class UnlinkedQGIS3 < Requirement fatal true satisfy(:build_env => false) { !qt4_linked && !pyqt4_linked && !txt2tags_linked } def qt4_linked (Formula["qt"].linked_keg/"lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/4").exist? rescue return false end def pyqt4_linked (Formula["pyqt"].linked_keg/"lib/python2.7/site-packages/PyQt").exist? rescue return false end def txt2tags_linked Formula["txt2tags"].linked_keg.exist? rescue return false end def message s = "Compilation can fail if these formulae are installed and linked:\n\n" s += "Unlink with `brew unlink qt` or remove with `brew uninstall qt`\n" if qt4_linked s += "Unlink with `brew unlink pyqt` or remove with `brew uninstall pyqt`\n" if pyqt4_linked s += "Unlink with `brew unlink txt2tags` or remove with `brew uninstall txt2tags`\n" if txt2tags_linked s end end class Qgis3 < Formula include Language::Python::Virtualenv desc "Open Source Geographic Information System" homepage "" revision 3 # using branch:master, because release-3_2 has a problem with Processing/GRASS # head "", :branch => "master" stable do url "" sha256 "c1603f0afc13de6a0e0c10564c444ceaefebd5670bf41f6ea51c8eae1eac9b6c" end bottle do root_url "" rebuild 2 sha256 "65250f593684553997f69977bdfacef3944e07da7f52fbec04a674cbc78cd482" => :high_sierra sha256 "65250f593684553997f69977bdfacef3944e07da7f52fbec04a674cbc78cd482" => :sierra end def pour_bottle? brewed_python? end option "without-ninja", "Disable use of ninja CMake generator" option "without-qt5-webkit", "Build without webkit based functionality" option "without-pyqt5-webkit", "Build without webkit python bindings" option "with-isolation", "Isolate .app's environment to HOMEBREW_PREFIX, to coexist with other QGIS installs" option "without-debug", "Disable debug build, which outputs info to system.log or console" option "without-server", "Build without QGIS Server (qgis_mapserv.fcgi)" option "without-postgresql", "Build without current PostgreSQL client" # option "with-globe", "Build with Globe plugin, based upon osgEarth" option "with-grass", "Build with GRASS 7 integration plugin and Processing plugin support (or install grass-7x first)" option "with-oracle", "Build extra Oracle geospatial database and raster support" # option "with-orfeo5", "Build extra Orfeo Toolbox for Processing plugin" option "with-r", "Build extra R for Processing plugin" option "with-saga-gis-lts", "Build extra Saga GIS for Processing plugin" # option "with-qt-mysql", "Build extra Qt MySQL plugin for eVis plugin" option "with-qspatialite", "Build QSpatialite Qt database driver" option "with-api-docs", "Build the API documentation with Doxygen and Graphviz" option "with-3d", "Build with 3D Map View panel" depends_on UnlinkedQGIS3 # core qgis depends_on "cmake" => :build depends_on "ninja" => [:build, :recommended] depends_on "fcgi" if build.with? "server" depends_on "gsl" => :build depends_on "sip" => :build depends_on "bison" => :build depends_on "flex" => :build depends_on "python" depends_on "qt" depends_on "pyqt" depends_on "pyqt5-webkit" => :recommended if build.with? "api-docs" depends_on "graphviz" => :build depends_on "doxygen" => :build end depends_on :x11 depends_on "qca" depends_on "qtkeychain" depends_on "qscintilla2" depends_on "qwt" depends_on "qwtpolar" depends_on "qjson" depends_on "sqlite" # keg_only depends_on "expat" # keg_only depends_on "proj" depends_on "spatialindex" depends_on "numpy" depends_on "brewsci/bio/matplotlib" # use newer postgresql client than Apple's, also needed by `psycopg2` depends_on "postgresql" => :recommended depends_on "libzip" depends_on "libtasn1" depends_on "hicolor-icon-theme" depends_on "libiconv" depends_on "geos" depends_on "libspatialite" depends_on "postgis" depends_on "openssl" # core providers depends_on "gdal2-python" depends_on "oracle-client-sdk" if build.with? "oracle" # TODO: add MSSQL third-party support formula?, :optional # core plugins (c++ and python) if build.with?