Root element
May be repeated
May be repeated
Allowed only if subClass="VRTWarpedDataset"
Allowed only if subClass="VRTPansharpenedDataset"
Allowed only if subClass="VRTProcessedDataset"
Allowed only if subClass="VRTProcessedDataset"
Allowed only if subClass="VRTProcessedDataset"
only for multidimensional dataset
Added in GDAL 3.9
FROM_SOURCE, FROM_LAST_STEP or positive integer value.
If not specified, FROM_SOURCE is the default if there are no VRTRasterBand elements.
Otherwise, if there are VRTRasterBand elements, they are used.
FROM_SOURCE, FROM_LAST_STEP or one of the allowed values of DataTypeType.
If not specified, FROM_SOURCE is the default if there are no VRTRasterBand elements.
Otherwise, if there are VRTRasterBand elements, they are used.
Processing step of a VRTPansharpenedDataset
Builtin allowed names are BandAffineCombination, LUT, LocalScaleOffset, Trimming. More algorithms can be registered at run-time.
Argument of a processing function
Allowed names are specific of each processing function