# PROJ-DATUMGRID-WORLD The files in this package can be unpacked in the PROJ data directory. For an installed PROJ this may be /usr/local/share/proj or /usr/share/proj on unix style operating systems. ## About the World PROJ resource package The World PROJ resource package is a collections of grids that are too large to be in the general purpose proj-datumgrid package and not essential for the functionality of PROJ, but still of general interest to PROJ-users. ## Included grids ### Vertical grid: EGM2008 geoid model *Source*: [NGA](http://earth-info.nga.mil/GandG/wgs84/gravitymod/egm2008/egm08_wgs84.html) *Format*: GTX *License*: Public Domain 2.5 minute worldwide geoid undulation grid that transforms physical heights to WGS84 ellipsoidal heights. This file has been produced by [GeographicLib](https://geographiclib.sourceforge.io/html/gravity.html) using the EGM2008 gravity model and can be regenerated with the [build_egm08_25_gtx.sh](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OSGeo/proj-datumgrid/master/world/build_egm08_25_gtx.sh) script. * egm08_25.gtx