("grass") || (HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"opt/grass7").exist? depends_on "grass7" depends_on "gettext" end # # Not until osgearth is Qt5-ready # if build.with? "globe" # # this is pretty borked with OS X >= 10.10+ # depends_on "open-scene-graph" # # depends_on "brewsci/science/osgearth" # end depends_on "gpsbabel" => :optional # TODO: remove "pyspatialite" when PyPi package supports spatialite 4.x # or DB Manager supports libspatialite >= 4.2.0 (with mod_spatialite) # TODO: what to do for Py3 and pyspatialite? depends_on "pyspatialite" # for DB Manager # depends_on "qt-mysql" => :optional # for eVis plugin (non-functional in 2.x?) # core processing plugin extras # see `grass` above # depends_on "orfeo5" => :optional depends_on "r" => :optional depends_on "saga-gis-lts" => :optional # TODO: LASTools straight build (2 reporting tools), or via `wine` (10 tools) # TODO: Fusion from USFS (via `wine`?) # TODO: add one for Py3 (only necessary when macOS ships a Python3 or 3rd-party isolation is needed) resource "pyqgis-startup" do url "" sha256 "385dce925fc2d29f05afd6508bc1f46ec84c0bc607cc0c8dfce78a4bb93b9c4e" version "2.14.0" end resource "certifi" do url "" sha256 "13e698f54293db9f89122b0581843a782ad0934a4fe0172d2a980ba77fc61bb7" end resource "chardet" do url "" sha256 "84ab92ed1c4d4f16916e05906b6b75a6c0fb5db821cc65e70cbd64a3e2a5eaae" end resource "idna" do url "" sha256 "684a38a6f903c1d71d6d5fac066b58d7768af4de2b832e426ec79c30daa94a16" end resource "OWSLib" do url "" sha256 "ec95a5e93c145a5d84b0074b9ea27570943486552a669151140debf08a100554" end # dependence for pyproj resource "cython" do url "" sha256 "76ac2b08d3d956d77b574bb43cbf1d37bd58b9d50c04ba281303e695854ebc46" end # fix for Python3.7 resource "pyproj" do url "" sha256 "6611ca878ec6de71115f7705f7fcb3a900999ef1fa9616376c2de63edd3a7841" version "" end resource "python-dateutil" do url "" sha256 "e27001de32f627c22380a688bcc43ce83504a7bc5da472209b4c70f02829f0b8" end resource "pytz" do url "" sha256 "ffb9ef1de172603304d9d2819af6f5ece76f2e85ec10692a524dd876e72bf277" end resource "requests" do url "" sha256 "ec22d826a36ed72a7358ff3fe56cbd4ba69dd7a6718ffd450ff0e9df7a47ce6a" end resource "six" do url "" sha256 "70e8a77beed4562e7f14fe23a786b54f6296e34344c23bc42f07b15018ff98e9" end resource "urllib3" do url "" sha256 "a68ac5e15e76e7e5dd2b8f94007233e01effe3e50e8daddf69acfd81cb686baf" end resource "coverage" do url "" sha256 "56e448f051a201c5ebbaa86a5efd0ca90d327204d8b059ab25ad0f35fbfd79f1" end resource "funcsigs" do url "" sha256 "a7bb0f2cf3a3fd1ab2732cb49eba4252c2af4240442415b4abce3b87022a8f50" end resource "future" do url "" sha256 "e39ced1ab767b5936646cedba8bcce582398233d6a627067d4c6a454c90cfedb" end resource "mock" do url "" sha256 "b158b6df76edd239b8208d481dc46b6afd45a846b7812ff0ce58971cf5bc8bba" end resource "nose2" do url "" sha256 "954a62cfb2d2ac06dad32995cbc822bf00cc11e20d543963515932fd4eff33fa" end resource "numpy" do url "" sha256 "f28e73cf18d37a413f7d5de35d024e6b98f14566a10d82100f9dc491a7d449f9" end resource "pbr" do url "" sha256 "1b8be50d938c9bb75d0eaf7eda111eec1bf6dc88a62a6412e33bf077457e0f45" end resource "psycopg2" do url "" sha256 "eccf962d41ca46e6326b97c8fe0a6687b58dfc1a5f6540ed071ff1474cea749e" end resource "PyYAML" do url "" sha256 "3ef3092145e9b70e3ddd2c7ad59bdd0252a94dfe3949721633e41344de00a6bf" end resource "Jinja2" do url "" sha256 "f84be1bb0040caca4cea721fcbbbbd61f9be9464ca236387158b0feea01914a4" end resource "MarkupSafe" do url "" sha256 "a6be69091dac236ea9c6bc7d012beab42010fa914c459791d627dad4910eb665" end resource "Pygments" do url "" sha256 "dbae1046def0efb574852fab9e90209b23f556367b5a320c0bcb871c77c3e8cc" end needs :cxx11 def install ENV.cxx11 # when gdal2-python.rb loaded, PYTHONPATH gets set to 2.7 site-packages... # clear it before calling any local python3 functions ENV["PYTHONPATH"] = nil if ARGV.debug? puts "python_exec: #{python_exec}" puts "py_ver: #{py_ver}" puts "brewed_python?: #{brewed_python?