program and coordinate the activities of the program as organizational members. Mathias Brochhausen trauma program leadership role An anesthesiologist role that is the outcome of fullfilling all obligations to be allowed to take a board certification exam in anesthesiology. Mathias Brochhausen board eligible anesthesiologist role An emergency physician role that is the specified output of a board certification process and that, if realized is realized, is realized either by administering medication for the temporary general or local suppression of sensory or motor nerve function during some health care encounter or providing airway management or by making decisions independently of a supervising physician regarding the adminstration of such medication. Mathias Brochhausen board certified anesthesiologist role A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a board certified anesthesiologist role. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost collection of board certified anesthesiologists on trauma service A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a board certified neurosurgeon role. Mathias Brochhausen obsolete_collection of board certified neurosurgeons true An advanced practice registered nurse role that if realized is realized by its bearer assessing patient needs, ordering and interpreting diagnostic and laboratory tests, diagnosing illness and disease, prescribing medication and formulating treatment plans. Mathias Brochhausen NP role nurse practitioner role A role that is borne by a member of the medical team of an emergency department and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer serving as the point of contact for all quality improvement-related communication between the emergency department and the trauma program. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost An member of the medical team of an emergency department who serves as the formal point of contact for the trauma program for all quality improvement-related issues regarding trauma care within the ED. emergency department quality improvement liaison to trauma program role A general surgeon role that is the specified output of a board certification process and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas without the bearer of the role specializing into any particular field of surgery. Sarah Bost A physician who has completed a general surgery residency program and achieved board certification. board certified general surgeon role A general surgeon role that is the outcome of fullfilling all obligations to be allowed to take a board certification exam in general surgery. Sarah Bost A general surgeon who has completed all requisite training requirements and is eligible to take the board certification examination in the country of intended practice. board eligible general surgeon role A board certified general surgeon with additional training, experience, and career focus in the care of injured patients. Sarah Bost board certified general surgeon with trauma concentration A plan specification that specifies which anesthesiologist to call, if the primary on-call anesthesiologist is not available due to already taking care of other trauma patients. Mathias Brochhausen anesthesiologist backup call schedule A duration that specifies the temporal extension of a hospital stay. Mathias Brochhausen length of stay hospitalization duration A clinical finding that occurs during the course of, or because of, another disease, treatment, or procedure. [Definition Source: NCI] Mathias Brochhausen complication finding A trauma surgeon backup call schedule that has been approved by the trauma medical director. Joseph Utecht TMD-approved trauma surgeon backup call schedule A physician who has completed an neurosurgery residency program and achieved board certification. Joseph Utecht A physician who has completed an neurosurgery residency program and achieved board certification. board certified neurosurgeon role A neurosurgeon role that is the outcome of fullfilling all obligations to be allowed to take a board certification exam in neurosurgery. Joseph Utecht Sarah Bost A neurosurgeon who has completed all training requirements and is eligible to take the board certification examination in the country of intended practice. board eligible neurosurgeon role A surgeon role borne by a human being and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer using operative manual and instrumental techniques on the nervous system of a patient to investigate or treat a pathological condition such as disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance or to repair unwanted ruptured areas. A surgeon who specializes in performing operative manual and instrumental techniques on the nervous system of a patient to investigate or treat a disease or injury, to help improve bodily function or appearance, or to repair compromised areas. neurosurgeon role A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a neurosurgeon role that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification and that are board certified in neurosurgery. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost collection of board certified neurosurgeons on trauma service A collection of humans that consists only of bearers of a neurosurgeon role that are mentioned in a trauma on call plan specification and that are eligible for board certification in neurosurgery. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost collection of board eligible neurosurgeons on trauma service A duty holder role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer participating in continuing trauma eduction for an amount of time specified in their program or country. Sarah Bost The obligation to participate in continuing trauma eduction for an amount of time specified in the partcipant's program or country. continuing trauma education continuing trauma education obligor role A duty holder role that is realized by its bearer organizing and managing a trauma quality improvement and patient safety program. