#!/bin/bash # ./lab6-check.bash # Author: Murray Saul # Date: June 27, 2016 # Edited by: Peter Callaghan # Date: 18 Nov, 2021 # Edited by: Chris Johnson # Date: July 22, 2021 # # Purpose: # Function to indicate OK (in green) if check is true; otherwise, indicate # WARNING (in red) if check is false and end with false exit status logfile=$(getent passwd ${SUDO_USER:-$USER} | cut -d: -f6)/Desktop/lab6_output.txt function check(){ if eval $1 then echo -e "\e[0;32mOK\e[m" else echo echo echo -e "\e[0;31mWARNING\e[m" echo echo echo $2 echo exit 1 fi } # end of check() function clear # Clear the screen cat <<+ ATTENTION: In order to run this shell script, please have the following information ready: - Your c7host and centos1, centos2, and centos3 VMs running. - Your centos1 username. You were instructed to have the IDENTICAL usernames and passwords for ALL of these Linux servers. If not login into each VM, switch to root, and use the commands: useradd -m [regular username] passwd [regular username] Before proceeding. After reading the above steps, press ENTER to continue + read null clear # Make certain user is logged in as root if [ $(whoami) != "root" ] then echo "Note: You are required to run this program as root." exit 1 fi # System information gathering echo "OPS245 Lab 6 Check Script" > $logfile echo | tee -a $logfile echo "SYSTEM INFORMATION:" | tee -a $logfile #echo "------------------------------------" | tee -a $logfile hostnamectl | tee -a $logfile echo -n " Date: " | tee -a $logfile date | tee -a $logfile echo | tee -a $logfile # Start checking lab6 echo "CHECKING YOUR LAB 6 WORK:" | tee -a $logfile echo | tee -a $logfile # Check if c7host can ping echo -n "Checking pinging (c7host): " | tee -a $logfile check "ping -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping itself. Please make fixes, and re-run this checking shell script." | tee -a $logfile # Check if c7host can ping echo -n "Checking pinging (centos1): " | tee -a $logfile check "ping -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping centos1. Please make appropriate corrections, and re-run this checking script." | tee -a $logfile # Check if c7host can ping echo -n "Check pinging (centos2): " | tee -a $logfile check "ping -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping centos2. Please make appropriate corrections, and re-run this checking script." | tee -a $logfile # Check if c7host can ping echo -n "Check pinging (centos3): " | tee -a $logfile check "ping -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping centos3. Please make appropriate corrections, and re-run this checking script." | tee -a $logfile # Check for persistent setting on centos1 echo "Check for persistent setting on centos1: " | tee -a $logfile read -p "Enter your username for centos1: " centos1UserName check "ssh ${centos1UserName}@centos1 grep -isq '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-e*'" "This program could find a correct address in the network interface file. Please make fixes, and re-run this checking shell script." | tee -a $logfile # Check for persistent setting on centos2 echo "Check for persistent setting on centos2: " | tee -a $logfile check "ssh ${centos1UserName}@centos2 grep -isq '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-e*'" "This program could find a correct address in the netwrok interface file. Please make fixes, and re-run this checking shell script." | tee -a $logfile # Check for persistent setting on centos3 echo "Check for persistent setting on centos3 (use password: \"ops245\"): " | tee -a $logfile check "ssh ops245@centos3 grep -isq '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-e*'" "This program could not find a correct address in the network interface file. Please make fixes, and re-run this checking shell script." | tee -a $logfile # Check if can ping c7host name echo -n "Checking pinging c7host: " | tee -a $logfile check "ping c7host -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping itself. Please make fixes, and re-run this checking shell script." | tee -a $logfile # Check if can ping centos1 host name echo -n "Checking pinging centos1: " | tee -a $logfile check " ping centos1 -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping centos1. Please make appropriate corrections, and re-run this checking script." | tee -a $logfile # Check if can ping centos2 host name echo -n "Check pinging centos2: " | tee -a $logfile check "ping centos2 -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping centos2. Please make appropriate corrections, and re-run this checking script." | tee -a $logfile # Check if can ping centos3 host name echo -n "Check pinging centos3: " | tee -a $logfile check "ping centos3 -c 1 > /dev/null 2>&1" "This program could not ping centos3. Please make appropriate corrections, and re-run this checking script." | tee -a $logfile # Check existence of netconfig.py script echo -n "Checking existence of \"/home/$SUDO_USER/bin/netconfig.py\" script: " | tee -a $logfile check "test -f /home/$SUDO_USER/bin/netconfig.py" "This program could not detect the pathname: \"/home/$SUDO_USER/bin/netconfig.py\". Please review Investigation 3 and successfully code the script /home/$SUDO_USER/bin/netconfig.py." | tee -a $logfile warningcount=`grep -c "WARNING" $logfile` echo | tee -a $logfile echo | tee -a $logfile if [ $warningcount == 0 ] then echo "Congratulations!" | tee -a $logfile echo | tee -a $logfile echo "You have successfully completed Lab 6." | tee -a $logfile echo "1. Submit a screenshot of your entire desktop (including this window) to your course professor." | tee -a $logfile echo "2. A copy of this script output has been created at $logfile. Submit this file along with your screenshot." | tee -a $logfile echo "3. Also submit a copy of your netconfig.py script." | tee -a $logfile echo else echo "Your Lab is not complete." | tee -a $logfile echo "Correct the warnings listed above, then run this script again." | tee -a $logfile fi