}" puts "python_site_packages: #{python_site_packages}" puts "python_prefix: #{python_prefix}" puts "qgis_python_packages: #{qgis_python_packages}" puts "gdal_python_packages: #{gdal_python_packages}" puts "gdal_python_opt_bin: #{gdal_python_opt_bin}" puts "gdal_opt_bin: #{gdal_opt_bin}" end orig_user_base = ENV["PYTHONUSERBASE"] ENV["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = libexec/"python" # install python dependencies venv = virtualenv_create(libexec/'python', "python3") venv.pip_install resources.reject { |r| == "pyqgis-startup" } ENV["PYTHONUSERBASE"] = orig_user_base # set bundling level back to 0 (the default in all versions prior to 1.8.0) # so that no time and energy is wasted copying the Qt frameworks into QGIS. # Install custom widgets Designer plugin to local qt plugins prefix mkdir lib/"qt/plugins/designer" inreplace "src/customwidgets/CMakeLists.txt", "${QT_PLUGINS_DIR}/designer", lib/"qt/plugins/designer".to_s # Fix custom widgets Designer module install path mkdir lib/"python#{py_ver}/site-packages/PyQt5" inreplace "CMakeLists.txt", "${PYQT5_MOD_DIR}", lib/"python#{py_ver}/site-packages/PyQt5".to_s # Install db plugins to local qt plugins prefix if build.with? "qspatialite" mkdir lib/"qt/plugins/sqldrivers" inreplace "external/qspatialite/CMakeLists.txt", "${QT_PLUGINS_DIR}/sqldrivers", lib/"qt/plugins/sqldrivers".to_s end if build.with? "oracle" mkdir lib/"qt/plugins/sqldrivers" inreplace "src/providers/oracle/ocispatial/CMakeLists.txt", "${QT_PLUGINS_DIR}/sqldrivers", lib/"qt/plugins/sqldrivers".to_s end args = std_cmake_args args << "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" if build.with? "debug" # override cmake_prefixes = %w[ qt5 qt5-webkit qscintilla2 qwt qwtpolar qca gdal2 gsl geos proj libspatialite spatialindex expat sqlite libzip flex bison fcgi ].freeze # Force CMake to search HB/opt paths first, so headers in HB/include are not found instead; # specifically, ensure any gdal v1 includes are not used args << "-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=#{ { |f| Formula[f.to_s].opt_prefix }.join(";")}" qwt_fw = Formula["qwt"].opt_lib/"qwt.framework" qwtpolar_fw = Formula["qwtpolar"].opt_lib/"qwtpolar.framework" qca_fw = Formula["qca"].opt_lib/"qca-qt5.framework" args += %W[ -DBISON_EXECUTABLE=#{Formula["bison"].opt_bin}/bison -DEXPAT_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["expat"].opt_include} -DEXPAT_LIBRARY=#{Formula["expat"].opt_lib}/libexpat.dylib -DFLEX_EXECUTABLE=#{Formula["flex"].opt_bin}/flex -DPROJ_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["proj"].opt_include} -DPROJ_LIBRARY=#{Formula["proj"].opt_lib}/libproj.dylib -DQCA_INCLUDE_DIR=#{qca_fw}/Headers -DQCA_LIBRARY=#{qca_fw}/qca-qt5 -DQSCINTILLA_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["qscintilla2"].opt_include} -DQSCINTILLA_LIBRARY=#{Formula["qscintilla2"].opt_lib}/libqscintilla2_qt5.dylib -DQSCI_SIP_DIR=#{Formula["qscintilla2"].opt_share}/sip -DQWTPOLAR_INCLUDE_DIR=#{qwtpolar_fw}/Headers -DQWTPOLAR_LIBRARY=#{qwtpolar_fw}/qwtpolar -DQWT_INCLUDE_DIR=#{qwt_fw}/Headers -DQWT_LIBRARY=#{qwt_fw}/qwt -DSPATIALINDEX_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["spatialindex"].opt_include}/spatialindex -DSPATIALINDEX_LIBRARY=#{Formula["spatialindex"].opt_lib}/libspatialindex.dylib -DSQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["sqlite"].opt_include} -DSQLITE3_LIBRARY=#{Formula["sqlite"].opt_lib}/libsqlite3.dylib -DLIBZIP_CONF_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["libzip"].opt_lib}/pkgconfig -DLIBZIP_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["libzip"].opt_include} -DLIBZIP_LIBRARY=#{Formula["libzip"].opt_lib}/libzip.dylib -DSPATIALITE_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["libspatialite"].opt_include} -DSPATIALITE_LIBRARY=#{Formula["libspatialite"].opt_lib}/libspatialite.dylib -DQTKEYCHAIN_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["qtkeychain"].opt_include}/qt5keychain -DQTKEYCHAIN_LIBRARY=#{Formula["qtkeychain"].opt_lib}/libqt5keychain.dylib -DLIBTASN1_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["libtasn1"].opt_include} -DLIBTASN1_LIBRARY=#{Formula["libtasn1"].opt_lib}/libtasn1.dylib -DPYRCC_PROGRAM=#{libexec}/python/bin/pyrcc5 -DPYUIC_PROGRAM=#{libexec}/python/bin/pyuic5 -DQT_LRELEASE_EXECUTABLE=#{Formula["qt"].opt_bin}/lrelease -DWITH_QTWEBKIT=TRUE -DQt5WebKitWidgets_DIR=#{Formula["qt5-webkit"].opt_lib}/cmake/Qt5WebKitWidgets -DQt5WebKit_DIR=#{Formula["qt5-webkit"].opt_lib}/cmake/Qt5WebKit -DENABLE_TESTS=FALSE -DENABLE_MODELTEST=FALSE -DSUPPRESS_QT_WARNINGS=TRUE -DWITH_QWTPOLAR=TRUE -DWITH_INTERNAL_QWTPOLAR=FALSE -DQGIS_MACAPP_BUNDLE=0 -DQGIS_MACAPP_INSTALL_DEV=FALSE -DWITH_QSCIAPI=FALSE -DWITH_STAGED_PLUGINS=TRUE -DWITH_CUSTOM_WIDGETS=TRUE -DWITH_ASTYLE=FALSE -DWITH_GRASS=FALSE ] # disable CCache args << "-DUSE_CCACHE=OFF" # By default bindings will be installed only to QGIS directory # Someone might want to install it to python site-packages directory # as otherwise user has to use PYTHONPATH environment variable to add # args << "-DWITH_BINDINGS=ON" # python Configuration args << "-DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE='#{`python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.executable)"`.chomp}'" # args << "-DPYTHON_CUSTOM_FRAMEWORK='#{`python3 -c "import sys; print(sys.prefix)"`.chomp}'" # not used by the project # Disable future, because we've installed it in the virtualenv and will provide it at runtime. # args << "-DWITH_INTERNAL_FUTURE=FALSE" # not used by the project # args << "-DPYTHON_INCLUDE_PATH=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/#{py_ver}/include/python#{py_ver}m" # args << "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/#{py_ver}/Python" # args << "-DPYTHON_LIBRARY=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/#{py_ver}/lib/" # args << "-DPYTHON_SITE_PACKAGES_DIR=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/python#{py_ver}/site-packages" # if using Homebrew's Python, make sure its components are always found first # see: ENV["PYTHONHOME"] = python_prefix # handle custom site-packages for keg-only modules and packages ENV.append_path "PYTHONPATH", python_site_packages ENV.append_path "PYTHONPATH", libexec/"python/lib/python#{py_ver}/site-packages" ENV.prepend_path "PATH", libexec/"python/bin" # find git revision for HEAD build if build.head? && File.exist?("#{cached_download}/.git/index") args << "-DGITCOMMAND=#{Formula["git"].opt_bin}/git" args << "-DGIT_MARKER=#{cached_download}/.git/index" # disable OpenCL support # necessary to build from branch: master # fix for CL/cl2.hpp # args << "-DUSE_OPENCL=OFF" end args << "-DWITH_SERVER=#{build.with?("server") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" if build.with? "server" args << "-DWITH_SERVER_PLUGINS=TRUE" fcgi_opt = Formula["fcgi"].opt_prefix args << "-DFCGI_INCLUDE_DIR=#{fcgi_opt}/include" args << "-DFCGI_LIBRARY=#{fcgi_opt}/lib/libfcgi.dylib" end args << "-DWITH_POSTGRESQL=#{build.with?