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The obligation to organize and managing the formal process to ensure performance improvement and patient safety in a facility. coordination of trauma quality improvement and patient safety coordination of trauma quality improvement and patient safety obligor role A duty holder role that inheres in a human being mentioned in an on call plan specification and that, if realized, is realized by its bearer participating a planned process realizing the concretization of the plan specification and being on call exclusively for the organization at specified times that is the contractual partner in the document act that created this role. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A healthcare professional who has a primary obligation to a single facility while on call, however, in certain subspecialty instances, the individual may be on call at more than one facility, in which case a back up call schedule is required. on call exclusivity on call exclusivity obligor role A duty holder role that, if realized, is realized by its bearer organizing and overseeing the trauma quality improvement and patient safety program. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost A health professional role that results in the oversight and management of the trauma center's quality improvement and patient safety program as specified by the American College of Surgeons. tqip coordinator tqip coordinator obligor role A duty holder role that if realized is realized by its bearer evaluating the nursing care provided to trauma patients. Mathias Brochhausen Sarah Bost The individual with authority and responsibility for evaluating the nursing care provided to trauma patients. trauma nursing evaluator trauma nursing evaluator obligor role A plan specification that specifies on which schedule and to which extent anesthesia services are provided within a healthcare provider organization. Mathias Brochhausen A plan that specifies the schedule for ensuring adequate numbers of anesthesia care providers are readily available 24 hours a day 7 days a week within a trauma center. anesthesia services availability plan specification A ratio is a data item which is formed with two numbers r and s is written r/s, where r is the numerator and s is the denominator. The ratio of r to s is equivalent to the quotient r/s. review formal definition as both numerator and denominator should be of the same type, not just some data item Alejandra Gonzalez-Beltran Orlaith Burke Philippe Rocca-Serra adapted from Wolfram Alpha: ratio mortality is a ratio formed by the number of deaths due to a disease divided by the total population size. Philippe Rocca-Serra adapted from: mortality A collection of humans, all of which bear both an orthopedic surgeon role and an orthopedic board eligibility role and participate in a trauma care process John Judkins Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. obsolete_collection of board eligible orthopedic surgeons in trauma care true A role that inheres in a human being and is acquired by successfully completing an orthopedic residency. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen orthopedic board eligibility role A collection of humans, all of which bear a neurosurgeon role and are designated as part of the trauma on call plan specification John Judkins Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. obsolete_collection of trauma panel neurosurgeons true An information content entity that is about a person and that affirms that they have attended at the number of meeting of the trauma peer review committee meetings as required by the designating or verifying agency. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen The record verifying that each specified member participates in the trauma quality improvement committee and attends the majority of meetings as required by the designating or verifying agency. Whether this requirement is fulfilled depends on the PIPS attendance record. record of participation in majority of trauma peer review committee meetings A collection of humans, all of which bear a trauma surgeon role and, while on call, participate in emergency health care processes that are not trauma related. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen All trauma surgeons who participate in acute care non-trauma-related surgery while on call for the trauma panel. Initially, we used the SubClass restriction, with 'only' after 'is aggregate of' as an equivalent to restriction, which fully defines this set. However, given the number of collections in OOSTT this negatively affected reasoning time. For our data management purposes having the restriction as an existential restriction is totally sufficient, so we go with this. collection of trauma surgeons providing non-trauma emergency care on call A plan specification that describes means of relaying information about changes to workflows of providing care for injured patients to the members of the trauma program. John Judkins Mathias Brochhausen The policy that describes the method of sharing information about the care of injured patients to the collective or individual members of the trauma program, e.g., change in protocol or procedures and rationale. trauma program communication policy about changes to trauma process Residency is a stage of graduate medical training. A part of graduate education where the graduate from a medical program practices medicine under the supervision of an attending physician. (OOSTT editor comment created by M. Brochhausen, Nov 9, 2016) Medical Residency An Organization that exercises executive, legislative, or judicial authority over a Geopolitical Entity. is curated in ontology: Imported 8.30.2018 BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2017, CUBRC, Inc. All rights reserved. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. government A professional organization that is the scientific and educational association of surgeons and is dedicated to improving the care of the surgical patient and to safeguarding standards of care in an optimal and ethical practice environment. Mathias Brochhausen american college of surgeons A professional organization that is the scientific and educational association of emergency physicians and is that is dedicated to improving emergency care and to advocate for emergency physicians and their patients. Mathias Brochhausen american college of emergency physicians true true true true true