# Kickstart file for C7.0 "centos3" vm in OPS245 # Winter 2021 version by P.C. # Fall 2018 version by C.J - External 2018-09-16 # Based on Summer 2015 version A.S. # Based on Winter 2014 version A.S. # Based on Beta version - kp Jan 17 2013 Revision 1.32 2012-01-19 # # For documentation on kickstart options see # http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/5.2/Installation_Guide/s1-kickstart2-options.html # # First version author: Andrew Smith # Previous version author: Chris Johnson # Current version auther: Peter Callaghan # Installation or upgrade install # Installation source url --url=http://mirror.netflash.net/centos/7/os/x86_64/ # Language and keyboard type lang en_US.UTF-8 keyboard us # Network connection information network --onboot yes --device eth0 --bootproto dhcp --hostname=centos3 # Root account information rootpw ops245 # Firewall and permitted services firewall --service=ssh # Authentication (password) configuration authconfig --enableshadow --passalgo=sha512 --enablefingerprint # SELinux settings selinux --permissive # Timezone timezone America/Toronto # GRUB bootloader configuration bootloader --location=mbr --driveorder=vda --append="crashkernel=auto rhgb quiet" # Disk partitions # Clear all paritions and set up initial disk label # Create a boot partition that is 500M in size # Create a PV that is at least 1M in size and fills whole disk zerombr clearpart --all --initlabel --drives=vda part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=1 part /boot --fstype=ext4 --size=500 part --grow --size=1 pv.1 # LVM configuration # One volume group named "vg_centos3" # 8GB logical volume named "lv_root" for / # 1GB logical volume named "lv_home" for /home # 496 to 992MB logical volume named "lv_swap" for swap space volgroup vg_centos3 --pesize=4096 pv.1 logvol / --fstype=ext4 --name=lv_root --vgname=vg_centos3 --size=8192 logvol /home --fstype=ext4 --name=lv_home --vgname=vg_centos3 --size=1024 logvol swap --name=lv_swap --vgname=vg_centos3 --grow --size=496 --maxsize=992 # Software repositories to use in addition to installation source repo --name="CentOS" --baseurl=http://mirror.netflash.net/centos/7/os/x86_64/ --cost=100 # User account user --name=ops245 --password=ops245 --groups=wheel # Disable firstboot configuration screens firstboot --disable # Shut down the system when installation is done poweroff # Packages to be installed %packages @base @core gpgme gnupg2 hdparm glibc-common -initscripts ncurses-base elinks %end