("postgresql") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" if build.with? "postgresql" args << "-DPOSTGRES_CONFIG=#{Formula["postgresql"].opt_bin}/pg_config" args << "-DPOSTGRES_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["postgresql"].opt_include}" args << "-DPOSTGRES_LIBRARY=#{Formula["postgresql"].opt_lib}/libpq.dylib" end args << "-DWITH_GRASS7=#{(build.with?("grass") || brewed_grass7?) ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" if build.with?("grass") || brewed_grass7? # this is to build the GRASS Plugin, not for Processing plugin support grass7 = Formula["grass7"] args << "-DGRASS_PREFIX7='#{grass7.opt_prefix}/grass-base'" # keep superenv from stripping (use Cellar prefix) ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-isystem #{grass7.prefix.resolved_path}/grass-base/include" # So that `libintl.h` can be found (use Cellar prefix; should not be needed anymore with QGIS 2.99+) # ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-isystem #{Formula["gettext"].include.resolved_path}" end # args << "-DWITH_GLOBE=#{build.with?("globe") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" # if build.with? "globe" # osg = Formula["open-scene-graph"] # opoo "`open-scene-graph` formula's keg not linked." unless osg.linked_keg.exist? # # must be HOMEBREW_PREFIX/lib/osgPlugins-#.#.#, since all osg plugins are symlinked there # args << "-DOSG_PLUGINS_PATH=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/osgPlugins-#{osg.version}" # # args << "-DOSGEARTHANNOTATION_LIBRARY=" # # args << "-DOSGEARTHFEATURES_LIBRARY=" # # args << "-DOSGEARTHQT_LIBRARY=" # # args << "-DOSGEARTHSYMBOLOGY_LIBRARY=" # # args << "-DOSGEARTHUTIL_LIBRARY=" # # args << "-DOSGEARTH_INCLUDE_DIR=" # # args << "-DOSGEARTH_LIBRARY=" # end args << "-DWITH_ORACLE=#{build.with?("oracle") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" if build.with? "oracle" oracle_opt = Formula["oracle-client-sdk"].opt_prefix args << "-DOCI_INCLUDE_DIR=#{oracle_opt}/include/oci" args << "-DOCI_LIBRARY=#{oracle_opt}/lib/libclntsh.dylib" end args << "-DWITH_QSPATIALITE=#{build.with?("qspatialite") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" args << "-DWITH_APIDOC=#{build.with?("api-docs") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" args << "-DWITH_3D=#{build.with?("3d") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" # args << "-DWITH_QTWEBKIT=#{build.with?("qt5-webkit") ? "TRUE" : "FALSE"}" # if build.with? "qt5-webkit" #  args << "-DOPTIONAL_QTWEBKIT=#{Formula["qt5-webkit"].opt_lib}/cmake/Qt5WebKitWidgets" # end # prefer opt_prefix for CMake modules that find versioned prefix by default # this keeps non-critical dependency upgrades from breaking QGIS linking args << "-DGDAL_CONFIG=#{Formula["gdal2"].opt_bin}gdal-config" args << "-DGDAL_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["gdal2"].opt_include}" args << "-DGDAL_LIBRARY=#{Formula["gdal2"].opt_lib}/libgdal.dylib" args << "-DGEOS_CONFIG=#{Formula["geos"].opt_bin}/geos-config" args << "-DGEOS_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["geos"].opt_include}" args << "-DGEOS_LIBRARY=#{Formula["geos"].opt_lib}/libgeos_c.dylib" args << "-DGSL_CONFIG=#{Formula["gsl"].opt_bin}/gsl-config" args << "-DGSL_INCLUDE_DIR=#{Formula["gsl"].opt_include}" args << "-DGSL_LIBRARIES='-L#{Formula["gsl"].opt_lib} -lgsl -lgslcblas'" # avoid ld: framework not found QtSql # ( ENV.append "CXXFLAGS", "-F#{Formula["qt"].opt_lib}" # handle some compiler warnings # ENV["CXX_EXTRA_FLAGS"] = "-Wno-unused-private-field -Wno-deprecated-register" # if ENV.compiler == :clang && (MacOS::Xcode.version >= "7.0" || MacOS::CLT.version >= "7.0") # ENV.append "CXX_EXTRA_FLAGS", "-Wno-inconsistent-missing-override" # end # create pyrcc5"#{libexec}/python/bin/pyrcc5", "w") { |file| file << '#!/bin/sh' file << "\n" file << 'exec python3 -m PyQt5.pyrcc_main ${1+"$@"}' } # create pyuic5"#{libexec}/python/bin/pyuic5", "w") { |file| file << '#!/bin/sh' file << "\n" file << 'exec python3 -m PyQt5.pyuic5_main ${1+"$@"}' } chmod("+x", "#{libexec}/python/bin/pyrcc5") chmod("+x", "#{libexec}/python/bin/pyuic5") mkdir "build" do system "cmake", "-G", build.with?("ninja") ? "Ninja" : "Unix Makefiles", *args, ".." system "cmake", "--build", ".", "--target", "all", "--", "-j", Hardware::CPU.cores system "cmake", "--build", ".", "--target", "install", "--", "-j", Hardware::CPU.cores end # fixup some errant lib linking # TODO: fix upstream in CMake dy_libs = [lib/"qt/plugins/designer/libqgis_customwidgets.dylib"] dy_libs << lib/"qt/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlspatialite.dylib" if build.with? "qspatialite" dy_libs << lib/"qt/plugins/sqldrivers/libqsqlocispatial.dylib" if build.with? "oracle" dy_libs.each do |dy_lib| MachO::Tools.dylibs(dy_lib.to_s).each do |i_n| %w[core gui native].each do |f_n| sufx = i_n[/(qgis_#{f_n}\.framework.*)/, 1] next if sufx.nil? i_n_to = "#{opt_prefix}/{sufx}" puts "Changing install name #{i_n} to #{i_n_to} in #{dy_lib}" if ARGV.debug? dy_lib.ensure_writable do MachO::Tools.change_install_name(dy_lib.to_s, i_n.to_s, i_n_to, :strict => false) end end end end # update .app's bundle identifier, so other installers doesn't get confused inreplace prefix/"", "org.qgis.qgis3", "org.qgis.qgis3-hb#{build.head? ? "-dev" : ""}" py_lib = lib/"python#{py_ver}/site-packages" py_lib.mkpath ln_s "../../../", py_lib/"qgis" ln_s "", prefix/"fcgi-bin" if build.with? "server" doc.mkpath mv prefix/"", doc/"api" if build.with? "api-docs" ln_s "../../../", doc/"doc" # copy PYQGIS_STARTUP file, even if not isolating (so tap can be untapped) # only works with QGIS > 2.0.1 # doesn't need executable bit set, loaded by Python runner in QGIS # TODO: for Py3 (libexec/"python").install resource("pyqgis-startup") bin.mkdir qgis_bin = bin/name.to_s touch qgis_bin.to_s # so it will be linked into HOMEBREW_PREFIX qgis_bin.chmod 0755 post_install end def post_install # configure environment variables for .app and launching binary directly. # having this in `post_intsall` allows it to be individually run *after* installation with: # `brew postinstall -v ` app = prefix/"" tab = Tab.for_formula(self) opts = tab.used_options # bottle_poured = tab.poured_from_bottle # define default isolation env vars pthsep = File::PATH_SEPARATOR pypth = python_site_packages.to_s pths = %w[ /usr/bin /bin /usr/sbin /sbin /opt/X11/bin /usr/X11/bin #{opt_libexec}/python/bin ] unless opts.include?("with-isolation") pths = ORIGINAL_PATHS.dup pyenv = ENV["PYTHONPATH"] if pyenv pypth = pyenv.include?(pypth) ? pyenv : pypth + pthsep + pyenv end end unless pths.include?(HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin") pths = pths.insert(0, HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin") end # set qt's then install's libexec/python#{py_ver}/site-packages first, so app will work if unlinked pypths = %W[ #{opt_lib}/python#{py_ver}/site-packages #{opt_libexec}/python/lib/python#{py_ver}/site-packages #{pypth} ] pths.insert(0, gdal_opt_bin) pths.insert(0, gdal_python_opt_bin) pypths.insert(0, gdal_python_packages) # prepend qt based utils to PATH (reverse order) pths.insert(0, Formula["qca"].opt_bin.to_s) pths.insert(0, Formula["pyqt"].opt_bin.to_s) pths.insert(0, Formula["sip"].opt_bin.to_s) pths.insert(0, Formula["qt"].opt_bin.to_s) if opts.include?("with-gpsbabel") pths.insert(0, Formula["gpsbabel"].opt_bin.to_s) end # we need to manually add the saga lts path, since it's keg only if build.with? "saga-gis-lts" pths.insert(0, Formula["saga-gis-lts"].opt_bin.to_s) end envars = { :PATH => pths.join(pthsep), :PYTHONPATH => pypths.join(pthsep), :GDAL_DRIVER_PATH => "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/gdalplugins", :GDAL_DATA => "#{Formula["gdal2"].opt_share}/gdal", } # handle multiple Qt plugins directories qtplgpths = %W[ #{opt_lib}/qt/plugins #{Formula["qt"].opt_prefix}/plugins #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/qt/plugins ] envars[:QT_PLUGIN_PATH] = qtplgpths.join(pthsep) proc_algs = "Contents/Resources/python/plugins/processing/algs" if opts.include?("with-grass") || brewed_grass7? grass7 = Formula["grass7"] # for core integration plugin support envars[:GRASS_PREFIX] = "#{grass7.opt_prefix}/grass-base" begin inreplace app/"#{proc_algs}/grass7/", "'/Applications/GRASS-7.{}.app/Contents/MacOS'.format(version)", "'#{grass7.opt_prefix}/grass-base'" puts "GRASS 7 has been updated" rescue Utils::InreplaceError puts "GRASS 7 already updated" end end # if opts.include?("with-orfeo5") || brewed_orfeo5? # orfeo5 = Formula["orfeo5"] # begin # inreplace app/"#{proc_algs}/otb/" do |s| # # default geoid path # # try to replace first, so it fails (if already done) before global replaces # s.sub! "OTB_GEOID_FILE) or ''", "OTB_GEOID_FILE) or '#{orfeo5.opt_libexec}/default_geoid/egm96.grd'" # # default bin and lib path # s.gsub! "/usr/local/bin", orfeo5.opt_bin.to_s # s.gsub! "/usr/local/lib", orfeo5.opt_lib.to_s # end # puts "ORFEO 5 has been updated" # rescue Utils::InreplaceError # puts "ORFEO 5 already updated" # end # end unless opts.include?("without-globe") osg = Formula["open-scene-graph"] envars[:OSG_LIBRARY_PATH] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib/osgPlugins-#{osg.version}" end if opts.include?("with-isolation") envars[:DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH] = "#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/Frameworks:/System/Library/Frameworks" versioned = %W[ #{Formula["sqlite"].opt_lib} #{Formula["expat"].opt_lib} #{Formula["libxml2"].opt_lib} #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/lib ] envars[:DYLD_VERSIONED_LIBRARY_PATH] = versioned.join(pthsep) end # TODO: add for Py3 if opts.include?("with-isolation") || File.exist?("/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework") envars[:PYQGIS_STARTUP] = opt_libexec/"python/" end # envars.each { |key, value| puts "#{key.to_s}=#{value}" } # exit # add env vars to's Info.plist, in LSEnvironment section plst = app/"Contents/Info.plist" # first delete any LSEnvironment setting, ignoring errors # CAUTION!: may not be what you want, if .app already has LSEnvironment settings dflt = `defaults read-type \"#{plst}\" LSEnvironment 2> /dev/null` `defaults delete \"#{plst}\" LSEnvironment` if dflt kv = "{ " envars.each { |key, value| kv += "'#{key}' = '#{value}'; " } kv += "}" `defaults write \"#{plst}\" LSEnvironment \"#{kv}\"` # add ability to toggle high resolution in Get Info dialog for app hrc = `defaults read-type \"#{plst}\" NSHighResolutionCapable 2> /dev/null` `defaults delete \"#{plst}\" NSHighResolutionCapable` if hrc `defaults write \"#{plst}\" NSHighResolutionCapable \"True\"` # leave the plist readable; convert from binary to XML format `plutil -convert xml1 -- \"#{plst}\"` # make sure plist is readble by all users plst.chmod 0644 # update modification date on app bundle, or changes won't take effect touch app.to_s # add env vars to launch script for QGIS app's binary qgis_bin = bin/name.to_s rm_f qgis_bin if File.exist?(qgis_bin) # install generates empty file bin_cmds = %W[#!/bin/sh\n] # setup shell-prepended env vars (may result in duplication of paths) unless pths.include? HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin" pths.insert(0, HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"bin") end # even though this should be affected by with-isolation, allow local env override pths << "$PATH" pypths << "$PYTHONPATH" envars[:PATH] = pths.join(pthsep) envars[:PYTHONPATH] = pypths.join(pthsep) envars.each { |key, value| bin_cmds << "export #{key}=#{value}" } bin_cmds << opt_prefix/" \"$@\"" qgis_bin.write(bin_cmds.join("\n")) qgis_bin.chmod 0755 end def caveats s = <<~EOS Bottles support only Homebrew's Python3 QGIS is built as an application bundle. Environment variables for the Homebrew prefix are embedded in #{opt_prefix}/ You may also symlink into /Applications or ~/Applications: ln -Fs `find $(brew --prefix) -name ""` /Applications/ To directly run the `` binary use the wrapper script pre-defined with Homebrew prefix environment variables: #{opt_bin}/#{name} NOTE: Your current PATH and PYTHONPATH environment variables are honored when launching via the wrapper script, while launching bundle they are not. For standalone Python3 development, set the following environment variable: export PYTHONPATH=#{qgis_python_packages}:#{gdal_python_packages}:#{python_site_packages}:$PYTHONPATH EOS if build.with? "isolation" s += <<~EOS QGIS built with isolation enabled. This allows it to coexist with other types of installations of QGIS on your Mac. However, on versions >= 2.0.1, this also means Python modules installed in the *system* Python will NOT be available to Python processes within EOS end # check for required run-time Python module dependencies # TODO: add "pyspatialite" when PyPi package supports spatialite 4.x xm = [] %w[psycopg2 matplotlib pyparsing requests future jinja2 pygments].each do |m| xm << m unless module_importable? m end unless xm.empty? s += <<~EOS #{} The following Python modules are needed by QGIS during run-time: #{xm.join(", ")} You can install manually, via installer package or with `pip` (if availble): pip3 install OR pip-3.7 install #{} #{Tty.reset} EOS end # TODO: remove this when libqscintilla.dylib becomes core build dependency? unless module_importable? "PyQt.Qsci" s += <<~EOS QScintilla Python module is needed by QGIS during run-time. Ensure `qscintilla2` formula is linked. EOS end s += <<~EOS If you have built GRASS 7 for the Processing plugin set the following in QGIS: Processing->Options: Providers->GRASS GIS 7 commands->GRASS 7 folder to: #{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/opt/grass7/grass-base EOS s end test do output = `#{bin}/#{name.to_s} --help 2>&1` # why does help go to stderr? assert_match /^QGIS is a user friendly/, output end private def brewed_grass7? Formula["grass7"].opt_prefix.exist? end # def brewed_orfeo5? # Formula["orfeo5"].opt_prefix.exist? # end def brewed_python? Formula["python"].linked_keg.exist? end def python_exec if brewed_python? Formula["python"].opt_bin/"python3" else py_exec = `which python3`.strip raise if py_exec == "" py_exec end end def py_ver `#{python_exec} -c 'import sys;print("{0}.{1}".format(sys.version_info[0],sys.version_info[1]))'`.strip end def python_site_packages HOMEBREW_PREFIX/"lib/python#{py_ver}/site-packages" end def python_prefix `#{python_exec} -c 'import sys;print(sys.prefix)'`.strip end def qgis_python_packages opt_lib/"python#{py_ver}/site-packages".to_s end def gdal_python_packages Formula["gdal2-python"].opt_lib/"python#{py_ver}/site-packages".to_s end def gdal_python_opt_bin Formula["gdal2-python"].opt_bin.to_s end def gdal_opt_bin Formula["gdal2"].opt_bin.to_s end def module_importable?(mod) `#{python_exec} -c 'import sys;sys.path.insert(1, "#{gdal_python_packages}"); import #{mod}'`.strip end end